1983-08-15 Regular Meeting 363 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, August 15, 1983, at 9:30 A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. I I Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi; Assistant County Manager Gary Cannon; County Attorney Robert W. Pope and Clerk to the Board Lucie F. Smith. Commissioner Nolan O'Neal was absent due to being on vacation. Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order. Commissioner O'Shields gave the invocation. PRESENTATION OF RETIREMENT PLAQUE TO MR. JOHN R. SIKES ChairmanGottovi, on behalT of the Board, presented a retirement plaque to Mr. John R. Sikes in appreciation for his years of service to New Hanover County as a Maintenance Mechanic I at the Airport and wished him a happy, well-earned retirement. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 1, 1983 Chairman Gottov~stated that the word Chairman on Page 361 should be changed to Commissioner and underdeveloped to undeveloped. Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the minutes with the above corrections. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi I Absent: Commissioner O'Neal APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED to approve the Consent Agenda as follows. CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: by Commissioner Blake Upon vote, the MOTION Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal PRESERVATION GRANT FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE The Commissioners accepted a Preservation Grant in the amount of $44,976 for exterior restoration of the New Hanover County Courthouse under the Emergency Jobs Act of 1983 with matching funds in the amount of $ 4 5,024 with the total cost of restoration being at least $90,000. I RESOLUTION - ADOPTION BY THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF - -- ---- ENGINEERS OF A WRITTEN POLICY AND PROCEDURE GOVERNING THE -- - PLACEMENT OF DREDGED MATERIAL IN COASTAL AREAS The Commissioners adopted a resolution regarding the adoption by the United Statep Army Corps of Engineers of a written policy and procedure governing the placement of dredged material in coastal areas. A copy of the Resolution is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 38. APPROVAL OF THE REPORT OF COLLECTOR OF REVENUE THROUGH JULY 31, 1983 ---- A copy of the Report of the Collector of Revenue through July 31, 1983, as approved is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 38. 364 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS A copy of~he list of Tax Abatements and Refunds as approved is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 38. APPROVAL OF 1982 TAX COLLECTION SETTLEMENT AND CHARGES FOR 1983 TAX LEVY---- - A copy of the Collector of Revenue's settlement for the 1982 tax levy as approved is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 38. Mrs. Pat Raynor was reappointed Collector of Revenue and charged with the 1983 tax levy. A copy of Mrs. Raynor's oath of office is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 38. CHANGE ORDER NO. 5 - CONTRACT NO. 1 - T.A. LOVING - NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR The Commissioners approved Change Order No. 5 in the amount of $8,006 for minor clean up and touch up of the Northeast Interceptor with approval of an additional $4,260 for Force Mains in the following Budget Amendment: Debit - Acct. #39 4720 900,~Contingencies $ 8,006 #39 4720 622, Force Mains - Non Allowable 4,260 Credit - Acct. #39 4720 621, Force Mains - Allowable $12,266 RESOLUTION = AWARD OF BID TO AMERICAN UNIFORM SALES, INC. = SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT The Commissioners adopted a resolution awarding the low bid to American Uniform Sales, Inc. in the amount of $6,250 for Sheriff Department uniforms, authorizing the Chairman to execute the agreement. A copy of the Resolution and Agreement are contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 39. BUDGET AMENDMENT = CITY/COUNTY AUCTION - FINANCE DEPARTMENT The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment to budget proceeds received from the joint City/County Auction from the sale of surplus property in the amount of $25,000 as follows: Debit - Acct. #11 3390 820, Sale of Fixed Assets $25,000 Credit - Acct. #11 4123 470, Dues & Subscriptions $ 465 #11 4123 640, Capital Outlay 2,500 #11 4131 352, Equipment Rent 3,000 #11 9800 911, .contingencies 19,035 SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT - DUI PATROL The Commissioners approved a Budget Amendment for the Highway Safety Grant to budget Carry-over funds from the last fiscal year in the amount of $12,290 as follows: Debit - Acct. #11 3413 220, DUI Gra~t-Highway Safety Grant $12,290 Credit - Acct. #11 4313 392, M & R Equipment $ 135 #11 4313 393, M & R Auto 779 #11 4313 411, Printing 2,000 #11 4313 422, Auto Supplies 1,129 #11 4313 421, Dept. Supplies 105 #11 4313 520, Travel 2,000 #11 4313 640, Capital Outlay-Equip. 6,142 i'-. 