1989-04-25 Water & Sewer 215 I MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING NEW_HANOYER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT APRTT. ::l~, 1989 ASSEMBLY The Board of District Commissioners of the New Hanov r County Water and Sewer District held a Public Hearing on Tuesd , April 25, 1989, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. in the auditorium f Wrightsboro Elementary School. Members present were: District Commissioners E. L. Mathe Jr.; Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman W. Albert Corbett, J Chairman, Jonathan Barfield, Sri County Attorney, Robert W. Po Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto, and Clerk to the Boa Lucie F. Harrell. District commissioner O'Neal was absent. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order and welco ed the 74 persons present. He encouraged the public to particip te in the question and answer period after the presentation by Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. on the Sewer Feasibility Study I PRESENTATION OF SEWER FEASIBILITY STUDY BY TALBERT, COX & ASSOCIATES, INC. Mr. Si Riffle, of Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc., presen ed the Sewer Feasibility Study and explained the following meth ds of financing for completion of the Sewer System: 1. Existing Plan - "Pay-as-you-go" 2. Sewer District Property Tax 3. Assessments 4. Additional Sales Tax Revenue 5. Property Transfer Tax Chairman Barfield opened the Public Hearing and asked if anyone would like to speak. The following persons commented: Mr. Robert Kendrick, representing the Taxpayers Associat n, stated he felt the sales tax would be a fair way to complete he Sewer System. He expressed concern for telling the public at the system can be completed for $199 million and for not informing the citizens that water lines are being installed. Chairman Barfield encouraged Mr. Kendrick to address the issue being discussed, which is funding of the Sewer Sys em, stating no plans have been made for installation of water lin s. I Mr. Jim Sandy, Chairman of the N. C. Association of Realtors, expressed concern for enacting a property transfer tax listing the following disadvantages: 2 1 6 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 25, 1989 (CONTINUED) 1 _ Th~ property transfer tax is discriminatory in that it affects buyers and sellers t'7ho are only a sma 11 segment of of the populations. II-. L r Revenue from the transfer tax is unreliable as the transfer of real estate fluctuates with the economy. The transfer tax would negatively affect the already critical "affordability indexes" because the cost of the tax will be passed on to the home buyer. The transfer tax is anti-economic in that New Hanover County will be less competitive for new businesses because adjoinin counties or states do not have a transfer tax. Ms. Ruby Williamson recommended using the "Pay-as-you-go lan. Mr. Jimmy Bordeaux recommended that all citizens should pa or the system and expressed concern for use of bond proceeds 0 he first two phases of the system. He strongly oppose ollection of impact fees when the Castle Hayne area will no eceive sewer service for 20 years. Mr. Richard F. Carter, 209 Oakhurst Road, Wilmington, Nort arolina, stated the reason for the shortfall of funding on th ystem is due to the lack of management. He stated the estimate ost of the system by the year 2010 will be $325 million instea f the $200 million projected and recommended not proceeding wit financing method until the actual cost has been determined. ~ I ~ Mr. Ernest Puskas, a resident of Castle Hayne, asked why th ounty has to continue expansion of the system. He recommende ayment of the current bond issue by the present users, an tated if the County is determined to expand the system, roperty tax should be levied in order for everyone to recei v ewer as quickly as possible and all share in payment of th ystem. Mr. William Funderburg, a resident of Castle Hayne, aske he amount of funds on hand in the impact fee account? Assistan inance Director, Alan Mozingo, stated approximately $750,000 an ointed out that these funds can be used only for sewer plan mprovements. Mr. Funderburg asked if these funds will be use o improve the Northside Treatment Plant? Assistant Finane irector Mozingo stated $73,000 has been allocated fo erformance of a study to expand the Northside Treatment Plant. Mr. Funderburg stated he does not feel the County ha islead the citizens and complimented the Staff and Board for th ard work that has gone into installing a county-wide sewe ystem. He thanked the Commissioners for holding Public Hearing 1""\. I j I MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 25, 1989 (CONTINUED) 217 and allowing the general public to express their opinions and <..:UU<..:t:::1.115 . I I Mr. Leonard Long, a member of the Wrightsboro Volunteer Fir epartment, commented on establishment of the Fire Servic istrict and the tax levied stating at that time he was oppose o a imposing a tax in the district. He stated after seeing ho his tax has provided and improved fire service to the citizen f the County, he would recommend levying a tax in the Water an ewer District for completion of the system. Ms. June Gilbert asked if one house is located in the middl f three lots, will a tap fee be charged for each lot. Chairm arfield stated only one tap fee will have to be paid. Mr. Eugene Suggs, a resident of Castle Hayne, express oncern for having no guarantee of what it will cost to conne o the system by the year 2010. He recommended establishing olicy whereby all citizens of the County in all phases will harged the same connection fee. Mr. Emerson Whitted stated if the citizens of the Coun ant a better qualify of life, they will have to pay for servic nd support the Commissioners in their effort to provide the services. Mr. Rudy Greschen asked if the Northside Treatment Plant s upgraded, how long will it have enough capacity to handle t e flow of waste? Assistant Finance Director, Alan Mozingo, stat d the upgrade should last for 20 years. Ms. Betty Parker asked if persons using private treatme t plants will have to connect to the Sewer System? Chairm n Barfield stated the treatment plant will be closed and the li e presently being used will tie into the County's sewer line. Ms. Myrtle Barnhill, a resident of Castle Hayne, recommend d holding another Public Hearing in the Ogden area stating ma y people were not aware of the hearing being held tonight. Mr. David Abernathy asked when the sewer service will e available to the Castle Hayne and Wrightsboro area? Sy Riff e stated approximately 20 years. Mr. Bill Miller, a property owner and contractor in e Castle Hayne area, expressed concern for not receiving sewer n the northern end of the County until 2010 and recommended t t the County Staff find some method of financing that will al w the system to be completed at a earlier date. Mr. Jim Sandy stated the State Department of Health studying alternative methods of septic tank disposal systems soils of poor quality. s r 2 1 8 MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING, APRIL 25, 1989 (CONTINUED) Mr. Bill Funderburg commented efforts by Representative n~virl Rerlwine to lessen regulations governinq issuance of septic Commissioner Corbett recommended holding a Public Heari ith State Health Officials discussing alternative dispos ystems and inviting Representative David Redwine to discu roposed amendments to State regulations governing issuance eptic tank permits. It was the consensus of the Board chedule a meeting of this type in the Castle Hayne/Wrightsbo nd Ogden area. Ms. Frank Braswell recommended contacting other counties ethods of financing used for installation of sewer systems. Mr. Jim Swart asked why private treatment plants can not . ncorporated into the Sewer System. Assistant Finance Direct ozingo stated these plants can serve only a certain number eople and have no potential for expansion. Chairman Barfield closed the Public Hearing. OMMENTS FROM THE DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS District Commissioner Mathews expressed appreciation to a ersons attending the Public Hearing and invited anyone who d' ot have an opportunity to express their concerns to write etter or attend Regular Meetings of the County Commissioners a peak during the 3-minutes period allowed for public comments. District Commissioner Retchin stated he would be glad iscuss issues pertaining to the sewer system with anyone a ncouraged interested citizens to call. Vice-Chairman Corbett encouraged citizens to call or write ote expressing their opinions stating the District Board nee o hear from everyone. Chairman Barfield stated as Chairman of the District Boar , e will continue to work with Staff and the engineering firm ork out the best methods for financing the system. He stated ecisions will be made without informing the general public. JOURNMENT Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 9:30 o'clock P. . ~pectfuy-y .s~mitted, ..~/~ :c cie F. Harrell Clerk to the District t r I J '1 J