1989-04-18 Water & Sewer I I I 211 Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 2:41 o'clock P.M. ~es ectfully suomiffea, . v!~ cie F. Harrell Clerk to the District MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT APRIL 18, 1989 SEMBLY The Board of District Commissioners of the New County Water and Sewer District held a Public Hearing on Tuesda , pril 18, 1989, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the cafeteria of Ogd lementary School, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioners E. L. Mathew Jr.; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, W. Albert Corbett, Jr Chairman, Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; County Manager, G. Fel Cooper; Assistant County Attorney, Wanda Copley; and Clerk to t e istrict, Lucie F. Harrell. District Commissioner O'Neal was absent. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order and welcom d the 32 persons present. He encouraged the public to participa e in the question and answer period after the presentation Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. PRESENTATION OF SEWER FEASIBILITY STUDY BY TALBERT, COX & ASSOCIATES, INC. Mr. Ray Hamilton, General Manager of Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc., presented the Sewer Feasibility Study a d explained the following methods of financing for completion f the Sewer System: 1. Existing Plan - "Pay-as-you-go" 2. Sewer District Property Tax 3. Assessments 4. Additional Sales Tax Revenue 5. Property Transfer Tax Chairman Barfield opened the Public Hearing and asked f anyone would like to speak. The following persons commented: Ms. Marie Melville asked when Phase II is to be complete . . Mr. Hamilton stated the system would be designed in late 19 9 with construction completed by 1992. 212 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 18, 1989 (CONTINUED) Mr. Dan Williams asked if the District Board has decided to ("!()mp I et;-e the system ~i t~out al.LOWln~ the cl tizens iO h~",e ~IlPuL ~ He remlnded the CommlSSloners of t e orlglnal cost estlma e a d the shortfall now projected at approximately $135,000 milli n expressing concern for the manner in which this project has be n handled. ~ L f Chairman Barfield stated the purpose of the meeting is 0 inform the pUblic on the recommendation by Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. for completion of a county-wide sewer syst m due to malfunctioning and failing septic tanks, and to recei e input from the public with reference to which method of financi g should be used. Commissioner Corbett cautioned dwelling on past mistakes a d encouraged everyone to look ahead to the future. He stressed t e importance of providing input on how the system should e completed. Mr. W. R. Koberger expressed concern for the manner in whi h the system has been handled to date. He urged the Commissione s to do a better job in handling future phases of the syst m particularly when dealing with contractors stating a proje t Manager should be hired. Mr. James Melville asked how he would be taxed if t l property transfer tax is levied since he does not plan to se his home? Chfairman Barfield stated he would pay for the sys . through user ees. Ms. Mildred Harris asked if any consideration was given 0 assessing a house on the size of the home or number of bathroo ? Mr. Hamilton stated utilities are based upon lot size and acre e due to cost of service expansion. Mr. Thomas Loftfield expressed concern for the Sewer System and recommended usage of septic establishment of a revolving fund to assist people tanks malfunction. cost of tanks w when sep e h c Mr. Hamilton stated after consultation with the Hea Department and indepth study of each subdivision throughout County experiencing malfunctioning septic tanks, it is opinion of Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. that a county-w' sewer system is needed. Mr. Fred Worsh questioned the manner in which phases w selected asking why not protect the sound waters first, then other areas. Mr. Hamilton stated due to cost of infrastructure from area of the County to another, the phases had to be balan economically according to the number of customers and distance lines to be installed. ~ I I I MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 18, 1989 (CONTINUED) Mr. Jimmy Parker expressed appreciation to the County for mav.iIlY faL WdL d--w:L Lh L;ample L.1.ull uIL'L1:: SI::WI::L S~;:, LI::IlI. He lua.Je Un;; orlowing recommenaaElons: 1. Establish revenue allowing fund the of lines. fund from a combination of completion of the system desire to pay into this required for installation a revolving sources for persons who so amount of money 2. Place the sewer lines within the public rights-of-way. 3. Resurface and restore roads, driveways, and curbs to their original condition. Chairman Barfield closed the Public Hearing and express ppreciation to all persons present for their attendance a articipation. OURNMENT District Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Distri ommissioner Mathews to adjourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRI NANIMOUSLY. Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 9:15 o'clock P. Respectfully submitted, ~~::~ Clerk to the District 213