1982-03-15 Regular Meeting 27 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING MARCH 1, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADJOURNMENT (CONTINUED) Chm. Blake adjourned the meeting at 1:15 o'clock a. m. Respectfully submitted, . ~'/$.;f~ Alyce B. Rusmisell, Clerk I MINUTES OF. REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March 15, 1982 at 9: 00 a. m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. Membe rs present were: Commi ss ione rs Howard L. Arm i stead, Jr.; Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Karen E. Gottovi; Chairman Donald P. Blake; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope and Clerk to the Board Alyce B. Rusmisell. Comm. Claud O'Shields, Jr. was absent. Chm. Blake called the meeting to order. Rev. Gregory W..Pitts, III of Warner Temple AME Zion Church gave the invocation. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 1, 1982 Upon MOTION by Comm. Gottovi, SECONDEDby Comm. Arm i stead the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March I, 19~2 were approved as presented by the following vote. Voting Aye: Chm. Blake. Commissioners Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Absent: Comm. O'Shields APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon~OTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. .Barfield, the following Consent Agenda items were approved as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. APPROVAL OF THE REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE THROUGH FEBRUARY 28, 1982 A copy or-Fhe-report of the Collector of Revenue through February 28, 1982 as approved is contained in Exhibi t Book IX, Page 6. I APPROVAL OF LIST OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS A copy of~e-rrsr-of Tax Abatements-and Refunds as approved is contained in Exhibit Book IX, Page 6. CONTRACT MODIFICATION - ARROWHEAD PARK Approval was given for extension Of Contract with Central Builders, Inc. for Arrowhead Park extending the completion date from April 17, 1982 to April 30, 1982 due to a delay in equipment delivery. AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH N.C. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES - MATERNAL CHILD HEALT~OGRAM An amendment to the Contract with N.C. Department of Human Resources, Division of Maternal Child Heal th, was approved along with the following budget amendment 28 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT WITH N. C. DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES - MATERNAL CHILD HELATH PROGRAM (CONTINUED) appropriating the additional grant monies for a perinatal component: Debit - Acct. #11 3518 372 Revenue $19,500. Credit - Ac ct. #11 5183 100 Salaries & Wages $14,003. Acct. #11 5183 210 FICA 931. Ac ct. #11 5183 221 Retirement 1,113. Ac ct. #11 5183 230 Group Insurance 504. Ac ct. #11 5183 381 Telephone 357. Ac ct. #11 5183 411 Printing 181. Ac c t. #11 5183 421 Department Supplies 524. Acct. #11 5183 510 Auto Allowance 1,584. Ac ct. #11 5183 520 Travel, Meetings & Schools 243. BUDGET AMENDMENT - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The following amendment in the Engineering budget was approved to cover the cost of cover and seeding of the Blue Clay Road and Carolina Beach landfill sites: Debit - Acct. #11 9800 911 Credit - Acct. #11 4197 326 Contingencies Professional Services $35,000. $35,000. BUDGET AMENDMENT - WATER AND SEWER OPERATING FUNDS The following amendment was-approved in the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to rebudget for expenses incurred under phase II, of the 201 Study: Debit - Acct. #47 4707 480 Acct. #47 3990 990 Acct. #47 3310 890 Credit Acct. #47 4707 320 Miscellaneous Expense Appropriated Fund Balance Interest on Investments Professional Services $HJ,168. 54,032. 8,847. $73,047. BUDGET AMENDMENTS APPROVED BY THE COUNTY MANAGER The following amendments have been approved by the County Manager and are being reported to the Commissioners for entry into the record: Health Department - Due to a reduction in State Funding Debit - Acct. #11 5111 520 Credit - Acct. #11 3513 371 Travel, Meetings & Schools Revenue-Federal/State $ $ 449. 449. Data Processing Department - Reimbursement for paper costs on Voter Registration printouts Debit - Acct. #11 4170 370 Credit - Acct. #11 4132 421 Arrowhead Park Project Debit Credit - Acct. #38 6125 911 Acct. #38 6125 615 Contracted Services Departmental Supplies $ 1,700. $ 1,700. Contingencies Landscaping $ 1,000. $ 1,000. BUDGET AMENDMENT - HUMAN RELATIONS The following amendment in the Human Relations budget was approved to appropriate additional grant funds received: Debit - Acct. #11 3581 233 Credit - Acct. #11 5811 520 Human Relations Grant Travel, Meetings & Schools $ 1,979. $ 1,979. BUDGET AMENDMENT - INSURANCE AND BONDS The following amendment was approved in the Insurance and Bonds budget account to cover the cost of unemployment insurance for fiscal year 1981-82: Debit - Acct. #11 9800 911 Credit - Acct. #11 4200 540 "- Contingencies Insurance and Bonds $ 5,960. $ 5,960. 