2021-06-02 Agenda Meeting 5:00 PM Wednesday June 2, 2021 Limited Staff In Person Airport Authority New Hanover County Agenda Page 1Agenda Page 1 Authority, Staff and Public Remotely on Zoom Tab 1Tab 2Tab 3Tab 4Tab 5Tab 6Tab 7Tab 8 5:00 PM Airport Authority - Agenda Page 2Agenda Page 2 Meeting Agenda June 2, 2021 New Hanover County Facilities & Terminal ExpansionFinance & Human ResourcesBusiness DevelopmentGovernment Operations and General Aviation Pledge of AllegianceCall to Order/Code of Ethics ClauseApproval of MinutesPublic Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes)Staff ReportsUnfinished Business/New Business/Adjournment Agenda Page 3Agenda Page 3 Code of Ethics Adopted 9/2/2015 New Hanover County Airport Authority obey all applicable laws;uphold the integrity and independence of the Authority;avoid impropriety;faithfully perform the duties of the office; and,conduct the affairs of the Authority in an open and public manner. In accordance with the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Resolution Adopting a Code of Ethics, as adopted on January 5, 2015, it is the duty of all County boards and committees to respect and abide by the New Hanover County Code of Ethics in the performance of their duties.More specifically all Airport Authority members should: is further the duty of every Authority member to avoid both conflicts of interest and appearances of conflicts. Does any member have any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matters coming before the Authority today? If so, please identify the conflict or appearance of conflict and refrain from any undue participation in the particular matter involved. Agenda Page 4Agenda Page 4 Tab 1 meeting. Approval of Minutes 2021 will be reserved for review and approval at the The Authority has been provided a copy of the minutes for the May 5, The minutes for the closed session held on May 5, 2021 New Hanover County Airport Authority May 5, 2021 Page1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY REGULARMEETING May 5,2021 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met onWednesday,May 5,2021,through special measuresdue to COVID19,consisting of alimited number attending in person,andaZoom meeting for Authority members,ILM staffand public participationremotely.ChairmanGirardot called the meeting to order at5:04p.m.Chairman Girardot welcomed the public and identified theAuthority members and ILM staff present in the Zoom meeting. Chairman Girardot outlined guidance and direction to all for the special measures being taken for this meeting. Airport Authority membersattendingremotely through Zoom meetingwereDonna Girardot, Chairman;Harry Stovall, Vice Chairman;Tom Wolfe,Julia Olson-Boseman;Nick Rhodes,and Wanda Copley, County Attorney. Airport Authority members Spruill Thompson, Secretary, and Lee Williams were absent from this meeting. ILM staff attending and social distancing in the Executive Conference room wereJulie A. Wilsey, Airport Director;Gary Broughton, Deputy Director;Granseur Dick, Facilities Director; Robert Campbell, Finance Director;Carol LeTellier, Business Development Director;Gary Taylor, OperationsManager;Tamie Keel, Facilities Manager; andRose Davis, Executive Assistant. The public was able tojointhe meetingremotelyand approximately8people were presentvia Zoom meeting. Public comments were accepted via email through 5pm,May 4, 2021,to be readat the meeting. Chairman Girardot asked Authority members if they had any conflict of interest pursuant to the Authority’s Code of Ethics statement. No conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest wereidentified. