Z21-08 Hanover Reserve PD_supplemental application information - July 2021 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 Rev Date: 1 June 2021 Date 6 August 2020 Project Narrative: The proposed development is a total of +62.77 acres located in New Hanover County (NHC) near the intersection of Crooked Pine Road and Plantation Road at the end of Murrayville Road. The subject parcels are further defined as NHC parcel numbers: R02800-004-031-000 and R02800-004-104-000. The site is bisected by the new Military Cutoff Extension and associated service road which are both currently under construction. The result is 3 relatively small parcels of land along the service road comprising + 12.23 acres and the larger tract adjacent to Hanover Reserve and at the end of Murrayville Road, + 50.54 acres. The project is proposed as a Master Planned Development (PD) to be rezoned into PD. Military Cutoff Extension bisects the existing parcels, but the entire land holding is intended to be part of one master planned development. The applicant proposes a commercial core developed around the new Military Cutoff Extension (MCE). The existing dead-end Murrayville Road will be extended to the MCE’s proposed left-over intersection. This intersection will be the commercial hub with the service road’s right in/right out access being a secondary commercial hub. The existing site is zoned R-15 with residential uses and vacant land surrounding the site. The site is designated as community mixed-use and could be an important commercial node in Northern New Hanover County since the MCE now bisects the site. Using the flexibility of PD zoning to cohesively design the site, we propose encircling the proposed commercial core with a variety of residential units to create a well-orchestrated transition from the busier commercial center to medium-dense residential to lower density single family/existing neighborhoods. This PD MPD is a high level, master plan to identify acceptable land uses and basic anticipated vehicular and pedestrian networks. This plan, along with the terms and conditions document, acts as the guideline for a high-quality mixed-use community located on a new major transportation hub in the County. Like any project, this one requires working hand in hand with NCDOT, CFPUA, and NHC to develop the project infrastructure for a safe and viable development. Those conversations are underway. This application’s MPD and supporting document set the framework for a commercial hub offering goods, services, entertainment, and dining. Currently, this area of the County must rely on the busy Market Street or Gordon Road corridors to find similar services. The proposed project presents a new opportunity for a vehicular connection to a major highway, MCE, with a real potential to alleviate traffic congestion from the Murrayville/Ogden area. Furthermore, by offering a commercial hub at one of the only stops along MCE between Market Street and I-140, this also has the potential to offer goods and services to an underserved area without creating undo traffic burden. The County’s 2045 transportation plan identifies extension of Page 2 of 5 Murrayville Road to make connection to the North/East of the County from existing neighborhoods, and this proposed development helps achieve part of that goal. The County’s Future Land Use Plan also supports this type of development in this location. This property falls in the community mixed use place type which supports just the sort of mixed commercial and various residential products we propose. The extension of water and sewer to this part of the County further opens opportunities to for the future of Northern New Hanover County and expands tax base. The project’s timing is aligned with NCDOT’s construction of MCE which eliminates possible undue burden on existing roads and neighborhoods. With all the pieces and timelines aligning for a responsible, cohesive development, we believe this is the right development at the right time for this location. We appreciate your consideration of our proposed development. Supplemental Application Information – MPD – PD Master Planned Development Considerations: 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County’s policies for growth and development, described in the 2016 Comprehensive Plan, applicable small area plans, etc. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the land in the Community Mixed Use place type which promotes a variety of house products, goods and services, mixed use and other similar uses to those proposed with this project. Furthermore, one of our areas major long-range NCDOT traffic relief projects is underway and bisects the site creating near-perfect conditions for a commercial center with medium to high density mixed use/residential development. The Military Cutoff Extension, when complete, gives convenient, quick access to the Market/Military Cutoff intersection and beyond as well as Hampstead and beyond when complete bypass projects are in place. This is expected to alleviate a good deal of previously gnarled and congested network of neighborhood roads all dumping out on Market Street. Our proposed project’s timing aligns well with the anticipated completion of the Military Cutoff Extension. Commercial and higher density portions of the project would not be online until after completion of the new highway’s connection to Military Cutoff. 2. How would the requested development be consistent with the property’s classification on the 2016 Comprehensive Plan’s Further Land Use Map. See response above. 