1990-09-04 Water & Sewer 282 MINUTES OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWER DISTRICT SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 ~- I ,J SEMBLY The District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanove unty Water & Sewer District met in Regular Session on Tuesday, ptember 4, 1990, at 10:36 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room 0 e New Hanover County Courthouse, 24 North Third Street, lmington, North Carolina. Members present were: District Commissioner Robert G. Greer District Commissioner Nolan O'Neal District Commissioner Fred Retchin Vice-Chairman E. L. Mathews, Jr. Chairman Jonathan Barfield, Sr. PROVAL OF MINUTES M tion: District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, D strict Commissioner Greer to approve the minutes Meting of August 6, 1990, and Regular Meeting 1 90, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED SECONDED by of the Regular of August 20, UNANIMOUSLY. N N-AGENDA ITEMS 1 Chairman Barfield asked if anyone from the general public I w uld like to speak on an item not listed on the Regular Agenda. T e following item was presented: Dscussion of NPDES Discharge Permits Mr. William Funderburg, a resident of Blue Clay Road, p esented the following comments: 1 Since the County is in violation of the EPA Well Head Protection Program, what is the status of the Castle Hayne Aquifer Study? 2 Since the water around the Blue Clay Landfill has not been tested since 1981, when is the county going to test this water? Mr. Funderburg stated the State will be holding a Public Haring for renewal of the following NPDES permits and he e couraged the District Board to attend the hearings and comment o the following projects within the 30-day time frame: 1. The NorthChase Project 2. Coastal Carolina Utilities - Auto Park 3. W. H. Grathwol Development - 2905 Market Street on Smith Creek. 1 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 (CONTINUED) 283 Funderburg stated he has been discussing with the County the ];LQs-8_ihil.Lt~ of crossing from the Air:Qort and sizing e trict can serve residents of that area. Once the NorthChase kage treatment plant is abandoned, the discharge line will be no value; therefore, the developers of the proposed Auto Park ld purchase the line and pump waste back to the North 23rd atment Plant. Di pa of co Tr th co hi de pu ap th AW EA En el tr I or Na co th I Chairman Barfield requested Mr. Funderburg to place items of s complexity on the Regular Agenda. Mr. Funderburg stated he tacted the Assistant County Manager, Mary Gornto, who informed he was a day late for placing items on the agenda since the dline has been moved from Friday to Thursday due to lication of the agenda in the newspaper. After further discussion, Chairman Barfield expressed reciation to Mr. Funderburg for his remarks and recommended t he place these items on the Regular Agenda. OF CONTRACT iW&S-90-0291 FOR SEWER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION ON T SIDE OF THE AIRPORT County Engineer, Wyatt Blanchard, stated the Department of ironment, Health and Natural Resources by Special Order has minated the discharge of the small package wastewater atment plant at the Airport into Smith Creek; therefore, in er to serve the fixed base operators, the FAA tower and ional Guard, bid packages were prepared for design and struction of sewer lines to provide service to the eastside of Airport. The following bids have been received: Multi-State Contracting Corporation T. A. Loving James Utility $145,768.50 $160,486.00 $167,814.75 In addition to the sewer line construction, the following se arate informal bids were received to construct a shed over a wa h area to prevent rain water from entering the sanitary sewer si ce the sewage will be going into the City system: D. D. Miller Construction Reagan Construction Jedco Construction $15,915.00 $22,267.00 $26,125.00 t c t c County Engineer Blanchard recommended award of Multi-State Contracting Corporation for struction contingent upon satisfactory references low informal bid to D. D. Miller Construction struction of a shed. the low bid sewer line and award of Company for ion: District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by trict Commissioner O'Neal to award the low bid to Multi-State tracting Corporation in the amount of $145,768.50 contingent 284 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 (CONTINUED) upon satisfactory references and execute the contract documents. UNAMIMOUSL".r- . to authorize the Chairman to Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED otion: District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED J[ istrict Commissioner Mathews to award the low bid to D. D. iller Construction Company in the amount of $15,915 and I uthorize the Chairman to execute the contract documents. Up h ote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Copies of the contracts are on file in the Legal Departmen . PROVAL OF EXEMPTION FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 1~ QUESTED BY W. A. BUCK I County Engineer Blanchard stated Mr. W. A. Buck h~ equested an exemption from sewer construction requirements fq eparation of five (5) acres contingent upon no additiona~ without installation of dry sewer llnes JI District Commissioner Retchin M~VED~ SECONDED V istrict Commissioner 0' Neal to grant the exemption from sew !r onstruction requirements as requested by W. A. Buck contingeq[ pon no additional divisions without installation of dry sewl ines. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. UBLIC HEARING ON BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $752,Oql ANITARY SEWER BONDS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER & SEWEr ISTRICT I Clerk to the District Board, Lucie F. Harrell, reported th4~ Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $752,000 Sanitary Sewe onds of the New Hanover County Water & Sewer District w I . ntroduced at the Regular Meeting of August 20, 1990, and th otice had been given that a Public Hearing would be held eptember 4, 1990, to consider adoption of the resolution. S ~ Iso reported that the Finance Officer has filed in the Clerk' ffice a Statement of Debt complying with the provisions of t ocal Government Bond Act; therefore, it would be in order f he Chairman to request a motion to open the Public Hearing. otion: District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED ij ice-Chairman Mathews to open the Public Hearing. Upon vote, ttl OTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. J Chairman Barfield opened the Public Hearing to recei omments from the public. With no public input receive, hairman Barfield requested a motion to close the Public Hearin,. District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED ~r istrict Commissioner Greer to close the Public Hearing. Upon ote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Barfield closed the Public Hearing. ~ t . J- l J 1 I I MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1990 ( CONTINUED) Motion: District Commissioner Retchin MOVED, SECONDED by D 1:-;TL.i~COlll1l115 510Ile r Greer to .J.d-orrr-t:trc-Bnrrd--erdgr-Eiuthori-:z-i-nfj -fie issuance Of~/-S--Z, lJO-o S"an"ltaTy --ew - 0 "S-O 'e- e ounty Water & Sewer District. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRI NANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Bond Order is hereby incorporated as a part he minutes and is contained in W&S Exhibit Book I, Page 50.0 OURNMENT District Commissioner Retchin istrict Commissioner Greer to adjourn. ARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOVED, SECONDED Upon vote, the MOTI Chairman Barfield adjourned the meeting at 10: 55 0' clo ~~ectfullY submitted, ~d;1/~ Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the District 285