2005-10-03 Water & Sewer NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 3, 2005 BOOK 3 PAGE 143 ASSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday, October 3, 2005, at 10:05 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Chairman William A. Caster; District Vice-Chairman William A. Kopp, Jr.; District Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; District Commissioner Robert G. Greer; District Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; Interim County Manager Dave Weaver; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley and Clerk to the District Board Sheila L. Schult. District Chairman Caster called the meeting to order. NON-AGENDA ITEMS District Chairman Caster announced that time had been reserved for anyone from the public to present an item that was not listed on the Regular Agenda. He requested all persons to limit their remarks to three minutes. No items were presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES District Chairman Caster called for a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 19,2005, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Greer, to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 19, 2005, as presented by the Clerk to the District Board. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CONSIDERATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER OF PUBLIC DEDICATION County Engineer Greg Thompson reported that the Board is being requested to accept for public utility purposes certain roads within Greenview Ranches in the proximity of proposed well sites. The resolution accepts the dedication for portions of Plantation Road and an unnamed street section intersecting with Plantation Road. District Chairman Caster requested direction from the Board. Motion: District Commissioner Greer MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Pritchett, to adopt the resolution accepting for public utility purposes certain roads within Greenview Ranches in the proximity of proposed well sites. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is hereby incorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in the Water & Sewer Exhibit Book III, Page 8. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT FOR UPGRADE OF THE NORTHSIDE WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT AND ASSOCIATED BUDGET AMENDMENT #2006-12 County Engineer Greg Thompson reported that on August 25, 2005, the City of Wilmington received bids for the upgrade of the James A. Loughlin (Northside) Wastewater Treatment Plant. The successful low bidder was Crowder Construction Company with a final bid of $68,522,000. McKim and Creed Engineers, the City's Engineering firm, has recommended a construction contingency of $5,178,000 or 7.5% of the final bid amount bringing the proposed construction budget to $73,700,000. The proposed scope does not include an effluent force main that is necessary to increase the discharge capacity of the facility. This work will be bid separately and will be brought to the Board at a later date. The NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 3, 2005 BOOK 3 PAGE 144 estimated cost of the force main work is approximately $6 million and will be the responsibility of the County to fund in accordance with the inter-local agreement for this work. The total County share is $45,830,856. The current capital project of $3,699,617 must be increased by $42,131,239. This is accomplished by appropriating $31.1 million of wastewater escrow funds and $11 million of District funds. These funds, $45.8 million, represent 56.3% of the project. Tony Boah, Vice-President of McKim and Creed, presented the plant modification schematic and reported on the bid process, the results and the recommendation to the City that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder, Crowder Construction Company. District Commissioner Davis clarified with County Engineer Thompson that these items would remain the County's responsibility even if consolidation takes place. County Engineer Thompson stated that the Board is being requested to approve the contract between the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County Water and Sewer District including the additional verbiage to Section 6 stating: "Provided, however, the Authority authorized pursuant to resolution enacted bv the County Commissioners on September 19, 2005 and the City Council on September 20,2005 mav be empowered to operate and manage the referenced facility" and the associated budget amendment #2006-12. District Chairman Caster requested direction from the Board. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Greer, to approve the Second Amendment Contract between the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County Water and Sewer District including the additional verbiage to Section 6 and the associated budget amendment #2006-12. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Budget Amendment #2006-12 - Engineering Adjustment Debit Credit $10,986,860 $10,986,860 $31,144,379 $31,144,379 $31,144,379 $10,986,860 $42,131,239 W &S District Fund: Appropriated Fund Balance Transfer Capital Project Fund (Northside Wastewater Plant) W &S Escrow Fund: Appropriate Fund Balance Transfer to Northside WWTP Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant: Transfer in W &S Escrow Fund Transfer in W &S District Fund Capital Project Expense Explanation: To transfer funds from Water and Sewer District and Water and Sewer District Escrow Fund to the Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant Capital Project. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, District Chairman Caster requested a motion to adjourn. Motion: District Vice-Chairman Kopp MOVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Pritchett, to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 3, 2005 BOOK 3 PAGE 145 District Chairman Caster adjourned the meeting at 10:30 p.rn. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the District Board