2021_6_16_NewHanover_Minutes 1 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held in Wilmington, NC. FY Meeting Number #14 Date: June 16, 2021 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Bill Hart, Chairman Dru Harrison, NHSWCD Director Sue Hayes, Vice-Chairman Haley Moccia, NHSWCD Conservation Technician Matt Collogan Joshua Davis, USDA NRCS Supervisory Soil Conservationist Frank Meares Amy Renfranz, NHSWCD Program Coordinator Tom Boland Kristina Fischer, Division of SWCD Eastern Coordinator Walker Golder, Executive Director of NC Coastal Land Trust Beth Schrader, NHC Director of Recovery and Resiliency Veronda Blue, NRCS Intern Was this meeting held during a meal: No The meeting convened in Conference Room 118 of the New Hanover County Government Center. The Chairman declared the presence of a quorum and called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. CALL TO ORDER A. Approval of Agenda ➢ Motion: Approve the agenda. • Motion: Hart • Second: Hayes • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. B. Introduction of Attendees. WALKER GOLDER PRESENTATION: UPDATE AND OVERVIEW OF COASTAL LAND TRUST A. Presentation Summary 1. The mission of the NC Coastal Land Trust is to enrich NC coastal communities by conserving lands with scenic, historic, recreational and ecological value. To date, the organization has protected over 80,000 acres on the coast in 32 counties. They have identified a “Top 40” list of land areas that they would like to protect due to a variety of qualities such as ecological value. The organization has, to date, acquired 11 of the 40 properties since strategic planning in 2016. They are also considering climate change resiliency, habitat restoration, education, research, and recreation. B. Questions and comments from the board 1. Eagles Island. The organization has been involved in the EI Coalition in the past and is interested in becoming involved again. Hayes suggested a meeting between Hart, Folds, and Harrison to further discuss. Golder concurred. Of note, the non-profit organization cannot pay more for a property than the appraised value. 2. Partnership with the Nature Conservancy. The organizations work together on aligned projects, especially the costliest of property acquisition. 3. 14,000 Acre Cape Fear River Region. The Orton Plantation is under a conservation easement held by the Trust. BETH SCHRADER PRESENTATION: COLLABORATION AROUND RESILIENCE & STORMWATER A. Presentation Summary 2 1. Schrader’s New Hanover County Department of Recovery and Resilience is pulling together a team of state, federal, and local partners to look at opportunities to be pro-active in creating a more resilient community. Her work is focused on infrastructure improvements, including flood control and stormwater management. Hurricane Florence served as an example of the impact of a large storm in the current landscape and served as a learning moment for local leaders to identify hazard mitigation areas. The department is identifying need on a watershed-to- watershed basis – focusing first on data collection projects in Prince George Creek and Smith Creek Watersheds. They are considering a targeted approach for “buy-outs” – using state and federal funding to acquire land to mitigate storm hazards. The department is working to create a portfolio of potential projects with which they will seek funding and support. She reported that there is recognition from FEMA and other funding sources of the importance of green infrastructure. Lastly, Schrader encouraged the board to create a strategic plan with measurable objectives and identified data collection techniques. B. Questions and comments from the board 1. Development in NHC. Schrader is in support of the stormwater ordinance and updated data to provide for informed modeling of climate change and flooding impacts. She believes that the largest impact can happen with BMP connectivity and retrofitting in older developments. 2. Support from the board. Schrader will be seeking support as project proposals arise. 3. House Bill 500. Would create a permanent NC Office of Recovery and Resilience and provide funding for BMPs. Schrader suggested identifying priorities and projects and then seeking funding. 4. New schools in NHC. Schrader has not been involved in new school development projects. The county owns the property, but the state designs the infrastructure. Schrader would like to see best management practices enacted on all county owned property. 5. District involvement in early-stage planning of new county facilities. Schrader recommended working with Sara Warmuth, NHC Director of Property Management, to have a seat at the table. Harrison reported that she will be participating in a meeting at the end of June regarding the green space and parking area with the new government center building. Schrader also recommended hosting an event for local landscape architects to highlight the long term cost effectiveness of green infrastructure – and, overall, working to educate decision makers on best management practices by using pertinent data. A break was taken at 10:03 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:11 a.m. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Consent Agenda ➢ Motion: Move for approval of consent agenda • Motion: Hayes • Second: Meares • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. SUPERVISOR AND STAFF REPORTS A. NRCS Report. 1. Davis reported that he has made a Doodle poll to arrange a meeting time with the board to discuss programs in NHC. 2. Davis has compiled a list of NRCS projects in NHC. 3. Davis also reported that municipalities and schools can apply for funding with NRCS and acquiring a Farm Number. An issue that may arise is the Adjusted Gross Income requirement – the threshold being a maximum of $900,001 annual income per year to qualify for the programs. 4. Davis also introduced, Veronda Blue, a new intern with NRCS and a student at NC A&T University who will be working with the district over the summer. 5. Davis reported that this is a good time of year for individuals to begin working for application for EQIP and CSP programs. 3 B. Division Report. 1. New Hanover County ranked 100th in the Conservation Implementation Ranking Report 2017- 2019 provided to the Commission. Duplin, Surry, and Moore were ranked in the top three. Other urban counties were ranked low, except for Wake County. 2. The Commission adopted a new guiding principle regarding board supervisor appointment which will encourage new supervisor appointments to have agricultural experience, among other qualities. 3. The Commission has started to issue Job Approval Authority in relation to various skillsets applied to BMP implementation. Harrison will be working to apply for JAA for rain garden installation. 