1983-05-09 Continued Meeting MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1983 (CONTINUED) 291 WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND PUMP STATION- ~ LOT 14 - ATLANTIC 'VIEW SUBDIVISION County Engineer Blanchard appeared before. the commissioners stating.that the County Engineering Department on April 21, 1983, made ~n-offer to Dr. Elbert Bowden in the amount of $24,300 to purchase Lot 14, Atlantic View Subdivision for the construction of the proposed Wrightsville Sound Pump Station. He stated that he had discussed this matter with Dr. Bowden several times and that he was not willing to sell the lot. I After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to proceed with the condemnation procedures exercising the right of eminent domain to acquire this real property. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION - HOSPITAL INSURANCE Commissioner O'Neal informed the Commissioners that the Hospital Board of Trustees had selected a consultant to study and investigate the current insurance coverage of the hospital with a decision being made on the basis of this study. He stated that the Board of Trustees by unanimous vote had agreed to keep the insurance coverage with the Wilmington/New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee until the completion of this study thereby rescinding the letter written to a private insurance agency. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have County Manager Cooper check into the hiring of an insurance consultant for the County to perform a study of this matter. County Manager Cooper is to report back to the Board with suggestions as to the consultant that should be hired. I DISCUSSION - $5 FEE - REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE Chairman Gottovi stated that Becky Tucker, Registrarof Deeds, had contacted her with reference to writing a letter on behalf of the County Commissioners to Senator Julius Wright expressing opposition to Amendment GS 161 (a) (2) of Senate Bill 291 introduced by Senator Marshall Rauch requiring the Register of Deeds Office to collect a fee that is to be forwarded to the State Treasurer. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for Lucie Smith, Clerk, to contact Mr. Ron Aycock with the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners and see what stand the Association is taking. If they are in agreement, Chairman Gottovi is authorized to write a letter on behalf of the County Commissioners expressing opposition. MEETING CONTINUED Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting at 12:00 o'clock midnight to be continued on Monday, May 9, 1983. Respectfully submitted, rId~.~. d)/~ \-/L:::: F. Smith, Clerk I MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, MAY 9, 1983 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, May 9, 1983, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. 292 MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, MAY 9, 1983 (CONTINUED) ASSEMBLY (CONTINUED) Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi; County Manager G. Felix Cooner; County Attorney Robert W. Pope and Clerk to the Board Lucie F. Smith. Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order stating that this was a continued meeting from the Regular Meeting of May 2, 1983, with a special item on the agenda, a rescheduled joint meeting of the County Commissioners and Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen. This meeting was cancelled on March 24, due to bad weather. Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Commissioners, welcomed the members present of the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen and turned the meeting over the Mr. Eugene N. Floyd, Mayor of Wrightsville Beach. Mayor Floyd expressed his appreciation to the Commissioners for rescheduling the joint meeting cancelled d~e to bad weather and e~tended. an invitation to the Commissioneis to attend another meeting at the Beach in the near future. He introduced the Aldermen and Staff Members present as follows: Alderman Carlton G. Hall Alderman Corneille C. Sineath Alderman James W. Summey III Mr. H. H. Perry, Jr., Town Clerk Mr. John Poole, Director of Parks & Recreation Mr. John Nesbitt, Director of Public Works Ms. Linda Askew, Administrative Assistant II DISCUSSION OF MAJOR CONCERNS, PRIORITIES AND ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE The following items of major concerns and priorities were discussed as follows: 1. Use of Funds Received by the Town of Wrightsville Beach: Mayor Floyd presented a report to the Commissioners reflecting the distribution of funds received from the County explaining that every cent of this money was used by the Town of Wrightsville Beach for the betterment of the beach thereby benefiting the entire county and its citizens as a public beach. He emphasized the importance of the beaches as a central tourism business to the County. 