Response to TRC Comments Piedmont Natural Gas Major Site Plan TRC Response 5.21.2RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > PNG-20000 2905 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713 / 919. 361. 5000 creating experiences through experience April 23, 2021 New Hanover County Planning and Land Use 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 RE: Piedmont Natural Gas – Sutton Steam Plant Road – Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Case Number: SITECN-21-000003 Response to TRC Comments PNG-20000 The following are the response comments for the above-mentioned project. Our response comments are in bold. PLANNING Ron Meredith 910. 798. 7441 Please update the plan with the following general corrections: Is there any intention of installing signage? If so, please show the location and note any proposed sign is subject to Section 5.6. McAdams Response: No site signage is proposed. Please be aware that no building permit will be issued until NCDOT has issued the Driveway Permit approval. McAdams Response: Noted, NCDOT driveway applications have been submitted. Please show the required 50 front yard setback on the site plan and the landscape plan per Section 3.4.11. McAdams Response: 50’ front yard setback shown. Please show site angles on the site plan and landscape plan. McAdams Response: Site triangles are shown. 2. This proposal is classified as Fuel Sales and is an approved use in the I-2 district with the applicable standards below: a. Fuel sales shall comply with the following standards: The premises shall not be used for the sale of vehicles. McAdams Response: Note added to site plan for reference. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > PNG-20000 creating experiences through experience 2 of 5 > Fuel pump canopies shall meet the setbacks of the underlying zoning district, as measured from the outer edge of any supportive structure physically connected to a fuel pump and the ground along a straight line to the nearest point of the property line. McAdams Response: Canopy adheres to setbacks of underlying zoning district. > Setback distances from street rights-of-way may be reduced by one half. McAdams Response: Noted. 3. Please submit a Landscape Plan to verify the following standards: a. The subject tract appears to have about 720 lineal feet of street frontage with about 25 feet as a minimum depth. This will require about 30 trees and 6 shrubs per tree (180 shrubs). Please refer to Section 5.4.6.B for the street yard requirements. Currently the plan has about 14 trees and around 80 shrubs. McAdams Response: The landscape plan provides calculations for the required streetyard, including the linear footage with driveways removed and the required area of 12,050. The variable width between the min 12.5’ and max 37.5’ is used to achieve the required area. Per that calculation, the required trees and shrubs are included on the plan. Per phone conversation on 4/20, this was an acceptable approach to the streetyard requirement. b. Please note that if there are existing trees a minimum two inches DBH in the proposed street yard, credit may be granted for those trees. McAdams Response: Existing trees (8 total) in the proposed street yard are being counted toward the total required trees. 4. Tree Retention: a. Please submit a tree inventory plan that gives the specific species of the trees. McAdams Response: Tree Removal Plan provided with calculations. Replacement trees to mitigate trees being removed are shown on the landscape plan. b. A minimum of 15 trees at least 2” DBH must be retained or planted on the parcel where development occurs for each acre or proportionate area disturbed. Trees required for any landscaping except mitigation may be counted towards this. McAdams Response: The plant coverage requirement for the total disturbed site area (1.65 AC) is 25 trees. 12 trees are being provided in the streeetyard, and an additional 13 trees are provided on site to fulfill this requirement. FIRE SERVICES Raymond Griswold 910. 508. 0234 1. Completed site visit and attended review at last TRC Meeting. The following is required as discussed: RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > PNG-20000 creating experiences through experience 3 of 5 a. A fire hydrant shall be located at the outer portion of one of the driveway entrances. Across the street depending on where the water line runs is an option as well. We want it within 250 feet of the property, but not on top of the site for safety reasons. ie: wind, escaping gas etc. McAdams Response: Fire hydrant provided near NE corner of site. b. Follow Appendix J rules along with NFPA 704 signage per the code. McAdams Response: Added a note for reference on the site plan, sheet 5, in the general notes. c. Emergency Contact info. is required along with a street number posted so it can be seen from the street please feel free to contact our office if you need further. McAdams Response: Added a note for posting on the site plan, sheet 5, in the general notes. STORMWATER Galen Jamison 910. 798. 7142 1. Provide calculations that the 2 low lying areas infiltrate in accordance with NHC Design Manual, section 80. McAdams Response: Calculations provided. 2. Submit for a land distributing permit thought the state of North Carolina. McAdams Response: Submitted to NCDEQ on 3/26/21. 3. The project appears to quality for an exemption for stormwater systems. However, calculations are still needed for the infiltrating low-lying areas, culvert, swales and energy dissipater. McAdams Response: Calculations provided. LAND DISTURBANCE Beth Wetherill 910. 798. 7432 1. Should be permitted by State DEQ for erosion control. McAdams Response: Noted. CAPE FEAR PUBLIC UTILITY AUTHORITY Bernice Johnson 910. 332. 6620 1. CFPUA water; no CFPUA sewer available. McAdams Response: Noted. 2. If project needs domestic water, fire line or hydrant is installed, CFPUA plan review required. McAdams Response: Noted. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > PNG-20000 creating experiences through experience 4 of 5 3. Domestic water installation will require Meter Sizing Form. McAdams Response: Form submitted. TRANSPORTAION Nick Drees 910. 398. 9100 1. A NCDOT Driveway Permit is required. Submit a plan in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways to include access locations within 500’ of the proposed access on both sides of the State road. Submit to the local NCDOT District Engineer’s Office. McAdams Response: Noted, NCDOT driveway applications have been submitted. 2. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installation within NCDOT right- of-way. McAdams Response: Noted. 3. NCDOT Driveway Permits are now submitted through the NCDOT Driveway website. Should you have any questions please contact NCDOT District Office at (910) 398-9100. McAdams Response: Noted, thanks! ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Marie Hemmen 910. 798. 6664 1. The proposal will not have any water using fixtures, only fire hydrants on and off the property regulated by CFPUA. Any fuel tanks or contamination sources will be regulated by DEQ. McAdams Response: Noted. WMPO Kayla Grubb 910. 772. 4170 1. NCDOT Projects: a. TIP Projects in the Area: R-2633D > Project Description: I-140/US 17 WILMINGTON BYPASS | IMPLEMENTATION OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (ITS). McAdams Response: Noted. > Construction Year: Under construction McAdams Response: Noted. b. TIP Projects in the Area: I-6038 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS > PNG-20000 creating experiences through experience 5 of 5 > Project Description: I-140 from US 421 TO US 74/US 76. PAVEMENT REHABILITATION. McAdams Response: Noted. > Construction Year: 2029 McAdams Response: Noted. c. TIP Projects in the Area: U-5731 > Project Description: US 74 at US 17/US 421 IN WILMINGTON. CONSTRUCT A FLY-OVER AND FREE FLOW RAMP AT INTERCHANGE. McAdams Response: Noted. > Construction Year: 2028 (ROW year 2024) McAdams Response: Noted. 2. WMPO 2045 Projects: N/A McAdams Response: Noted. 3. New Hanover County CTP: N/A McAdams Response: Noted 4. TIA: A TIA will not be required. McAdams Response: Noted Consideration of this response is greatly appreciated. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 919. 361. 5000. Sincerely, MCADAMS Kirk Shearer Senior Design Manager, Energy KS / dd