2021-04-07 Minutes New Hanover County Airport Authority April 7, 2021 Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING April 7, 2021 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, April 7, 2021, through special measures due to COVID19, consisting of a limited number attending in person, and a Zoom meeting for Authority members, ILM staff and public participation remotely. Chairman Girardot called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. Chairman Girardot welcomed the public and identified the Authority members and ILM staff present in the Zoom meeting. Chairman Girardot outlined guidance and direction to all for the special measures being taken for this meeting. Airport Authority members and ILM staff attending remotely through Zoom meeting were Donna Girardot, Chairman; Tom Wolfe, Lee Williams, Nick Rhodes, Julie A. Wilsey, Airport Director; Robert Campbell, Finance Director; and Carol LeTellier, Business Development Director. Harry Stovall, Vice Chairman was absent from this meeting. Spruill Thompson, Secretary; and Julia Olson-Boseman joined the meeting at 5:15 pm and Wanda Copley, County Attorney, joined the meeting at 5:25 pm. ILM staff attending and social distancing in the Executive Conference room were Gary Broughton, Deputy Director; Granseur Dick, Facilities Director; Gary Taylor, Operations Manager; Rose Davis, Executive Assistant. The public was able to join the meeting remotely and approximately 12 people were present via Zoom meeting. Public comments were accepted via email through 5 pm, April 6, 2021, to be read at the meeting. Chairman Girardot asked Authority members if they had any conflict of interest pursuant to the were identified. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Authority has reviewed the minutes of the meeting on March 3, 2021. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Rhodes to approve the minutes of the March 3, 2021 Airport Authority meeting as submitted. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Stovall was absent. Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Julia Olson-Boseman were absent from this vote. Minutes from March 3, 2021 closed session will be reviewed for approval at the next in person meeting of the AA. New Hanover County Airport Authority April 7, 2021 Page 2 FACILITIES & TERMINAL EXPANSION Mr. Dick updated the Authority on the status of the terminal expansion project, the PSO building maintenance, the Business Park Development Standards and the Runway 6 Ditch and Perimeter Fence Repair project. inal expansion st project on Wednesday, April 21 at noon. FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES Mr. Campbell February financial summary, financials and cash summary. Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Julia Olson-Boseman joined the meeting at 5:15 pm. Mr. Campbell recommended the approval of the following items: a. Recommend approval to amend FY21 capital budget to include forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) for new windows in PSO building. This project was approved by the Authority at the November 4, 2020 meeting and the work was completed in February 2021. Mr. Williams MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Rhodes to approve the amendment of the FY21 capital budget as recommended above. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Stovall was absent. b. Recommend approval of Contract to Audit Accounts with Cherry Bekaert LLP in the amount of forty-seven thousand dollars ($47,000). This is for the upcoming FY21 audit. The contract 2019 proposal. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams to approve the Contract to Audit Accounts as recommended above. Vote was taken by roll call. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Stovall was absent. c. Recommend approval of the purchase and installation of new computer switches and a three-year support plan from Fluid IT Services for an amount not to exceed twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). This equipment serves the ILM staff network. It is over six years old and is no longer supported. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Thompson to approve the purchase and installation of computer switches as recommended above. Vote was taken by roll call. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Stovall was absent. d. Recommend approval of the purchase of new handheld radios from Motorola Solutions for an amount not to exceed one hundred twenty thousand dollars ($120,000). The first half of the radios were purchased in FY20. This purchase will replace the remaining radios that are beyond their useful lives and no longer supported by the manufacturer. Mr. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe to approve the purchase of new handheld radios as recommended above. Vote was taken by roll call. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Stovall was absent. Mrs. Copley joined the meeting at 5:25 pm. New Hanover County Airport Authority April 7, 2021 Page 3 Mr. Campbell presented the proposed FY22 budget using slides for illustration and responded to Authority questions for clarification. Mr. Campbell noted the budget is available for Authority review until the May Authority meeting when the Authority will vote to approve the budget for a public review period before adopting the budget at the June Authority meeting. Chairman Girardot agreed that this discussion should be referred to the Business Development Committee to review further. Mr. Campbell updated the Authority on the Terminal Expansion project finances and the CARES Act funding. