1988-07-12 Water & Sewer SM ~ I I ~ MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT SPE("-=r~:r-..-MRR~I-NG-=-J.ULY-l.2,_19_8.8 I~SSEMBLY The Board of District Commissioners of the New Hanov ounty Water and Sewer District met in Special Session on Monda , uly 12, 1988, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of t ew Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Stree , ilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioners Nolan O'Nea Fred Retchin; Vice-Chairman, W. Albert Corbett, Jr.; Chairma , Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; Coun y Attorney, Robert W. pope; and Clerk to the District, Lucie Harrell. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order stating t e purpose of the Special Session is to give the general public n opportuni ty to hear presentations from state and local heal h officials concerning rules and regulations governing the issuan e of septic tank permits. PRESENTATION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE ISSUANCE F SEPTIC TANK PERMITS Health Director, Robert S. Parker, introduced the followi g officials of the North Carolina Division of Health Services: Mr. Barry Blick, Assistant State Health Director Mr. Charlie Jackson, District Sanitarian Dr. Robert Uebler, Soil Scientist Mr. Steve Martin, Eastern Regional State Health Direct Director Parker introduced Mr. Roger Pierce, S 1 Scientists, with the New Hanover County Health Department, 0 review North State Statutes governing Sanitary Sewage Collecti Treatment, and Disposal; the North Carolina Administrative Co and Health Services, Environmental Health. Mr. Roger pierce stated the North Carolina General Assem y adopts rules and regulations governing installation of sep c tank systems and other types of sanitary sewer systems which m st be followed by local Health Department officials when issu g permits. He commented on soil characteristics as the determin ng factor in deciding if land is suitable or unsuitable or installation of a septic tank system. The following topics w re discussed: 1. Texture of soil 2. Structure of soil 3. Color of soil 4. Mineralogy Mr. Pierce stated due to wet soils, a hot humid climate, nd the water table being close to the surface, many lots in ew Hanover County are not suitable for installation of septic tan s. He stated various modifications can be utilized to conventio al septic tank systems or alternative sewage systems can be designed. ." MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 12, 1988 (CONTINUED) The following modifications to sewage systems were presented a-r:ld exp-lained-: ~ I- I.- ,- 1. Under drains to lower water table 2. Fill System 3. Low Pressure Pipe System to work with clay soils 4. Observation Well for deterring soil saturation Dr. Robert Uebler stated the goal of the Division of Healtf ervices in establishing rules and regulations governing septi<P1 anks is to guarantee that a septic tank will function for ~ eriod of 30 years or the general lifetime of a mortgage. HI ommented on soil tests performed to define texture, structurer olor, and mineralogy of soils stating these methods have bee, roven to be quite accurate over the years in determinin~ uitability of soils for installation of a septic tank. Dr ebler stressed the importance of keeping sewer under the surfac f the ground in order to prevent detrimental effects on th~ ublic health and environment through contamination of land I roundwater and surface waters. ] Ms. Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director, presente lides showing modifications to conventional septic tank system~ n various subdivisions throughout the County. She alSI ommented on design criteria for installation of alternativ ewage systems. Chairman Barfield stated many complaints have been receive rom the public expressing concern for soil evaluation test~ eing performed on adjoining lots with one lot being acceptabl~ or issuance of a septic tank permit and the other unaccePtable~ ther complaints received have questioned why soil evaluatio, ests render soil suitable for issuance of a septic tank permi n the first date of testing when three years later the same SOil' s unsuitable. He stated many people feel the Sanitarian erforming the test are not competently trained. Mr. Charlie Jackson, District Sanitarian of the Division 0 . ealth Services, stated Sanitarians are required to have a degre~ n the Biological Science Field plus training before performinM oil evaluation tests. He stated in many instances soils onc~ uitable for installation of septic tanks will not be suitab14J ive years later due to changes in State rules and regulation~ overning issuance of septic tank permits. He emphasized th~ mportance of protecting the general public's health ana nvironment stating malfunctioning septic tank systems ar~ etrimental to all involved. Discussion was held on modifications to septic tank systems. r. Uebler stated innovations are expensive, and systems can b~ esigned to overcome most soil problems; however, the propert II wner must be willing to pay the expenses involved. '\ -J 'I I I I MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 12, 1988 (CONTINUED) Mr. Barry Blick, Assistant State Health Director, stated ; T-l-T-IAVn-r-=i-Vp. moo-i-f--i-e-i'i-1;.i.Q.B.S :t;G-se.pt-iG-1;a-Jl-k-s~tems-a-r:e-expe nsL.v.e . . ... . p epared a proposal requesting the State Legislature to allocate f nding to the Division of Health Services to research all areas t roughout the State in trying to find new cost effective systems t at will properly dispose of sewage without endangering the p blic health. Chairman Barfield opened the floor for a question and answer p riod. The following persons commented expressing concern for: ( ) receiving no assistance or guidance from the local health partment when trying to modify a septic tank system; (2) no sistance with ditch drainage; ( 3) paying taxes on unusable nd; and (4) charging of impact fees before the County Sewer S stem becomes available. Mr. Russia Foster Mr. Wayne Vandergrift Mr. James Whitted Ms. Carol Buck Mr. Emerson Whitted Ms. Kenneth Glod Mr. Marion Robertson Mr. Ralph Fleming Ms. Myrtle Barnhill Mr. Jim Bordeaux Ms. Charlene Pete, representing citizens of the Castle Hayn mmittee, expressed concern for issuance of a permit to locate wage disposal treatment plant that will discharge into the Cap ar River at Old Bridge Road. She commented on the propose to Mall which will discharge approximately 35,000 gallons pe y and up to 60,000 per day as the mall expands. Ms. Pet res sed the importance of protecting the Castle Hayne acquife d requested the Commissioners to deny the permit for placemen this disposal system. Health Director Parker commented on the proposed Auto Mal the Castle Hayne area stating the North Carolina Division 0 alth Services will evaluate the property making the fina cision on the sewage disposal system. He stated all disposa stems over 3,000 gallons per day are approved by the Nort rolina Division of Health Services with any system under 3,00 lIons a day approved by the local Health Department. Chairman Barfield requested Dr. Uebler to closely examin e request before approving a permit to locate a sewage disposa stem in the Castle Hayne area. He stated if any othe ternative can be used by the developer that would satisfy hi eds and relieve the concerns of the citizens in this community would certainly be more acceptable to everyone involved. J y" 'MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, JULY 12, 1988 (CONTINUED) Chairman Barfield closed the expr:ess.inq_apprec.i.a.tion to S...t.a...t.e question and answer He.a.l...th o...f.f.i.c...i.al.s and period local '1 l r also thanked the general public for their attendance and the nner in which the questions were presented. JOURNMENT Vice-Chairman C mmissioner Retchin U ANIMOUSLY. Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by District to adj ourn. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED Chairman Barfield adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:03 o clock P.M. ~ectfuIIY su,itted, ~if~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District 1\ I ~