Agenda 2021 08-23NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AGENDA Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301, Wilmington, NC 28401 Julia Olson-Boseman, Chair I Deb Mays, Vice -Chair Jonathan Barfield, Jr., Commissioner I Bill Rivenbark, Commissioner I Rob Zapple, Commissioner Chris Coudriet, County Manager I Wanda Copley, County Attorney I Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board AUGUST 23, 2021 9:00 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chair Julia Olson-Boseman) INVOCATION (Imam Abdul Rahman Shareef, Tauheed Islamic Center of Wilmington) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Chair Julia Olson-Boseman) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTI MATED MINUTES CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Adoption of a Resolution to Award a Contract to M-Vac Systems, I nc. as a Sole Source 3. Adoption of a Resolution Calling for Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment 4. Adoption of a Resolution in Support of Efforts to Achieve Greater Healthcare Provider Workforce Diversity in New Hanover County 5. Approval of Changes to Museum's Collections Policy 6. Approval of Six Donations for Accession into the Museum's Permanent Collection 7. Approval of Two Items to be Deaccessioned from the Museum's Permanent Collection REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 5 8. 50th Anniversary Plaque Presentation 10 9. Presentation of Service Awards and Introduction of New Employees 10 10. New Hanover County Airport Authority Annual Update 10 11. Presentation on River Road Speed Limit 5 12. Committee Appointments PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON -AGENDA ITEMS (limit three minutes) ESTIMATED MINUTES ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 13. Additional Items County Manager Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 14. ADJOURN Note: Minutes listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. Mission New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Vision A vibrant prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Core Values Integrity - Accountability - Professionalism - Innovation - Stewardship Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Consent DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY. Approve minutes from the following meetings: Agenda Review held on July 29, 2021 Regular Meeting held on August 2, 2021 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Consent DEPARTMENT: Sheriff PRESENTER(S): Chief Deputy Kenneth Sarvis CONTACT(S): Chief Deputy Kenneth Sarvis SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution to Award a Contract to M-Vac Systems, Inc. as a Sole Source BRIEF SUMMARY: The New Hanover County Sheriff's Office Forensic Laboratory is in need of a wet -vacuum based sampling system used for forensic DNA collection and wishes to purchase the system from M-Vac Systems, Inc. as a sole source provider. NCGS 143-129(e)(6) exempts purchases of apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment from competitive bidding requirements when: (i) performance or price competition for a product are not available; (ii) a needed product is available from only one source of supply; or (iii) standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration. I n this case, (ii) a needed product is available from only one source of supply, which is supported by the following: • M-Vac Systems, I nc. is the only company that offers the M-vac • The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Laboratory Division's validation of M-Vac Systems, Inc. wet vacuum • The M-Vac is patent protected under US RE41,319 E, which is a reissue of 7,100,461 (the primary patent for the M-Vac) • The M-Vac is also covered by an associated patent, 8,617,320 The total cost of the equipment is $44,866 which is currently budgeted in the FY21-22 Sheriff's Office Budget (11032350 800200 DBT22). STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Superior Public Health & Safety o Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands ■ Reduce or prevent community risks RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution to approve M-Vac Systems, Inc. as a Sole Source Vendor for the Purchase of a M-Vac System for the Sheriff's Office Forensic Laboratory. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 2 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution M-Vac SysterrrForensic Lab COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend adoption. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION APPROVAL OF M-VAC SYSTEMS, INC. AS A SOLE SOURCE VENDOR FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE M-VAC SYSTEM WHEREAS, New Hanover County Sheriff's Office desires to purchase an M-Vac system, a wet -vacuum used for forensic DNA collection; and WHEREAS, M-Vac Systems, Inc. is the sole source provider of the wet -vacuum based surface sampling system primarily used for forensic DNA collection; and WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 143-129(e)(6) exempts purchases of apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment when: (i) performance or price competition for a product are not available; (ii) a needed product is available from only one source of supply; or (iii) standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration; and WHEREAS, the product is available from only one source of supply; and WHEREAS, the total cost of the equipment including shipping and handling is $44,866 which is included in the FY22 Fiscal Year budget, 11032350 800200 DBT22. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners approves M- Vac System, Inc., as a sole source vendor for the purchase of an M-Vac System in the amount of $44,866. ADOPTED this the 23rd day of August, 2021. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Julia Olson-Boseman, Chair ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 2 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Consent DEPARTMENT: Diversity & PRESENTER(S): Women Sheila Evans, Chair, New Hanover County Commission for Equity CONTACT(S): Linda Thompson, Chief Diversity & Equity Officer SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Calling for Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment BRIEF SUMMARY: Women, who constitute over 51% of the population of North Carolina, play an essential and irreplaceable role in society, contributing to our economy and advancing our nation in both public and private realms. The New Hanover County Commission for Women presents the attached resolution for the board's consideration calling for the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt a resolution calling for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Calling for Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend adoption. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION CALLING FOR RATIFICATION OF THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT WHEREAS, women, who constitute over 51 % of the population of North Carolina (N.C.), play an essential and irreplaceable role in society, contributing to our economy and advancing our nation in both public and private realms; and WHEREAS, women continue to confront workplace discrimination, wage inequities, health care inequities, higher rates of poverty, rape and domestic violence assaults, a lack of political parity, and other forms of sex -based discrimination; and WHEREAS, state and federal anti -discrimination laws are not uniform or comprehensive, and can be repealed, amended, or ineffectively applied by the courts; and WHEREAS, the federal Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was proposed in 1923 and passed by Congress in 1972; has met the constitutional requirement for ratification by 38 states with the approval of Nevada (2017), Illinois (2018), and Virginia (2020); and is awaiting certification by the U.S. Archivist pending resolution of issues regarding a time limit in its preamble rather than its text, which time limit can be removed by Congress, removal having been passed by bipartisan vote in the U.S. House of Representatives on March 17, 2021 but is pending in the U.S. Senate, and five state rescissions, which by precedent have never been recognized as valid; and WHEREAS, the ERA is essential for correcting systemic sex discrimination, since it would guarantee that "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex"; and WHEREAS, ERA ratification bills were introduced in the N.C. General Assembly in 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners calls on the N.C. General Assembly to pass the bills ratifying the ERA in order to join the growing list of states supporting a guarantee of equal constitutional rights to all citizens without regard to their sex; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the board calls on the U.S. Senate to support the validity of certification by the Archivist by joining with the U.S. House, passing the bipartisan bill: SJRI, removing the time limit on the states for ratification; and Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the board commits ourselves to advocate at federal and state levels to ensure that the ERA is added to the U.S. Constitution in order to guarantee equal rights under the law to all citizens without regard to their sex. ADOPTED this the 23RD day of August, 2021. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Julia Olson-Boseman, Chair ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Consent Diversity Dr. Philip Brown, Executive Vice President and Chief Physician Executive DEPARTMENT: & Equity PRESENTER(S): at New Hanover Regional Medical Center and the President of the NC Medical Society CONTACT(S): Linda Thompson, Chief Diversity & Equity Officer SU BJ ECT: Adoption of a Resolution in Support of Efforts to Achieve Greater Healthcare Provider Workforce Diversity in New Hanover County BRIEF SUMMARY: Racial and Ethnic health disparities have been a longstanding issue throughout our country and can be addressed through increased diversity among healthcare providers as noted through extensive research. A resolution is attached for the board's consideration. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: Superior Public Health & Safety o Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands ■ Reduce or prevent community risks RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt a resolution in support of efforts to achieve greater healthcare provider workforce diversity in New Hanover County. ATTACHMENTS: Healthcare Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend adoption. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE GREATER HEALTHCARE PROVIDER WORKFORCE DIVERSITY IN NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County established the Office of Diversity and Equity in June 2020 with a mission to promote inclusive and fair practices throughout the county and to build a culture and community where residents are respected, valued and understood for their own identities; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County supports the advancement of other efforts by our community partners to similarly address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion within their own organizations or professional fields; and WHEREAS, racial and ethnic health disparities have been a longstanding issue throughout our country and can be addressed through increased diversity among healthcare providers as noted through extensive research; and WHEREAS, in May of 1999, the Archives of Internal Medicine published an article asserting that increased diversity among healthcare providers can lead to improved doctor -patient communication and increased patient compliance with treatment; and WHEREAS, in November of 2020, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study indicating that increased diversity among healthcare providers increased patient satisfaction with their overall medical care; and WHEREAS, in January of 2021, the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, published an article stating that increased diversity among healthcare providers may actually decrease the cost of patient care for members of underserved populations; and WHEREAS, increases in doctor -patient communication, patient compliance with treatment, and patient satisfaction with medical care, as well as decreased patient costs for members of underserved populations, are all important goals that could help the medical community address issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion within the healthcare profession. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports any appropriate efforts from within the medical community to increase healthcare provider workforce diversity, especially including any such efforts that will serve the citizens of New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 23rd day of August, 2021. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Julia Olson-Boseman, Chair ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Consent DEPARTMENT: Museum PRESENTER(S): Heather Yenco, Museum Curator and Kate Baillon, Manager of Collections and Exhibits CONTACT(S): Heather Yenco and Kate Baillon SUBJECT: Approval of Changes to Museum's Collections Policy BRIEF SUMMARY: The museum periodically reviews its Collections Policy to ensure the policy remains current with standards of best practice in museum collections care and management, and with New Hanover County policies. The current accession and deaccession processes are summarized as follows: For donations to the museum, the Museum Curator, Museum Director, Collections Committee, and Museum Advisory Board review and approve donated items. The synopsis of items is then submitted to the County Board of Commissioners for their review. After approval by the Commissioners, objects are accessioned into the Museum's Permanent Collection. For objects deaccessioned from the Permanent Collection, the Museum Curator, Museum Director, Collections Committee, and Museum Advisory Board review and approve deaccessioned objects, as well as method of disposal or sale. The proposal is then reviewed by the County Board of Commissioners. After approval by the County Commissioners, objects are deaccessioned from the Museum's Permanent Collection. The museum has proposed changes to the Accession and Deaccession processes to be in line with other county department procedures for donated property, summarized here: For donations to the museum, the Museum Curator, Museum Director, Collections Committee, and Museum Advisory Board review and approve donated items. Should the value of the donated items not exceed $5,000, the Museum Director will submit a synopsis of items to the County Manager or their designee, for review. Should the value of items exceed $5,000, the Museum Director will submit the synopsis to the County Board of Commissioners for their review. After approval by either the County Manager or Board of Commissioners, objects will be accessioned into the Museum's Permanent Collection. For purchases of an object using county funds and priced up to $999, the purchase will be approved by the Museum Director. An object priced at or over $1,000 will be recommended by the Director to the Museum Advisory Board for approval. For objects deaccessioned from the Permanent Collection, the Museum Curator, Museum Director, Collections Committee, and Museum Advisory Board review and approve proposed deaccessions. If the value of the items does not exceed $5,000, the proposed items will be reviewed by the County Manager or their designee. Should the value of the items exceed $5,000, the proposal will be reviewed by the County Board of Commissioners. After approval by either the County Manager or Board of Commissioners, the objects will be deaccessioned from the Museum's Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 Permanent Collection. Deaccessioned objects deemed to have no monetary value by the Museum Curator, Museum Director, Collections Committee, Museum Advisory Board, and County Manager (or their designee) shall be disposed of in a proper manner. For deaccessioned objects that are approved for sale, the method of sale will be determined by the Museum Director, subject to the approval of the Advisory Board and County Manager (or their designee) for items valued up to $5,000, and additionally a resolution by the County Commissioners for items valued in excess of $5,000. These proposed changes to the Collections Policy were approved by the Museum Advisory Board at its meeting on July 21, 2021. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: • Good Governance Effective County Management ■ Continuous focus on the customer experience RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept changes to Cape Fear Museum's Collections Policy. ATTACHMENTS: CFM Collections Policy COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy history aid Collections Policy --ace so Adopted MAY 1980 Amended FEBRUARY 6, 1984 Amended APRIL 2, 1990 Amended NOVEMBER 19, 1992 Amended CFMBOT APRIL 6, 1995 and NHCBOC MAY 15, 1995 Amended CFMBOT JUNE 5, 1997 and NHCBOC JULY 7, 1997 Amended CFMAB 18 OCTOBER 2006 and NHCBOC 13 November 2006 Revised NOVEMBER 2008 Approved by CFMAB 17 DECEMBER 2008 and NHCBOC 2 MARCH 2O09 Amended by CFMAB 18 MAY 2011 and NHCBOC 20 JUNE 2011 Amended by CFMAB 17 April 2013 and NHCBOC 20 May 2013 Amended by CFMAB 15 October 2014 and NHCBOC 17 November 2014 Pg.1 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 1 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy Table of Contents 1. AUTHORITY....................................................................................................................4 Delineation of the decision -making authority and responsibilities among the governing authority, committees, and staff. 2. SCOPE OF COLLECTIONS............................................................................................6 Broad description of the museum's primary emphasis for its collections 3. CODES OF ETHICS.........................................................................................................7 Reference to the museum's own institutional code of ethics, professional code of ethics by which the museum abides, and any special ethical considerations (for example, issues facing a museum thatfrequently collects objects from other countries). 