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Authority has reviewed the minutesofthemeeting onApril 7, 2021.Mr. WolfeMOVED, SECONDED byMr. Rhodestoapprove the minutesof theApril 7, 2021Airport Authority meetingas submitted.Vote was taken by roll call.Upon vote,the MOTION WAS APPROVED.Mr.Thompsonand Mr. Williamswereabsent. FACILITIES&TERMINAL EXPANSION Mr. Dick recommended the approval ofa contract with Monteith Construction in the amount of $61,135.00 for structural canopy repairs pending legal review and approval of the contract documents. The insurance company for the at-fault driver has already paid the airport for this work. Mr. Stovall MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe to approve the contract with Monteith Agenda Page 5Agenda Page 5 New Hanover County Airport Authority May 5, 2021 Page2 Construction as recommended above.Vote was taken by roll call. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Williams were absent. Mr. Dick updated the Authority on the status of the terminal expansion project,theBusiness Park Development Standards,the Runway 6 Ditch and Perimeter Fence Repair project, and the Commercial Service Apron Expansion. Chairman Girardot suggested that Mr. Dickset dates formedia toursofthe expansion project at some point in the future. FINANCE& HUMAN RESOURCES Mr. Campbellreviewed ILM’sMarchfinancial summary, financials and cash summary. Mr. Campbell recommended the approval of theFY22 Proposed Budget of $44,578,550 ($8,623,050 Operating; $35,955,500 Capital) be made available for public review for a period of twenty-five (25) days.Mrs. Olson-BosemanMOVED, SECONDED byMr. Stovallto approve the FY22 Proposed Budget be made available for public review as recommended above.Vote was taken by roll call. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Thompson and Mr. Williams were absent. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Ms. LeTellierrecommended the approval ofanewland lease with Edge Landscaping Inc. for 1 acre of unimproved land off Blue Clay Road for a term of 12 months. Total annual rent is $10,890. Mr. StovallMOVED, SECONDEDMr. Wolfeto approvea land lease with Edge Landscaping Inc.as recommended above. Vote was taken by roll call. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED.Mr. Thompson and Mr. Williams were absent. Ms. LeTellier updated the Authority on the recent media coverage of the terminal expansion project, general aviation and the business park in the Greater Wilmington Business Journal and the GWBJ BizTalkfeaturingGranseur Dick. Ms. LeTellier also updated the Authority on thestatus ofHertzRental Carsbankruptcy and the pending sale ofsome oftheirconcession and service centers, including ILM’s, toGSP (Thrifty and Dollar Rental cars). The bankruptcy court date to determine if the Hertzservicefacilityand concession leases will be assigned toGSP is May 18th.TheAuthority doesnotneed to take any action.The bankruptcy courtactionwill dictate the assignment of the leases. Chairman Girardot requested an update from the Business Development Committee on any information gathered regarding the County’s newindustrialpark on Blue Clay Road andthe effects on ILM’s business park and budget.Ms. LeTellier reported that the BlueClay Road sites are available for sale whereas ILM sites are for lease. Chairman Girardot commented that the Authority did not know that at the last meeting. Ms. LeTellier stated there is no infrastructure in place on Blue Clay Road, however, the Countyplans to put in water and sewer in the future. Well capitalized prospects may want to purchase land whereas others may be more interest in leasing land. Agenda Page 6Agenda Page 6 New Hanover County Airport Authority May 5, 2021 Page3 GOVERNMENT Chairman Girardot reported on the pending PFC increasein the infrastructure billnoting that there is a lot of competition among a variety of stakeholders to secure the scarce resources. Airportsarelobbying for more critical infrastructure funding and to modernize the PFCs. The PFC is currently $4.50, and airports are asking for an incremental increase of $1 annually starting in 2023 until it reaches $8.50 in 2026, then an annual adjustment for inflation after