2021-01-27 Minutes NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOURISM DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 27, 2021 PRESENT: Craig Bloszinsky, Mayor – Town of Kure Beach Natalie English, Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Kim Hufham, President/CEO – NHC TDA Nicole Jones, Wilmington Hotel (150+) Patricia Kusek, Commissioner – New Hanover County LeAnn Pierce, Mayor – Carolina Beach Bill Saffo, Mayor – City of Wilmington Lisa Wurtzbacher – New Hanover County Finance Officer Jason Bryant, Vice-Chairman, NHC Vacation Rentals, Hap Fatzinger-NHC Attractions EXCUSED: Anne Brodsky- Kure Beach Hotels Jason Bryant, Vice-Chairman, NHC Vacation Rentals, Darryl Mills-Mayor- Wrightsville Beach Chuck Pennington- Bed & Breakfasts Angela Rhodes-NHC restaurants STAFF: Kim Little, Administrative Services Manager/Recording Secretary Linda Brothers, Senior Financial Analyst, NHC Connie Nelson, Communications/PR Director Karla Thompson, Technology/Systems Manager Shawn Braden, VP Marketing John Sneed, VP Sales Chairman Daniel Perkins called the meeting of the New Hanover County Tourism Development Authority Board of Directors to order at 5:05pm. The virtual WebEx meeting was initiated at the offices of the CVB. Chairman Daniel Perkins welcomed New & Reappointed Members: NHC County Commissioner Deb Hays. He also recognized re-appointees Jason Bryant, Daniel Perkins and Nicole Jones ITEM #1 – EXCUSED – Anne Brodsky, Darryl Mills, Chuck Pennington, Angela Rhodes 1 ITEM #2 – APPROVAL OF BOARD MINUTES FOR OCTOBER 28, 2020 – Daniel Perkins. \[Motion made by Natalie English, seconded by Jason Bryant and unanimously accepted to approve the October 28, 2020 TDA Board minutes as read.\] ITEM #3- FINANCIALS/ROT REPORT – LISA WURTZBACHER Lisa presented the ROT collections report. Overall, Lisa reports the NHCTDA is doing relatively well, because the beaches are really sustaining and bringing in revenue. \[Complete report can be found in Exhibit Book XIII.\] ITEM #4 – NHC TDA Mid-Year Update- Kim Hufham Presentations by Destinations Analysts by Kimberly Vince- Cruz and French West Vaughan by Tom Hickey and Leah Knepper. Karla Thompson, IT, unveiled the new website design and overview for Wilmington and Beaches CVB. It will be launching in February. The new website will be mobile friendly. Each location will have its launch page with soft colors, fonts that have a welcoming style. A new module is the Map Publisher which will assist with parking location & etc. \[Copies of all the presentations can be found in the Exhibit Book XIII\] ITEM #5- President’s Comments- Kim Hufham- We will be doing the same presentation to our industry partners as a webinar including our updates and moving forward for Spring 2021 at 10am on October 29, 2021. The next couple of months, we will be working n Fiscal Year 2022, strategic planning with Don Anderson of Destination Consultancy Group. Here are several upcoming events and activities:  NHC/CF Museum Virtual & Social Justice Institute- February 2, 9, 16, 23.  SEATECH Showcase- March 16&18, 2021  Visit365 Annual Conference (Virtual)- April 21-22, 2021 2  National Tourism Week- May 2-8, 2021  June Tourism Webinar (Dates TBD)  FY21/22 Strategic Planning ITEM #6 – Chairman’s Comments- Daniel Perkins th Natalie English announced that at the upcoming Chamber’s 154 Annual Meeting Robert S. Rippy of Jungle Rapids will be receiving the Duke Energy Lifetime Achievement in Business Award. The meeting is on February 25, 2021 at 4 o’clock. ITEM #7 – Old Business/New Business Kim wanted to acknowledge the support of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach mayors in agreeing to continue with the Unified Campaign for our paid media in FY2021/2022. As there was no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 ______________________________ __________________________ Kim Hufham, President/CEO Angela Rhodes, Secretary Minutes located in TDA Board Minutes Book XIIII 3