3. How does the proposed master planned development meet the required elements and intent of the proposed zoning district? The proposed MPD not only provides the connection of a major arterial road to a principal highway in Wilmington, it also develops a road and pedestrian network that flows easily between the proposed commercial and residential developments. The intent of the development is to promote this live, work, play community, not only for the people moving into the project, but also for those nearby. Nearby multi-use paths and County parks make Page 3 of 5 the location attractive to future residents. The developer is to extend the current dead- ended Murrayville Road to MCE creating a streetscape of integrated buildings, plazas and courtyards, paths and landscape to give identity to the development as well as offer a high- quality commercial and mixed-use development. These are all key to a successful PD zoning district and essential to make a viable new community. The applicant proposes an integrated and architecturally pleasing community providing easy access to shopping, dining, parks/open spaces, and all the offerings of the commercial and residential development. We believe this proposed development hits the heart of what a planned development community mixed use place type is supposed to be, and, after reviewing our proposal, we hope you feel the same way. Page 4 of 5 Hanover Reserve Mixed Use Community Meeting Summary: Due to COVID restrictions, Paramounte Engineering held a GoToMeeting virtual community meeting on July 30, 2020 at 5 PM. All participants were completed with questions by 5:45PM. The meeting was recorded and shared with anyone requesting a copy after the meeting. The presentation consisted of an earlier version of the master plan, aerial images, and an example of a previous graphic used for the Phase 4 Section 1 Hanover Reserve townhomes. This area is being enveloped in the Hanover Reserve Mixed Use PD but is still planned for the same number of townhomes as presented during a rezoning of the property from R-15 to R-5. After a project overview and orientation by Paramounte Engineering, the meeting was turned over to participants for questions and comments. • One person was concerned that traffic would cut through her neighborhood to enter the proposed project. We discussed ways the road network could be designed to prevent a direct cut through from her neighborhood, and those ideas will be considered in the design development of the project. • One person preferred single family homes to townhomes behind her home. • We did get a couple of comments concerned over traffic, but no one in direct opposition ( at least in the meeting). • We did receive a couple of emails leading up to the meeting expressing wishes that we would not develop anything. When invited to the community meeting to express concerns and engage in discussion about their thoughts, they did not appear to accept the invitation. None of those comments were voiced during the meeting. • There was a comment that getting to goods and services is not a problem now and there does not need to be a new commercial node here. • Others expressed interest in dining and shopping opportunities. • Most of the questions pertained to Military Cutoff Extension: • There was discussion about the impacts of Military Cutoff Extension and the new connection to that road. Questions were raised about what happens to Plantation Road with NCDOT’s work, and those were answered to the best of our ability. • Additional questions concerning what roads will be paved and not after NCDOT is finished were discussed by the group. • One person owning land in the area, but not living here was very much in favor of the proposed project and supported the mixture of uses and commercial, walkable core we hope to create. Page 5 of 5 • We had folks both in the meeting and after, through email, ask us to create something upscale, nice, and walkable. • Most people that had in-depth questions were those finding out the plans because they own property nearby and want to know how this development will affect property values. We extended the offer for folks to continue to contact us through the process if they have questions or comments. We asked folks to help us be the kind of development they want to see in their neighborhood, and many folks have responded positively to this effort. While some folks like Murrayville just the way it is, others seem welcoming. We have received general support and good wishes from several neighbors. Community Coordination Update 6/1/21: Since the meeting in July, we have continued conversations with interested residents through email and phone calls. The developer has met with a few individuals as well. We have continued to receive community support and fielded general questions about the plans. There have been very few concerns raised, but traffic was discussed with a few citizens. Several folks told us they were worried about people cutting through their neighborhoods or causing a lot of extra trips on the existing Murrayville Road if the project was built prior to the opening of the MCE. We have taken time to work with NCDOT and our traffic consultants to fully identify the possibilities for the area. As a result, we believe we have a road network that will alleviate traffic congestion, avoid a lot of cut-throughs from outside, through existing neighborhoods and into the proposed development. By a combination of project timing aligning with MCE, project design, and coordination with the County and NCDOT, the developer addresses the majority of questions received to date from the neighboring community.