1990-05-07 Water & Sewer 258 MINUTES OF THE NEW COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT REGULAR MRF.TTNG, MAY 7. 1990 1 SSEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanov ounty Water & Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monda~ ay 7, 1990, at 10:45 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of thl ew Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmingto orth Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioner W. Albert Corbett, Jr. District Commissioner Nolan O'Neal District Commissioner Fred Retchin Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr. Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order. PROVAL OF MINUTES otion: District Commissioner istrict Commissioner O'Neal to egular Meeting of April 16, 1990, OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Retchin MOVED, SECONDED approve the minutes of as presented. Upon vote, bW the t:~ on ~ I .J ON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield resent an item not ommented. asked listed if on anyone present would the Regular Agenda. like No PROVAL OF SEWER ALLOCATION REQUEST FOR COASTAL CAROLIN ILITIES AND COASTAL CAROLINA COUNTRY CLUB I County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, presented backgroun formation on the sewer allocation request of 300,000 gallon r day. He recommended granting the sewer allocation request. ntingent upon the transportation system (Northeast Interceptorj ving capacity to deliver the sewage to the treatment plant. J Mr. William H. Grathwol, President of Coastal Carol in ili ties Company, stated he would prefer utilizing th 'strict's sewer system instead of installing a treatment plantJ stated after discussion with the County Engineer, he cad ntribute dollars to the District or extend 30 inch lines~ wever, he must remain a public utility and retain the Stab~ rmit for installation of a treatment plant in case the count~ es not have capacity available when the project is completed. J Discussion was held on items submitted by Mr. Grathwol i letter of March 26, 1990. County Engtneer Blanchar l c mmented on Item #5 presented in the letter and inquired as t ether the District Board would like to reimburse the company i I I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 7, 1990 (CONTINUED) 259 accordance with the existing ordinance, or would the District B"o~rd-prcTcr-t-o-oxOII(P l lll:i:-s-provi:-s-ion After further discussion of the conditions presented r. Grathwol, District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED istrict Commissioner Corbett to approve the sewer allocati ontingent upon the transportation system having capacity eliver the sewage to the treatment plant. The County Attorn as requested to prepare a contract incorporating the necessa onditions to be submitted to the District Board for fin pproval. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the letter dated March 26, 1990, is ncorporated as a part of the minutes and is contained in ook I, Page 50.~. PROVAL OF EXEMPTION FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS F . JOSEPH E. PINER County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated since Mr. Joseph iner is dividing one lot and is not in the area of an acti ewer system, he would recommend approval of the request with t ondi tion that the property owner must connect to the Sew ystem on Myrtle Grove Sound Road when it becomes available. otion: After discussion, Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED ice-Chairman Mathews to approve the exemption as request ubject to the condition that the property owner must connect he Sewer System when it becomes available. Upon vote, t OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PROVAL OF REIMBURSEMENT FOR OVERSIZING AND EXTENDING THE S INE - SANCO OF WILMINGTON, INC. County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated Sanco ilmington, Inc. constructed 3,110 feet of a 10-inch outfall Ii hat was not required by the project; therefore, he is requesti eimbursement in the amount of $62,503 as provided under Secti 5-94 of the New Hanover County Sewer Ordinance. He recommend eimbursing Sanco the amount requested stating construction f he line would have cost the District approximately $123,183. otion: Chairman Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Distri t ommissioner Retchin to reimburse Sanco of Wilmington, In. $62,503 for construction of a 3,110. foot 10-inch outfall lin . pon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH ESPEY, HUSTON & ASSOCIATES, IN. (FORMERLY TALBERT COX AND ASSOCIATES, INC.) FOR ENGINEERIN , SURVEY AND DESIGN ACTIVITIES FOR SEWER EXTENSIONS TO CERTA N OBILE HOME PARKS County Manager, Allen O'Neal, presented backgrou d information on the proposal from Espey, Huston & Associates, In . (formerly Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc.) for engineering surv y design acti vi ties for sewer extensions to the following mobi e home parks: 2 6 0 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 7, 1990 (CONTINUED) Hidden Lake ('irr'lp F Lee Acres Melrose Circle B F-3ircrest ponderosa II Market Heights 1 County ith Espey, 55,780. Manager O'Neal recommended approval of the contrac Huston & Associates, Inc. in an amount not to excee J all Retchin MOVED, SECONDED approve the contract in The floor was opened fo District Commissioner