2021-04-07 Agenda Meeting 5:00 PM Wednesday April 7, 2021 Limited Staff In Person Airport Authority New Hanover County Agenda Page 1 Authority, Staff and Public Remotely on Zoom Tab 1Tab 2Tab 3Tab 4Tab 5Tab 6Tab 7Tab 8 5:00 PM Airport Authority - Agenda Page 2 Meeting Agenda April 7, 2021 New Hanover County Facilities & Terminal ExpansionFinance & Human ResourcesBusiness DevelopmentGovernment Operations and General Aviation Pledge of AllegianceCall to Order/Code of Ethics ClauseApproval of MinutesPublic Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes)Staff ReportsUnfinished Business/New Business/Adjournment Agenda Page 3 Code of Ethics Adopted 9/2/2015 New Hanover County Airport Authority obey all applicable laws;uphold the integrity and independence of the Authority;avoid impropriety;faithfully perform the duties of the office; and,conduct the affairs of the Authority in an open and public manner. In accordance with the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Resolution Adopting a Code of Ethics, as adopted on January 5, 2015, it is the duty of all County boards and committees to respect and abide by the New Hanover County Code of Ethics in the performance of their duties.More specifically all Airport Authority members should: is further the duty of every Authority member to avoid both conflicts of interest and appearances of conflicts. Does any member have any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matters coming before the Authority today? If so, please identify the conflict or appearance of conflict and refrain from any undue participation in the particular matter involved. Agenda Page 4 Tab 1 Approval of Minutes The Authority has been provided a copy of the minutes for the March 3, 2021 meeting.The minutes for the closed session held on March 3, 2021 will be reserved for review and approval at the Campbell Staff MemberGranseur DickBobCarol LeTellierJulie WilseyGary BroughtonJulie Wilsey Boseman - Agenda Page 5 Williams Staff Reports Airport Authority MemberDonna GirardotSpruill ThompsonLeeTom WolfeHarry StovallSpruill ThompsonTom WolfeDonna GirardotJulia OlsonNick RhodesHarry Stovall & Human Resources/ /Tab 6 CommitteeFacilities & Terminal Expansion/Tab 2FinanceTab 3Business Development/Tab 4Government/Tab 5Operations & GeneralAviation Roof and window Schedule 1 Work: RS&H has provided a draft outline which was Talbert and Bright continues to work through the This work is complete, and our dispatchers and fire Agenda Page 6 Tab 2 tight building again. - : Renovation work in the main terminal atrium and rental car lobby continues with the . th Contract 3 (FAA, AIP, PFC, State, General) Facilities & Terminal Expansion - None - Schedule 2 Work Items Terminal Expansion installation work continues. Interior sheetrock is scheduled to begin this month following conclusion of glass installation. expanded restrooms scheduled to open this month. Work in these areas is anticipated to be complete by July 2021. Despite recent weather delays, Schedule 1 and 2 work is on track to complete December of 2021 and December of 2022, respectively.PSO Building Maintenance (Maintenance Reserves) fighters are happy to be in a weatherBusiness Park Development Standards Update (General) reviewed by ILM staff. Comments have been made and will be included into a draft development standards document due on April 5Runway 6 Ditch and Perimeter Fence Repair (FEMA) permitting process for this project and is awaiting CAMA and US Army Corps of Engineers approval before bidding the project. ActionInformation Items a.b.c.d. is over with Cherry Bekaert LLP in the This project was approved by the This is for the upcoming FY21 audit. Tab 3 Agenda Page 7 This equipment serves the ILM staff network. It Contract to Audit Accounts longer supported. Finance & Human Resources dollars ($45,000) for new windows in PSO building.Authority at the November 4, 2020 meeting and the work was completed in February 2021.amount of forty-seven thousand dollars ($47,000).proposal.a three-year support plan from Fluid IT Services for an amount not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000).six years old and is no Monthly Financials February Financial Summary, Financials and Cash Summary (Agenda pages 10-11)Action Items a.Recommend approval to amend FY21 capital budget to include forty-five thousandb.Recommend approval of c.Recommend approval of the purchase and installation of new computer switches and Agenda Page 8 Tab 3 (cont.) Finance & Human Resources The first half of the radios were purchased in FY20. This purchase will Recommend approval of the purchase of new handheld radios from Motorola Solutions for an amount not to exceed one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000).replace the remaining radios that are beyond their useful lives and no longer supported by the manufacturer. Action Items d.Budget Presentation Presentation of the proposed FY22 budget m) 4 . m)m) 3 48 m)m)m)m)$ .. ( 5m)269 83 m) .... 