2021-08-04 Agenda Meeting 5:00 PM Wednesday August 4, 2021 Airport Authority New Hanover County Agenda Page 1 ILM Executive Conference Room Tab 1 Tab 2Tab 3Tab 4Tab 5Tab 6Tab 7Tab 8Tab 9 5:00 PM - Airport Authority Agenda Page 2 Meeting Agenda August 4, 2021 New Hanover County Facilities & Terminal ExpansionFinance & Human ResourcesBusiness DevelopmentGovernment Operations and General AviationIT Pledge of AllegianceCall to Order/Code of Ethics ClauseApproval of MinutesPublic Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes)Staff ReportsUnfinished Business/New Business/Adjournment involved. particular matter Agenda Page 3 Code of Ethics Adopted 9/2/2015 New Hanover County Airport Authority obey all applicable laws;uphold the integrity and independence of the Authority;avoid impropriety;faithfully perform the duties of the office; and,conduct the affairs of the Authority in an open and public manner. In accordance with the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Resolution Adopting a Code of Ethics, as adopted on January 5, 2015, it is the duty of all County boards and committees to respect and abide by the New Hanover County Code of Ethics in the performance of their duties.More specifically all Airport Authority members should: is further the duty of every Authority member to avoid both conflicts of interest and appearances of conflicts. Does any member have any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matters coming before the Authority today? If so, please identify the conflict or appearance of conflict and refrain from any undue participation in the regular closed session. 2021 2021 Agenda Page 4 Tab 1 Approval of Minutes The Authority has been provided a copy of the minutes for the July 7, meeting and the July 7, Campbell Staff MemberGranseur DickBobCarol LeTellierGary BroughtonGary BroughtonGranseur DickTamie KeelGary Broughton Boseman - Agenda Page 5 Williams Staff Reports Airport Authority MemberDonna Girardot, ChairmanNick RhodesTom Wolfe, ChairmanLeeJason ThompsonSpruill Thompson, ChairmanTom WolfeDonna GirardotJulia OlsonNick Rhodes, ChairmanJason ThompsonDonna GirardotLee Williams, ChairmanSpruill Thompson /Tab 6 Aviation & Human Resources/ Tab 3 CommitteeFacilities & Terminal Expansion/Tab 2FinanceBusiness Development/Tab 4Government/Tab 5Operations & GeneralIT Committee/Tab 7 Committee recommends approval of a Committee recommends award of a Committee recommends approval of a Purchase Order Agenda Page 6 Tab 2 Abloy to replace three sets (Ticket Lobby, Main Entrance, Bag Claim (General Fund) Assa Facilities & Terminal Expansion bid and additional insured party coverage, for for the construction of repairs to the Runway 6 - Commercial Service Terminal (PO) in the amount of $96,000 to Lobby) of sliding doors at the terminal curb. The existing doors are original to the building (1989) and are experiencing increasing maintenance needs and costs and replacement parts are becoming difficult to source. The new doors will provide years of improved service for our terminal entrance.Runway 6 Ditch and Perimeter Fence Repair (FEMA, General) Work Authorization (WA) in the amount of $88,200 for construction administration services performed in association with the repair work of the Runway 6 Ditch. The scope of work includes management of construction activities, quality assurance testing, part time inspection services and project closeout documentation.Runway 6 Ditch and Perimeter Fence Repair (FEMA, General) construction contract to Trader Construction Company of New Bern, NC in the amount of $471,376, including the total baseditch and perimeter security fence. The project will include ditch armament to reduce the erosive effects of future significant storm events. Action Items a.b.c. Schedule 1 Work:Contractor has ILM and TSA are reviewing partnership Repair work related to damages sustained in the canopy strike Agenda Page 7 Tab 2 The $115,537 CRRSA grant for qualifying concessions rent and Facilities & Terminal Expansion completed drywall work and is installing terrazzo floors. HVAC systems are in operation and work continuesonother interior utility work. Schedule 2 Work: The Ticket Lobby restrooms have been closed off forconstruction/ expansion. This work is expected to take approximately 8-10 weeks for completion. The mainentrance to the terminal will be closed after memorial day for the installation of the custom terrazzo artwork(Flytrap Design). Schedule 1 and 2 work is on track to complete December of 2021 and December of 2022,respectively.peak travel season may assist in curb congestion associated with the temporary loss in traffic lanes.opportunities