that. Chairman Girardot updated the Authority on State legislation for Peer-to-Peer Car Rentals (Turo). At this point Senate Bill 623 is parked. This legislation further defines the peer-to-peer relationship as it pertains to insurance, licenses, and time limits, and still enables airports to regulatePeer-to-Peer Car Rentaloperationson airport property and charge a feefor the operation. Chairman Girardot reminded the Authority that theAnnual Report totheCountyCommissioners is scheduled for 9 am at their June 21, 2021 meeting. Anyone that would like to attend the meeting should let Mrs. Wilsey know. OPERATIONS& GENERAL AVIATION Mr. Broughtonreviewed the total revenue passengers, fuel costs andfuel flowage forMarch 2021. Mr. Broughton advised the Authority that the TSA Security Directive regarding masks has been extended throughSeptember 13, 2021 requiring masks be worn on all airport property inside and outside. Mr. Broughton announced the retirement of Gary Taylor, Operations Manager, effective August th 1, 2021.Mr.Taylor is ILM’s 4most tenured employee with over 21 years at ILM.Mr.Taylor was hired as a Public Safety Officer in January2000 and went on to become ILM’s K9 Officer along with his bomb dog Gino;he was further promoted toLieutenant/K9; Captain; Chief; and finally,Operations Managerin September 2011. DIRECTOR’S REPORT Mrs. Wilsey updated the Authority on the ACI-NA Airport CEO conference and the hot topics discussed which included entry level employees, concession recovery, rental car shortages, passenger spikes at TSA checkpoints and in parking lots, themask mandate and electronic vaccination records. Mrs. Wilsey reported on her FY22 budget presentation to the City Council requesting SCASDG support in the amount of $25,000. Mrs. Wilsey noted she would be attending the Routes America Air Service Conference June 23- 25 with APAC. Mrs. Wilsey shared that APAC’s Oliver Lamb reports that for June 2021 our seat capacity has returned to within 1% of ourJune2019 seat capacity.Mrs. Wilsey shared the airlines’ summer schedules. Mr. Lamb is very optimisticabout the schedule and airline meetings at Routes America and is planning to provide his update to the Authority at either the July or August Authority meeting. Agenda Page 7Agenda Page 7 New Hanover County Airport Authority May 5, 2021 Page4 Mrs. Wilseyadvised theReal ID deadlinehas beenextendeduntil May 3, 2023 due to reduced DMV capacity during pandemic. Mrs. Wilsey announced the opening of the remodeled bathrooms in the rental car/baggage claim area of the terminal and the pre-security Mothers’ Room for nursing mothers and the Family restroom. Mrs. McNally will be posting on social media for Mother’s Day. Mrs. Wilsey reported that Erin McNally, Marketing Specialist, has completed her MBA and will be graduating on May 6, 2021. Mrs. Wilsey reviewed the May–July calendars. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. CLOSED SESSION Chairman Girardot called for a motion for the Authority to enter a closed session to discuss matters relating to expansion of Industry/Economic Development Opportunities pursuant to N.C.G.S. §143-318.11(a)(4) and toconsult with attorney regarding a matter of potential litigation pursuant to N.C.G.S. §143-318.11(a)(3).Mr. StovallMOVED, SECONDED byMr. Wolfeto enterclosed session to discuss expansion of industry/economic development andpotential litigation. Vote was taken by roll call. TheMOTION CARRIED.Mr. Thompson and Mr. Williams were absent. All persons not Authority members or ILM staff were asked to leave the zoom meeting at this time. The Authority went into closed session at5:44pm. OPEN SESSION The Authority returned to OPEN SESSION. Chairman Girardot reported that the Authority has completed itsdiscussion of expansion of industry/economic development and potential litigation and no action was taken. ADJOURNMENT Mr. RhodesMOVED, SECONDED byMr. Wolfetoadjourn the meeting.There