1990-08-06 Water & Sewer 276 MINUTES OF WATER & SEWER DISTRICT AUGUST 6, 1990 'l= f SEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanove unty Water & Sewer District met in Regular Session on Monday gust 6, 1990, at 9:09 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of th w Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, Wilmington rth Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioner Robert G. Greer District Commissioner Nolan O'Neal District Commissioner Fred Retchin Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr. Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Chairman Barfield called the meeting to order. PROVAL OF MINUTES otion: District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED b ice-Chairman Mathews to approve the minutes of the Regula eeting of July 23, 1990, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTIO ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ON-AGENDA ITEMS Chairman Barfield asked if anyone from the general publi, ould like to comment on an item not Ilsted on the Regula genda. No items were presented.' I ENIAL OF REQUEST BY CAPE FEAR UTILITIES, INC. FOR VARIANCE 0 EWER REQUIREMENTS County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated this item wa ontinued from the meeting of July 23, 1990, in order for thi ounty Staff to ascertain the installation cost of a gravi t I ewer line and contact an adjoining property owner who wa nterested in a sewer connection for location of a mobile homel e stated Staff was unable to contact the adj acent propertw wner; however, the total cost for installation of the line would e approximately $13,500. II Attorney Kenneth A. Shanklin, representing Cape FeaO tilities, commented on discussion of the word, temporary, at th~ eeting of July 23, 1990, and stated after discussion with MrH obo, a partner of Cape Fear utilities, he has requestetl uthorization to place a temporary 2 inch sewer individual forc~ ain line for three years running from lots 39 and 40 of thll l J I j I I ' I I', I I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 6, 1990 (CONTIN7ED) 277 Rogers Subdivision down the southern line of Westboork Avenue in ~ - ~ - . - Gu:t; G-f f Road-t.Q t,he -e----- _ _ _ . _ . t an approximate cost of $500. Cape Fear Utilities will pay f osts involved with installing and removing the temporary lin . e emphasized the importance of hiring a night watchman rotect the newly constructed water tank and requested a varian e from the sewer requirements. A lengthy discussion was held on allowing construction of individual temporary line which will not accommodate futu development. County Engineer Blanchard commented on futu growth in this area and recommended denying the variance a requiring a sewer line extension as stated in the Sew r Ordinance. District Commissioner O'Neal expressed concern for setting a precedent and recommended compliance to the Sewer Ordinance. Attorney Shanklin stated this variance request is differe t due to the issue of public health and the protection of drinki g water to a number of households in the County. He requested t e District Board to consider the issue of public health and t e fact that this request is unique. I Motion: After further discussion of setting a preceden, Vice-Chairman Mathews MOVED, SECONDED by District Commission r Greer to deny the variance as requested. Upon vote, the MOTI N CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Motion: District Commissioner Vice-Chairman Mathews to adjourn. UNANIMOUSLY. Retchin MOVED, SECONDED Y Upon vote, the MOTION CARRI D Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 9:30 o'clock P. . ~e:t0Z:=' ~~. Harrell Clerk to the Board I