29 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) BUDGET AMENDMENT - ANIMAL CONTROL The following amendment was approved in the Animal Control budget to realign expenditures properly: Debit - Acct. #11 5114 391 Credit - Acct. #11 3990 990 M & R Buildings & Grounds Appropriated Fund Balance $ 5,527. $ 5,527. I RECOGNITION OF'CHIEF PLUMBING INSPECTOR - LOUIS ROBERT SMITH On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, Chm. Blake presented a certificate of commendation to Chief Plumbing Inspector, Louis Robert Smith, upon his receipt of Standard Certificate No. 214, Plumbing Level III which is issued by the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board and represents the highest level of professional achievment that an inspector can obtain in the State of North Carolina. DISCUSSION ON ESTABLISHMENT OF DOMICILIARY HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COM~TTEE ----- Dr. James Di xon, Cha i rman of the Board of Soc i al S.erv ices, Mr. Wayne Morris, DSS Director, and Mr. Richard G~r-rish. of the Department of Social Services appeared before the Board to discuss their recommendation that the County Commissioners establish a Domiciliary Home Community Advisory Committee. It was agreed that the Department of Social Services. would draw up some guidelines on the composition of the committee and make recommendations to the County Commissioners at .a later meeting, after which time the Commissioners would then advertise for applications for appointments to the committee. I POSTPONEMENT OF FINAL PLAT REVIEW - NORTH GREEN MEADOWS DRIVE Mr. Ken Silliman---or-the Planning Department reported that this item was considered at the Commissioners meeting on February 15, 1982 and consideration of the plat was continued to the meeting of March 15, 1982. He reported that the petitioners again desired to have this matter postponed as they had not yet received approval from the Department of Transpo~tation. Upon request of the petitioners, Comm. Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake that consideration of this plat be continued to the regular meeting of April 19, 1982. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Gomm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. SIGNS FOR THE LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER DirectorOf Engineering, Ed Hilton, appeared before the Board to explain the proposals that had been furnished to the Commissioners on signs to be placed on the Law Enforcement Center. I Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to use the aluminum metal finsh on signs for the Law Enforcement Center and that the signs be done as recommended in the memorandum from Ed Hilton to Felix Cooper dated March 3, 1982. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED as follows: voting Aye: Blake. Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovj and Chm. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. BREAK Chm. Blake recessed the meeting for a break from 9:35 o'clock a. m. to 9:44 o'clock a. m. 30 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO TAX NOTICES Tax Administrator-Larry Powell appeared before the Board to explain his recommendations for redesigning the tax bills in the form of a mailer. Comm. Gottovi MOVED to approve the new form of the tax bills as recommended by the Tax Administrator. Comm. Armistead SECONDED the MOTION with the provision that an ad be run in the paper once a year if it was possible showing a breakdown of the County's income and expenses. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Blake. Comm. Armist~ad, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. LOCATION OF NEW HANOVER/PENDER COUNTY LINE Directorof Engineering Ed Hilton appeared before the Board to discuss with the Commissioners a proposed solution to the location of the New Hanover/Pender County line and requested $1,750 be transferred from the contingency account to cover one half the cost of surveying the line and placement of the monuments. Comm. Gottovi M9VED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead to accept the points as recommended by the County Engineer and ask the New Hanover County Attorney to inform the Pender County Attorn~y that the Commissioners had done so and that the $1,750 for the survey be transferred out of contingencies. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Blake. Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm~ Absent: Comm. O'Shields. PROCLAMATION - BEAUTIFUL IS BETTER WEEK Chm. Blake reported that the Clean Community Commission had requested the week of April 5-10, 1982 be proclaimed as Beautiful is Better Week in New Hanover County. Upon MOTION by Comm. Barfield, SECONDED by Comm. the following proclamation was ADOPTED as follows:- Gottovi, Voting Aye: Blake. Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. PROCLAMATION BEAUTIFUL IS BETTER WEEK WHEREAS, New Hanover County is rich in natural resources and beauty; and WHEREAS, we believe that every citizen should contribute to keeping his environment clean and healthful, should work together to preserve clean air, fresh water and the natural beauty of his surroundings; and WHEREAS, Beautiful Is Better Week has organized a countywide effort to improve the community environment by establishing appliance pickups, recycling centers, restoring beachfronts, landscaping; and WHEREAS, Beautiful is Beter Week is a public service responsible for involving individuals in community improvements, and focusing attention on the efforts of concerned citizens, .... 31 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) PROCLAMATION - BEAUTIFUL IS BETTER WEEK (CONTINUED) NOW THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim the week of April 5-10, 1982 as: BEAUTIFUL IS BETTER WEEK in New Hanover County and we ask all citizens from businesses, civic groups, governing agencies and other organizations to work together to preserve the natural beauty of our County not only on Beautiful Is Better Week, but throughout the year. I OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF DEVELOPMENT Comm. Gottovi explained her request that the Commissioners discuss Outer Continental Shelf Lease Activities with the idea that the County designate the responsible public official to take the lead role in coordinating the local OCS Impact Management effort. Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead to designate County Manager Felix Cooper to take the lead role in coordinating local OCS Impact Management efforts. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. I RESOLUTION OPPOSING DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN BARRIER ISLANDS AS INELIGIBLE FOR FLOOD INSURANCE Mr. Robert Sawyer of the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association appeared before the Commissioners and requested their endorsement of opposition to the designation of certain barrier islands as ineligible for Flood Insurance. Upon MOTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, the fGNowing resolution was APPROVED as follows: Voting Aye: Blake. Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. RESOLUTION OPPOSING DESIGNATING CERTAIN BARRIER ISLANDS AS INELIGIBLE FOR FLOOD INSURANCE SUBJECT: Proposed designation of barrier islands on the - East and Gulf Coast of the Uni ted States as inel ig ible for Federal Flood Inaurance. WHEREAS, the premiums paid to date by North Carolina policy holders have exceeded claims filed by over 50% according to F.E.M.A. records, and I October, increase and WHEREAS, the regulations and rate changes effective in 1981 for construction in the Coastal Zone will further contributions to this fund from coastal policy holders, WHEREAS, development in the North Carolina Coastal Zone is well controlled by CAMA and a strong Coastal Resource Commission, and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Commerce states that tourism is North Carolina's third largest industry with 30% of this revenue generated in the beach resorts, and WHEREAS, tourists and vacationers require the accomodations and services that stable resort communities provide, and 48% of North Carolina's 320 mile ocean shoreline is in public ownership, 32 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) RESOLUTION - OPPOSING DESIGNATION OF CERTAIN BARRIER ISLANDS AS INELIGIBlE FOR FLOOD INSURMJCE (CONTiNUED) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that we, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, by majority vote taken this date, oppose the designation of any portion of the Wrightsville Beach Island as "undevelopable" and request that Map L08 be deleted from this determination. ADDITIONAL ITEMS RELEASE OF RETAINAGE UNDER WASTE MANAGEMENT OF N. C. CONTRACT Director of Engineering Ed Hilton and County Manager Cooper explained the request from Waste Management for release of a portion of their retainage under the original contract. Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi to modify the contract with Waste Management of N. C., Inc. to allow retainage from the origi~al contract amount be released ($95,571.30) leaving a retainage balance equal to 10% of the extra work completed to date as recommended by the County Manager and Director of Engineering, and authorized execution of the contract amendment by the Chairman. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. SOUTHEASTERN MENTAL HEALTH CENTER REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE IN RE-ESTABLISHING GROUP HOME FOR MENTALLY RETARDED ADULTS - County Manager Cooper explained the recent meetings between him and Southeastern Mental Health Center Area Director, Mel Martin concerning the Center's request for assistance from the County in re-establishing a Group Home for Mentally Retarded Adults, since the Tabb Mansion house had burned. Comm. Barfield, the Commission representative on the Southeastern Mental Heal th Area Board, commented. It was agreed that Comm. Barfield and County Manager Cooper would discussthis further with Mr. Martin and get a recommendation from the Southeastern Mental Health Area Board of Directors for the Commissioners. UPDATE ON SEPTAGE STUDY REPORT Chm. Blake reported that he had received a notice indicating that a preliminary report from the Septage Study Committee would be available by March 19, and Director of Engineering Ed Hilton reported that the final report should be ready around the end of March. COMPLAINTS ABOUT MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME PARKS Chm. Blake reported that he ha~eceived numerous complaints concerning mobile homes and mobile home parks and he would like for the Board to determine whether or not the County's regulations concerning mobile homes and mobile home parks were proper and if they were they should be enforced and if they were not they should be changed. Superintendent of Inspections Sky Director Dexter Hayes appeared before and answer questions concerning ordinances pertaining to mobile homes Conklin and Planning the Board to explain the curreRt County and mobile home parks. It was agre~d that Mr. Conklin and Mr. Hayes would work up an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to clarify the interpretations of the Mobile Home and Zoning Ordinances. ,- 33 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) PLACEMENT OF COMMUNITY HOSPITAL COMMEMORATION PLAQUE AT NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Com~Barfield commented on a request he had received that a plaque be placed in New Hanover Memorial Hospital commemorating Community Hospital and funded by the County. I Comm. Armistead, the Commission representative on the Hospital Board of Trustees agreed to discuss this matter with the Hospital Board of Trustees and report back to the Commissioners. DISCUSSION ON FORMAT OF COMMISSION MEETINGS Due to the recent lengthy meetings of Commissioners, County Manager Cooper had sent memo outlining recommendations for changing the Monday night meetings. the County the Commissioners a the format of The Commissioners discussed County Manager Cooper's recommendations and agreed by consensus to follow the recommendation for general format of the Monday night meetings as outlined in Mr. Cooper's memo to the Commissioners dated March 4, 1982. DISCUSSION OF SPECIAL MEETING ON LAND USE PLAN SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 22 - - - - The CommiSSloners discussed the Special Meeting to be held on March 22 concerning the Land Use Plan and th.e high density performance standards for multi-family developments. I It was agreed that the meeting would be held at Roland Grise Junior High School Auditorium and that discussion would be limited to 20 minutes for those in favor of the Land Use Plan as amended and 20 minutes for those opposed to the Land Use Plan as amended and the discussion on the.high density performance standards would end by 10:30 p. m. DISCUSSION ON NCAAC DISTRICT MEETING IN JACKSONVILLE, N. C. ON MARCH 16-;-1982. - - - The CommISSioners discussed the district meeting of the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners to be held in Jacksonville on March 16, 1982. Comm. Armistead and County Manager Cooper agreed to attend the meeting. DISCUSSION ON LETTER COMPLAINING ABOUT TAXI SERVICE FROM THE AIRPORT- Comm. Gottovi commented on the letter that the Commissioners had received complaining about the Taxi service from the Airport. Comm. Armistead, the Commission representative o.n the Airport Commission, reported that he had intended to bring that matter up at the next Airport Commission meeting. I DISCUSSION ON APPOINTMENTS TO HOSPITAL BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chm. Blake reported on the letter received from the Hospital Board of Trustees explaining their need for a balance of expertise and experience on that Board and outlining their recommendations for making appointments to the Board. Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi to go on record as requesting that the Hospital Board, before the vacancies occur on that Board, furnish the Commissioners with the category of individual that they would like to see appointed to that vacancy. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED as follows: voting Aye: Blake. Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. 