3SS MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) LEASE AGREEMENT - MOBILE OFFICE UNITS - DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES The Commissioners authorized the Chairman to execute a Lease Agreement with Coastal Mobile Office Sales & Leasing Company for six (6) mobile office units for the Department of Social Services. I A copy of the Lease Agreement is on file in the County Manager's Office. REVISED RULES OF PROCEDURE - NEW HANOVER COUNTY PLANNING BOARD The Commissioners approved the revised Rules and Procedure adopted by the Planning Board to comply with the County's Resolution for the Establishment of Policy and Procedures for Appointments to County Boards, Commissions, Committees or Authorities. A copy of the Revised Rules of Procedure is on file in the Clerk's Office. BUDGET AMENDMENT - OUTSTANDING PURCHASE ORDERS - FINANCE DEPARTMENT The Commissioners approved a Budget Amendment to rebudget prior year purchase orders that were outstanding as follows: Debit - Acct. #11 3990 990, Acct. #11 3411 320, I Credit - Acct. #11 4141 410, Acct. #11 5161 421, Acct. #11 5163 421, Acct. #11 5182 421, Acct. #11 4930 410, Acct. #11 4930 640, Acct. #11 4132 421, Acct. #11 4132 640, Acct. #11 4313 640, Acct. #11 6110 423, Acct. #11 6110 640, Acct. #11 6140 326, Acct. #11 6140 370, Acct. #11 4196 391, I Acct. #11 4196 440, Acct. #11 4350 640, Acct. #11 4110 421, Acct. #11 6120 630, Acct. #11 4161 421, Acct. #11 4197 326, Acct. #11 4197 325, Appropriated Fund Balance State Grant-Clean Water Bill 4,868 Tax-Prt'g. & Copying $ 5,621 Per. Health -Dept. Supplies Health Ed. -Dept. Supplies Health Ed. -Dept. Supplies Planning - Copying and Printing 3,780 Planning -Capital Outlay Equipment Data Processing - Dept. Supplies Data Processing - Capital Outlay-Equipment Sheriff DUI - Capital Outlay-Equipment Library - Books & Mat'l Library - Cap.Outlay- Equipment Museum - Other Profess. Services Museum - Contracted Services Property Mgt. - M&R Bldg. & Grounds Property Mgt.-Uniforms Inspections -Capital Outlay-Equipment Gov. Body-Dept.Supplies Parks & Rec. Capital Outlay-Equipment Clerk of Court - Dept. Supplies Engineering - Other Prof. Services 15,319 Engineering-DOT-132 Water Ext. $115,060 75 3,600 75 450 286 504 3,868 225 380 300 2,301 13,487 300 2,211 357 1,499 225 65,065 366 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) BUDGET AMENDMENT - OUTSTANDING PURCHASE ORDERS FINANCE DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) AIRPORT Debit - Acct.#60 3990 990, Appropriated Fund Bal. $4,034 ~I Credit - Acct.#60 4530 391, Airport-M&R Bldg. & Grounds $ 714 I Acct. #60 4530 392, M & R Equipment 246 Acct. #60 4530 394, M&R- Other Improvements 2,088 Acct. #60 4530 412, Duplicating & Copying 326 Acct. #60 4530 640, Cap. Outlay-Equipment 660 AUDIT OF FINANCIAL RECORDS - SERVICES FOR THE AGING The Commissioners authorized the County Manager to execute a contract with Lowrimore, Warwick & Company to conduct an audit of the financial records for the Services for the Aging at a cost less than $1,000 to be paid out of carry-over funds from this department. A copy of the Contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. RESOLUTION OF ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FOR PROPERTY IN WILMINGTON BEACH TO PROVIDE-PUBLIC ACCESS TO OCEANFRONT -WILMINGTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to adopt a resolution to officially accept certain portions of streets for public access to the beach at Wilmington Beach running east from Highway 421 to the Atlantic Ocean donated by the Wilmington Beach Development Corporation. r- Mr. Glen Tucker, on behalf of the Wilmington Beach Development Corporation and the Kure family of Kure Beach, presented a deed conveying ocean front property appraised at $420,000 to New Hanover County for public access emphasizing that the purpose of the donation of the land was for public use. He also askea if the Corporation would be given a tax break for donated land. Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Commissioners, accepted the deed to the property and expressed her appreciation to the Corporation for this donation assuring Mr. Tucker that this land would be used for public access stating that plans are underway to provide for parking and ramps at the access sites and stated that the tax laws would have to be checked. . A copy of the Resolution is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 39. NON-AGENDA ITEMS - GENERAL PUBLIC Chairman Gottovi asked if anyone present wished to speak on an item not listed on the agenda. The following person commented: Mr. Herbert D. Hale, representing the N. C. Legislative Service, ECR, Fleet Reserve Association, extended an invitation to the Commissioners to attend the 22nd Annual reunion of the U.S.S. North Carolina Battleship Association to be held in Wilmington, North Carolina, on June 25-30, 1984. ~I PRESENTATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDY - HERITAGE, LTD. Mr. Warren Quinley, representing the firm~Pannell, Kerr, & Foster, Certified Public Accountants of Atlanta, Georgia, appeared before the Commissioners providing background information on the analysis and preparation of the feasibility study for the Heritage, Ltd. project stating that the bottom line of the report indicated a growing retirement-aged population in the Wilmington area creating a strong demand for this type of facility with few alternatives at the present time for individuals in this group. He stated that a thorough study had been made of the income of this group of people and that a large number of retired individuals could afford this type of facility making the project viable. 