to provide conditioned air to the TSA Bag Screening area on the ramp level of the airport. Thisspace has never been conditioned before and this future project would improve working conditions for theirstaff.MAG relief has been received and executed by the Authority (Authorizing action from June 21 Meeting). last spring has been delayed until after Labor Day due to contractor availability. This time frame being after Information Items a.Terminal Expansion -Contract 3 (FAA, AIP, PFC, State, General) b.ILM Canopy Strike Repair (General Fund) c.TSA Bag Screening Room Conditions (General Fund) d.AIP Grant 3-37-0084-062-2021 (CRRSA) The increase will allow a realignment of Agenda Page 8 Tab 3 Finance & Human Resources Monthly Financials June Financial Summary, Financials (unaudited) and Cash Summary (Agenda pages 9-10)Action Items Recommend approval of a FY22 budget amendment in the amount of Seventy-seven thousanddollars ($77,000) to the Salaries, Wages, and Benefits line. wages to better reflect the current economic environment.Information Items Update on Terminal Expansion cost: Budget Budget FY20FY20 FY21 FY21 Operating Expense Operating Revenue JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun - - 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 Agenda Page 9 Wilmington International Airport June 2021 Cash Summary Month End Account Balances InterestMonth End Account NameRateBalance BB&T General Operating Checking N/A$58,647.24 South State General Operating Checking N/A$1,208,378.82 BB&T Business Park Checking N/A 0.00 South State Business Park Checking N/A 9,654.16 BB&T Business Park Money Rate Savings0.10%1,955.09 South State Business Park Money Rate Savings0.50%2,804,205.34 BB&T Money Rate Savings0.10%0.00 South State Money Rate Savings0.50%31,315,679.54 Investment Account-Govt0.07%36,390.56 BB&T PFC Money Rate Savings***0.10%17.57 South State PFC Money Rate Savings ***0.50%4,089,574.32 BB&T CFC Money Rate Savings***0.10%- South State CFC Money Rate Savings ***0.50%3,026,950.78 BB&T CFC Checking***N/A- Petty Cash N/A 1,000.00 Total Cash42,552,453.42 Less Restricted Use ***7,116,542.67 Less Reserves: Maintenance & Development Reserve3,006,042.53 Operational Reserve4,000,000.00 Net Cash Available for Daily Operations$28,429,868.22 Monthly Cash Activity Beginning Balance$25,832,805.35 Receipts General Operating$5,050,333.43 GO Transfers In from MR Savings250,000.00 GO Transfers In from NCCMT- Business Park Operations Checking- Business Park Money Rate Savings81,734.60 Business Park Money Rate Savings Transfers In20,000.00 Money Rate Savings Transfers In2,290,000.00 Business Park Money Rate Savings Interest1,260.47 Money Rate Savings Interest13,605.60 Investment Account-Govt Interest0.30 Total Receipts7,706,934.40 Disbursements General Operating Accounts Payable2,109,247.05 General Operating Payroll202,079.07 General Operating Transfers to Investment Accounts2,290,000.00 General Operating Transfers to Other Accounts224,435.37 Money Rate Savings Trf250,000.00 NCCMT Trf- Business Park Operations Checking Accounts Payable14,110.04 Business Park Money Rate Savings Transfers20,000.00 Total Disbursements(5,109,871.53) Ending Balance$28,429,868.22 Agenda Page 10 Wilson Center. - frames for an Tab 4 Agenda Page 11 . Returning advertiser Litify Business Development Television filmed on airport property th Amendment to Circle K Land Lease New advertiser 20upcoming TV miniseries. th 9 Action ItemsInformation Items a.b. None Tab 5 Agenda Page 12 2023 NC Airport Funding update - Government Federal Infrastructure Bill updateNC Revenue Projections update2022 Action Items Information Items a.b.c. Tab 6 Agenda Page 13 Operations & General Aviation None June 2021: 388,708 gallons which is up 88% vs. June 2019. PASSENGERS: Total revenue passengers for June 2021 were 99,403 bringing total revenue passengers down .9% vs. June 2019. YTD revenue passengers through June 2021 is 347,014 which is down 31.35% vs. June 2019.July 2021 enplanements are tracking up approximately 10% (vs. 2019).FUEL FLOWAGE: b. Action Items Information Items a.c. None - None IT Tab 7 Agenda Page 14 Action Items Information Items Tab 8 Agenda Page 15 None meeting.Wolfe, Spruill Thompson, Nick Rhodes, Gary Broughton and Granseur Dick areregistered to attend.) Action Item Information Items a.Oliver Lamb with APAC will present an air service update at the September Authorityb.Reminder: NCAA Conference in Pinehurst, August 10-12, 2021 (Donna Girardot, Tomc.August, September & October Calendars (Agenda pages 16-18) Agenda Page 16 Agenda Page 17 Agenda Page 18 Tab 9 Agenda Page 19 Unfinished BusinessNew BusinessAdjournment