4. CATEGORIES OF COLLECTIONS..............................................................................10 Names and definitions of categories, if the museum categorizes objects by different levels of care, documentation, or use. 5. ACQUISITIONS/ACCESSIONING................................................................................12 Specific criteria for additions to the collection; outline of the decision -making process. 6. DEACCESSIONING/DISPOSAL...................................................................................15 Specific criteria for removing an objectfrom the collection; direction on how to dispose of the object; a statement of how the proceeds will be used; outline of the decision -making process. 7. LOANS............................................................................................................................19 Conditions covering the temporary transfer of collection objects (not their ownership) from or to the museum. 8.OBJECTS FOUND/ABANDONED/UNCLAIMED........................................................23 Discussion of how the museum will handle objects with unclear title. 9. CONSERVATION/CARE...............................................................................................24 Outline of the museum's obligations and commitment to the preservation of collection items. Pg.2 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 2 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 10. INSURANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT......................................................................28 An overview of the museum's approach to safeguarding the collection and the types of insurance coverage to be provided. 11. DOCUMENTATION / COLLECTION RECORDS....................................................30 A list of the type of records to be maintained and the standards for documentation. 12. INVENTORIES............................................................................................................ 35 A description ofinethods to maintain physical control of the objects, includinga commitment to conducting periodic inventories. 13. ACCESS.........................................................................................................................36 Discussion of access and confidentiality concerning the collections or collection records. 14. APPRAISALS................................................................................................................39 Statement of whether the museum will conduct appraisals for donors. 15. LAWS............................................................................................................................40 Reference to various laws that affect collections or collecting activities and the museum's commitment to adhering to them. 16. RIGHTS & REPRODUCTION.....................................................................................41 Reference to the ownership ofrights ofcollection objects. 17. PHOTOGRAPHY/FILMING........................................................................................ 42 Statement about whether the museum allows photography or filming in the museum or ofspecific objects and, ifso, under what conditions. 18. DOCUMENT REVIEW.................................................................................................45 Description of how the museum plans to keep its governing documents current Pg.3 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 3 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 1. AUTHORITY Delineation of the decision -making authority and responsibilities among the governing authority, committees, and staff. Cape Fear Museum (CFM) is an agency of, and is not independent of, New Hanover County. All references herein to ownership of or the possession of an interest in property of any kind by Cape Fear Museum shall be deemed ownership by New Hanover County. I. ORGANIZATIONAL AUTHORITY MANAGING COLLECTIONS A. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (NHCC) serves as the governing body of the county. The five County Commissioners are elected at large by a countywide election held in November for a staggered four-year term of office, with elections held every two years.' B. The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board (CFMAB) consists of one County Commissioner and 11 citizens, appointed by the NHCC. Members serve a three-year term, for no more than two consecutive terms. The CFMAB works to develop policies for the efficient and responsive operation of CFM, to advise the director and staff on programs and exhibitions, to advise the County Manager and the NHCC concerning the operating and capital needs of CFM, and to serve on relevant committees.' C. The Collections Committee is made of up of no less than three members of the CFMAB, and an ad hoc member of the community. The Committee advises and recommends to the CFMABproposals for acquisitions, deaccessioning and disposal, outgoing loans, andpolicy. D. The Director works with the curator to propose acquisitions, deaccessions/disposals, outgoing loans, and the purchase of objects to be added to the Permanent Collection. E. The Curator is directly responsible for the care and management of the collections, including handling, storage, conservation treatment, and exhibition. S/he is the first to propose acquisitions, deaccessions/disposals, outgoing loans, and the purchase of objects to be added to the Permanent Collection. II. OTHER COLLECTIONS STAFF A. The Registrar assists the curator in planning and executing the care and management of the collections. S/he has direct responsibility for creating and maintaining all paper and computer records for the collections. S/he may accept prospective object donations in the curator's absence, using a Temporary Receipt form. B. The Historian supervises CFM's library and research materials, including purchasing books and library supplies, and assisting researchers. S/he also conducts research needed for ' Taken from theNew Ha nover Countyweb site http://www.nhcaov.com, see agency descriptions. ZTakenfromtheNewHanoverCountywebsitehttp://www.nhc og v.com,seeboarddescriptions. Pg.4 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 4 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy developing programs and exhibitions, as well as for specific objects in the collections. S/he may accept prospective object donations in the curator's absence, using a Temporary Receipt form. C. The Collections Assistant supports the Curator and Registrar in the care and management of the collections. S/he may also support the Historian by conducting research for specific objects in the collection or for developing exhibitions. S/he may accept prospective object donations in the curator's absence, using a Temporary Receipt form. Pg. 5 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 5 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 2. SCOPE OF COLLECTIONS Broad description of the museum's primary emphasis for its collections CFM's institutional mission statement guides its collecting process. I. Statement of Purpose Cape Fear Museum collects, preserves, and interprets objects relating to the history, science, and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear region, and makes those objects and their interpretation available to the public through educational exhibitions and programs. II. Collecting Parameters A. The Lower Cape Fear region is defined as a 50-mile radius from Wilmington, N.C., which includes all of New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender counties, parts of Columbus, Bladen, Sampson, Duplin and Onslow counties, as well as the Atlantic Ocean. B. The criteria for accepting an object into the Permanent Collection are established through answering the following questions: 1. For a Natural History item, is it indigenous to the region? 