being no further business to come before the Board,Chairman Girardotadjourned the meeting at6:35pm. Prepared by:Respectfully Submitted: Rose M. Davis _______________________________ F. Spruill Thompson,Secretary Date of Approval: Agenda Page 8Agenda Page 8 Campbell Staff MemberGranseur DickBobCarol LeTellierJulie WilseyGary BroughtonJulie Wilsey Boseman - Agenda Page 9Agenda Page 9 Williams Staff Reports Airport Authority MemberDonna GirardotSpruill ThompsonLeeTom WolfeHarry StovallSpruill ThompsonTom WolfeDonna GirardotJulia OlsonNick RhodesHarry Stovall & Human Resources/ /Tab 6 CommitteeFacilities & Terminal Expansion/Tab 2FinanceTab 3Business Development/Tab 4Government/Tab 5Operations & GeneralAviation f /State . Renovation of the ticket lobby th : Renovation work on the rental car Contractor is continuing with This project was advertised for bid May 21. Bid year contract to Hambones Lawn Maintenance - Schedule 2 Work Schedule 1 Work: Project remains in CAMA and US Army Corps of Engineers review Agenda Page 10Agenda Page 10 Tab 2 Recommend approval of a two Recommendation to approve Airport Authority Chairman to accept all Federal . Bid Date is scheduled for June 21, 2021. th Facilities & Terminal Expansion Contract 3 (FAA, AIP, PFC, State, General) - None Chairman Authority to Approve GrantsGrants received for the next 120 days. Landscaping Contract (Parking Lot Fund) for lawn maintenance at $57,000 per year. Scope includes mowing, edging, shrub trimming and ground cover work for the terminal area and business park parking lots and including Airport Blvd. Terminal Expansion installation of interior sheet rock, mechanical plumbing and electrical work. lobby restrooms is nearing completion with expected opening to the public the week of May 24restrooms is expected to begin after the Memorial Day Holiday. Work in these areas is anticipated to be complete by the end oJuly 2021. Current concessions tenant Tailwinds has provided initial sketches of their proposed upfits in new concessions andrestaurant spaces in the terminal. Schedule 1 and 2 work is on track to complete December of 2021 and December of 2022, respectively. Runway 6 Ditch and Perimeter Fence Repair (FEMA) and was advertised for bidding May 26Commercial Service Apron Expansion (FAA Supplemental Discretionary) Date is scheduled for June 22, 2021. Action Items a.b.Information Items a.b.c. (Agenda pages 17-19) Tab 3 Agenda Page 11Agenda Page 11 Finance & Human Resources Decrease Parking Lot ($600,000), increase Rental ($600,000). Net decrease $0 Decrease Contracted Services ($60,000), increase Vehicle Maintenance & (Agenda page 16) Capital)Operating Revenue:Operating Expense: Repair ($35,000), increase Equipment Leasing ($5,000), increase Insurance ($15,000), increaseUniforms ($5,000). Net increase $0. This entry simply reallocates expenses from those accounts thatare expected to be under budget to those that are expected to exceed the current budget. Monthly Financials April Financial Summary, Financials and Cash Summary (Agenda pages 12-15)Action Items a.Recommend approval of FY2022 Budget of $4,578,550 ($8,623,050 Operating; $35,955,500b.Recom mend approval of FY21 Budget Amendments c.Recommend approval of FY21 Schedule of Charges, Fees, and Rentsd.Essential Employee Recognition Information Items -None BudgetBudget FY20 FY20 FY21FY21 Operating Expense Operating Revenue JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun - - 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 Agenda Page 12 %%% 7.1%0.6%0.0%0.0% -9.3%-7.8%-3.0% Pct 80.8%40.4%62.8%85.5%49.517.1%70.3% -18.9%-35.4%-45.4%-38.7%-24.3%-59.9%-30.0%-48.9%-46.4%-17.0%-41.6%-19.5 160.1%131.7%278.2%114.5% -100.0%-151.3 1 -374.74 4,983.491,007.712,166.304,221.53 -2,121.43-1,250.00 71,989.0037,781.7462,751.7083,408.4658,587.54 -98,563.19-29,835.92-26,827.63-74,698.55-27,515.19-11,499.19-32,244.34 Variance 723,184.93325,563.74923,907.66447,440.64594,024.36 -346,983.00-329,409.94-154,056.76-565,842.34-116,004.27 Page: 2,329,044.873,728,321.79 -1,399,276.92 0.000.00 1,250.00 25,880.0033,010.0097,540.0029,160.0014,150.0091,660.0024,800.0012,490.0012,490.0077,480.0083,330.00 895,150.00805,350.00577,150.00339,830.00100,000.00435,100.00216,894.00122,820.00345,810.00124,740.00237,080.00359,990.00 Budgeted 1,834,560.004,708,470.003,523,240.001,460,390.007,172,874.00 -2,464,404.00 0.00 Year-To-Date: 7/01/2020- 4/30/2021 Actual 4,221.53 97,869.0070,791.7434,143.4992,984.0815,157.7150,041.4564,144.8113,300.8110,368.5712,115.2645,235.66 787,270.64162,751.70180,948.46281,043.24118,330.81894,547.66318,982.37121,075.73362,156.30141,917.54594,024.36 1,618,334.931,130,913.741,501,057.661,487,577.007,037,514.873,193,830.065,773,597.081,263,917.79 %%% 4.1%0.0%0.0%0.0% -9.9%-7.3% Pct 33.2%87.0%54.715.5% -16.7%-19.4%-77.7%-76.8%-38.0%-68.4%-23.0%-67.1%-12.8%-70.3%-41.5%-26.8%-69.1%-23.0 126.2%103.4%158.4%135.3%283.7%107.6% -100.0%-272.6 0.000.00 -324.76-518.50-334.42-125.00 7,342.003,553.003,319.798,484.463,683.061,463.61 -5,050.20-2,264.70-5,185.03-2,524.97-8,634.36-1,170.69-1,743.37-5,355.82 83,247.2891,423.3245,973.3269,743.81 -46,528.00-34,939.95-52,514.36-55,520.04 Variance 112,924.66309,739.83480,799.33 -171,059.50 0.000.00 125.00 2,588.003,301.009,754.002,916.007,582.001,415.009,166.002,480.001,249.001,249.007,748.008,333.00 89,515.0080,535.0057,715.0033,983.0010,000.0026,010.0068,421.0034,581.0012,874.0023,708.0035,999.00 278,456.00565,847.00352,324.00146,039.00742,219.00 Budgeted -176,372.00 Agenda Page 13Agenda Page 13 All Departments Consolidated 0.000.00 For the Month Ending: 4/30/2021 651.30736.63730.50914.58 Actual 9,930.006,854.002,396.971,090.244,239.647,995.312,392.188,333.00 79,956.3213,319.7918,238.4620,959.8015,906.6490,518.9632,056.0327,391.0637,462.6169,743.81 202,439.66163,782.28149,138.32231,928.00875,586.83317,384.05571,159.50304,427.33 One-Year Budget Performance Report Wilmington International Airport Aviation RevenueCommission RevenueRental RevenueBusiness Park RevenueExpense Reimbursement RevenueMiscellaneous RevenueInterest IncomeParking Lot RevenueTerminal Advertising RevenueSalaries, Wages & BenefitsBuilding/Grounds Maint & RepairVehicle Maint & RepairEquipment Maint & RepairContracted ServicesProfessional ServicesEquipment LeasingUtilitiesMeetings & EducationAir Service DevelopmentAdvertising/MarketingDepartmental Office SuppliesDues & PublicationsInsurance/BondsUniformsBusiness Park ExpensesProvision For Doubtful A/RMaint, Devel & Repair ReserveMisc ExpenseCFC Revenue Total Income:Total Expense:Profit Before Other: 40004001400240034004400540064007400860016005601060156020602560306035604060456050605560606065607065007800790079998003 11:25AM 5/24/2021 Account Run: IncomeExpenseOther Income %%% 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.00.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0 Pct -492.4 2 720.00 68,854.60 Variance 807,474.18554,309.45375,796.17573,054.90 Page: 7,415,331.951,286,524.89 18,903,729.7028,274,869.6417,563,763.1219,868,713.6812,134,477.75 Budgeted -2,464,404.00 720.00 Year-To-Date: 7/01/2020- 4/30/2021 Actual 68,854.60 807,474.18554,309.45375,796.17573,054.90 7,415,331.951,286,524.899,670,073.75 18,903,729.7028,274,869.6417,563,763.1219,868,713.68 %%% 0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.00.