1990-04-16 Water & Sewer I I I 255 MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT REGULARJffiETING OF APRIL 16, 1990 SEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanove unty Water & Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday ril 16, 1990, at 10:23 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room of th w Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington rth Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioner W. Albert Corbett, Jr. District Commissioner Nolan O'Neal District commissioner Fred Retchin Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr. Members absent were: Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Vice-Chairman Mathews called the meeting to order. PROVAL OF MINUTES otion: District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED istrict commissioner Corbett to approve the minutes of t egular Meeting of March 26, 1990, as presented. Upon vote, t OTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: voting Aye: District Commissioner Corbett District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Chairman Barfield ON-AGENDA ITEMS Vice-Chairman Mathews asked if anyone present would like 0 speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda. No 0 e commented. APPROVAL OF AMENDMENT TO TALBERT, COX & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONTRACT iW&S-89-0044, PHASE II SEWER COLLECTION INSPECTI N SERVICES County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, commented on the amendme t stating due to the change order approved with T. A. Loving 0 construct a portion of the Phase II collection sewers in t e Whiskey Creek area, it will be necessary to amend the engineeri g contract with Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc. to provi e inspection of the project. The fee will be paid to Talbert, x & Associates, Inc. based on actual expenses incurred by e inspections with a proposed maximum amount of $480,000. Cou Engineer Blanchard stressed the importance of provid" 256 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) inspectors to insure that the contractors are constructing the Pn~sp 11 sewer collection system in accordance with the requirements. He commented on Section 5 1.2 1 nf P~ge 11 ot 14 stating the proposed amendment will allow for inspection serVi~l~es with a mutually agreed upon fee or fee schedule. A fee sched~le will be prepared and presented to the District Board. Also, t e proposal provides for six inspectors for 52 weeks based onll a 45-hour week. The inspectors will be hired based upon the project and number of crews working; therefore, the maxi~~ figure of $480,000 will vary. 1 District Commissioner Corbett commented on the aver ge hourly rate for inspectors. Mr. Si Riffle, Project Manager ~br Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc., stated $11 per hour is The standard rate of pay for inspectors. .I Mr. Ray Hamilton, P. E., Director of Water and Wastewater Services of Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc., emphasized i~e importance of providing qualified inspectors and stated the *~A multiplier rate of 2.90 is the lowest rate that can be provi1fd by the firm. .Il A lengthy discussion was held on the increase of e overhead rate. District Commissioner Corbett expressed concll rn for continued cost increases, and asked if the rate can e reduced to 2.50? Mr. Hamilton stated the 2.50 rate would e borderline workable; however, if this rate is approved, ,he District Board must understand that the firm will not be able]to absorb any costs internally. He reiterated the importance of providing qualified inspectors to insure proper construction of the system which will reduce the number of problems nd complaints from the general public. II Motion: After further discussion of the multiplier ra~e, District Commissioner Corbett MOVED, SECONDED by Distr~ct Commissioner Retchin to approve the proposed contract amendmEklnt with a 2.50 multiplier rate and authorize the Chairman to execl~e the necessary documents. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: District Commissioner Corbett District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Chairman Barfield ACCEPTANCE OF PRIVATELY CONSTRUCTED SEWER SYSTEMS County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated in accordance w~th Section 15-93 of the New Hanover County Sewer Ordinance, tlhe District Commissioners are authorized to accept privat~ly constructed sewer systems. He presented a map and list of ~he !l- e /- .! l J l I -1 I I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 16, 1990 (CONTINUED) 257 systems and requested acceptance. The sewer systems will not be ace e-Irt"c-d-unti."""i-a-rl-reqtl-i--red-e-<7T-l~-l"-l+P-t--i on i s-eempJ..-e.t;ed-and-all .cument"s-py.operry e-x-ee.ti"-c tion: After discussion, District Commissioner Retchin MOVED CONDED by District Commissioner Corbett to authorize th "rector of Engineering & Facilities to accept the sewer system accordance with the New Hanover County Sewer Ordinance. Upo te, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: District Commissioner Corbett District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Chairman Barfield Copies of the list and map are hereby incorporated as a par f the minutes and are contained in W&S Exhibit Book I, Page 50. OURNMENT otion: District Commissioner Retchin istrict Commissioner Corbett to adjourn. ARRIED AS FOLLOWS: MOVED, SECONDED b Upon vote, the MOTIO Voting Aye: District Commissioner Corbett District Commissioner O'Neal District Commissioner Retchin Vice-Chairman Mathews Absent: Chairman Barfield Vice-Chairman Mathews adjourned the meeting at 11:57 o'clo . M. Respectfully submitted, ~d~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District Board