2021 1 20 MAB minutes Board Members Present: Susan Barbee Dana Crater Ginger Davis Dennis Dixon Kevin Maurer Stewart Moon Eileen O’Malley Donna Pope Bill Rivenbark   Others Present: Kate Baynard Absent: Gwen Brown, Darin Penneys, Florence Warren, and Emily Bogan Staff Present: Sheryl Mays, Kate Baillon, Barbi Baker, Joeli Banks, Amy Thornton, and Heather Yenco The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 via TEAMS. The meeting was called to order by Donna Pope at 4:02 pm. Consideration of Absences: Donna Pope Brown, Penneys, Warren, and Bogan have been excused. Approval of Minutes: Donna Pope A motion to accept the November 18, 2020 minutes was made by Pope, seconded by Barbee, and approved without opposition. Chairman’s Report: Donna Pope Pope thanks Moon for leading the last meeting in her absence. Pope welcomes Commissioner Rivenbark to the meeting. Commissioner Rivenbark said a few words and expressed his interest in helping the Museum through his appointment. New staff members will be joining the museum team on January 26th: Devin Kelly, promoted to Collections Specialist Darlene Gadsden, hired as Visitor Services Specialist The staff is helping with the county rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine. Staff have been assigned to various emergency shifts. Associates Report: Kate Baynard for Emily Bogan The March STEM-ILM fundraisers was canceled in 2020. The board is meeting to discuss how to bring a successful spring fundraiser in the midst of Covid-19. The Raffle was very successful and brought in 15k. The Associates are very excited to have Commissioner Rivenbark on the team and look forward to working with him throughout his appointment. Collections Report: Kevin Maurer The Collections Committees reviewed accessions to be submitted to the NHC Board of Commissioners for approval. Items included a 1940s fire extinguisher, Red Cross badges from a Wilmington man’s time of service in the aftermath of 9/11, canvasing materials, and campaign mailers Because it was by committee, no motion or second was needed to accept the accessions or deaccessions. It was approved without opposition. Museum Report: Sheryl Mays Grant & Projects: The museum applied for a $8600 grant to create a panel exhibit on Women in STEM focused on local and regional players, panel exhibit will travel around the region as an inspiration to young women interested in STEM careers (vet tech, computer technology, medical field, etc.) Race & Social Justice Institute: A partnership with Office of Diversity and Equity, culminating in a 4-part series in February, Jan has taken a lead role as the historian to help frame the conversations. Barbi is helping to coordinated press and are promotion. WPD Tours: All WPD to do a tour/program on Wilmington’s history starting in June through end of year. We are happy to be a resource in showcasing and teaching history of our region. Budget: Revenue is kept level from FY21 to FY22. Operating Expenses are mainly level with three exceptions, exhibit deposits, forklift rentals, and the county determined printer contract. Salaries and benefits will likely increase, budget office completes the calculations and enters that number later in the process. CFMA contributions have increased and primarily support salaries. They will likely be giving another $60,000 that will not go through the county Exhibits Updates – Kate Baillon We are finally getting the final replacements for museum exhibit cases and risers that were damaged from Hurricane Florence. The total cost is 89k which is much less than we anticipated. Upcoming Exhibits are: East Gallery: Destination Moon, One Half of the People, Team Up!, and Sun Earth Universe North Gallery: H2O Today opens next month and will run to Aug 2022 Williston: Oasis Spaces Research Project – Green Book. Collection Selection: Film 5/21 to 2/22 Questions: Pope asked how we are handling social distancing. The museum is following the Governors instructions regarding capacity, asking visitors to tour the museum in a single direction, providing wipes to visitors, cleaning regularly, and installing extra signage. Crater asked if we are planning any programs in the park The museum did do one “invite only” event in the park that was successful. We are hoping to do another when it gets warmer and we feel that we are able to safely do so. Events, programming, and field trips are still taking place virtually. Pope asked is History Day will happen this year. The region is moving forward in planning and it will be virtual again this year. Pepper has created a website to streamline the application process this year. As we get closer to the event, she may need judges. Keep an eye on your email for the opportunity to volunteer. Rivenbark asked if the children going back to school will change anything about our offerings. We are hoping that we will be able to serve them in person again. However, we are going to continue to work to serve the community at home until we are able to serve them in person again. A motion was made by Pope to adjourn the meeting. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 4:41 pm. The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 17th at 4:00 pm virtually via Cape Fear Museum. Secretary, CFM Advisory Board Date