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0 Pct -189.5 0.000.00 600.00 4,188.001,754.94 61,135.00 -66,506.37 Variance 116,708.93334,161.24 1,070,379.001,251,460.371,391,555.521,398,098.46 Budgeted -176,372.00 Agenda Page 14Agenda Page 14 All Departments Consolidated 0.000.00 For the Month Ending: 4/30/2021 600.00 Actual 4,188.001,754.94 61,135.00 -66,506.37 116,708.93157,789.24 One-Year Budget Performance Report 1,070,379.001,251,460.371,391,555.521,398,098.46 Wilmington International Airport PFC RevenueFAA AIP RevenueNC Grant RevenueInsurance ReimbursementPFC ExpensesFAA AIP ExpensesNC Grant ExpensesCapital Outlay ExpensesHurricane Florence ExpenseDebt Svc Interest - New Hanover County Total Other Income:Total Other Expense:Net Income: 8005801080208050900590109020903090509100 11:25AM 5/24/2021 Account Run: Other Expense Wilmington International Airport April 2021 Cash Summary Month End Account Balances InterestMonth End Account NameRateBalance BB&T General Operating Checking N/A$418,305.54 South State General Operating Checking N/A$326,762.58 BB&T Business Park Checking N/A 0.00 South State Business Park Checking N/A 8,575.00 BB&T Business Park Money Rate Savings0.10%37,450.66 South State Business Park Money Rate Savings0.50%2,642,951.00 BB&T Money Rate Savings0.10%0.00 South State Money Rate Savings0.50%30,250,665.47 Investment Account-Govt0.07%36,389.95 *** BB&T PFC Money Rate Savings 0.10%5.19 South State PFC Money Rate Savings ***0.50%3,739,182.58 BB&T CFC Money Rate Savings*** 0.10%16,053.97 South State CFC Money Rate Savings ***0.50%3,205,866.23 *** BB&T CFC Checking N/A- Petty Cash N/A 1,000.00 Total Cash40,683,208.17 Less Restricted Use ***6,961,107.97 Less Reserves: Maintenance & Development Reserve2,989,376.53 Operational Reserve4,000,000.00 Net Cash Available for Daily Operations$26,732,723.67 Monthly Cash Activity Beginning Balance$26,035,180.84 Receipts General Operating$2,970,194.00 GO Transfers In from MR Savings1,725,000.00 GO Transfers In from NCCMT- Business Park Operations Checking- Business Park Money Rate Savings128,074.86 Business Park Money Rate Savings Transfers In- Business Park Money Rate Savings Interest1,079.62 Money Rate Savings Transfers In2,130,000.00 Money Rate Savings Interest12,205.33 Investment Account-Govt Interest0.30 Total Receipts6,966,554.11 Disbursements General Operating Accounts Payable2,056,644.66 General Operating Payroll130,098.73 General Operating Transfers to Investment Accounts2,130,000.00 General Operating Transfers to Other Accounts182,091.87 Money Rate Savings Trf1,725,000.00 NCCMT Trf- Business Park Operations Checking Accounts Payable16,909.20 Business Park Money Rate Savings Transfers28,266.82 Total Disbursements(6,269,011.28) Ending Balance$26,732,723.67 Agenda Page 15Agenda Page 15 6 - 500,000795,000303,300397,300772,520 (772,520) 6,725,000 2,702,2001,250,0007,030,0002,550,0001,200,0003,200,0005,060,0005,537,8206,532,900 14,100,00035,955,50014,800,00036,728,020 Capital Expenditures Other Financing Sources Annual ProjectsLand AcquisitionPrior Year Carryover ProjectsAirfieldTerminalCurrent Year ProjectsAirfieldCapital Equipment:EquipmentRequired Administrative Reserve Debt ServiceBusiness ParkTerminalBusiness ParkPFC Revenue / ReservesCFC Revenue / ReservesAIP DiscretionaryAIP EntitlementState GrantNHC LoanCARES ActNet Capital ActivityNet Operating Income (Loss) 1,500 30,00073,99052,00035,00017,00030,00015,00013,00010,000 200,000 969,000569,500205,000132,500419,500150,500110,000258,500536,000180,500100,000 Agenda Page 16Agenda Page 16 (772,520) 1,808,8401,235,0004,363,000 1,764,7001,717,0007,850,5301,476,5508,623,050 Operating RevenuesOperating Expenses Fiscal Year 2022 Proposed Budget AviationCommissionExpense ReimbursementMiscellaneousTerminal AdvertisingSalaries, Wages and BenefitsNet Operating Income (Loss) RentalBusiness ParkInterestParking LotTotal RevenueBuilding/Grounds Maint & RepairVehicle Maint & RepairEquipment Maint & RepairContracted ServicesProfessional ServicesEquipment LeasingUtilitiesMeeti ngs & EducationAir Service DevelopmentAdvertising / MarketingDepartmental Office SuppliesDues & PublicationsInsuranceUniformsBusiness Park ExpensesAviation Event ExpensesProvision for Doubtful A/RMaint, Devel & Repair ReserveTotal Operating Expense WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (ILM) Wilmington, NC (1) SCHEDULE OF CHARGES, FEES & RENTS (Fees and charges applicable except where valid contracts apply and are