istrict Commissioner Corbett to ount not to exceed $55,780. iscussion. County Manager O'Neal stated Mr. Jaman Vithalani, nager of Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc., would dress the Board. Divisio like t I sum payment of $50,000 for of an amount not to excee. Mr. Vi thalani requested a lump e services being rendered instead 55,780. Discussion was held on the advantages or disadvantages of proving the contract in a lump sum payment. County Engineet lanchard stated he would have to review this method of paymenl fore commenting or making a recommendation. After further discussion, District Commissioner Retchi ENDED THE MOTION, SECONDED by District Commissioner Corbett to I prove the contract in a lump sum payment of $50,000 a quested by Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc. subject to revie d concurrence by the County Engineer, County Manager and Count torney. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ~ I J SCUSSION OF FORMAT USED IN PRESENTING AGENDA ITEM #7 Discussion was held on the format in which Agenda Item #1 s presented. It was the consensus of the District Board that e data and materials furnished were excellent; however, th~ esentation by the County Manager should be more brief. I NSIDERATION OF CHANGE ORDER A-I OF CONTRACT #W&S-89-0179 ~ NTRACT #W&S-89-0181 OF THE PHASE II INTERCEPTOR County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated the work unde. ntract A has been stopped due to failure of approximately 2,60 et of Perman-Loc pipe installed by the contractor, Mar hnson, Inc. After laboratory testing of the pipe, it was founq at the Perman-Loc pipe did not meet the required ASTOO ecifications for the depths involved; therefore, the contracto~1 s requested a Change Order in the amount of $194,851.42 fo ditional compensation to purchase another type of pipe. Count gineer Blanchard stated after review by Espey, Huston & sociates, Inc. (formerly Talbert, Cox & Associates, Inc.), the 'l j I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 7, 1990 (CONTINUED) have recommended a time extension of 130 days with no additional cOlupenss:tion cont:-ingen1:.--up'CH'i ~o-f":trF.1j:-.:rpproval. 261 I I A lengthy discussion was held on the type of pipe to be use or the depths of the project. Vice-Chairman Mathews inquired a o whether the solid wall PVC DR32.5 pipe requested in the Chang rder would be sufficient for depths of 25-28 feet? Count ngineer Blanchard stated the Sewer District's policy require nstallation of ductile iron pipe at depths greater than 14 feet hich was recommended by the County Engineer and written in th riginal specifications submitted by Talbert, Cox & Associates nc.; however, EPA regulations permitted the usage of th erman-Loc pipe which had to be included in the bid package. Mr. Mark Johnson, owner of Mark Johnson, Inc., stated th erma-Loc pipe was included in the bid document and th anufacturer claimed the pipe would endure the depths required i he project; therefore, his firm submitted a bid using this grad f pipe. He stated with the high water table in New Hanove ounty ductile iron pipe should be installed in order t uarantee performance; however, due to the cost of this type 0 ipe, the proposed DR32.5 pipe as submitted in the Change Orde hould perform. He requested approval of the additiona ompensation to replace the defective pipe and complete th onstruction job. Chairman Barfield expressed concern for citizens of th ewer District absorbing this loss and recommended that Mr ohnson approach the manufacturer for additional compensation t ay for the inferior pipe and expenses incurred by his firm. Mr ohnson stated if additional funds are not approved fo nstallation of a higher grade of pipe, he will be forced t nstall pipe of equal financial value with an unproven history 0 erformance in high water table areas. otion: After further discussion, District Commissioner Retchi OVED, SECONDED by District Commissioner Corbett to accept th ecommendation of Espey, Huston & Associates, Inc. for a tim xtension of 130 days with no additional compensation contingen pon EPA's final approval. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIE NANIMOUSLY. PROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER C-l TO CONTRACT #W&S-89-0181 OF TH HASE II INTERCEPTOR County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated in order to avoi isrupting residents of the Bayshore and EI Ogden Subdivision ore than once, he would recommend construction of th 'nterceptors and collection system simultaneously. He requeste pproval of a Change Order in the amount of $786,410.50 since th nit prices submitted are comparable to the bids received i 985. 2 6 2 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 7, 1990 (CONTINUED) Motion: After discussion of the unit prices being comparable to the bids rpr'p; ved in 1985 ;mn t-np rlnvrlnt-t=lgp. QLc.ons_tLu.c_~ F i n~~~~e~~~~~D~~d ~;10~~~~~~a~~~~~m M~enWeS t~~~~;~ma;h:a~~~~~ , r der as requested. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. JOURNMENT tion: District Commissioner Retchin strict Commissioner O'Neal to adjourn. RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOVED, SECONDED b Upon vote, the MOTIO Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 12: 01 0' cloc Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Clerk to the District Board 'I :, j l