2. For a Material Culture item, was it made or used in the region? Thus, the collection is intended to represent all aspects of the region, from natural history to history, from preliterate times to the 21 st century. C. An object not made or used in the Lower Cape Fear may be accepted into either the Permanent or Demonstration collections if: 1. a Lower Cape Fear example is not available, and 2. if the object is typical of, and can be used accurately to reflect, Lower Cape Fear life, culture, people, or places of historical significance. D. CFM primarily collects three-dimensional objects. It also collects two-dimensional objects that are of a visual nature and can be exhibited, such as photographs, drawings, etc. Two- dimensional objects that are not visual in nature, such as letters, newspapers, bills, invoices, etc., are more useful as research tools and are referred to the Local History Room of the New Hanover County Public Library. (See Chapter 4, Categories of Collections.) E. CFM makes every effort not to compete with the collecting mission of other cultural institutions in the region. F. CFM does not accept human remains. November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 6 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 3. CODES OF ETHICS Reference to the museum's own institutional code of ethics, professional code of ethics by which the museum abides, and any special ethical considerations (for example, issues facing a museum that frequently collects objects from other countries). CFM collections staff and volunteers must conduct their daily work, and their behavior, according to several codes of ethics. I. NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE OF ETHICS As CFM employees are also employees of New Hanover County, all Museum staff will conduct themselves according to the County's Code of Ethics as outlined in the New Hanover County Employee Handbook II. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF MUSEUMS CODE OF ETHICS As CFM is a member in good standing with the American Association of Museums (AAM), all Museum staff will conduct themselves according to AAM's "Code of Ethics for Museums" document. III. CAPE FEAR MUSEUM OF HISTORY AND SCIENCE CODE OF ETHICS CFM employees and volunteers also are expected to conduct themselves according to the guidelines of the Museum's Code of Ethics document IV. PROFESSIONAL CODE OF ETHICS A. CURATORS 1. The curator is the advocate for the collections. S/he will ensure that all objects, and their related documents, are well maintained, and that Museum staff adhere to the Collections Policy. 2. The curator will strike a balance between access to an object and the object's preservation. When necessary, s/he will consult with a conservator to determine what kind of access may be allowed and yet still preserve the object. 3. The curator will make every effort to discourage any kind of handling an object that may unnecessarily hasten its degradation or deterioration. 4. The curator will not lend CFM's objects for personal gain. 5. The curator must avoid conflict of interest, whether real or perceived. Potential areas for conflict of interest include personal collecting, dealing, gifts, and outside employment and consulting. In such situations s/he will provide full and honest disclosure of any opportunity for such activities, prior to their taking place, to CFM's director. 'This section was developed using the Curators Code ofEthics (1996), fromthe Curators Committee of the Am erican Asso ciation of Museum. Pg.7 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 7 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy B. REGISTRAR4 1. The registrar is responsible for the management, maintenance, and preservation of records associated with CFM's object collections and loans. S/he must maintain records that are meticulously complete, honest, orderly, retrievable and current. The documents provide legal protection for the Museum and its lenders. 2. The registrar must also ensure that sensitive or confidential information in CFM's records is inaccessible to unauthorized persons. 3. The registrar must work in cooperation with the curator, guided by CFM's Collections Policy, to manage, maintain, and ensure the safety of objects in the Museum's care. S/he must work to identify potential risks and complications to objects and act to reduce or eliminate them. 4. The registrar must protect CFM and its objects against the risk of liability through: (1) the valid use of documents, forms and receipts; (2) implementing all aspects of insurance coverage for owned and borrowed objects, and objects in transit; (3) complying with laws and regulations governing such things as object import/exports, transportation and rights/reproductions; (4) adhering to and enforcing lenders' conditions of loan. 5. The registrar must avoid conflict of interest, whether real or perceived. Potential areas for conflict of interest include collecting, dealing, gifts, and outside employment and consulting. In such situations s/he will provide full and honest disclosure of any opportunity for such activities, prior to their taking place, to CFM's director. The registrar will never receive or purchase for his/her own, or another individual's collections or purpose, even at public auction, objects deaccessioned from CFM's collections. C. HISTORIANS 1. The historian will promote the importance of scholarship within CFM. S/he will strive to make the Museum's historical analysis culturally inclusive and reflective of the diversity of the region's population. 2. The historian will conduct research and present historical evidence to support CFM's mission. S/he will present history as accurately as possible, striving to maintain the integrity 'This section was developedusing Code of EthicsforRegistrars (June 11, 1984)fromthe Registrars Committee of the Am erican Association of Museums. s This section was developed usingthe Code ofEth ics andProfession al Conduct (March 3 0, 2005) from the National Council on Public History. Pg.8 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 8 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy of CFM by fostering the Museum's reputation for professionalism and for creating strong and accurate exhibitions and programs. 3. The historian will be an advocate for preserving and caring for historical records and resources that help us understand the Lower Cape Fear's past in all its complexity. 4. The historian promotes open and equal access to the historical materials that CFM holds in trust for the community. 5. The historian must avoid conflict of interest, whether real or perceived. Potential areas for conflict of interest include collecting, dealing, gifts, and outside employment and consulting. In such situations s/he will provide full and honest disclosure of any opportunity for such activities, prior to their taking place, to CFM's director. Pg.9 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 9 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 4. CATEGORIES OF COLLECTIONS Names and definitions of categories, if the museum categorizes objects by different levels of care, documentation, or use. CFM accepts objects into one of the following collections: I. ACCESSIONED A. PERMANENT COLLECTION The Permanent Collection contains objects consistent with CFM's Statement of Purpose and Collecting Mission that are to be formally accessioned andpreserved for exhibition use, research, study, etc. Objects in this collection will receive care consistent with the highest standards of the museum profession. II. UNACCESSIONED A. DEMONSTRATION COLLECTION The Demonstration Collection contains objects consistent with CFM's Statement of Purpose and Collecting Mission that are not formally accessioned but collected specifically to be handled in education and exhibition programs. Such objects maybe: (1) authentic but not of museum quality; (2) authentic but undocumented or not original to the Lower Cape Fear; (3) duplicates of the Permanent Collection; (4) historically accurate reproductions; (5) deaccessioned and removed from the Permanent Collection. Demonstration Collection objects used in educational programs will experience wear over time. They are considered expendable and replaceable, and so may be handled until their condition warrants disposal. Demonstration Collection objects may be loaned to other museums or educational institutions according to established loan policies. (See Chapter 7: Loans.) Demonstration Collection objects will not be loaned to the general public for private, individual use. B. IMAGE ARCHIVE COLLECTION The Image Archive Collection contains images that are consistent with CFM's Statement of Purpose and Collecting Mission, and are copies of original photographs or artwork held in private collections. The images may consist of copy prints, copy negatives, electronic files, etc. CFM will retain Image Archive photos for museum use only. Images belonging to other cultural or educational institutions will not be made part of the Image Archive Collection. Instead, they will be kept separate and identified for CFM's exhibition or publication use only. Pg.10 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 10 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy C. RESEARCH LIBRARY COLLECTION The Research Library Collection contains publications, periodicals, etc., relating to the history, science, and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear, and resources for all aspects of museum management. These materials are not formally accessioned and do not circulate publicly, but are intended for reference by CFM staff and, when appropriate, by the public through research appointments. D. MUSEUM USE COLLECTION The Museum Use Collection contains unaccessioned items useful in the administration and maintenance of CFM. Such objects maybe: (1) office and other equipment; (2) items desirable for use as signage, graphics, or decorative displays; (3) exhibition properties. E. ARCHIVE COLLECTION Any offers to donate large groups of archival materials will be referred to New Hanover County Public Library (NHCPL). The NHCPL's Local History room specializes in collecting two- dimensional objects for research purposes, while the Museum focuses on collecting three- dimensional objects for exhibition purposes. In this fashion, the Library and Museum —separate government agencies of New Hanover County —work together to preserve the region's history. f Offers to donate archival materials, when the donor does not want them made available to the public for research purposes, may be accepted by CFM. Such offers will be reviewed on a case - by -case basis. 