Tree Mitigation Worksheet V2Significant Trees To Be Removed Tree Type Dogwood, Magnolias, Native Flowering Trees, and American Hollies Long Leaf Pine, Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, and Hardwoods Other Conifers Specimen Trees To Be Removed Tree Type Live Oak Pond Cypress Bald Cypress Total Required Mitigation Inches: Native Trees To Be Retained * Counts towards removed specimen and significant trees Tree Type Unregulated Trees Dogwoods and American Hollies Long Leaf Pine, Pond Cypress, Bald Cypress, and Hardwoods Other Native Confiers Trees Growing in Mature Native Forest Trees Growing in Stands or Natural Clusters Non-Native Trees To Be Retained * Counts towards removed significant trees Tree Type Unregulated Trees Non-Native Hardwoods Non-Native Confiers Trees Growing in Stands or Clusters Total Native Inches: Total Non-Native Inches: Total Retained Inches: Credit Allocation Total Native Inches Retained: Total Non-Native Inches Retained: Significant Tree Removal Mitigation: Specimen Tree Removal Mitigation: Remaining retained inches: Required Significant Tree Mitigation Inches: Provided Mitigation Inches: Remaining: Required Specimen Trees Mitigation Inches: Provided Mitigation Inches: Remaining: Minimum DBH 8 inches 18 inches 24 Inches Minimum DBH 36 inches 36 inches 36 inches Required Mitigation Inches for Significant Trees: Required Mitigation Inches for Specimen Trees: DBH 2 inches (min) 4-7 inches 8-17 inches 12-23 inches Aggregate Inches Aggregate Inches DBH 2 inches (min) 8-17 inches 12-23 inches Aggregate Inches 0 0 Native Inches 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aggregate Inches at DBH 0 0 0 Aggregate Inches at DBH 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aggregate Inches at DBH 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aggregate Inches at DBH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-Native Inches 0 N/A 0 ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç ç Add the aggregate caliper inches of these trees being removed. The removal of any specimen tree is prohibited unless exempt according to Section 10.3.11. Variance – Zoning and Subdivision. Add the aggregate caliper inches of these trees being removed. These are calculated based on the caliper inches entered above. Add the aggregate caliper inches of these trees being retained. Must be determined by a Certified Arborist or NC Licensed Forester Add the aggregate caliper inches of these trees being retained. Must be determined by a Certified Arborist or NC Licensed Forester These are calculated based on the caliper inches entered above. These are calculated based on the caliper inches entered above. Please allocate the number of inches from the inches retained above that will be credited toward significant or specimen tree mitigation. Native inches retained count as 1.5 mitigation inches for significant trees and 1 mitigation inch for specimen trees. Non-native inches count as 1 mitigation inch for significant trees and do not count toward specimen tree mitigation. Negative number indicates no additional plantings are required for mitigation. Negative number indicates no additional plantings are required for mitigation.