1982-12-06 Regular Meeting 192 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, December 6, 1982, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Howard L. Armistead, Jr.; Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Karen E. Gottovi; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Donald P. Blake; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope and Acting Clerk to the Board Joyce B. Bragg. Chm. Blake called the meeting to order. Rev. James L. Finley, Pastor of pine Valley Baptist Church, gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: REGULAR MEETING, NOVEMBER 15, 1982 AND SPECIAL MEETING, NOVEMBER 29, 1982 Comm. Barfield requested to be excused from voting on approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting, November 15, 1982. Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi to excuse Comm. Barfield from voting on the approval of the minutes of the Regular Meeting November 15, 1982. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 15, 1982, be approved as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Armistead, Gottovi, O'Shields, and Chm. Blake. Abstaining: Comm. Barfield. Comm. Armistead requested to be excused from voting on approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting of November 29, 1982, since he was not present. r Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Gottovi, that Comm. Armistead be excused from voting on approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting on November 29, 1982. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Comm. O'Shields amended his motion to excuse Comm. Barfield from voting on approval of the minutes of the Special Meeting of November 29, 1982, since he was not present and Comm. Gottovi SECONDED the amendment to his MOTION. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Comm. Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. O'Shields that the minutes of the Special Meeting of November ?9, 1982, be approved as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Comm. Gottovi, O'Shields and Chm. Blake. Abstaining: Comm. Armistead and Barfield. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATE, PLAQUE AND PICTURE TO OUTGOING COMMISSIONER ARMISTEAD Chm. Blake presented a Certificate of Award, and a framed picture of the Commissioners in appreciate of his four years of service and a placque in appreciation for his serving as Vice-Chairman on the r Board for the past year. Comm. Armistead thanked the people of the County, the Commissioners he has served with and gave recognition to the staff of New Hanover County. OATHS OF OFFICE ADMINISTERED TO COMMISSIONERS, O'NEAL AND O'SHIELDS Clerk of Superior Court, Louise D. Rehder, administered the Oaths of Office to the following newley elected County Commissioners: Nolan O'Neal Claud O'Shields, Jr. Copies of the Oaths of Office are contained ln Exhibit Book 19, page 25. '- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 (CONTINUED) 193 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN Chm. Blake opened the floor to nominations for County Commission Chairman for the ensuing year. Comm. O'Shields nominated Chm. Blake for Chairman. Comm. O'Neal nominated Comm. Gottovi for Chairman. There being no other nominations, Chm. Blake declared the nominations closed. I The Commissioners voted as ..follows on the nominations: Voting for Chm. Blake: Comm. O'Shields and Chm. Blake Voting for Comm. Gottovi: Comm. Barfield, Gottovi and O'Neal. Chm. Gottovi opened the floor to nominations for Vice-Chairman. Chm. Gottovi nominated Comm. Barfield. There being no other nominations, Chm. Gottovi called for a motion that Comm. Barfield be the Vice-President by acclamation. Comm. O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake that Comm. Barfield be elected Vice-Chairman by acclamation. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK Chm. Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 7:24 o'clock P.M. until 7:35 o'clock P.M. I APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon MOTION by Comm. Blake, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, the following Consent Agenda items were UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. CHANGE OF DATE OF FIRST MEETING IN JANUARY The date of the first meeting in January was changed to January 4, 1983, since the scheduled date of January 3 is a County Holiday. APPROVAL OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS BONDS The following Resolutions were adopted approving the Public Officials Liability Bonds and exempting from Bond requirements ABC Board members who do not handle Board funds: RESOLUTION I RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section l8B-700 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 6, 1982, does hereby exempt from the bond requirement of said Section l8B-700 any member of the New Hanover County ABC Board who does not handle Board funds and thereby shall only require that the Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board be required to furnish a Bond for the faithful performance of his duties and that this requirement and this exemption be effective the 1st day of January, 1983. RESOLUTION RESOLVED, that pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 109 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 6, 1982, approved the Bonds of the Clerk of Superior Court of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Finance Officer, New Hanover County Sheriff, New Hanover County Coroner, Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Tax