6 Prior to 2007, CFM routinely accessioned business, personal and event-relatedpapers and documents into the Permanent Collection. Due to a lack of space for continuing to house such archivecollections, as wellas a lack of staffresources for making them available to the public, it was decided that CFM would transfer its archives to the LocalHistory room ofthe NHCPL. NHCPL has more storage space to accommodate a growing archive collection, and is better situated to receive and assist researchers wishing to access them. CFM's collections were processed by temporary, paid interns who sorted, arranged and described the archives so that the materials could be immediately available for use by library staffand customers once transferred to the NHCPL. By the end of2007, allof CFM's archive collections that hadthe donor's permission to be made available to the public were relocatedto the NHCPL's Local History room. Pg.11 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 11 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 5. ACQUISITIONS/ACCESSIONING Specific criteria for additions to the collection; outline of the decision -snaking process. CFM acquires for its Permanent Collections objects that are consistent with CFM's Statement of Purpose and Collecting Mission. Such objects are: (1) related to Lower Cape Fear history in that they are connected to local persons, places, or events of the region; (2) reflective or illustrative of Lower Cape Fear's natural environment; (3) representative samples of Lower Cape Fear area material culture. Fine art, specifically nonrepresentational art, shall not be sought; however, portraits of Lower Cape Fear residents may be accepted as well as fine art representing the architecture, landscape, or lifestyles of the Lower Cape Fear area. (4) representative of preliterate or historic cultures indigenous to the Lower Cape Fear area. (5) in good condition, or able to be exhibited in their present state. An object with a strong connection to Lower Cape Fear history but in poor condition maybe accepted with the knowledge that conservation treatment will be required for the item to be displayed. A. Objects not made or used in the Lower Cape Fear may be accepted only if Lower Cape Fear area objects are not available. The object must be typical of, and can be used accurately to reflect, Lower Cape Fear life, culture, people, or places of historical significance. B. CFM will collect foreign culture material (i.e., outside the United States) only insofar as the material was actually used in the Lower Cape Fear, or pertains to the ethnic origins of its inhabitants, and not simply collected as an art object or an object of curiosity. CFM acquires objects for its collections through donations, bequests, purchases or exchanges. The curator, or an individual designated by the director to act in that capacity, will be the CFM signatory on all Contracts of Gift. I. DONATIONS: A. Only unconditional gifts will be accepted. CFM cannot accept objects on which restrictions are placed. The donor must hold clear title to the object and have obtained it legally. B. All gifts are considered outright and unconditional property of CFM. The donor will not receive any goods or services in exchange for the donation. C. Donations to CFM of objects or money that meet the requirements of charitable contributions under Internal Revenue Code (Section 170) and related regulations (section 1.170A-1) are tax deductible. Pg.12 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 12 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy II. BEQUESTS: A. Title to an object may pass to CFM through a will. B. CFM maintains the right to accept or refuse all or part of a bequest. For a desired object, CFM will transact with the executor of the estate. The executor must provide a copy of the provision of the will concerning the bequest and a final receipt for CFM to sign. III. PURCHASES: A. An object may be purchased for the collection using County funds. The purchase may be made at auction, from or through dealers, or directly from an individual. The bill of sale and proof of payment will be placed in the accession file. B. The purchase of an object using County funds and priced up to $999, will be approved by the Director. An object priced at or over $1000 will be recommended by the Director to the Museum Advisory Board for approval. IV. EXCHANGES: A. An object may be acquired through exchange, or trade, with another museum or public institution. The object exchanged should be of relatively equal historical and monetary value, and may require a professional appraisal to establish value. CFM handles all acquisitions for its Permanent Collection, whether donation, purchase, bequest or exchange in the following manner: 1. Objects offered as a donation, purchase, bequest or exchange, are taken in to CFM on a Temporary Receipt. Where physical custody is impractical prior to acceptance, objects will be photo -documented. 2. Collections staff will gather enough information from the donor/owner to complete an Acquisition Review form. The form will contain: a. Provenance b. How object meets Collecting Plan c. Condition d. Estimated costs for preservation / conservation / storage e. Room required for storage f. Recommendation for acceptance / rejection 3. Research is conducted to confirm the owner's/donor's object provenance and expand on information about owner/user/relevant event, significance, and historical context of the object. Also, an Acquisition Condition Report form is completed. Pg.13 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 13 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 4. Collections staff reviews objects and their acquisition and condition report forms during their weekly meeting. Objects that do not meet the collecting criteria will be returned to the owner, or disposed of with the owner's permission. Objects that meet mission and collecting criteria are accepted by the staff and the Acquisition form is signed by the curator and the director. The objects then move forward to the Collections Committee for review. 5. The Collections Committee reviews the Acquisition Review forms. Collections staff will make the objects available to be inspected by the Committee upon request. Acquisition forms are signed by the Collections Committee chairman. The Committee then submits a synopsis of all items to the Museum AdvisoryBoard for their review. 6. Objects offered for purchase and priced at $1000 or more must be approved by the Museum Advisory Board. 7. The Museum Advisory Board reviews the Committee's synopsis of items and then signs the Acquisition forms. Should the value of the items donated not exceed $5000, the director submits the synopsis to the County Manager, or their designee, for review. When approved the meeting date is entered onto the Acquisition forms. Should the value of items donated exceed $5000 the director submits the synopsis to the County Board of Commissioners for their review. When approved at the Commissioners' meeting, the meeting date is entered onto the Acquisition forms. 