2021 3 17 MAB minutes Board Members Present: Susan Barbee Ginger Davis Dennis Dixon Kevin Maurer Stewart Moon Eileen O’Malley Donna Pope Florence Warren Bill Rivenbark  Absent: Darin Penneys and Dana Crater Staff Present: Sheryl Mays, Kate Baillon, Barbi Baker, Joeli Banks, Amy Thornton, and Heather Yenco The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 via TEAMS. The meeting was called to order by Donna Pope at 4:02 pm. Consideration of Absences: Donna Pope Penneys and Crater have been excused. Approval of Minutes: Donna Pope A motion to accept the January 20, 2021 minutes was made by Dixon, seconded by O’Malley, and approved without opposition. Chairman’s Report: Donna Pope Currently there are two open CPT positions at the Cape Fear Museum: Collections Assistant and Development Assistant. Both are beginning interviews of candidates this coming week. Collections Report: Kevin Maurer The Collections Committees reviewed accessions to be submitted to the NHC Board of Commissioners for approval. Items included scrapbooks, an Azalea Festival Dress, and pandemic related artifacts. From committee, no motion or second was needed to accept the accessions. It was approved without opposition. Museum Report: Sheryl Mays Project Grace The NHC Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the current MOU. The 8,000 sq. ft. of shared space was an addition to the MOU before approval. On April 14th there will be a joint board meeting with the developers. We are now in the 60-day discovery period. As part of this period, there will be focus groups that board members and staff will have an opportunity to join. There will also be meetings with the developer and staff about operational needs. The complete timeline has the development agreement coming before the commissioners early 2022. It will still have to go to the LGC for approval. If everything moves forward and the museum does move downtown, then we have the opportunity to contract with an exhibits team to create interactive and engaging exhibits for the interior of the new building. ASTC IF/THEN Project: Barbi Baker In January, we applied for and were awarded a $8,600 ASTC grant. The purpose of the grant is to encourage young women to go into STEM professions. We are creating a pop-up exhibit that will feature 12 young women in STEM. Six of them are women that are part of the ASTC bank: Game designer, cyber security specialist, space researcher, mathematician, fossil preparer, professor. Six are local professionals: software architect, scientist, information security manager, film makers, flight paramedic, vet tech. The idea is that young women will see an image of someone that looks like them and it will empower them to achieve greatness in STEM. We will also create STEM kits that can be shared alongside of the banners. These banners can travel “alone” or along with ambassadors. Programming Update – Amy Thornton This month we have a series of talks every Wednesday is collaboration with the Smithsonian for Woman’s history month. They are free and open to the public. Spring Break for NHC starts April 2nd and ends on April 11th. We are introducing in-person programming again for the first time in the park. The theme is H2O Today. We will also be creating a new scavenger hunt. Our annual Star Party is coming up! It will be a virtual event this year. We are putting together to physical kit to go along with the virtual program. The event will run April 14th-16th. Exhibits Updates – Kate Baillon H20 Today opened on Feb 20th and will be on view until Aug 2022. It is a Smithsonian exhibit. There are two interactives as part of this exhibit what were made in house. One Half of the People will open on Apr 6th and is on view for 6 weeks. This is a traveling exhibit by the National Archives. The content is in three sections: Securing the vote, beyond the vote, and redefining roles. A motion was made by Pope to adjourn the meeting. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 4:36 pm. The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 14th at 4:15 pm virtually via Cape Fear Museum. Secretary, CFM Advisory Board Date