1982-05-25 Continued Meeting 76 MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, MAY 25, 1982 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Tuesday, May 25, 1982, at 7:00 o'clock p.m. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. This meeting was continued from the Regular Meeting on May 17, 1982. Members present were Commissioners Howard L. Armistead, Jr.; Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Karen E. Gottovi; Claud O'Shields, 'Jr.; Chairman Donald P. Blake; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Alyce B. Brown. No members were absent. Chm. Blake called the meeting back to order and reported that this meeting was a continuation of the Regular Meeting of May 17, 1982. DISCUSSION ON REQUEST TO TAKE OVER CITY INSPECTIONS - ---- Chm. Blake and County Manager Cooper reported to Commissioners on their meeting with Mayor Halterman of the of Wilmington and City Manager Robert Cobb to discuss County's assuming the responsibility for City inspections. the ~ity the County Manager Cooper commented on the County's Inspections Department budget. No action was taken. DISCUSSION ON PURCHASE OF EXCESS RAW WATER FROM CITY OF WILMINGTON Chm. Blake reported that he and County Manager Cooper had met with Mr. Paul Butler, Chairman of the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority, and Mr. Kurt Taube, Executive Director, to discuss the purchase of raw water from the City of Wilmington when the Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Authority's line was completed. County Manager Cooper brought the rest of the Board up to date on the discussions. NEW HANOVER COUNTY DAY AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Chm. Blake commentecr-on New Hanover County Day at the World's Fair and asked Ms. Karene Manley, who was coordinating the trip, to bring the Commissioners up to date on the plans. County Manager Cooper commented. Comm. Gottovi MOVED to contribute $1,000 toward New Hanover County Day at the World's Fair. The MOTION DIED for lack of a second. Comm. O'Shields made a SUBSTITUTE MOTION, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, to make it $1500 and that Ms. Manley talk with the YWCA and the Youth Council as to how that $500 could be distributed between them to help cover some of their expenses since they would be there the same day, maybe not right in the same pavillion. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING WITH ABC BOARD AND MUNICIPALITY REPRESENTATIVES Chm~lake reported that the following municipality representatives were present to participate in the discussion with the members of the ABC Board: Mr. Lee Wrenn, Mayor of Kure Beach Mr. Rick McLean, ,Carolina Beach Town Manager Mr. Hugh Perry, Wrightsville Beach Town Clerk Mr. William S. Rehder, Chairman of the ABC Board, ABC Board members, Mr. George Sperry and Mr. Charles Walker and ABC Administrator, Mr. George Tally, appeared before the Board to discuss future plans for the ABC system. 77 MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, MAY 25, 1982 (CONTINUED) MEETING WITH ABC BOARD AND MUNICIPALITY REPRESENTATIVES TCONTINUED1- Mr. Tally gave an update on construction of facilities and reported on future plans for the system. I County Manager Cooper commented on the amount of funds budgeted for the next ~iscal year. The following persons commented on the percentage of distribution of ABC funds in the community: Mr. Perry Mr. Tally Mr. Cooper It was agreed for the County Manager to arrange a meeting with representatives from the municipalities and the ABC system to work out details on distribution percentpge, etc. that would be suitable for everybody. The following persons commented: Mr. Sperry Mr. Rick McLean The ABC Board was commended for the good job they have done. I REAPPOINTMENT OF GEORGE SPERRY TO ABC BOARD Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm,' Armis:tead, to reappoint Mr. George Sperry to another 3-year term on the'ABC Board to begin July 1, 1982. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RECISSION OF R-15-S ZONING ,DESIGNATION Comm~O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead, to rescind the action taken on May 3, 1982, establishing the R-15-S zoning designation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . RESALE OF TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - 1314 GLENN STREET Comm:-O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Arml.stead, to approve the resale of property at 1314 Glenn Street to the prior owners through private sale as outlined in G.S. 105-376(c). Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADDITIONAL ITEMS AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO SIGN UNITED WAY WEEK PROCLAMATION Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, to authorize the Chairman to sign a proclamation proclaiming the week of September 12, 1982, as United Way Week. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I DISCUSSION ON REGISTRY HOURS Comm. Gottovi asked if any official action needed to be taken on the setting of the hours in the Register of Deeds Office and was advised that the matter would be on the agenda. for the June 7 meeting. APPOINTMENTS TO HAZARDOUS WASTE TASKFORCE Comm. BarfielClMOVED, SECONDED by Co~m. Gottovi, to appoint Mr. Robert A. Oler and Mr. Ben Washburn to the Hazardous Waste Task Force. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION ON NURSING HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE It was agreed by consensus of the Board that the Chairman would write letters to the members of the Nursing Home Advisory Committee asking them if they wished to. continue serving on the committee in view of the fact that the committee has been having trouble getting a quorum to attend the meetings. 78 MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, MAY 25, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION ON JUDICIAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Chm. Blake reported that what had seemed to be a problem with the Judicial Building Construction had been worked out and that everything was proceeding as scheduled. DISCUSSION ON SPECIAL MEETING FOR COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS County Manager Cooper commented on his suggestions concerning having occasional special meetings specifically to make committee appointments. It was agreed to discuss this matter at the next meeting. DISCUSSION ON BUDGET HEARING SCHEDULE Comm. O'Shields commented on the budget hearings scheduled for June 2 and June 10 and the possibility of consolidating those hearings into one meeting. It was agreed to move the hearings scheduled for June 2 to June 10 and that the meeting would begin at 8:00 a. m. instead of 9:00 a. m. DISCUSSION ON SEPTAGE DUMPING PROBLEM IN WALNUT HILLS Comm. Barfield commented on the septage dumping problem in Walnut Hills and that he had requested that since the homeowners had hired an attorney that all future discussion be between the County Attorney and their attorney. UPDATE ON BOUNDARY COMMISSION Chm. Blake commented on the letter he had received from Pender County stating that they would not accept any of New Hanover County's suggestions for the third party to be appointed to the Boundary Commission, and they suggested that the two appointees from New Hanover and Pender appoint the third member of the commission. BREAK I Chm. Blake recessed the meeting for a break from 8:33 o'clock p.m. until 8:45 o'clock p.m. ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE REQUEST FOR MEETING WITH COMMISSIONERS Chm. Blake reported that the-chamber of Commerce wished to make a presentation to the Commissioners, and introduced Ms. Diane Harris, Manager of Tourism. Ms. Harris commented on the County's allocation for tourism in 'the 1982/83 proposed budget and requested that they be allowed to meet with the Commissioners at a later time to discuss additional funding for tourism. Chm. Blake commented on a survey made by the Chamber of Commerce concerning various matters. It was agreed to get back in touch with the Chamber of Commerce concerning a meeting at a later time. The following persons offered comments: Mr. Jim Wallace Mr. Jim Mealer COUNTY MANAGER TO AUTHORIZE SMALL CLAIMS ACTIONS County Attorney Pope requested that the County Manage:!?' be authorized to make the decisions when-there'was a request for small claims actions by one of the County Departments rather than having to wait for a ,Commission meeting to obtain authorization. Comm. Armistead MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. O'Shields, to authorize the County Manager to make decisions concerning " 79 MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, MAY 25, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) COUNTY MANAGER TO AUTHORIZE SMALL CLAIMS ACTIONS (CONTINUED) small claims actions for County Departments and keep the Commissioners informed. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I UPDATE ON LITIGATION. County Attorney Pope reported that on June 7, Judge Robert Rouse would conduct a hearing and determine the disposition of the $225,000 bond forfeiture over which 'there was a controversy with Brunswick ,County. .:,1, ,::J~ t',~,;,: :1:',1. -:,r- -'hie):' County Attorney Pope reported that the Burton Steel cas~ was successfully completed last week. .,. ::~'.." ~ ."i .....~.. "'.1 ,tl l.'~. County Attorney Pope repo~ted that a New j~rsey town had filed suit against its insurance carrier after the insurance carrier refused to defend a lawsui t ~~d .ltpe:,. .~pwR.,,"yJp,n t~,lfJ -, r,.(,.. suit. He felt that this suit could set'a pre~edent in the U. S. and that similar action had been taken with regard to the Flemington lawsuit in that event. CHANGE OF CLERK'S NAME The Clerk to the Board reported that her name had been officially changed back to Alyce B. Brown and she wanted the record to show that Alyce B. Brown and Alyce B. Rusmisell were one and the same person. " ADJOURNMENT Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Armistead" that the meeting be adjourned. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I Chm. Blake adjourned the meeting at 9:05 o'clo~k p. m. Respectfully submitted, ) t.- : :- j.,.l;- ~... - ~AS,~ :A~y'CE;!. ..:B.,": B~_qwn" ~l~rik. '.' ,\ .. .J ~ 11 ~ .. ~ I. r I \ .. . I '\ '.1. ;)'~.r.. ~\II~J II :-'C~r:ft ,I;:,.-:..' I : i .'"l , \. I" , . , .: ~ ~