8. When the review process is completed, donated objects will be written up on a Contract of Gift for the donor's signature. Once signed, the donation will be accessioned into the Permanent Collection. For objects to be purchased with County funds, the owner's invoice will be submitted to County Finance for payment. Once payment has been received, the objects may be accessioned into the Permanent Collection. Pg.14 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 14 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 6. DEACCESSIONING/DISPOSAL Specific criteria for removing an objectfrom the collection; direction on how to dispose of the object, a statement of how the proceeds will be used; outline of the decision -making process. CFM may remove objects from the Permanent Collection through Deaccessioning and Disposal. I. DEACCESSIONING: A. Deaccessioning is the formal process of removing objects from the Permanent Collection. Deaccessioned objects may be retained by CFM for transfer to the Demonstration, Museum Use or Research Library collections, or they may be disposed of as hereinafter provided. Deaccessioning serves to upgrade the quality of the museum's collection, and to reduce storage problems, record keeping, and insurance costs. B. Objects proposed for deaccessioning shall be judged in relation to the whole Permanent Collection. Areas of judgment shall be condition, history, duplication, association, and value for exhibition, study, and reference. Objects may be removed from the Permanent Collection if they: (1) do not adhere to the Statement of Purpose and Collecting Parameters (see Chapter 2, Scope of Collections); (2) are in poor or deteriorated condition; (3) have no known history or provenance; (4) duplicate better examples already in collection; (5) are reproductions that are readily replaceable. C. The curator shall propose for deaccessioning and disposal objects based on the above criteria. Upon agreement of the director, the proposal will be reviewed by the Collections Committee, which will recommend approval and disposition to the Advisory Board; they shall review and return their decision to the curator. Upon their agreement, if the value of the items does not exceed $5000, the proposal will be reviewed by the County Manager or their designee. Should the value of the items proposed for deaccession or disposal exceed $5000, the proposal will be reviewed by the County Commissioners. No deaccession or disposal will be made without the approval of the Advisory Board and the County Manager. II. DISPOSAL: A. Disposal is the process by which deaccessioned objects are physically removed from the museum's Permanent Collections through transfer, exchange, sale, or destruction. Transfer of objects will be to another collecting institution and will have no fees attached other than the cost of transportation. Destruction is recommended for hazardous objects and unauthorized or counterfeit objects. B. The removal of objects deaccessioned from the Permanent Collection allows the museum to hone its collecting plan and policy, obtain space in order to continue collecting, and provide funds toward object acquisition and conservation. Pg.15 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 15 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy C. Objects will be disposed of as outlined below: 1. Objects deemed to have no monetary value by the curator, director, Collections Committee, Advisory Board and County Manager (or their designee) shall be disposed of in a proper manner. 2. Disposal of objects with monetary value will take the form of: a. Permanent Transfer to other governmental agencies and institutions: realizing that, in certain circumstances, CFM can benefit from the release of deaccessioned or unaccessioned objects from exhibit or storage and, in return, the release would benefit another government agency or institution, it is the policy of CFM to consider such action. b. Exchanges: The formal reciprocal transfer of deaccessioned or unaccessioned material between CFM and another governmental unit often serves to advance the objectives of CFM. Such exchanges can occur through private negotiation when done in accordance with the provisions set forth in subsection 2.c.(5)(e) and 2.c.(5)(f), below. c. Sales: Deaccessioned or unaccessioned objects may be sold, subject to the following guidelines: (1) The goal of all such sales of CFM property shall be to bring the best possible price for the material. (2) There shall be no private sales of CFM's deaccessioned objects to any individual directly related to CFM operations (staff, board members, volunteers), or their agents or representatives. (3) Method of sale shall be determined by the director, subject to the approval of the Advisory Board and County Manager (or their designee) for items valued up to $5000, and additionally a resolution by the County Commissioners for items valued in excess of $5000. (4) All funds received from the sale of objects or collections, after deduction of expenses of sale, shall be placed in a Museum Acquisition Fund and used for the conservation treatment of CFM's collections or the acquisition of new artifacts. Any expenditure from this fund in excess of $1000 will require the endorsement of the Collections Committee and the majority vote of the Advisory Board. (5) The following methods and procedures of sale or exchange shall be utilized. (a) Private Sale. Any one item or group of similar items valued by an independent, third -party qualified appraiser at less than $10,000, may be sold by private negotiations and sale. Property worth in excess of $10,000 may not be sold by private negotiation and sale. When CFM proposes to dispose of property by private sale, the County Commissioners at a regular meeting shall adopt a resolution or an order authorizing CFM to dispose of saidproperty byprivate sale Pg.16 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 16 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy Pg.17 at a negotiated price. The resolution or order shall be published once after its adoption, and no sale shall be consummated thereunder until ten days after its publication. G.S. 160A-267. (b) Advertisement for sealed bid. The advertisement for sealed bids must be published in a newspaper that has general circulation in New Hanover County one week before the bids are opened if personal property is being sold. The advertisement shall describe in general the property to be sold; tell where it might be examined and when and where the bids will be opened; state that a 5% bid deposit is required and will be retained if the successful bidder fails to consummate the contract; and reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Bids are to be opened in public, and the award is made to the highest bidder. G.S. 160A-268. (c) Negotiated offer, advertisement and upset bids. CFM may receive, solicit, or negotiate an offer to purchase property and advertise it for upset bids. When an offer is made and CFM proposes to accept it, it shall require the offerer to deposit 5% of his bid with the county finance officer and shall publish a notice of the offer. The notice shall contain a general description of the property, the amount in terms of the offer, and a notice that within ten days any person may raise the bid by not less than 10% of the first $1,000 and 5% of the remainder. When a bid is raised, the bidder shall deposit with the county finance officer 5% of the increased bid, and the county finance office shall re -advertise the offer at the increased bid. This procedure shall be repeated until no further qualifying upset bids are received, at which time the museum may accept the offer and sell the property to the highest bidder for cash. Any and all offers may be rejected at any time. G.S.160A-269. (d) Public auction. When it is proposed to sell personal property at public auction, the Board of County Commissioners shall at a regular meeting adopt a resolution or order authorizing the director of CFM to dispose of the property at public auction. The resolution or order shall identify the property to be sold and set up the date, time, place and terms of sale. The resolution or order (or a notice summarizing its contents) shall be published at least once and not less than ten days before the date of the auction. G.S. 160A-270. (e) Exchanges. CFM may exchange any real or personal items belonging to it for other real or personal property by private negotiation if it receives a full and fair consideration in exchange for its property when such an exchange complies with the provisions of N.C.G.S. 160-27 (f) Sale, lease, exchange and joint use of government property. CFM may, upon such terms and conditions as it deems wise, with or without consideration, exchange with, lease to, lease from, sell to, purchase from, or enter into agreements regarding the joint use by any other governmental unit of any interest November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 17 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy in property that it may own, subject to the approval of CFM's Board of Trustees and the County Commissioners, pursuant to the terms of G.S. 160A-274. (g) Other methods of sale and disposition. In addition to other methods of sale or disposition herein set out, CFM shall have all other authority to sell or dispose of its property as more particularly set out in Article 12 of Chapter 160A of the North Carolina General Statutes. D. CFM will fully document the justification and review process of object disposal. Records, including title transfer, bill of sale, or record of payment, will be maintained. Objects will be photographed prior to disposal, and all records will be retained permanently in the original accession file. Pg.18 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 18 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 7. LOANS Conditions covering the temporary transfer of collection objects (not their ownership) from or to the museum. CFM, on a temporary basis, moves objects into and out of its facility according to the following methods. I. INCOMING LOANS CFM will accept onto its premises objects owned by individuals or other institutions for the purpose of exhibition or educational programs. A. CFM will accept on loan only items needed for a planned, scheduled exhibition or educational program. B. CFM will borrow only those objects that relate to the history, science, and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear and that are in displayable condition. C. The following conditions govern incoming loans: 1. A properly executed loan contract will be signed and filed. 