2. Funding of Beach Renourishment: Alderman" Carlton Hall discussed the amount of cubic yards of beach erosion per year and the estimated cost of renourish- ment. He expressed his concern for the heavy burden placed on taxpayers for replenishing sand on the beach and emphasized that other sources for generating revenue should be considered such as a room accommodations tax, local l~ sales tax, etc. stressing that the people who use the beach should help to support the cost of beach renourishment. Commissioner Barfield expressed his concern for the lack of public accommodations provided by the beach such as public bathrooms, beach accesses, and parking, ,stating it was difficult to explain to the citizens of New Hanover County why they should contribute to beach renourishment when the beach did not provide adequate accommodations to the public. r Alderman Summey stated that the Town of Wrightsville Beach had been successful in maintaining the $65,000 grant from Coastal Resources and at the present time two walkovers and two public bathrooms were in the process of being constructed. He emphasized that the Board of Aldermen was striving to improve public accommodations. , MINUTES OF CON,TINUED MEETING, MAY 9,1983 (CONTINUED) 293 DISCUSSION OF MAJOR CONCERNS, PRIORITIES AND ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE (CONTINUED) 3. Room Accomodations Tax and Local l~ Sales Tax Bills: The Commissioners and Board of Aldermen discussed the options of providing funds for beach renourishment, particularly the room accommodations tax and local l~ sales tax as sources of revenue. Both Boards were in favor of these bills. I County Manager Cooper discussed the modified version of the Buncombe County Room Tax Bill explaining the two alternatives for the disposition of funds. Commissioner O'Shields stressed the importance of the beaches, City of .Wilmington and New Hanover County unanimously supporting these bills. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Commissioners to establish a committee of representatives of the County, Beaches, City of Wilmington and Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to review the room and local l~ sales tax bills pending in the legislature and decide which bill to endorse for the county. Commissioner O'Shields and County Manager Cooper were appointed by the Commissioners to represent the County. Alderman Summey and Hugh Perry, Town Clerk, were appointed to represent the Town of wrightsville Beach. County Manager Cooper was instructed to workout the logistics and call a meeting of this committee by Friday, May 13, 1983. 4. Beach Erosion Planning Director Hayes gave background information on the beach renourishment project stating that his figures were based on the latest report by the Corps of Engineers. He explained the cost of the project per year. I Public Works Director, John Nesbitt, pointed out the percentage of loss in the latest report by the Corps of Engineers from the originally designed memorandum for the budget. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to consider the needs of the beach in the budgetary process along with investigating other sources of revenue for beach erosion. 5. Proposed Joint Summer Youth Employment Program Mayor Floyd gave background information on the 1982 Joint Summer Youth Employment Program emphasizing the success of this program. He requested the Commissioners to approve funding in the amount of $5,000 for implementing this program for the 1983 Summer beginning June 1, 1983. After discussion, it was agreed that this item should be included in the budget request. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 10:45 o'clock A.M. to 11:00 o'clock A.M. I 6. Resolution - High Level Span: Alderman Sineath gave the background information on a Resolution adopted by the Board of Aldermen on June 24, 1982, requesting a feasibility study by the Department of Transporation for the construction of a high level span across the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway at Wrightsville Beach. She stated that as of this date, the Department of Transportation had not responded and requested support of the Commissioners by endorsing the resolution and contacting our local legislators stressing the importance of this issue. 294 MINUTES OF CONTINUED MEETING, MAY 9, 1983 (CONTINUED) 6. Resolution - High Level Span (CONTINUED) After discussion it was the consensus of the Commissioners to draft a resolution supporting a feasibility study being conducted by the Department of Transportation allowing them to make recommendations as to the best solution to correcting this problem whether it be a high level span or a new bridge located on the other end of the beach. This draft resolution is to be presented to the Commissioners at the May 16, 1983, meeting. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting from 11:45 o'clock A.M. to 12:00 o;clock A.M. DISCUSSION - HOUSE BILL 426 - l~ SALES TAX Chairman Gottovi stated that she had received a letter from Forest Campbell with reference to House Bill 426 asking the Commissioners to inform them on how our local legislators stood on this issue no later than May 17, 1983. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize Chairman Gottovi to write a letter to our local legislators requesting their stand on this bill and contacting Mr. Campbell after receipt of this data. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER BUDGET AMENDMENT - NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS - PURCHASE OF THREE ACTIVITY BUSES County Manager Cooper presented a Budget Amendment in the amount of $66,000 for the purchase of three (3) activity school buses for the New Hanover County School System stating that Supt. Flynn had called requesting a commitment for the purchase of these buses before the beginning of the fiscal year due to the time involved in the delivery of the buses. County Manager Cooper suggested that these buses be purchased from the cash found in a bag at the New Hanover County Airport on Oct. 2, 1981, thereby ammending the submitted budget for the school system to increase revenues by $66,000. After discussion, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the Budget Amendment. Upon, vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY BUDGET AMENDMENT - PARKWOOD PARK County Manager Cooper stated that an additional $5,000 was needed to purchase land for Parkwood Park explaining that three acres of land was going to be donated. He suggested approval of a Budget Amendment from Miscellaneous Expense to Capital Outlay to fund this additional $5,000. After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to approve a Budget Amendment in the amount of $5,000. Upon, vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. RATIFICATION OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY FOR USE OF PROPERTY LOCATED BEHIND JOHN T. HOGGARD HIGH SCHOOL County Manager Cooper presented an agreement between the New Hanover County Board of Education and New Hanover County authorizing the school system to use property located behind John T. Hoggard High School for a ballfield. r Commissioner O'Neal stressed the importance of using county owned property to its best potential especially for providing more recreational uses. Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to ratify the agreement authorizing Chairman Gottovi to execute the document. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. t'-.. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 9, 1983 (CONTINUED) 295 DISCUSS ION OF REVIEW OF THE WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER COUN'l'Y INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE County Manager Cooper stated that he had received a letter from Industrial Insurance Management Corporation, a consulting firm, with reference to offering their services for review of the Wilmington-New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee. He stated that the hospital had approached the same firm for conducting their study of the hospital insurance, and if an impartial study could be made considerable costs could be saved by having the same firm to conduct both studies. I Commissioner O'Neal stressed the importance of hiring an outside consultant as quickly as possible due to the allegations made against the Insurance Advisory Committee providing them the opportunity to clear the charges made or to make any necessary changes. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have County Manager Cooper contact the Industrial Insurance Management Corporation requesting an impartial study in two areas: (1) evaluation of.tbe present- insurance on the hospital, and (2) evaluation of the insurance coverage of other agencies that the Wilmington/New Hanover Insurance Advisory Committee services. County Manager Cooper is to report back to the Board with his findings and the names of other consulting firms. I DISCUSSION - ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY County Manager Cooper stated that additional funds will be required for the financing of the Incineration Facility for electrical components and the first year of debt services. He stated that a source of funding and a plan had been prepared to minimize the profit and loss of the facility during its earliest stages and to minimize the amount of funding the County will have to appropriate in order to keep the facility in operation. He stated that proposals will be presented to the Commissioners no later than the first meeting in June from the bank for short-term financing and a two- thirds authorization to spread out the financing over the 10-15 year period as are the- other bonds. DISCUSSION - SCHEDULING OF A MEETING WITH THE BRUNSWICK COUNTY SLUDGE DISPOSAL COMMITTEE County Manager Cooper stated that he had seen an advertisement in a trade magazine whereby a company in Florida would treat sludge on a per gallon basis without any investment on the part of the municipality. He stated that he had discussed this issue with Brunswick County Manager, Billy Carter, who informed him that Brunswick County had formed a Sludge Disposal Committee. County Manager Cooper suggested that the County attend one of these meetings to learn how both counties can benefit and support each other in the same types of problems. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board for Commissioner O'Neal, County Manager Cooper, and Engineering Director Hilton to attend a meeting with the Brunswick County Sludge Disposal Committee. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE TASK FORCE On MOTION by Commissioner Blake, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields the following persons were appointed to serve on the New Hanover County Courthouse Task Force: Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Councilman William Schwartz, City of Wilmington Mr. G. Deanes Gornto, Historic Wilmington Foundation, Inc. Mr. Ben Ivey, The Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce 296 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 9, 1983 (CONTINUED) APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY RECREATION TASK FORCE On MOTION by Commissioner Blake SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields the following persons were appointed to serve on the New Hanover County Recreation Task Force: Upon, vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Councilman William Schwartz, City of Wilmington Councilman Don Betz, City of Wilmington Mr. Mike Courtney, Director of Parks & Recreation, City of Wilmington Mr. John Bauer, Management Analyst, City of Wilmington Ms. Frances L. Russ, Mayor Pro Tem, Town of Wrightsville Beach Mr. John Poole, Director of Parks & Recreation, Town of Wrightsville Mr. Doyle Brummitt, Town of Carolina Beach Bee r APPOINTMENT OF LINDA PEARCE TO THE NURSING HOME ADVISORY BOARD Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to appoint Ms. Linda Pearce to serve a three-year term on the Nursing Home Advisory Board expiring F~bruary 28, 1986. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. REAPPOINTMENT OF SAMUEL HICKS, JR. TO THE WILMINGTON - NEW HANOVER PORT, WATERWAY AND BEACH COMMISSION Chairman Goi-+-nvi MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to reappoint Mr. Samuel Hicks, Jr. to serve three-ye~r term to expire February 28, 1986, on the' Wilmington/New Hanover PO,rt', Waterway and Beach Commission. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Chairman Gottovi stated that a vacancy existed on the Southeastern Economic Development Commission due to the expired term of Mr. Quennon Beatty and that no eligible applications had been received to fill this minority position. It was the consensus of the Board to readvertise this vacancy In order to obtain eligible applicants. APPOINTMENT OF EDITH M. FRIEDBERG TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY MUSEUM BOARD OF TRUSTEES Commissioner O'Neal MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to appoint Ms. Edith M. Friedberg to serve an unexpired term ending June 30, 1984, on the New Hanover County Museum Board of Trustees. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. INDUSTRIAL TRIP TO JAPAN - COMMISSIONER DONALD P. BLAKE Commissioner Blake stated that he would not be present for the next regularly schedul~Board Meeting on May 16, 1983, due to his scheduled trip to Japan from May 13-23, 1983. He stated that the itinerary for this trip was impressive and upon his return, he would give a full report to the Board about prospects for new industry in New Hanover County. DISCUSSION - CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman Gottovi stated that she had received a letter from former Governor Bob Scott stating his concern for the minority representation on the Cape Fear Technical Institute Board of Trustees. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi stated that she would forward a copy of the letter to the Commissioners and that consideration of this point would be given when appointing individuals to serve on this Board. DISCUSSION - DISTRICT ELECTIONS BILL After discussion of the District Elections bills presently pending in the legislature, it was the consensus of the Board for each Commissioner to review these bills recommending changes for the drafting of a bill for New Hanover County to be discussed at the Board Meeting of May 16, 1983. "- MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 9, 1983 (CONTINUED) LEGISLATIVEUPDATE - NEW HANOVER -GOUNTY PUBLIC TRUST WATERS BILL Commissioner 0' Shields gave an update on the local Puhlic. Trust Waters Bill stating that it had received favorable reports from the Water and Air Committee. He stated that he had been asked if the County would have a problem with this bill being rerouted through the Natural and Economic Resources Committee in order for this committee to study the bill for statewide application. Commissioner O'Shields stated that he requested Staff Attorney Silliman to prepare a summary of justifications for this bill to present to the Natural Economic Resources Committee. 297 I EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield that the meeting be recessed to Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting to Executive Session at 12:03 o'clock P. M. Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to reCOl.1Vene the meeting to Public Session at 12: 50 0' clock P.M. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEWS CONFERENCE Chairman Gottovi stated that a News Conference would be held at 2:30 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building by County Manager Cooper to discuss a personnel problem. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Gottovi adjourned the meeting at 1:00 o'clock P.M. I Respectfully submitted, ~v:~ Lucie F. Smith, Clerk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 16, 1983 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, May 16, 1983, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. _ Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi, County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board Lucie F. Smith. Commissioner Donald P. Blake was absent. Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order. Reverend Wayne Barkley, Pastor of the First Assembly of Go~ gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, MAY 2, 1983 Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields that the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 2, 1983, be approved as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: I Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner O'Neal Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi r Absent: Commissioner Blake APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Upon MOTION by Commissioner Barfield, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal, the following Consent Agenda items were approved. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED as follows: Voting Aye: Comm~ss~oner BarfieLd CommlSSloner 8'Neal CommlSSloner 'Shlelds Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner Blake--',-., ,