5 $$ 7 0.337 (( . $0$$$ Total 1 ((((( $ 1,095,5164,186,8025,282,318 Loan ( 5555575860 Funding Source(s) NCDOTNCDOTAIPAIPAIPAIPAIPNCDOTPFCNHC 073 - , 772300 ,, Service 967 , 2,094,9002,094,900 933917 Cost to Date ,, 3823 Debt 000 , 772300 ,, 000 , 933917 ,, Estimated Cost 1,095,5162,091,9023,187,418 3845 Operations going - Status On CompleteComplete Agenda Page 9 2021 123 FYFYTotal Contract Tab 3 (cont.) Update Finance & Human Resources Act Funding Update Information Items Terminal Expansion CARES BudgetBudget FY20 FY20 FY21FY21 Operating Expense Operating Revenue JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun - - 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 Agenda Page 10 Wilmington International Airport February 2021 Cash Summary Month End Account Balances InterestMonth End Account NameRateBalance BB&T General Operating Checking N/A$538,487.03 South State General Operating Checking N/A$154,148.22 BB&T Business Park Checking N/A 0.00 South State Business Park Checking N/A 3,215.64 BB&T Business Park Money Rate Savings0.10%1,931.15 South State Business Park Money Rate Savings0.50%2,510,906.39 BB&T Money Rate Savings0.10%0.00 South State Money Rate Savings0.50%27,845,626.50 Investment Account-Govt0.07%36,389.34 BB&T PFC Money Rate Savings*** 0.10%6.18 South State PFC Money Rate Savings ***0.50%3,550,758.52 BB&T CFC Money Rate Savings*** 0.10%10,661.56 South State CFC Money Rate Savings ***0.50%3,099,344.79 BB&T CFC Checking*** N/A- Petty Cash N/A 1,000.00 Total Cash37,752,475.32 Less Restricted Use ***6,660,771.05 Less Reserves: Maintenance & Development Reserve2,972,710.53 Operational Reserve4,000,000.00 Net Cash Available for Daily Operations$24,118,993.74 Monthly Cash Activity Beginning Balance$24,179,321.63 Receipts General Operating$4,605,029.68 GO Transfers In from MR Savings4,444,900.00 GO Transfers In from NCCMT- Business Park Operations Checking- Business Park Money Rate Savings96,470.70 Business Park Money Rate Savings Transfers In- Business Park Money Rate Savings Interest948.70 Money Rate Savings Transfers In4,400,000.00 Money Rate Savings Interest9,806.68 Investment Account-Govt Interest0.28 Total Receipts13,557,156.04 Disbursements General Operating Accounts Payable4,630,074.26 General Operating Payroll129,756.09 General Operating Transfers to Investment Accounts4,400,000.00 Money Rate Savings Trf4,444,900.00 NCCMT Trf- Business Park Operations Checking Accounts Payable12,753.58 Business Park Money Rate Savings Transfers- Total Disbursements(13,617,483.93) Ending Balance$24,118,993.74 Agenda Page 11 Mortgage 4) TowneBank and, Southport; rendering of their building. . th article featuring Artist Greg Hall at work on our a photographic page 3) River Hotel of - 5 Tab 4 Agenda Page 12 Global; including : articles Business Development Amendment to The Marathon FBO Partners LLC dba Aero Center Wilmington Amendment to the Circle K Lease Agreement through July 2, 2021 due to DEQ delays. ) Green Compass ththnd stop to LaGuardia (LGA) beginning May 5 - 2 (March/April issue) featured a Aero Center Wilmington Group; News - Items Capital highlighted non American Airlines new flight between ILM and Boston.Article on Media Items new advertisers: Lakewood Wilmington MagazineGreater Wilmington Business Journal Star News Recommend approval of a 7Recommend approval of a 2extending the Rent Commencement date from June 1, 2021 to October 1, 2021 or upon issuance of their Certificate of Occupancy for the 5,200 SF General Aviation Terminal aircraft maintenance hangar and fuel farm, whichever occurs first. Delays due to DEQ scheduling.Four Earned 1) Action a.b.Information a.b. Tab 5 Agenda Page 13 Government None Items Sen McInnis, Rep Arp, Rep Shepard, Rep Iler, Dan Gurley (Rep Moore), Rep SaineILM Office visits to Rep Miller, Rep Davis, Sen Lee, Rep Butler, Sen Rabon NC Airport State Legislator Visits on 2/24Recent Issue: Military activity, fuel sales, and noise impactsUpdate: NC Chamber Destination 2030 meeting on 2/25/21. Action Items Information a.b.c. February for 2020 74,320 vs. 13.9% February vs. 29,723 60%. 44.2% approximately up 2021 were Tab 6 Agenda Page 14 February gal. gallons which is up 6.54/ 5.80/gal. 278,649 None 2021: Operations & General Aviation 2021 enplanements are tracking A: Total revenue passengers for 2020 bringing total revenue passengers down March JetAvgasFebruary FUEL: PASSENGERS:----FUEL FLOWAGE: - b. Action Items Information Items a.c. Tab 7 Agenda Page 15 Monteith & Novant hosting 4/8/21 vaccination event for construction workers on ILMCampus. Action Item -NoneInformation Items a.b.ACI-NA Airport CEO Conference 4/13-4/16 in Orlando, FLc.Small Community Air Service Grant Update and Summer/Seasonal Flightsd.April, May & June Calendars (Agenda pages 16-18) Agenda Page 16 Agenda Page 17 Agenda Page 18 Tab 8 Agenda Page 19 Unfinished BusinessNew BusinessAdjournment