2. The articles shall remain the property of the owner or lender, and shall be subject to withdrawal by him/her, provided notice of intention to withdraw shall have been given in writing fifteen days prior to withdrawal. 3. Upon receipt of notice of intention to withdraw, articles will be delivered upon surrender of the contract by the lender in person, or upon the presentation of a written order of the lender or his duly authorized agent or legal representative, at any time following the fifteenth day after receipt of written notice of intention to withdraw. 4. CFM will complete condition reports, including photographs, detailing each object upon arrival of loans and prior to their return. Borrowed articles, while in the custody of CFM, shall be given the same care and attention they would receive if they were the museum's property; CFM will assume responsibility and will be liable in case of loss or damage by theft, fire, or accident only to the extent of any insurance carried by CFM to cover such losses. It is the lender's responsibility to provide CFM with current insurance valuations for his/her property on loan to CFM. If the lender waives insurance, it shall constitute the agreement of the lender to release and hold harmless CFM from any liability for damages to or loss of loaned property. 5. Should CFM at any time desire to terminate its obligations with reference to the articles, the owner will be notified to withdraw them. It is the lender's responsibility to inform CFM of any changes in contact information or ownership. Pg.19 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 19 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy D. On occasion, and as deemed beneficial to the institution, CFM may choose to agree to be a repository for objects on long-term loan. For this kind of arrangement a separate legal contract is required between CFM and the owner/lender. II. OUTGOING LOANS CFM may lend individual objects to other museums or nonprofit cultural, educational, or charitable institutions. CFM may lend an exhibit, complete with objects, mounts, text panels, etc., to other museums or nonprofit cultural, educational, or charitable institutions for a fee. In either case the following stipulations must be met: A. Objects must be in good condition, able to withstand handling and display. B. Use of CFM's objects is restricted to carefully controlled research or to exhibition, and then only if the items are not required for exhibition or programming at CFM. C. Institutions must complete a Facility Report form and demonstrate that they are capable of providing proper handling, exhibit mounts, environmental conditions, insurance and security. D. All requests for the loan of Permanent Collection objects shall be made to CFM in writing 60 days before the desired loan period, and must include the exhibition or program title, the dates of the loan period, and a current Facility Report. The loan period may not be longer than one year, but may be considered by CFM for renewal at the end of that year. All requests will be considered by the museum curator, director, Collections Committee, and Advisory Board. No loan may be made without the approval of the Advisory Board. E. Objects will be loaned for a maximum period of one year. If the borrowing institution wants to continue the loan for a longer period of time, it will have to submit its request annually. CFM staff will review the loan renewal request and consider for approval according to the steps outlined above (See 2. D.) F. It will be the responsibility of the borrower to maintain the loaned material in a fireproof building under 24-hour physical and/or electronic security and to protect the items from loss or damage by temperature, humidity, light, insects, vermin, dirt, handling or other such causes. CFM may outline other display or handling requirements as dictated by the condition of the loaned object(s). G. The borrower may not clean, repair, restore, conserve or otherwise alter the loaned object(s) without written permission from CFM. H. The borrower shall be responsible for loan expenses incurred, including packing and shipping, and for any and all loss or damage to the property of CFM that is on loan to the borrower and/or is in custody and/or control of the borrower. 1. CFM shall determine the value of the materials being borrowed. Pg.20 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 20 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 2. The borrower shall insure the material through an all-risk, wall-to-wall fine arts floater with CFM named as an additional insured under the policy. A copy of the declarations page of the policy or a certificate of insurance shall be furnished to CFM as evidence that such coverage is in force. 3. Packing and transportation arrangements must be approved by CFM. Repacking must be done with original or similar materials and boxes, and by the same methods of the object's receipt. Objects must be handled only by experienced personnel. 4. The responsibility of the borrower shall begin at the time the borrower takes possession of the loaned property from CFM and shall continue until CFM assumes possession and acknowledges receipt of the property in writing. The borrower will notify CFM immediately if damage or loss to loaned materials is discovered, and follow up with a full written and photographic report. I. CFM will properly execute a loan contract detailing loan conditions, insurance responsibilities, and exhibition specifications to be signed by the borrower before the material is transferred. In addition, staff will complete a condition report, with photographic records, for each object. The borrower must also review and verify the condition reports upon receipt and prior to the return of the objects. The borrower will return copies of condition reports to CFM along with the borrowed objects. J. Permission to publish photographs of objects lent, or otherwise reproduce objects lent, must be obtained in writing from CFM. User fees may apply. The following credit line should be used for exhibit labels and publications: Courtesy Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, Wilmington, NC. K. CFM reserves the right to recall or cancel the loan for good cause at any time, and will give 15 days' notice. III. TEMPORARY TRANSFER CFM will use Temporary Transfer forms to convey its objects to an off -site location, such as another institution or business, for professional work on the object. Such work may include object research, appraisal, identification, or conservation treatment. Transfers are temporary, to last only for the length of time required to perform the necessary work. A. CFM will properly execute a temporary transfer contract, detailing conditions and insurance responsibilities, to be signed by the recipient before the material is transferred. In addition, staff will complete a condition report, with photographic records, for each object. The recipient must also review and verify the condition reports upon receipt and prior to the return of the objects. The recipient will return copies of condition reports to CFM along with the transferred objects. B. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, insurance liability will be the responsibility of the party in temporary custody of CFM's property while at an off -site location or during transport by non-CFM staff. CFM will be responsible for items in transport by its own staff. Pg.21 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 21 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 1. The borrower shall insure the material through an all-risk, wall-to-wall fine arts floater with CFM named as an additional insured under the policy. A copy of the declarations page of the policy or a certificate of insurance shall be furnished to CFM as evidence that such coverage is in force. 