subject to change at the discretion of the Airport Authority) Effective 7/1/21 DESCRIPTIONFY 2022 RATES Aircraft Parking ApronAnnual Rate Negotiated $50.00 per month minimum Automobile Parking Areas Terminal Tenant Employees (per space per month)$12.00 Rental Car/Limousine Ready Spaces (per space per month)$30.00 Public Parking Main Hourly - Short Term: 0 – 30 minutesFree 31 min – 1 hour$ 1.00 Each additional hour$ 1.00 Maximum each 24 hours$ 24.00 Main Daily - Long Term: 0 – 30 minutesFree 31 min – 1 hour$ 1.00 Each additional hour$ 1.00 Maximum each 24 hours$ 10.00 Credit Card Premium (G) Lot: 0 – 30 minutesFree 31 min – 1 hour$ 1.00 Each additional hour$ 1.00 Maximum each 24 hours$14.00 Credit Card Standard (F) Lot: 0 – 30 minutesFree 31 min – 1 hour$1.00 Each additional hour$1.00 Maximum each 24 hours$10.00 Credit Card Economy (H) Lot: 0 – 30 minutesFree 31 min – 1 hour$1.00 Each additional hour$1.00 Maximum each 24 hours$8.00 North Daily Lot: 0 – 30 minutesFree 31 min – 1 hour$1.00 Each additional hour$1.00 Maximum each 24 hours$12.00 Airline and Crew Parking Airline Personnel and Crews Serving ILM$30.00 per month Other Airline Personnel (of airlines serving ILM)$50.00 per month Off Airport Parking Lot Concessions45% of gross Ground TransportationPer Schedule Unaccompanied Baggage Concessions (Note 4)5% of gross Terminal Use Fee$250.00 per use Page 1 of 3 Agenda Page 17Agenda Page 17 WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (ILM) Wilmington, NC (1) SCHEDULE OF CHARGES, FEES & RENTS (Fees and charges applicable except where valid contracts apply and are subject to change at the discretion of the Airport Authority) Effective 7/1/21 DESCRIPTIONFY 2022 RATES Boarding Bridge Fee (Min $150.00)$150.00 per hour Boarding Stair Truck$150.00 per use Boarding Bridge Fee$1,700 monthly Floor Rental Charges Terminal Building(SFY=Square Foot Per Year) Counter & Queuing$42.29 SFY Office Space$24.77 SFY Inbound Baggage (Note 2)$31.73 SFY Hold Room$42.29 SFY Baggage Makeup$31.73 SFY Baggage Claim (Note 2)$42.29 SFY Airline Operations Area$24.77 SFY Office Buildings$5.00 to 17.00 SFY Warehouse Space$4.50 to 12.00 SFY Land Rents Landsideacre/year subject to location and negotiation Airside - Unimproved$0.319 SFY Airside - Improved$0.374 SFY Non-Terminal Rental Car Agency Concessions or Car Sharing (Note 3)9% of gross -doing business on the airport or with individuals passing through the airport Aircraft Landing Fees (MGLW=Maximum Certificated Gross Landing Weight): Certificated Air Carrier (Part 121 & Part 135) Scheduled$2.11/1000 lbs. MGLW with $25.00 minimum Non-scheduled (Domestic or International)$2.60/1000 lbs. MGLW with $100.00 minimum All Other Commercial Aircraft Operators$2.11/1000 lbs. MGLW With Aircraft based at Airportwith $15.00 minimum Aircraft not based at Airport$2.11/1000 lbs. MGLW with $15.00 minimum International Terminal Use Fee General Aviation$75.00 per use Air Carrier Charters and Schedule Service$150.00 per use Airline Security Fee$565,000 pro-rated based on enplaned passengers Fuel Flowage Fee$0.09 per gallon Parking Citations$25.00 / $50.00 Civil Citations$100.00 Page 2 of 3 Agenda Page 18Agenda Page 18 WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (ILM) Wilmington, NC (1) SCHEDULE OF CHARGES, FEES & RENTS (Fees and charges applicable except where valid contracts apply and are subject to change at the discretion of the Airport Authority) Effective 7/1/21 DESCRIPTIONFY 2022 RATES Access Badge and Processing Fee Initial Enrollment (STA and Fingerprints)$40.00 Access Badge (New)$50.00 Access Badge (Renewal)$25.00 Access Badge (Late Renewal Over 24 Hrs.)$100.00 Non-Access Badge (New)$10.00 Non-Access Badge (Renewal)$10.00 Non-Access Badge (Late Renewal Over 24 Hrs.)