367 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) PRESENTATION OF FEASIBILITY STUDY = HERITAGE, LTD. (CONTINUED) I Commissioner O'Shields expressed his concern for the comments received from the Local Government Commission with reference to issuance of tax exempt bonds stating that proliferation of the issuance of tax exempt bonds could have an adverse impact in the future eliminating the issuance of such bonds seriously affecting the industrial development and economic growth of the state. Commissioner Blake stated that he had been contacted by Mr. Jim Marshall, District Manager of Carolina Power & Light Company in Henderson, North Carolina, assuring him of the type of project Heritage, Ltd. operates and the integrity displayed by this organization. Commissioner O'Shields stated his concern about the implications toward the County and problems that could fall back on the County suggesting that a disclosure statement be written in the purchase contract for the individual units relieving the County of any legal responsibility or obligation to the project and that the name of the Authority not contain the words, "New Hanover County". Sergeant Herbert D. Hale commented on the military retirees living in New Hanover County. I After a lengthy discussion by Mr. C. Donald Stone and the Board, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to request the County Attorney to prepare an amended resolution establishing a three-member authority appointed by the Commissioners deleting New Hanover County from the name of the authori ty and including in the amended resolution a disclosure statement relieving New Hanover County from any leqal responsibility or obligation to the project. "The ?-rnen~d Resolut.~?n i9 to be resubmitted to the CornmissiQn~~~ Ior ~ppr?val '~ith the appoinurn~nt of members to the Authority through the 'normal' procedure'of advertising. Upon- vote ,the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal " " BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 11:00 o'clock A.M. to 11:10 o'clock A.M. I NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES - BUDGET REQUEST Ms. Florence Warren, Coordinator for the Neighborhood Housing Authority introduced Mr. Robert Gaddy, Vice President of the Wilmington Neighborhood Services, who gave background information on the Housing Authority in Wilmington, and presented the financial report on the local authority. Mr. Charles Walker, Regional Administrator for the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program of the Atlanta Office, explained to the Commissioners the purpose of the Neighborhood Reinvestment Program stating that the role of this organization was to provide technical assistance and fund raising services to the local Neighborhood Housing Authority. After discussion, Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner 0' Shields to approve funding in the amount of $40,000, $10,000 for Administration and $30,000 for the Revolving Loan Program contingent on the Neighborhood Housing Authority being able to raise $50,000 for administrative costs from private sources. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: 368 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING SERVICES = BUDGET REQUEST (CONTINUED) Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Com~issioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal PROGRESS REPORT - NC 2000 Mr. Joe Dunn~gave background information on the NC 2000 Report with a slide presentation stating that the purpose of the NC 2000 process is the well-being of the State's people through a designed program of balancing the people, economy, natural resources and community in order to have a better standard of living by the year 2000. He sta~d that in order to implement these procedures, an NC 2000 Advisory Ad Hoc Committee be appointed by the Commissioners for a 4-month period to review, analyze, and evaluate the impact of this report on New Hanover County with a submission of a report to the Commissioners for further action. Mr. Dunn emphasized the importance of appointing members from the beach communities, Wilmington, and unincorporated areas of the County with a majority of the members less than 45 years of age. He stated that Dr. William H. Wagoner would accept the chairmanship of the committee. Commissioner Blake expressed his apprecJ.ation to Mr. Dunn for the time and effort in preparing the NC 2000 Report. After discussion, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to accept the NC 2000 Report and establish a NC 2000 Advisory Ad Hoc Committee consisting of 3-6 members with the majority of the members less than 45 years of age and placing an ad in the newspaper recruiting applications for appointments with the assistance of Mr. Joe Dunn in organizing the committee. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal CONTRACT - CAPE FEAR UTILITIES AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY - --- -- CONNECTION TO NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR Engineering Director Hilton gave background information on the contract between New Hanover County and Cape Fear Utilities stating that there were two areas of conflict: (1) Section 3(b) - Connection Costs, and (2) Section 7 - Duration of Contract. After discussion by Mr. Bill Dobo, Engineering Director Hilton, and the Commissioners, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to authorize the Chairman to execute the agreement with the following amendments: 1. Section 3(b) to read as follows: b. To pay connection costs associated with the tap and measuring devices and structure, as follows: (1) tap fee of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) upon signing of this agreement; and (2) installation and construction cost of the measuring device and associated 369 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) CONTRACT - CAPE FEAR UTILITIES AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY TO NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR (CONTlNUED~ CONNECTION I structure, said cost not to exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), to be paid in monthly installments of not less than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per month, together with interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of ten per cent (10%) per annum, from the date of County's acceptance of the device and structure, until the balance is paid in full. 2. Section 7 - Duration of Contract to read as follows: Duration of Contract. This agreement and the obligationS-imposeCl-hereunder may be ren~gotiated every three (3) years from the date of execution of this agreement. Otherwise, this contract shall continue in full force and effect until otherwise terminated by written agreement of the parties, or upon termination of County's agreements with other agencies, including but not limited to the City of Wilmington and Town of Wrightsville Beach. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi I Absent: Commissioner O'Neal A copy of the amended Contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. WASTEWATER TREATMENT CONTRACT - CITY OF WILMINGTON Engineering Director Hilton gave-background information on the Sewage Treatment Agreement with the City of Wilmington recommending changes in Section 2(a) amending quantities of sanitary sewage from 101,000 to 325,000 gallons per day average flow and Section 2(e) adding the following statement: "The CITY shall supply the records herein upon request and shall submit a summary showing computation of fees stated in Paragraph 4(a) of this agreement to the PURCHASER on an annual basis". After discussion, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Gottovi to approve the amended agreement with the recommended changes. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: I Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal A copy of the amended contract is on file in the County Manager's Office. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for lunch from 12:45 o'clock P.M. until 1:21 o'clock P.M. RESOLUTION - ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS - SIEMENS-ALLIS, INC. Mr. Wallace Murchison, Attorney representing the Industrial Facili ties and Pollution Control Financing Authority, appeared before the Commissioners requesting approval of a resolution for 370 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) SIEMENS-ALLIS, INC. RESOLUTION (CONTINUED) ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS issuance of $7,500,000 Industrial Revenue Bonds for Siemens- Allis, Inc. Commissioner 0'Shie1ds MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adopt the Resolution approving the issuance of the bonds in the amount of $7,500,000 for Siemens-Allis, Inc. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal A copy of the Resolution is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 40. APPOINTMENT OF EXTERNAL AUDITORS Finance-officer Atkinson appeared before the Commissioners requesting renewal of a three-year contract with Lowrimore, Warwick & Company as external auditors stating that this firm had done an outstanding job and that he recommended extending the term of the contract to five years. After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to renew the contract with Lowrimore, Warwick & Company for a three-year term authorizing the Chairman to execute the agreement. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal DISCUSSION - AIRPORT COMMISSION RESOLUTION Assistant County Manager Cannon gave background information on the role of the Airport Commission, the Airport Manager and their relationship with the County Commissioners, County Manager, and Staff stating that there are areas of conflict and points of confusion as to the role of the Airport Commission in the Airport Resolution requesting the direction of the Board as to what process should be taken to clarify the language in the resolution. Airport Manager Shackelford stated that the most confusing area of conflict was with leases. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have the Airport Commission and the County Manager and Staff to discuss and make recommendations to the Commissioners on clarification of the Airport Resolution at the September 19, 1983, Board Meeting. DISCUSSION AIP-01 - REQUEST FOR SPECIAL MEETING = NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT Airport Manager Shackelford appeared before the Commissioners to request scheduling a Special Meeting on September 26, 1983, to accept a grant offer from the Federal Aviation Administration in the amount of $248,220 for the Airport Improvements Program for the construction of drainage improvements, non-destructive testing, master plan update, and preparation of master drainage plans explaining that the funds will expire September 30, 1983. After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to authorize the Chairman or County Manager to sign the Project Application and call a Special meeting on ~ 371 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION AIP-01 - REQUEST FOR SPECIAL MEETING - NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT (CONTINUED) September 26, 1983, or whatever day is appropriate in order to take advantage of the funding. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: I V.oting .Ay.e:; ....Conimiss,ione.r Barjfield..~ Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi ... III ...'(.;:;,;;;.......;'7...;:. Absent: Commissioner O'Neal Airport Manager Shackelford reported that Congressman Charlie Rose's office had contacted Chairman Gottovi informing the County that the appropriations bill had passed the House and Senate allotting $750,000,000 for the Department of Transportation FAA to construct various facilities throughout the nation with an allotment for a new Air Traffic Control Tower in Wilmington costing approximately $4,500,000 with no matching funds from the County. Airport Manager Shackelford expressed his delight for this funding stressing the overcrowded conditions in the tower at this time. APPROVAL OF PERMIT FEE SCHEDULE CHANGES - Inspections Director Conklin Commissioners with Permit Fee Schedule revisions. INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT appeared before the Changes explaining the I After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to approve the Permit Fee Schedule Changes. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: VotingAye:' Confrni-s-~fio-rfer "':Ifarf ield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal A copy of the Permit Fee Schedule Changes is on file in the Clerk's Office. DISCUSSION - SIMMONS APPEAL CASE - INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT Commissioner Barfield questioned Inspection Director Conklin about the structure owned by Mr. A. J. Simmons between Rogers and Westbrook Avenues not being removed from the premises when the Commissioners denied the rezoning request at the Board Meeting of February 14, 1983, and stressed that this structure should be removed. Inspections Director Conklin stated that a letter had been written to Mr. Simmons asking him to remove the building. RESOLUTIONS OF INTENT - ROAD CLOSINGS Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to approve the Resolutions of Intent to close portions of the following roads: I (1) 90.0 feet of the northeast end of Second Avenue located in Seabreeze Park (2) 20'0' To'o-c' :port,i.oh -o-r A,,:ondal'e- A:venue' (U. S. Highway 74/76 in the Avondale Subdivision) Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal 372 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) RESOLUTIONS OF INTENT = ROAD CLOSINGS (CONTINUED) Copies of the Resolutions are contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 40. STREET RENAMING - SECOND AVENUE TO BOWFIN LANE - WILMINGTON BEACH, N. C. Commi!5sioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to rename Second Avenue at Wilmington Beach, North Carolina, to Bowf in Lane. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal A copy of the Ordinance is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 40. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS REAPPOINTMENT OF JACKOLYN M. GLISSON TO THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields to reappoint Jackolyn M. Glisson to serve a three-year term on the Library Advisory Board expiring August 31, 1986. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner 0'Shie1ds Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal APPOINTMENT OF JULIA F. K. MCCORMICK, MARSHA R. HARRIS AND DR. HEYWARD C. BELLAMY TO NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Commissioner Bla~MOVED, SECONDED by Chairman Gottovi to appoint Julia F. K. McCormick, Marsha R. Harris and Dr. Heyward C. Bellamy to serve three-year terms on the Library Advisory Board with the terms expiring August 31, 1986. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal REAPPOINTMENT OF DAN ELLER TO SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Chairman Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to reappoint Dan Eller to serve a four-year term on the Southeastern Economic Development Commission expiring on July 31, 1987. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF JOSEPH L. SOTO AS A PROVIDER OF HEALTH TO THE cARDINAL HEALTH AGENCY - ---- - -- Chairman Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to recommend appointment of Mr. Joseph L. Soto to serve as a provider of health care to the Cardinal Health Agency. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: t-... 373 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) RECOMMENDATION FOR APPOINTMENT OF JOSEPH L. SOTO AS A PROVIDER OF HEALTH TO THE CARDINAL HEALTH AGENCY (CONTINUED) - - Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi I Absent: Commissioner O'Neal APPOINTMENT OF SHEILA DAVIS TO UNEXPIRED TERM AND APPOINTMENT OF - - -- - MINNIE LEE RICE AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER TO THE DOMICILIARY HOME ---- -- COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to appoint Sheila Davis to serve an unexpired term expiring on June 30, 1984, and to appoint Minnie Lee Rice to serve as an alternate member for a three-year term expiring June 30, 1986. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I PUBLIC HEARING - COURTHOUSE DEVELOPMENT TASK FORCE Commissioner Blake invited the Commissioners to attend a Public Hearing scheduled for Thursday, August 18, 1983, at 7:30 P.M. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, to discuss the recommendations of the Courthouse Development Task Force. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER DISCUSSION - AIRLIE ROAD PARKING INTERPRETATIONS Staff Attorney Ken Silliman gave background information on the interpretations of the Airlie Road Parking stating that the possibility exist that the Legal Department would be placed in the position of defending two conflicting Zoning Ordinance interpretations in Superior Court and asked the Commissioners for direction in this matter. After discussion by the Commissioners and County Attorney Pope, it was the consensus of the Board for the County Attorney to keep the-B6ard informed on- the matter. I PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED TO CONSIDER LEVY OF 1/2% SUPPLEMENTAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT SALES AND USE TAX AND 2% ROOM OCCiiPANCY TAX Commi s s ioner 0' Shie IdSMOVE:n;-- SECONDED by Commi s s ioner Barfield to schedule two Public Hearings to consider levy of 1/2% Supplemental Local Government Sales and Use Tax and 2% Room Occupancy Tax for September 6, 1983, at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: < Commissioner O'Neal DISCUSSION - POSTING A SCHEDULE OF REGULAR WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT MEETINGS TO -BE HELD TH:R()UGHOUT THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1983 The-clerk stated that a schedule of regularly scheduled meetings for the Water and Sewer District could be posted at the beginning of the new year along with the regularly scheduled meetings for the Board of Commissioners thereby alleviating 48 hours public notice and saving advertising costs. 374 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, AUGUST 15, 1983 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION - POSTING A SCHEDULE OF REGULAR WATER AND SEWER - - - ---- DISTRICT MEETINGS TO BE HELD THROUGHOUT THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY h 1983 (CONTINuED) After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to post a schedule of Water & Sewer District Meetings for the second meeting of each month at 8: 45 o'clock A.M. before the regularly scheduled Board meetings, beginning January 1, 1984. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 2:43 o'clock P.M. to 2:45 o'clock P.M. APPOINTMENT- ~(i)Fi .rROIikND; G.', REGI,STER..~S TAX.jIADM:rNIST,RETORl 'r2 .i.~,J County Manager Cooper stated --:the Personnel Office had received 43 applications for the position of Tax Administrator and that after interviewing the various candidates Mr. Roland G. Register had been selected as the number one candidate with his expertise in the managerial area and recommended appointment of Mr. Register as Tax Administrator. After discussion by Mr. Register and the Commissioners, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner 0'Shie1ds to appoint Mr. Roland G. Register as Tax Administrator with the effective date of employment September 19, 1983. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake Commissioner O'Shields Chairman Gottovi Absent: Commissioner O'Neal ADJOURNMENT Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to adjourn. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED AS FOLLOWS: Voting Aye: Commissioner Barfield Commissioner Blake ,c: ')'_ '1":.'0 . . -n Commiss~onerlHD' S:h.:i'elds ~ l;~J:, Chairman Gottovi ~\;.- 2 . ~ .r U;.J : (1 Absent: Commissioner O'Neal Chairman Gottovi adjourned the meeting at 3:55 o'clock P.M. ~. pectf~~:Jrs~bmitted, 'd~ L cie F. Smith, Clerk G ~ ~~..~ ..: ,v~.. ..-'. r OC~ .~. ~.~ i'--