4. The Commission has also initiated the rulemaking process for supervisor training. 6 hours of board supervisor training is required per term. Draft rules are out for public comment (due August 16) and two public hearings are scheduled. 5. The Commission also announced changes to incentive payment for CCAP for Agricultural Cost Share programs, removing the payout caps. 6. Amanda Sand is the new Foundation Director. 7. Conservation Employee Training, a weeklong event, will be hosted in Wilmington, August 23-26. Harrison will share information regarding the training with the board. Collogan requested that we invite other conservation employees in the area. Fischer thanked New Hanover SWCD staff for their support of the conference. C. Staff Reports. 1. Director’s Report. 2. Technician’s Report. 3. Program Coordinator’s Report. D. Approval of Staff Reports ➢ Motion: Move for approval of staff reports. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Meares • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. OLD BUSINESS A. NHC New Building Development 1. Harrison is planning to share a list of recommended BMPs for the new building’s parking lot at an upcoming meeting with Sara Warmuth. B. Letter of Support for Laura Dawson Project ➢ Motion: Move for approval of the creation of a letter of support for the project in regard to funding from NRCS. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Collogan • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. C. Tick List (see Addendum) Meares left the meeting at 10:49 a.m. NEW BUSINESS A. Biochar Support 1. Hart reported that Dr. Mike Mallin expressed interest in pursuing research that would determine the efficacy of biochar. 4 ➢ Motion: The board supports research that would explore the usefulness of biochar as a stormwater BMP. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Collogan • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. B. DOT Resolution on New Stormwater Manual 1. Boland would like to draft a resolution in appreciation of the DOT Stormwater Manual. It will be presented at the August meeting. C. HB 496 Tree Ordinance 1. The proposed bill would remove the capability of local government to prohibit tree removal on private property. The board will be observing the progress of the bill and consider formal action at the appropriate time. D. Legacy Land Consulting 1. Hart reported that Folds has spoken with Legacy Land Consulting regarding the use of soil for carbon sequestration. The consultant, Maria Trenguch, can speak to the economic value of trees in stormwater management and could provide research on the efficacy of green infrastructure. Hart proposed that she be a potential speaker at a board meeting. Harrison will reach out to her regarding the upcoming meeting about the new building. UPCOMING EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS A. June 23 ~ Storm Drain Marking B. June 25 & 26 ~ Mud Day at Wilmington Children’s Museum C. June 26 ~ Rain Barrel Sale at Tidal Creek Farmer’s Market D. July 5 ~ Offices Closed for July 4th Holiday ADJOURNMENT • Motion: Without objection, the meeting was adjourned. ➢ Adjourned at 11:18 a.m. The next regular board meeting is set for July 7th, 2021 in Room 118 of the NHC Government Center. Recorded By: Amy Renfranz Approved By: ____________________________________________________________ ADDENDUM I. MAY 19 TICK LIST UPDATES Stormwater Management • Initiate discussion with Bryan Evans regarding Washington State DENR for future of water quality issues – Bill & Dru Update: Bill would like to solely follow up on the communication. • Share SDC Award application information with David Ingram. – Dru Update: Done. • Develop video on nature-based stormwater management – Amy & Dru & Haley Update: The project is underway. Final film will be complete within the year. Education and Outreach • Explore opportunities for development of 4th grade curriculum – Amy, Lilly & Evan William J. Hart (Jul 9, 2021 16:59 EDT) William J. Hart 5 Update: In progress. Move to long term. • Develop process for County Commissioner meetings with supervisors – Sue, Dru and Amy Update: In progress. • Work with David Ingram to draft a resolution from the board in support of NHSWCD’s involvement on the Wilmington Clean Energy Task Force – Evan, Dru Update: No progress. Land Conservation and Resource Development • Initiate process for rezoning SWCD property on Eagles Island in Brunswick County from Industrial to open space or recreation – Dru Update: In progress. Harrison is checking on legal process. • Contact Durham SWCD staff regarding info on funding and implementation of LID at local schools – Dru Update: Harrison working on it. • Communicate canopy-friendly objectives with Novant concerning their new parking lot. – Evan Update: In progress • Propose edits to county tree ordinances – Bill Update: No progress. • Contact NH Parks Dept and Extension Agency regarding developing plans for the park and parking areas of new NHC Admin building – Bill, Evan, Dru Update: Complete. • E-mail to Dru peer-reviewed info on regenerative agriculture – Evan • Develop database of New Hanover farmers and identify list of farmers for EQIP program – Matt, Dru and Amy Update: On-going. Long term. NRCS – Josh • Schedule meeting with supervisors to create a list of NHC pertinent EQIP practices. • General and share list of past EQIP projects that have been implemented in NHC. • Determine if municipalities can apply for EQIP. Long-term Projects: • Develop process for use of trees, biochar and organic matter for stormwater management as a District BMP – Dru • Develop priority list of projects for grant proposals and identify grant-writing assistance - supervisors and staff • Develop Water table management and hydric soils presentation – Bill, Evan and Amy Update: Jim Gregory and Lloyd Singleton have made steps to develop this program. Harrison will reach out in regards to partnership. • Develop a protocol/policy for the creation of a quarterly report that communicates motions and resolutions that have been approved and the district supports – Dru, Bill Please Sign - MINUTES_6_16_21 Final Audit Report 2021-07-09 Created:2021-07-08 By:Amy Renfranz (arenfranz@nhcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAmGv8hiHs-W0fz8bQRxXqkO5wnbBVvuJN "Please Sign - MINUTES_6_16_21" History Document created by Amy Renfranz (arenfranz@nhcgov.com) 2021-07-08 - 7:13:41 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) for signature 2021-07-08 - 7:14:06 PM GMT Email viewed by William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) 2021-07-08 - 7:14:17 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2021-07-09 - 8:59:13 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2021-07-09 - 8:59:13 PM GMT