34 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION ON LETTER FROM GASTON COUNTY ABOUT HUMAN SERVICES Comm. Gottovi commented on the letter received from Gaston County concerning changes in human services and the need for enabling legislation to allow the Counties to change the method in which they deal with human services and allow for central intake in case management if they so desired. County Manager Cooper agreed to contact Gaston County in regard to their suggestions. DISCUSSION ON UDAG FUNDS FOR MONKEY JUNCTION SHOPPING -- CENTER Chm. Blake requested direction from the Board on how he should vote at the next Council of Governments meeting concerning the review of the City of Wilmington's request for UDAG funds to provide services to a proposed shopping c~nter at Monkey Junction. County Manager Cooper commented. Comm. Armistead requested that the record show that the City of Wilmington did not contact the County in any way until after the grant application had been submitted. The Commissioners advised Chm. Blake of their personal opinions in this matter, but no action was taken by the Board. DISCUSSION ON PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING COMPLAINTS Comm. Gottovi requested clarification from the County Manager on whether or not complaints received by the Commissioners should be funneled through him or could they communicate directly with the departments involved. County Manager Cooper commented on how he felt this should be handled. Comm. Gottovi reported on the complaint she had received over the weekend about a water line puncture at Arrowhead Park and she had called the Parks and Recreation Director as she was unable to locate anybody else to take care of this matter. BREAK Chm. Blake recessed the meeting for a break from 12: 35 p.m. until 12:43 o'clock p. m. DISCUSSION ON REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR RESOURCE RECOVERY PROJECT - County Manager Cooper reported that George S. Campbell and Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers had received eleven responses to their contractor qualification questionnaire in regard to the New Hanover County Resource Recovery Project. They had evaluated the qualification s~atements and recommended the recfu~st.s for pro1?osals~be - sentto the following four f.irms: Via Con Recovery Systems BFI Southeastern Waste Control Systems/Consumat Kenith Energy Systems, Inc. Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield to approve their recommendations and send requests.~6rproposals to those four firms. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIEP as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake. .... 35 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION ON REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR RESOURCE RECOVERY PROJECT (CONTINUED) Absent: Comm. O'Shields. I ADOPTION OF PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR THE CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE-aUILDING --- --- ---- ---- Upon MOTION by Comm. Armistead, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, the following Project Ordinance for the Cape Fear Technical Institute Building was approved as follows: voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR THE CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BUILDING BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: WHEREAS: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in a capital project which involves the construction or acquisition of a capital asset. I 2. County desi res to author i ze and budget for said capi tal project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159~13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 159-13.2. 2. The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the purchase and renovation of a building in New Hanover County to be used by Cape Fear Technical Institute and the project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Transfer from General Fund $300,000 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Architectural and Engineering 15,000 Buildings and Land 200,000 . Renovations 85,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $300,000 I 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. BUDGET AMENDMENT - ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF ARROWHEAD PARK County Manager Cooper and Director of Parks and Recreation Mike Waters appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions on their recommendation for additional improvement and ballfield construction at Arrowhead Park. Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi to approve the ballfield construction at Arrowhead Park along with the 36 'MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) BUDGET AMENDMENT - ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF ARROWHEAD PARK (CONTINUED) following budget amendment to appropriate the funds: Debit - Acct. #11 3411 411 Acct. #38 3981 920 Franchise Fees -Cable Transfer from General Capital Project $ 9,000. $ 9,000. Credit - Acct. #11 6120 901 Transfer to Arrowhead Capi tal proj ect Acct. #38 6125 630 Construction $ ~9 ,000. $ 9,000. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake Absent: Comm. O'Shields. BUDGET AMENDMENT - LIBRARY Upon MOTION by Comm. Gottovi, SECONDED by Chm. Blake, the following amendment was approved in the Library budget to appropriate additional funds for utilities: Debit - Acct. #11 9800 911 Credit - Acct. #11 6110 340 Contingencies Utilities $20,000. $20,000. DISCUSSION ON HOSPITAL ASSISTANCE WITH EMS BILL COLLECTIONS CO,unty Manager Cooper reported to the Commissioners on his discussions with the hospital administration concerning their assistance in helping the County collect Emergency Medical Services bills. DISCUSSIONS WITH CITY OF WILMINGTON ON COMBINED DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM County Manager C60per renorted to th~. CommissioP&'J::'s tha~ h.e had a discussion with the City of Wilmington Manager concerning possibillity of a combined City and County Data Processing Center. DISCUSSION ON INTEREST RATES FOR SEWER COLLECTOR SYSTEM County Manager Cooper reportecr-that he and Henry von Oesen had recently had a discussion with the Farmers Home Administration concerning the current status of interest rates and availability of funds for the sewer collector system and it was not too encouraging. He stated that they would continue to watch the interest rate situation, and the grant situation and would advise the Commissioners when they felt was a good time to put it on the ballot. UPDATE ON NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR County Manager Cooper and Director of Engineering ,-Ed Hilton, updated the Commissioners on the status of construction on the Northeast Interceptor. AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE ENCROACHMENT AGREE- MENT WITH DEPARTMENT OF TRAN-SPORTATION AND APPLICATION FOR ADDfT~TO FLEMINGTO~WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM Director of Engineering Ed Hilton appeared before the Board to request authorization for the Chairman to sign a blanket encroachment agreement with the Department of Transportation to allow the County to make water and sewer taps; the standard application to ,the Department of Human Resources for approval of plans and specifications for water supply system; and an encroachment agreement with the Department of Transportation to run the water line along highway 421 from the existing line to the connection with the SAS tank. He reported that these were all standard documents that had to be submitted on this type of project. Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead to authorize .... -..... 31 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MARCH 15, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) AUTHORIZABTION FOR CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE ENCROACHMENT AGREE- MENT WITH DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND APPLICATION FOR ADDYT~TO FLEMINGTO~WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM (CONTINUED) I the Chairman to sign those documents and to give the County Manager authority to proceed with this type of encroachment agreement with the Department of Transportation and the applications that accompany' plans ~in' .the' .f.uture..:' Upon.. vote, .., the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. EXECUTIVE SESSION Comm. Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session to discuss a legal matter. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Blake. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. Chm. Blake recessed the meeting to Executive Session,at 1:10 o'clock p. m. Chm. Blake reconvened the me~ting to Public Session at- 1:11 o'clock p. ffi. I ADJOURNMENT Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Blake. Comm. Armistead, Barfield, Gottovi and Chm. Absent: Comm. O'Shields. Chm. Blake adjourned the meeting at 1:11 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, 1J-;?~ Al~Rusmisell' Clerk MINUTES OF' SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 22, 1982 I ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met Session on Monday, March 22, 1982, at 7:00 o'clock p. School Auditorium of Roland Grise Junior High School, Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina. in Special m. in the 4412 Lake /Vlembers present were:. c;,ommissi0n~[js How.arjd L." Ar~~is~t~ae,- Jr.; Jonathan Barfield; Karen E. Gottovi; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; C h m . Do n aId P. B 1 a k e; Co un t y /VI a nag erG. Fe 1 i x Coo per; Co un t y Attorney Robert W. pope and Clerk to the Board Alyce B. Rusmisell. No members were absent. Chm. Blake called the meeting to order and stated that this was a special called meeting which concerned matters that were continued from the February 8, 1982 and March 1, 1982 Regular Meetings. --oOlIIIIII