$100.00 Upgrade Badge (Non-Access to Access)$50.00 TSA Badge, Only$50.00 Late or Unreturned Badge$250.00 Lost Access Badges st 1 Lost Badge$50.00 nd 2 Lost Badge $100.00 rd 3 Lost Badge $150.00 NOTES: (1)All fees subject to change without notice. Different rates may be in effect during events deemed ‘special events’ by the Airport. (2) Joint use space – 20/80 formula (3) Gross Revenue for rental car agency operations shall include all cash or credit sales including but not limited to time, mileage, and personal accident insurance (PAI) charges for the rental and/or leasing of vehicles to customers who pass through the Airport, without regard to where the customer placed the order or the Agency received the order for said vehicle and regardless of where the vehicle is returned. Gross revenue shall include all charges made by the Agency to its customers for exchanged vehicles regardless of where said exchange was made, when the vehicle is rented to a customer who passes through the Airport. Uncollectible credit sales will not be excluded from gross revenue. Gross revenue shall exclude gasoline; vehicle collision insurance; waiver charges which are separately stated and collected by Agency; Federal, State, or Municipal sales, use, or other similar taxes separately stated and collected from customers of Agency now or hereafter levied or imposed. All transactions referenced above originally made to any person passing through the Airport, shall be included in gross revenue as defined herein, even though payment of the account may be transferred to some other place for collection. (4) The term “gross revenue” as related to unaccompanied baggage only shall include all cash or credit transactions including but not limited to time and mileage charges for the delivery of unaccompanied baggage acquired on Airport property. Gross revenue shall include all charges made by the operator to its customers including but not necessarily limited to telephone use charges, waiting charges, etc. (5) Airport personnel can provide additional services at rates set forth on a separate “Maintenance Department Schedule of Fees” document. Page 3 of 3 Agenda Page 19Agenda Page 19 Tab 4 Agenda Page 20Agenda Page 20 19, maximum 120. Business Development None 90 daymarketing campaign (Jan 29-April 30) resulted in 1.1M impressions, Minimum acres At full build out, site could support 875,000 SF.Electric infrastructure on site.Natural gas, water, sewer and fiber communications lines are adjacent to site.Price per acres has not been set yet. 7,500 airline tickets sold and $2.3M gross bookings. Expedia brands portfolio includeCheapTickets, Hotels.com, Hotwire, Orbitz, and TravelocityUpdate a.b. Action Items Information Items Tab 5 Agenda Page 21Agenda Page 21 Government None Action Items Information Items a.Emails to Federal and State Legislators/ Scheduling Hard Hat Toursb.ACI-NA President Kevin Burke Visit (Tentative)c.Annual Report to County Commissioners - Given Tab 6 Agenda Page 22Agenda Page 22 None Operations & General Aviation Total revenue passengers for April 2021 were 60,114 vs. 3,802 for April 2020. the drastic variance caused by the pandemic we have compared 2021 with 2019. Total revenue passengers for April 2019 were 89,492 bringing total revenue passengers down 32.8%. YTD Revenue passengers through April 2021 is 168,736 which is down 15.5%.May 2021 enplanements are tracking down approximately 18%. (vs. 2019)April 2021: 599,788 gallons which is up 218% vs. April 2019 FUEL: PASSENGERS:----FUEL FLOWAGE: - b. Action Items Information Items a.c. Tab 7 Agenda Page 23Agenda Page 23 June, July & August Calendars (Agenda pages 24-26) Action Item Approve a contract with APAC for air service consulting services NTE $78,000, includes$72,000 fixed fee and travel expenses.Information Items a.July 2021 airline seat capacity up 10% over 2019 levels.b.Routes America Air Service Conference (June 23-25) with APACc. Agenda Page 24Agenda Page 24 Agenda Page 25Agenda Page 25 Agenda Page 26Agenda Page 26 Tab 8 Agenda Page 27Agenda Page 27 Unfinished BusinessNew BusinessAdjournment