2021-05-20 Meeting Agenda D E O333 Airlie Gardens Foundation May 20, 2021 Board Meeting Agenda MICROSOFT TEAMS MEETING ağƩƉ ǤƌĻƩͲ tƩĻƭźķĻƓƷ 5ĻĬ IğǤĻƭͲ źĭĻ tƩĻƭźķĻƓƷ IğƓƉ 9ƭƷĻƦͲ ƩĻğƭǒƩĻƩ .ƚƓƓźĻ bĻƌƭƚƓͲ {ĻĭƩĻƷğƩǤ ğƩğ 5ǒĭƉǞƚƩƷŷͲ 5źƩĻĭƷƚƩ ƚŅ tğƩƉƭ ğƓķ DğƩķĻƓƭ MISSION To ensure and help preserve Airlie Gardens as an outstanding, historic public garden with cultural and environmental programs developed to serve New Hanover County residents and other visitors. May 20, 2021; 8:15 am: Microsoft Teams Meeting Called to Order Mark Tyler, President Recurring Consent Agenda Items of Business 1. Approval of the April Minutes Regular Agenda Items of Business 1. 2. Hank Estep, Board Treasurer a. Financial Update for period ending April 30, 2021 3. & staff 4. Development/Marketing & Outreach Report: Janine Powell 5. Other Business: All Board Members 6. Next Meeting: June 17, 2021 AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION BOARD PAGE 1 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 15, 2021 ASSEMBLY The Airlie Gardens Foundation Board met in Regular session via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 8:15 a.m. Present: Deb Hays (presiding), Eric Blaesing, Mike Creed, Teddy Davis, Hank Estep, Coo Hocker, Bonnie Nelson, Charlie Rivenbark, John Russ, and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Absent: Andrew Cooke, Rep. Ted Davis, Teddy Davis, and Mark Tyler. Guests. Ron Copley and Justin Burgess (Copley Investment Management) Staff: Scott Childs, Tara Duckworth, Tanya Gurganious, Andy Johnson, Rebecca Pearce, and Janine Powell. WELCOME AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Deb Hays called the meeting to order and asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of the March meeting. No changes or corrections were noted, and the following motion was presented: MOTION: Charlie Rivenbark MOVED; SECONDED by Commissioner Rob Zapple, that the minutes of the March th April 18 meeting be approved as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. Deb Hays welcomed those in attendance. st 2. T Hank shared that Ron Copley and Justin Burgess would provide a 1 quarter update of the endowment. They shared that the cumulative investment gain since January 28, 2016 was $2,257,145 with an average annual rate of return of 12.74%. The beginning value was $5,512,082 with an ending value of $6,136,986 and an investment return of 5.62%. 3. Director/Operations Report. Tara shared that with the nice weather, the gardens have been packed. Within the last two weeks, 10,000 visitors have come through the gardens. Membership and gate revenue are up with the gift shop revenue rebounding after having been closed for several months. The owls have arrived Pre- registration is now required for the bird walk with a cap at 40. However, at the most recent bird walk, 46 people were present. 4. Development Report. Janine Powell shared the concert schedule which is as follows: 7/2 Monkey Function 7/16 Jack, Jack 180 8/6 Wilmington Big Band 8/26 Machine Gun 9/3 Signal Fire 9/17 L Shaped Lot AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION BOARD PAGE 2 REGULAR MEETING APRIL 15, 2021 5. Other Business. Deb Hays thanked Commissioner Rob Zapple for coming to assist with the planting of the azaleas, along with the Garden Club and Airlie staff. The owl and artist presentation will take place th on Thursday, July 8. The board and upper-level members will be invited. (Invitations will be sent in June.) th 6. Next Meeting. The next board meeting will take place via Microsoft Teams on Thursday, May 20 at 8:15am. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the following motion was presented: MOTION: Mike Creed MOVED; SECONDED by Coo Hocker, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The meeting adjourned at 9:01am. Respectfully submitted, Tanya Gurganious Administrative Coordinator -Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Airlie Gardens Foundation Board meeting. Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. Balance Sheet As of April 30, 2021 (FY 2021) Foundation Endowment Total ASSETS Current Assets Cash Accounts Petty Cash $1,500 $0 $1,500 South State Checking $664,927 $0 $664,927 SS - Temp Rest (Weddings) $131,250 $0 $131,250 Total Current Assets $797,677 $0 $797,677 Long-Term Assets Endowment Charles Schwab - Endowment $0 $6,359,365 $6,359,365 Total Endowment $0 $6,359,365 $6,359,365 Total Current/Long Term Assets $797,677 $6,359,365 $7,157,041 Other Assets Inventory - Gift Shop $17,685 $0 $17,685 Net Property and Equipment $34,386 $0 $34,386 Prepaid Expenses $14,966 $0 $14,966 AR - Sales Taxes $7,424 $0 $7,424 AR - Other $0 $0 $0 Total Other Assets $74,461 $0 $74,461 TOTAL ASSETS $872,137 $6,359,365 $7,231,502 LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Deferred Wedding&Event Revenues $131,250 $0 $131,250 Deferred Sponsorship Income $13,000 $0 $13,000 Accounts Payable - NHC $76,134 $0 $76,134 Accounts Payable - Sales Taxes $10,531 $0 $10,531 Accounts Payable - Vendors $8,330 $0 $8,330 Total Current Liabilities $239,245 $0 $239,245 Equity Opening Bal Equity/Retained Earnings $238,342 $4,757,994 $4,996,336 Net Income $394,551 $1,601,370 $1,995,921 Total Equity $632,893 $6,359,364 $6,992,257 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $872,138 $6,359,364 $7,231,502 Airlie Gardens Foundation, Inc. Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison FY2021 YTD Apr YTD Apr FY 2021 FY 2020 $ Change % Change OPERATIONS Operating Income 4100 Concert Series - Revenues $0 $33,153 ($33,153) -100.0% 4200 Enchanted Airlie - Revenue $209,767 $236,341 ($26,574) -11.24% 4300 Oyster Roast - Revenues $0 $52,903 ($52,903) -100.0% 4400 Grant Revenues $70,000 $75,531 ($5,531) -7.32% 4500 Contributions Income $36,149 $10,561 $25,588 242.27% 4600 Gate Revenues $301,044 $122,981 $178,063 144.79% 4700 Membership Revenues $243,226 $162,100 $81,126 50.05% 4800 Merchandise Revenues $62,389 $49,339 $13,051 26.45% 4900 Environmental Education $4,652 $6,781 ($2,129) -31.4% 5000 Wedding & Garden Events $51,438 $22,960 $28,477 124.03% 5100 Other Revenue $350 $3,791 ($3,441) -90.77% 5200 Interest $3,407 $3,740 ($333) -8.91% 5500 Exhibit Revenues $32,150 $7,000 $25,150 359.29% Total Operating Income $1,014,572 $787,181 $227,391 28.89% Operating Expenses 6100 Concert Series - Expenses $2,200 $33,850 ($31,650) -93.5% 6200 Enchanted - Expenses $143,284 $87,033 $56,251 64.63% 6300 Oyster Roast - Expenses $0 $42,085 ($42,085) -100.0% 6400 Grant Expenses $72,735 $173,907 ($101,173) -58.18% 6600 Gate Expenses $10,832 $20,060 ($9,228) -46.0% 6700 Membership Expenses $5,276 $3,172 $2,104 66.35% 6800 Merchandise Expenses $32,258 $29,094 $3,163 10.87% 6900 Environ Education Exp $870 $556 $314 56.48% 7000 Wedding & Gardens Events $1,202 $1,612 ($410) -25.42% 7100 Other Expenses $13,223 $6,968 $6,255 89.76% 7200 Lake Management $11,220 $0 $11,220 100.0% 7300 Grounds Maintenance $17,558 $0 $17,558 100.0% 8000 Administrative Support $68,081 $61,499 $6,582 10.7% 9000 Salaries Paid to NHC $190,335 $190,335 $0 0.0% 10002 Special Exhibits $21,948 $2,330 $19,618 842.02% Total Operating Expenses $591,021 $652,502 ($61,481) -9.42% TOTAL NET OPERATING INCOME $423,551 $134,679 $288,872 214.49% Donated to Gardens & Endowment Capital Projects ($29,000) ($50,699) $21,699 42.8% Donated to Endowment $0 $0 $0 0.0% Donated to Gardens & Endowment ($29,000) ($50,699) $21,699 42.8% Endowment Investment Income $60,447 $75,103 ($14,656) -19.52% Investment Expenses ($37,569) ($30,264) ($7,305) -24.14% Unrealized Gains/Losses $1,578,492 ($365,549) $1,944,041 531.81% Total Endowment Income/(Loss) $1,601,370 ($320,710) $1,922,080 599.32% TOTAL NET INCOME $1,995,921 ($236,730) $2,232,651 943.12%