2019-09-18 MAB minutes Board Members Present: David Ball Gwen Brown Dennis Dixon Dan Goodwin Michelle Kistner Stewart Moon Darin Penneys Donna Pope  Ronna Simmer, Chrystal Fray, Amy Akers, Kate Baynard, Lori Feezor, and Lexi Perillo of the Cape Fear Associates Board and Dr. Kevin Cherry and Dr. Joseph Beatty were also present. Elizabeth Ferrell, Kevin Maurer, Sandra Alice Ray, Florence Warren, and Woody White  Absent: Staff Present: Tufanna Bradley-Thomas, Sheryl Mays, Kate Baillon, Barbi Baker, Joeli Banks, Darcie Cook, Jan Davidson, Devin Kelly, Simon Lashford, Amy Thornton, Heather Yenco, Kitty Yerkes The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 in Exploration Station at Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Dennis Dixon at 4:00 pm. Consideration of Absences: Dennis Dixon Ferrell, Maurer, Ray, Warren, and White indicated their inability to attend this meeting and has been excused. Approval of Minutes: Dennis Dixon A motion to accept the July 17, 2019 minutes was made, seconded and approved without opposition. Collections Committee Report: David Ball Ball reviewed the accessions to be submitted to NHC Board of Commissioners for approval. Because it was by committee, no motion was needed to accept the accessions. The acceptance was seconded and approved without opposition. State Museum Feasibility Committee, NC DNCR: Dr. Kevin Cherry and Dr. Joseph Beatty Cherry provided an overview of the NC DNCR feasibility study; current status and process moving forward. Cherry and Beatty then opened to floor for questions and discussion. Museum Report: Director Sheryl Mays Due to time, there was a motion to table the Museum Report until November meeting. It was seconded and approved without opposition. Old Business/New Business: No old/new business A motion was made, and seconded, to adjourn the meeting. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 5:09 pm. The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 13th at 4:00 pm in Williston Auditorium at Cape Fear Museum. Secretary, CFM Advisory Board Date