1983-04-18 Regular Meeting 276 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 18, 1983 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, April 18, 1983, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi, County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board Lucie F. Smith.. Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order welcoming state Renresentative Thomas Rhodes to the meeting. Reverend James L. Finley, Pastor of pine Valley Baptist Church, gave the invocation and extended an invitation to the Commissioners to attend a Prayer Breakfast to be held on Thursday~ April 21, 1983, at Whitey's El-Berta Restuarant at 7:30 a.m. in recognition of the "Cape Fear Greater Crusade for Christ" week sponsored by the local Baptist churches. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 5, 1983 Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 5, 1983, be approved as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon MOTION by Commissioner Barfield, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal, the following Consent Agenda items were UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED: REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE THROUGH MARCH 31, 1983 A copy of the Report of the Collector of Revenue through March 31, 1983, is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 13. APPROVAL OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS A copy of the list of tax abatements and refunds as approved is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 13. RESOLUTION - SALE OF SURPLUS PROPERTY ---- The Commissioners adopted a resolution for the acceptance of offers to purchase a lot located on Queen Street for the sum of $520. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 13. JUDICIAL BUILDING - CHANGE ORDER E-3 - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Commissioners authorized Chairman Gottovi to execute a Change Order and approve a Budget Amendment in the amount of $26 to bring the budget in line with the new contract amount as follows: Debit - Acct. #48 9800 911, Contingencies Credit - Acct. #48 4708 623, Electrical Contractor $26. $26. BUDGET AMENDMENT - SOCIAL SERVICES The Commissioners approved a Budget Amendment for additional \ allocations received and adjustments to the cu~rent spending rates for the Department of Social Services as follows: Debit .- Acct. #11 3535 372, Crisis Intervention Program $20,626 11 3535 373, CP&L, Energy Asst. Program 5,383 11 3534 371, Child V'lelfare Service Day Care (87.5%) 10,400 11 5338 531, State Foster Horne Fund 14,400 Credit - Acct. #11 5358 530, Crisis Intervention Pymts. $20,646 11 5357 530, CP&L, Energy Asst. Payments 5,383 11 5346 530, Child Welfare Service Day Care (87.5%) 10,400 11 3533 371, State Foster Horne Fund 7,200 11 5338 533, SFHC - Supplement 3,500 11 5338 534, AFDC - Foster Care Supplement 3,700 ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 18~ 1983 (CONTINUED) CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) 277 BUDGET AMENDMENT - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - D.U.I. FACILITY The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to allot additional revenue needed for the construction of the D.U.I. Facility: Debit - #11 4311 540, Insurance Credit - #11 4196 391, M&R Buildings and Grounds $4,000 $4,000 BUDGET AMENDMENT - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - D.U.I. PATROL The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment for additional items under the Federal Grant to be recorded in the 1982-83 Budget: I Debit - Acct. #11 3413 220, Highway Safety Grant Credit - Acct. #11 4313 520, Travel #11 4313 640, Capital Outlay $3,326 $ 500 2,826 BUDGET AMENDMENT - FINANCE The. Commissioners approved a Budget Amendment setting up separate funds for the incinerator and landfill as follows: Debit - Acct. #70 4715 590, Debt Service 71 3414 920, Transfer from Capital Project 70 9740 900, Transfer to Sanitary Landfill Credit - Acct. #70 3471 925, Transfer from Capital Project 71 4720 590, Debt Service 70 4710 900, Transfer to Capital Project $436,800 436,800 48,349 $436,800 436,800 48,349 BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT - HOME HEALTH The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment adjusting the approved Budget Amendment dated February 25, 1983, to actual costs: Debit - Acct. #11 5164 326, Other Professional Services Acct. #11 5164 421, Departmental Supplies Credit - Acct. #11 3516 374, Medicare & Medicaid $3,000 3,191 $6,191 I BUDGET AMENDMENT APPROVED BY COUNTY MANAGER The following Budget Amendment was approved by the County Manager and reported to the Commissioners for entry into the record: Health Department - Issuance of a refund to the Cape Fear Council of Governments Debit - Acct. #11 3511 980, Miscellaneous Revenue Income Credit - Acct. #11 5131 551, Refunds $599 $599 PUBLIC HEARING - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Mr. Alfred Dixon, Grants Coordinator for the County, appeared before the Commissioners requesting the adoption of a resolution to file a Community Development Block Grant Application requesting funding for a sewer system to serve the Community of Seagate in the amount of $750,000. He gave back- ground information on the proposal and stated that this Public Hearing is the second of two Public Hearings required by the N. C. Department of Natural Resources and Community Development before submission of an application. Mr. Dixon stated that the Planning Department had received one other proposal but that this proposal did not meet the eligibility requirements. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Commissioners to adopt a resolution approving the filing of this application for funding for a sewer system to serve the Community of Seagate. A copy of the resolution is contained In Exhibit Book X, Page 14. I DISCUSSION - TOURISM PROMOTION - THE GREATER WILMINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Frederick Willetts III, representing the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce - Tourism Division, appeared before the Commissioners with a plan for tourism promotion and the development of a Convention and Visitors Bureau. He gave background information on the Tourism Council, which was established in 1978, and presented his proposals and budget requests. He also suggested the formation of an Advisory Committee consisting of two representatives from the City of Wilmington; two representatives from New Hanover County; one representative from DARE; 2 representatives from each beach; 2 representatives from the Chamber of Commerce; one representative from the Historic Foundation; and one merchant. 278 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 18, 1983 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION - TOURISM PROMOTION -- THE GREATER WILMINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (CONTINUED) County Manager Cooper stated that he was not in favor of any agency corning before the Commissioners with a budget request before the budget hearings had been completed. He also suggested that the Commissioners consider a room or accommodations tax to be put into effect immediately to provide additional funds for industrial develop- ment of tourism-related functions and beach protection, thereby alleviating the growing burden on the tax base of New Hanover County. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request the Chamber of Commerce to poll its-members and Executive Committee as to their feelings about New Hanover County piggybacking onto the Mecklenburg and Buncombe County bills now in the State Legislature. The County Manager was requested to forward this information to the Towns of Wrightsville Beach, . Carolina Beach and Kure Beach ascertain- ing their feelings about this issue. Mr. Willetts expressed appreciation to the Commissioners for allowing time to discuss tourism. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting from 10:25 o'clock A.M. to 10:40 o'clock A.M. COMMENDATION - NEW HANOVER CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION, INC. Ms. Dorothy O. Forbes, President of the New Hanover County Clean Community Commission, Inc. appeared before the Commissioners to share an award presented to this Commission by the Keep North Carolina Beautiful Commission for the "Earn It" program. She thanked the Commissioners for their support of the New Hanover County Clean Community Commission, Inc. thereby enabling the receipt of this award. NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMUNITY BASED ALTERNATIVES TASK FORCE - FUNDING RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1983-84. Mr. W. T. Childs, Chairman of the CBA Task Force, gave back- ground information on the funding recommendations for the fiscal year 1983-84 explaining the requests for existing programs and for the new program, "Brainstorming" sponsored by Alpha Kappa Alpha. Commissioner O'Shields expressed his concern for starting a new program with State and Federal funding continually being decreased. Commissioner Barfield expressed his concern for the duplication of programs and the accomplishment of goals and objectives of these programs. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request Mr. W. T. Childs, Assistant County Manager Cannon, and Human Services Program Analyst McAbee to request an extension of the May 1, 1983, deadline for filing budget recommendations and to review and analyze the current programs with reference to duplication, goals, objectives and targeted groups. Chairman Gottovi also requested information on the programs provided by the schools during the summer months. DISCUSSION - UPGRADING NEW HANOVER COUNTY EMERGENCY "911" TELEPHONE NUMBER - ADDITION OF AUTOMATIC LOCATION IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM - SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT Captain George Vallender appeared before the Commissioners requesting the upgrading of the 911 Emergency Number by adding the Automatic Location Identification System. He gave background information on the request stating that the addition of this system would entail a one-time payment of $63,488 with a monthly charge of $3,288. He stressed the importance of this addition emphasizing the quality of service that would be provided to the citizens of New Hanover County. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to place this request with other budget requests from emergency services agencies prioritizing the requests according to needs. ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 18, 1983 (CONTINUED) 279 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE - NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT Airport Manager Shackelford, appeared before the Commissioners furnishing background information on legislation being introduced in congress authorizing the closing of existing National Weather Service offices and contracting with private agencies throughout the country. He requested the commissioners to write congressional representatives and senators opposing this legislation. I After discussion, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to authorize Chairman Gottovi to write our congressional senators and representatives requesting that authorization to close existing National Weather Service offices remain with Congress and that these offices remain exempt from OMB Circular A-76. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION - LAND ACQUISITION - WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND SEWER - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Ed Hilton, County Director of Engineering and Facilities, appeared before the Commissioners with potential sites for the constructio of a lift station to serve the Wrightsville Sound area. He gave back- ground information on the sites selected and the appraisal values of each. After discussion, commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to make an offer to purchase Parcel #1 in the amount of the appraised value of $24,300, owned by Dr. Elbert Bowden. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. LUNCH Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for lunch from 11:40 o'clock A.M. to 1:25 o'clock P.M. I UPDATE - MECKLENBURG COUNTY - REFUSE FIRED PROGRAM Commissioner O'Shields updated the Commissioners on the Mecklenburg County Refuse Fired Program bills. He also informed the Board of the proposal by the state for legislation to form an Energy Authority to allow the state to enter into an agreement with cities and counties for the building of energy recovery facilities. Commissioner O'Shields stated that he had been asked to sit in on these sessions and would keep the Commissioners informed of any new developments. After discussion, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to authorize the Chairmanto writ"e "a. letter, when appropriate, to the Department of Human Resources requesting that the designation of solid waste districts be made at the local level rather than by DHR. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION - NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAl:; Il\JSURANCE COVERAGE Commissioner O'Neal, a member of the Hospital Board of Trustees, gave background information on the decision of the Executive Committee of the hospital board to recommend to the Board of Trustees that the hospital insurance, now contracted by the Wilmington/New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee, be placed with an individual firm. He stressed the adverse effect on the Insurance Advisory Committee if this recommendation is approved by the Board of Trustees and strongly urged the Commissioners to endorse the Insurance Advisory Committee. He stated his concern for the manner in which this decision had been made and requested the Commissioners to make a thorough study and investigation of the current insurance coverage of the hospital. I Mr. Meares Harris, a member of the Wilmington/New Hanover County Insurance Committee, commented. After discussion, the Commissioners unanimously agreed to authorize Chairman Gottovi to write a letter to the Board of Trustees endorsing the Wilmington/New Hanover Insurance.Advisory Committee and requesting that no action be taken until a study and investigation has been made of the current insurance policies. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION - REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR NEIGHBORHOOD JUSTICE PROGRAM Commissioner Barfield requested the Commissioners to approve funding in the amount of $3,000 to continue the services of the 280 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 18, 1983 (CONTINUED) OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION - REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR NEIGHBORHOOD JUSTICE PROGRAM (CONTINUED) Neighborhood Justice Program for two and one-half months. He stressed the importance of this program and the service it renders to the citizens of New Hanover County. He also pointed out that a large portion of this money will be returned to the County once the reimbursements are forwarded from the Crime Commission. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Gottovi to approve a budget amendment in the amount of $3,000 with any money received from the Crime Commission by OAR to be used for reimbursement to New Hanover County. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ENDORSEMENT OF DONATION OF THE HOPPER DREDGE HYDE TO THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA FOR ADDITION TO THE ARTIFICIAL REEF PROGRAM Mr. Meares Harris, appeared before the Commissioners with a draft of a letter to Representative Charles Rose endorsing the possibility of the donation of the hopper dredge HYDE to the State of North Carolina for use as an addition to the Artificial Reef Program. After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to authorize Chairman Gottovi to write a letter to Representative Charles Rose endorsing the donation of the HYDE to the State of North Carolina to be used as an addition to the Artificial Reef Program. U[X)n vote, the MYI'ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION - FORMATION OF PERSONNEL COMMITTEE BY THE MENTAL HEALTH --- BOARD Con~issioner Barfield expressed his concern for rumors pertaining to the formation of a Personnel Committee at the Mental Health Center. He stated that the formation of this committee was unanimously approved by the Mental Health Board and was established to handle personnel problems and policies more efficiently, thereby benefiting the entire center. He pointed out that in no way was this committee formed to control the hiring and firing of employees nor was it a direct criticism toward the administrative staff of the center. He stated that he would keep the Commissioners informed on the goals and objectives of the Committee. RESOLUTION - REQUESTING REDUCTION OF PAPER WORK IN THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES BY STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS Chairman Gottovi stated that she had received a draft of a resolution from Columbus County asking for reduction of paper work in the Department of Social Services by federal and state governments. After discussion, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adopt a resolution to be forwarded to state and federal governments as well as to local representatives requesting the reduction of paper work in the Social Services Department with the processing of clients. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the resolution is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 14. REQUEST BY CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION TO APPOINT A COMMISSIONER AS A BOARD MEMBER Chairman Gottovi stated that she had been contacted by the Clean Community Commission requesting that a County Commissioner be appointed as a member to this committee. After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to appoint Chairman Gottovi to serve on this committee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. J REQUEST TO RESCHEDULE JOINT MEETING OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Chairman Gottovi stated that the Town of Wrightsville Beach would like to reschedule the joint meeting that had been cancelled due to bad weather. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to reschedule the meeting on May 9, 1983, at 9:00 A.M. with the selection of the meeting place to be decided later. '- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 18, 1983 (CONTINUED) 281 ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER DISCUSSION - TAX DEPARTMENT - PERSONNEL PROBLEMS County Manager Cooper stated that a study had been made by a special committee to appraise the problems existing in the Tax Department. He gave background information on the re~om- mendations presented by this committee. I After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to authorize County Manager Cooper to implement the recommendations made by this committee as deemed necessary. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION - CASSION AIRSTRIP Commissioner O'Neal asked if any progress had been made on the Cassion Airstrip problem. County Manager Cooper reported that he had been working with the Planning and Engineering Departments and would report back to the Board with recommendations. CONTRACTS - TOWN OF CAROLINA BEACH LIFE GUARDS County Manager Cooper presented a contract for the continuing use of lifeguards from Carolina Beach for the Fort Fisher area. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to authorize Chairman Gottovi to execute an agreement between New Hanover County and the Town of Carolina Beach to provide lifeguards for the Fort Fisher Beach Access Area. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1983 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW MEETING County Manager Cooper reminded the Commissioners of the Board of Equalization and Review Meeting to be held on Monday, April 25, 1983, at 9:00 A.M. in the Second Floor Tax Conference Room in the New Hanover County Administration Building. I BUDGET AMENDMENT - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION County Manager Cooper requested approval of a Budget Amendment for the New Hanover County Board of Education for the realignment of the budget required by law that does not involve county funds. Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the Budget Amendment in the amount of $19,350. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DEMOLITION OF HOUSES AROUND NEW HANOVER COUNTY MUSEUM - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT County Manager Cooper stated that only one bid had been received by the Engineering Department for the demolition of three houses around the Museum in the amount of $26,500. He recommended that this bid be rejected and that the Engineering Department pursue other means. Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to reject the bid received and investigate other means. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER FORMATION OF A COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT County Manager Cooper stated that a notice must be published 20 days before a Public Hearing can be held to consider the formation of a County Water and Sewer District. The Public Hearing is one of the procedures to be followed if the County is to establish a water and sewer district. He explained that the establishment of a water and sewer district would enhance our capability to sale bonds to the FMHA because it would reduce the urban aspect of the facility and would make it entirely non-urban and it would place any general obligation burden only on those residents living outside the incorporated city limits. After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to order the Public Hearing with personal notices being forwarded to the City of Wilmington, Town of Carolina Beach, and Town of Wrightsville Beach. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 282 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, APRIL 18, 1983 (CONTINUED) ADDITION~ ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION - CASTLE HAYNE ZONING County Manager Cooper stated that he had received a memor- andum from Planning Director Hayes stating that the Planning Board had deadlocked as whether to pursue this zoning and were requesting direction from the Commissioners. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to schedule a Work Session in the month of June to discuss the Castle Hayne Zoning. 6TH ANNUAL OAR DELEGATE ASSEMBLY - INVITATION TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Barfield stated that the National Offender Aid and Restoration Delegate Assembly will be held in New Hanover County on May 12, 13, and 14, 1983. He invited the Commissioners to attend a Shrimperoo on Friday, May 13, 1983, at 5:30 p.m. at the Wrightsville Beach Park. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - GENERAL PUBLIC Ed Lowe, owner of the Masonboro Boat Yard, appeared before the Commissioners extending an invitation to attend a meeting to support boat related activities in the Masonboro area on Tuesday, April 19, 1983, at 11:00 a.m. and opposing the designation of New Hanover County watersas primary fisheries nursery. EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield that the meeting be recessed to Executive SeSSlon to discuss legal matters. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 3:10 o'clock P.M. Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to reconvene the meeting to Public Session at 3:25 o'clock P.M. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Gottovi adjourned the meeting at 3:30 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~V/~ Lucie F. Smith, Clerk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1983 AS SEMBL Y The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, May 2, 1983, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi; Assistant County Attorney Ted Davis, Human Services Program Analyst Cam McAbee and Clerk to the Board Lucie F. Smith. Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order. Commissioner O'Shields gave the invocation. t'-..