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Ms. LeTellier recommended the approval of the following items: th a. Recommend approval of a 7 Amendment to the Circle K Lease Agreement th through July 2, 2021 due to th DEQ delays. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams to approve the 7 Amendment to the Circle K Lease Agreement as recommended above. Vote was taken by roll call. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Stovall was absent. nd b. Recommend approval of a 2 Amendment to The Marathon FBO Partners ILM, LLC dba Aero Center Wilmington extending the Rent Commencement date from June 1, 2021 to October 1, 2021 or upon issuance of their Certificate of Occupancy for the 5,200 SF General Aviation Terminal aircraft maintenance hangar and fuel farm, whichever occurs first, due to DEQ permit review delays. Mrs. Julia Olson-Boseman nd MOVED, Mr. Wolfe SECONDED to approve the 2 Amendment to The Marathon FBO Partners ILM, LLC dba Aero Center Wilmington as recommended above. Vote was taken by roll call. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Stovall was absent. Ms. LeTellier updated the Authority on new advertisers and recent earned media from local news sources in March 2021. GOVERNMENT Chairman Girardot and Mrs. Wilsey updated the Authority on the recent NCAA meeting with the General Assembly. Mrs. Wilsey noted it was a good day for NC Airports to remind the helping business and tourism recover in state. Chairman Girardot turned the floor over to Mr. Broughton to update the Authority on the concerns of the community with military noise complaints. Mr. Broughton advised that Modern Aviation will notify the ILM dispatchers on Thursdays as to which military branches will be active over the weekend so that the public will know with which installation to file any noise complaints. Chairman Girardot complimented the staff on how they handled the community noise complaints. New Hanover County Airport Authority April 7, 2021 Page 4 Mrs. Wilsey updated the Authority on the February NC Chamber Destination 2030 meeting noting there were two presentations: one on the pilot program with the postal service to test out a vehicle mileage tax (VMT); and the other on the infrastructure bill. OPERATIONS & GENERAL AVIATION Mr. Broughton reviewed the total revenue passengers, fuel costs and fuel flowage for February 2021. Mr. Broughton noted that the fuel prices have gone down since the Agenda was prepared noting th that Jet A is $5.65/gallon and Avgas is $6.35/gallon as of the morning of April 7. D Mrs. Wilsey advised the Authority that ILM, Monteith and Novant will be hosting a vaccination th clinic at the Customs building on Thursday, April 8 essential workers and construction workers on the ILM campus. There are 400 slots with at least 225 appointments made. Mrs. Wilsey reported that she will be attending the ACI-NA Airport CEO Conference April 13- 16 in Orlando, Florida for the first time. Mrs. Wilsey noted that an area of concern to be discussed at the conference is anticipated summer surges of passengers and how airports will ramp up staff and parking for these surges and also continue to maintain social distancing in the gate areas and in TSA checkpoint que lines. It is anticipated that there will be gradual increases throughout the summer but surges around the Memorial Day, Labor Day and Fourth of July holidays. Mrs. Wilsey also noted that the TSA Security Directive requiring masks to be worn on airport property expires May 11, 2021 but it is anticipated that it will be extended. Mrs. Wilsey updated the Authority on the Small Community Air Service Grant noting that there were 77 airport applicants requesting over $58M for each of the projects with only $18M to award. USDOT will be reviewing applications and hope to make awards by August 2021. Mrs. th Wilsey noted she has a presentation before the City Council on Monday, April 19 regarding the n. Mrs. Wilsey updated the Authority on the summer seasonal flights noting that American in June/July American will be starting Boston service on Saturday and adding Monday -Friday service for 6 flights a week to Boston. American will also have 2 flights a day to DCA and will be up gauging the DFW flights to a mainline aircraft. nd Mrs. Wilsey further reported that United has given notice that in May they will have a 2 Dulles flight on many days and 2 RONs to Dulles which adds more capacity for United. nd Mrs. Wilsey noted there is no update from Delta yet regarding a 2 RON to Atlanta yet, but it looks like there will be more seats this summer and the hope is that tourism and business travelers will return and fill those seats. th Mrs. Wilsey reported that April 20 the ILM admin team will be back working in the office together full time since all will have had their vaccines for 2 weeks at that time. New Hanover County Airport Authority April 7, 2021 Page 5 Mrs. Girardot left the meeting at 6:06 pm and turned leadership of the meeting over to Mr. Thompson. Mrs. Wilsey updated the Authority on the administration calendars and noted that the Authority should be back together in person for the June meeting due to mask mandate still in effect for the May meeting date. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams to adjourn the meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Thompson adjourned the meeting at 6:08 pm. Prepared by: Respectfully Submitted: Rose M. Davis _______________________________ F. Spruill Thompson, Secretary Date of Approval: May 5, 2021