Collector and Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board, and FURTHER 194 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS BONDS (CONTINUED) RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to certify said approval on the original of each such Bond, with the exception of those Bonds which are not physically present in New Hanover County, to wit: the Bonds of the Clerk of Superior Court and Chairman of the ABC Board. AWARD OF BID - HOGGARD BALLFIELD LIGHTING The Commissioners awarded the contract to the lowest bidder, Harris Electric Company, in the amount of $24,311 and authorized the Chairman to execute the Agreement with that Company as recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation. The contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. TELEPHONE SYSTEM - FIFTH STREET BUILDING The Commissioners approved an amendment-to the contract with Sound and Telephone Systems for the purchase and installation of the phones and equipment to provide telephone service for the Register of Deeds when the offices are temporarily relocated in the Fifth Street Office Building during renovations and construct- tion of the Judicial Building. The following Administration Department Budget Amendment was approved to set up funds for the additional telephone service: Debit - Acct. #11 3418 410, Register of Deeds Fee Credit - Acct. #11 4121 640, Capital Outlay - Equipment $9,000 $9,000 The amendment to the contract is filed with the contract in the County Manager's Office. NACo SPECIAL SERVICE FEE The Commissioners authorized payment of a Special Service Fee to NACo in the amount of $510.50 to help alleviate NACo's current financial problems. CONTRACT FOR AIR SERVICE ANALYSIS The Chairman was authorized to execute an agreement with Kurth & Company, Inc. to perform a two-phase Air Service Analysis at the Airport in the amount not-to-exceed $10,000, as recommended by the Airport Commission. A copy of the agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION LEASE AGREEMENT The Chairman was authorized to execute a lease agreement with the Experimental Aircraft Association, Chapter 297 (EAA), for property at the Airport, as recommended by the Airport Commission. A copy of the Agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. CONCURRING RESOLUTION FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS STEWART SANDWICHES, INC. The Commissioners adopted a concurring resolution for industrial development revenue bonds for Stewart Sandwiches, Inc., as requested by the Industrial Development Authority of the City of Norfolk, Virginia. r The Resolution as adopted is contained ln Exhibit Book IX, page 25. FEE FOR INSTALLATION OF SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES As recommended by the Inspections Director, the Commissioners adopted an amendment to the Schedule of Heating and Air Conditioning Permit Fees, Section 2-6-15, Mechanical'Permit'Fee Schedu~e, by adding the following paragraph: Q. FEE FOR NOT ACQUIRING A PERMIT FOR A SOLID FUEL APPLIANCE Wood stoves, wood heaters or room heaters, inserts, wood furnaces, pre-fab fireplace, or any other type appliance designed to burn solid fuel. '- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 (CONTINUED) 195 APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) FEE FOR INSTALLATION OF SOLID FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES (CONTINUED) Any person, firm or corporation who installs a solid fuel appliance for profit or compensation of any kind without first obtaining a permit and the necessary inspections shall be charged a fee of $50.00 (FIFTY DOLLARS). I COMPUTERIZED PRICING OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR TAX PURPOSES The County Manager was authorized to execute a contract with ADPs Marketing, Inc. for the computerized pricing of motor vehicles for the Tax Department. A copy of the contract is on file In the County Manager's Office. BUDGET TRANSFER - PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Commissioners approved the transfer of Current Expense Funds from unappropriated balance to the Capital Outlay Fund (Heyward C. Bellamy School Construction) in the amount of $350,000 as requested by the Superintendent of Schools. The Commissioners agreed that the unappropriated balance in the Schools budget will be maintained at the $1,000,000 level as FY 1983 is ended and FY 1984 is entered. RESOLUTION RESCINDING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY A Resolution rescinding acceptance of an offer to purchase surplus real property from J. V. Morris and wife, Mildred B. Morris, was adopted by the Commissioners. A copy of the Resolution is contained In Exhibit Book IX, page 25. I BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH/PERSONAL HEALTH GENERAL The following amendment in the Health Department budget was approved to appropriate unanticipated revenue from flue and pneumovac vaccina- tions to cover extra vaccines that have already been purchased to meet the demand: Debit - Acct. #11 3511 430, Revenues - Health Fees Credit - Acct. #11 5161 421, Departmental Supplies $1,220 $1,220 BUDGET AMENDMENT - PARKS AND RECREATION The following amendment was approved in the Parks and Recreation Budget to appropriate projected revenues from fees and charges on the Castle Hayne Community Building: Debit - Acct. #11 3611 413, Projected Revenue - Castle Hayne Community Bldg. Credit Acct. #11 6120 370, Contracted Services Acct. #11 6120 391, M & R Building & Grounds $940 $440 500 BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT (HERR) The following budget amendments were approved by the County Manager and reported to the Commissioners for entry into the record. Finance Department - To purchase various furniture to replace that transferred to Data Processing Debit - Acct. #11 9800 911, Contingencies I Credit - Acct. #11 4131 640, Capital Outlay Administration Debit - Acct. #11 9800 911, Contingencies Credit - Acct. #11 4121 520, Travel, Meetings & Schools $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 196 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 (CONTINUED) NON-AGENDA ITEMS FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC Chm. Gottovi asked if there was anyone present who wished to address the County Commissioners. The following persons commented: Mr. William S. Funderburg Mrs. Myrtle Barnhill INTRODUCTION OF NEW PROFESSIONAL STAFF MEMBERS Planning Director Dexter Hayes introduced David Weaver and Alfred Dixon who have recently been hired to work in the Planning Department. County Manager Cooper introduced Cam McAbee, who recently was appointed to the new position of Human Service Program Analyst and Lucie Smith who is the n~wly appointed Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners. PRESENTATION OF AUDIT REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS FROM FINANCE OFFICER CONCERNING AUDIT STAFF Mr. Lee Weddle, representative from Lowrimore, Warwick and Company and Finance Director Andy Atkinson appeared before the Board to answer questions from the Commissioners regarding the Annual Financial Report, the Auditor's Management Letter, the Finance Officer's response to the Management Letter and recommendations for the establishment of an Internal Auditing Department within the County. Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED ~y Comm. Blake to accept the Annual Financial Report and Auditor's Management Letter and to approve the following budget amendment in the Internal Audit Department to establish and Internal Auditor Management position for 8 pay periods beginning March 1, 1983. Debit - Acct. #11 3390 890, Other Revenues $10,000 Credit - Acct. #11 4123 100, Salaries & Wages $ 7,800 Acct. #11 4123 210, FICA 525 Acct. #11 4123 230, Group Insurance 200 r Acct. #11 4123 421, Office Supplies 475 Acct. #11 4123 520, Travel, Meetings & Schools 1,000 Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. UPDATE ON ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING SYSTEM County Manager Cooper reported that a Data Processing Manager has been hired and a Data Processing Advisory Committee has been formulated to act on major policy issues and to keep the Commissioners informed as the proceedings develop. CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT OF LUCIE F. SMITH AS CLERK TO THE BOARD Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake to confirm the appointment of Lucie F. Smith as Clerk to the Board effective December 27, 1982. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC HEARING Notice had been given that a Public Hearing would be held by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on Monday, December 6, 1982, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina to consider the following: PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ORIGINAL ZONING FOR PROPERTY (APPROXIMATELY 230 ACRES) LOCATED AT THE NORTHERN END OF SHELL ISLAND, APPROXIMATELY 1,600 FEET SOUTH OF MASON'S INLET AND EAST OF THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY, EXTENDING TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN SHORELINE FROM UNZONED TO AN R-20 (RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT Planning Director Hayes gave the background information and stated that the Planning Board considered this request at their meeting on November 4, 1982, and recommended approval. r Chm. Gottovi asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favor of the zoning and the following persons commented: Mr. James W. Summey, Alderman, Wrightsville Beach Ms. Kris Van Wynen ~ : I' . : , ' ; j i MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 (CONTINUED) 197 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ZONING PROPERTY - NORTHERN END OF SHELL ISLAND (CONT INUED) Chm. Gottovi asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in opposition of the zoning and no one appeared. Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, to approve the zonlng and upon vote the Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the County of New Hanover Amending the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 3 of New Hanover County, North Carolina, Adopted May 18, 1970" was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY. I A copy of the ordinance as adopted is contained In Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 3, page 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER REZONING PROPERTY (APPROXIMATELY 2 ACRES) LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF CASTLE HAYNE ROAD (US 117), APPROXIMATELY 180 FEET SOUTH OF GLENDALE DRIVE (SR 1314) FROM AN R-15 (RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT TO A B-2 (HIGHWAY BUSINESS) DISTRICT Planning Director Hayes gave the background information on this rezoning and stated that the Planning Board had considered this request at its meeting on November 4, 1982, and had recommended approval. Chm. Gottovi asked if there was anyone present who wiihed to speak in favor of the rezoning and no one appeared. Chm. Gottovi asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in opposition of the rezoning and no one appeared. Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake that the rezoning be approved to include parcel number 8. Upon vote, the ordinance entitled-, "An Ordinance of the County of New Hanover Amending the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 9B of New Hanover County, North Carolina, Adopted August 14, 1977" was ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY. I A copy of the ordinance as adopted is contained in Zoning Ordinance Book I, Section 9B, page 48. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AN APPEAL FROM THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO DENY REZONING PROPERTY (APPROXIMATELY 1. 8 ACRES) LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF EASTWOOD ROAD (US HIGHWAY 74) DIRECTLY WEST OF HILLSDALE AVENUE (SR 40799) AND CHARTER DRIVE (SR 1478) FROM AND R-15 (RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT TO A B-2 (HIGHWAY BUSINESS) DISTRICT. Plannlng Director Hayes gave the background on this rezoning and stated that the Planning Board had considered it at their meeting on November 4, 1982, and recommended denial. The Planning Staff also recommended denial. Mr. Nathan Sanders, petitioner appeared before the Board to speak in favor of the rezoning. Chm. Gottovi asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in opposition of the rezoning, and the following persons commented: Mr. Oliver Bellamy Mr. John Bellamy Mr. John Maye, Zoning Board of Adjustment member I Comm. Barfi~ld MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake that the request for rezoning be denied. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BREAK Chm. Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break at 9:23 o'clock P.M. until 9:31 o'clock P.M. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE V, SECTION 50-2, TABLE OF PERMITTED USES, TO ALLOW MEMBERSHIP SPORTS AND RECREATION CLUBS IN I-I AND 1-2 (INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICTS Planning Director Hayes gave the background information on the petition for this text amendment and stated that the Planning Board considered this text amendment at its meeting on November 4, 1982, and recommended approval. The Planning Staff recommended approval. 198 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE V, SECTION 50-2, TABLE OF PERMITTED USES, TO ALLOW MEMBERSHIP SPORTS AND RECREATION CLUBS IN I-I AND 1-2 (INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICTS (CONTINUED) --~m. Gottovi asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak in favor of the petition and no one appeared. Chm. Gottovi asked if there was anyone present who wished to apeak in opposition of the petition and no one appeared. Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Blake to adopt the Planning Staff's recommendations for the text amendment. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY and the ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the County of New Hanover Amending the Zoning Ordinance of New Hanover County, North Carolina Adopted October 6, 1969", was ADOPTED. A copy of the Ordinance as adopted and signed, lS contained In Exhibit Book IX, page 26. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE V, SECTION 50-2, TABLE OF PERMITTED USES, TO DELETE HOTEL/ MOTEL AS A PERMITTED USE IN B-1 (BUSINESS) DISTRICTS AND SECTION 54, B-1 (BUSINESS) DISTRICT, BY ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION 54-4(4) TO ESTABLISH A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT OF 35 FEET Planning Director Hayes gave the background information, stating the Planning Staff's recommendations. Mr. Harold Seagle, attorn~y representing the Developers, Mr. Dallas Harris and Mr. J. B. Gerald, requested that the Public Hearing be removed from the Agenda and be placed on a future Agenda. Mr. Jack Crossley, attorney representing Save Airlie Road Association commented. County Attorney Pope commented. r The following persons commented: Mr. Robert Furr Dr. Jim Furr Dr. Donald Getz Mr. Kay Crocker Mr. John Mobley Planning Director Hayes Comm. O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield, that Agenda items 13 and 14 be heard and make a decision based on the comments from the general public. Dr. Jim Furr and Ms. Kris Van Wynen commented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Barfield, Blake, O'Neal and Chm. Gottovi. Voting Noe: Comm. O'Shields. Mr. Henry Johnston spoke in favor of the proposed amendment. Chm. Gottovi asked if there was anyone else present to speak In favor of the amendment and no one appeared to speak. r The following persons spoke in opposition of the propsed amendment: Mr. Harold Seagle, Attorney for the Developers, Mr. Harris and Mr. Gerald. Mr. Kay Crocker, a B-1 District property owner. Mr. Robert Furr The Commissioners commented. Chm. Gottovi asked questions which were answered by Planning Director Hayes. '- , I ,I ' , I I ' . t I I I I 199 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 (CONTINUED) PUBLIC HEARING - TO CONSIDER ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE V, SECTION 50-2, TABLE OF PERMITTED USES, TO DELETE HOTEL/ MOTEL AS A PERMITTED USE IN B-1 (BUSINESS) DISTRICTS AND SECTION 54, B-1 (BUSINESS) DISTRICT, BY ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION 54-4(4) TO ESTABLISH A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT OF 35 FEET The following persons commented further: I Mr. a~ B. Gerald Planning Director Hayes Comm. O'Shields Attorney Jack Crossley Mr. John Mobley, B-1 property owner Ms. Mary Farmer Ms. Lorene Johnston Mr. Harold Seagle, Attorney Ms. Kris Van Wynen Comm. O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Chm. Gottovi that the zoning ordinance be amended to delete Hotel/Motel as permitted use in B-1 Districts and add a subsection to establish maximum building height of 35 feet. The following persons commented: Dr. Donald Getz Staff Attorney Ken Silliman Mr. J. B. Gerald Planning Director Hayes The Commissioners commented further. I Comm. O'Neal clarified the intent of his MOTION was to adopt .an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance text so as to delete hotel and motel as a permitted use in B-1 Business Districts. Chm. Gottovi SECONDED the MOTION of clarification. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Commissioners Barfield, Blake, O'Neal and Chm. Gottovi. Voting Noe: Comm. O'Shields. The ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the County of New Hanover Amending Zoning Ordinance of New Hanover County, North Carolina, Adopted October 6, 1969", was ADOPTED. A copy of the Ordinance as adopted and signed is contained In Exhibit Book IX, page 26. DISCUSSION OF CONTINUATION OF MEETING Chm. Gottovi suggested the meeting be continued until December 13, 1982, to continue with the Agenda items. BREAK Chm. Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break at 11:15 o'clock P.M. until 11:15 o'clock P. M. I ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR AIRPORT The first reading of the Ordinance Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Airport was held at the November 15, 1982 meeting. Since one member of the Board was not present, it was necessary for the Ordinance to be considered and acted on a second time. Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. Barfield to adopt the Ordinance Establishing Rules and Regulations for the Airport. Upon vote, the Ordinance passed the second reading UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Ordinance as adopted and signed is contained in Exhibit Book IX, page 26. ADDITIONAL ITEMS REPORT ON PROGRESS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE ORDINANCE Comm. O'Shields reported that he had drafted some comments 200 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1982 (CONTINUED) ADDITIONAL ITEMS (CONTINUED) REPORT ON PROGRESS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE ORDINANCE (CONTINUED) on the Hazardous Waste Ordinance that the Advisory Task Force has been working on. WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND SEWER County Manager Cooper reported that the deadline had passed for the contributions for the Wrightsville Sound Sewer System. Engineering Director Ed Hilton and Wrightsville Beach Alderman Summey appeared before the Board to explain and answer questions. Comm. O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. O'Neal to proceed with the Engineering contract for approval at the next meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNINIMOUSLY. COMMISSIONERS REQUESTED TO BE PRESENT FOR THE COURT HEARING OF HARNETT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., ET.AL. VS CLARKE-KENITH, INC., NEW HANOVER COUNTY, ET.AL. County Attorney Pope requested that the Commissioners be present in the Superior Court Room for the hearing of the case, Harnett Construction Company, Inc., et.al. VS Clarke- Kenith, Inc., New Hanover County, et.al. on-Friday, December 10, 1982, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. CHM. GOTTOVI TO BE ABSENT FROM REGULAR MEETING, DECEMBER 20, 1982 Chm. Gottovi announced that sh~ would be out of the country on vacation and would not be at the next Regular meeting on December 20, 1982, and asked Vice-Chairman Barfield to preside. MEETING RECESSED UNTIL MONDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1982. Comm. Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Comm. O'Neal to recess the meeting until Monday, December 13, 1982, at 9:00 o'clock a.m. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. r Respectfully submitted, Joyce Bragg, Acting Clerk MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, DECEMBER 13, 1982 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, December 13, 1982, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administrative Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. This meeting was continued from the Regular Meeting on December 6, 1982. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chm. Karen E. Gottovi; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert w. Pope and Acting Clerk to the Board Joyce B. Bragg. NON-AGENDA ITEMS FROM THE GENERAL PUBLIC Chm. Gottovi reported that a member of the general public wished to speak before the Commissioners. ~ , Mr. Steve Vosnock appeared to comment. CHANGE IN PROCEDURE IN HOLDING PUBLIC HEARINGS Chm. Gottovi requested that the procedure for holding public hearings be changed. She asked the people who would like to speak on a particular item to sign name and item on a sheet provided by the Clerk, for written documentation. Chm. Gottovi asked that those who speak, do so as expeditiously as possible and when everyone has spoken, the public hearing will be declared closed. The Commissioners will then debate the issue, discuss it and ask anyone that has spoken to elaborate on a point if that is so desired and a decision will be made or the hearing will be continued. The Commissioners agreed to follow this procedure in the future for a more formal public hearing. ~