2. The responsibility of the borrower shall begin at the time the borrower takes possession of the loaned property from CFM and shall continue until CFM assumes possession and acknowledges receipt of the property in writing. The borrower will notify CFM immediately if damage or loss to loaned materials is discovered, and follow up with a full written and photographic report. Pg.22 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 22 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 8.OBJECTS FOUND/ABANDONED/UNCLAIMED Discussion of how the museum will handle objects with unclear title. CFM makes every effort to document the receipt of gifts, keep up-to-date contracts for active loans, and to return loaned objects to their owner. However, making contact with the rightful owner can, on occasion, be problematical. As an agency of New Hanover County government, CFM must comply with state laws regarding abandoned and unclaimed property. I. RETURNING LOANED OBJECTS TO THEIR OWNER A. At the conclusion of a contracted loan, CFM will contact the owner to make arrangements for the object's return. Contacts, by email or telephone, will be documented and kept in the loan file. B. If, after three months, contact cannot be made with the object's owner, CFM will attempt to make contact by letter. A copy of the letter will be kept in the loan file. C. If, after a second three-month period, CFM cannot make contact by letter, it will follow up with a registered letter. A copy of the registered letter will be kept in the loan file. D. If, after a third three-month period CFM cannot make contact by registered letter, an advertisement or notice, stating the owner's last known address, will be placed in the appropriate local newspaper in an attempt to locate that person. A copy of the printed notice will be kept in the loan file. C. If, after a period of one year, CFM is unable to elicit a response from the owner, it will consult with the New Hanover County Legal Department to determine if the objects are to be, officially, considered unclaimed loans. II. UNCLAIMED LOANS For all loaned items that are considered to be unclaimed, CFM will follow North Carolina state laws and statutes as written in GS 11613-51 and 5121-7(c) and 121-7(d). III. OBJECTS FOUND IN STORAGE An object found in CFM's collections that has no accession number, documentation about the donor, a signed Contract of Gift, or provenance is presumed to be undocumented property of the Museum. IV. PRESUMPTION OF GIFT An object that has been left in the custody of CFM (typically at the Front Desk) without any written documentation as to its owner, gift status, or provenance will be considered to donation, and that the intent of the owner was to make the object a gift to CFM. Pg.23 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 23 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 9. CONSERVATION/CARE Outline of the museum's obligations and commitment to the preservation of collection items. CFM practices preventive conservation and care through the proper handling, storage, display, and maintenance of appropriate environmental conditions for its collections. I. HANDLING OF OBJECTS A. Only CFM staff and trained collections volunteers will handle objects. Staff and trained volunteers are knowledgeable about the appropriate methods for handling objects, such as wearing gloves, using carts or tubs for transport, providing proper support, and other handling practices for which training is provided. B. Food and drink are not permitted in storage or the registration area. C. Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside CFM. II. STORAGE OF OBJECTS A. CFM uses acid -free materials —boxes, file folders, tissue, etc. —when storing objects. B. CFM places UV filter tubes over fluorescent bulbs. Storage lights are kept off unless staff is working in storage, and then only necessary lights are used. C. Objects are kept from abrading each other by acid -free tissue, white cotton sheeting or thin foam sheeting buffers, as necessary. D. Large objects and objects in open shelving are covered with white cotton sheets to prevent their collecting dust. III. DISPLAY OF OBJECTS A. CFM uses lockable cases, and/or security mounts, for displaying objects. B. Light levels in CFM's galleries are kept between 5 to 10 foot-candles (50 to 100 lux) for such light-sensitive objects as paper, fabric, and wood. C. Light-sensitive objects such as paper, fabric, and wood are displayed for no more than six months at a time. D. Open vignettes in exhibits are inspected and cleaned each month. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS A. CFM maintains a consistent environment for its collections. Temperature is kept at 68' F, with daily fluctuations of ±3°, and humidity at 48% Rh, with daily fluctuations of ±3%. Spaces are well ventilated. A computer monitoring and alarm system is in place. Pg.24 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 24 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy B. Lights in storage areas are turned off when no staff is present. (See 2.B.) C. Pest management services are provided quarterly, and as needed, by contractors with NHC's Property Management department. Pest attractors, such as food, drink, or live plants, are not allowed near collections. Objects entering CFM are inspected for any infestation and are isolated in a freezer if pests are present. V. PEST MANAGEMENT CFM aspires to achieve a pest -free environment, yet understands that there are times when plants and animals are requested for events and programs. A. PLANTS 1. Live plants are not allowed in the CFM building unless kept in a sealed container. Floral deliveries must be kept in one of the kitchens until end of day, and then taken home. 2. Plants maybe desirable for a special event or program. In this situation the following must be observed: • Plants are restricted to public areas —exclusive of galleries —and must be removed at the end of the event/program. • Organic material or plants for long-term display (i.e. exhibit/education props such as lumber, pine straw, etc.) must be treated with fireproofing spray and pesticide OR sealed with polyurethane. If the items are `touchable', they should be sealed with polyurethane or made of inorganic material (i.e. silk flowers, decorative rocks, etc.) B.ANIMALS 1. Animals are not to enter the CFM building unless they are service animals, in which case they are permitted only with their accompanying owner. 2. Animals maybe desirable for a special event or program. In this situation the following must be observed: • Animals are restricted to public areas and are not permitted in, nor may they move through, galleries containing artifacts. C.FOOD 1. Food is allowed in the CFM building under the following guidelines: • Staff may bring their lunches/dinners and store them in refrigerators. • Food and drink preparation must occur only in kitchens. • Food and drink should be consumed in kitchens. • Food is NOT permitted in exhibition areas or in storage/housekeeping closets. • Kitchen spaces must be kept clean: food droppings picked up, counters wiped, disposal run, dishwasher run, floors swept, etc. • Recycle bins for aluminum cans and plastic bottles are located in the break room. Rinse with water and drain items before depositing them in the bins. Pg.25 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 25 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy • Food and drink may be consumed at work stations (unless artifacts are present) PROVIDED: 1. Desk surfaces are wiped clean of any food droppings after a meal. Dirty cups, mugs plates, etc., are removed from workstations daily, and are washed. 2. Food trash is disposed in lidded trash cans marked "Food Trash" located in kitchens and in basement hall. 3. Liquids are drained from all glasses, cups, mugs, etc. Receptacles that contained liquids other than water need to be rinsed 4. No unwrapped food, including candy, is stored at workstations. • Food trash is removed and deposited in the dumpster. • Outdoor trashcans are emptied and trash deposited in the dumpster. 2. Food for special events and programs must be managed according to the following guidelines: • Food and beverages are NOT permitted in the exhibition areas. • Food/drink must be prepared in the Williston Auditorium and Break Room kitchens. • Food/drink may be served and consumed in Williston Auditorium, the Learning Center, the Break Room, the freight elevator and adjacent loading dock area, and at the conference table in the library. • Program presenters may store/consume water in closed bottles in exhibition areas; however, bottles must be removed immediately after the event/program. • With the Director's permission, the first floor hallway (from the staircase to the education offices) and the second floor hallway (from the staircase to office doors), may be used for food / beverage service and consumption. Refuse trays or bins must be strategically positioned outside galleries for the collection of food and food service items (plates, glasses, napkins, etc.) • Caterers must move through office areas only. NO catering traffic is allowed to move in or through galleries with artifacts. • Immediately after the event/program: 1. All remaining consumable food must be covered and refrigerated. 2. All trash, including food scraps and disposable items (plates, glasses, paper products, and serving utensils), must be removed from the Museum to the dumpster. 3. Kitchens must be thoroughly cleaned: food droppings picked up, counter tops wiped off, disposal run, dishwasher run, floor swept, etc. D. COLLECTIONS STORAGE 1. All new donations are inspected for signs of pest infestation. If live pests, or their carcasses, are discovered, the object(s) will be frozen for up to 6 weeks as a precaution. 2. NHC Property Management maintains a contract with an exterminator for quarterly inspections and sprayings of CFM's building. In basement collections areas, spraying is permitted only in the main hallway, restroom, mechanical room, freight elevator pit, freight/passenger elevator control rooms, and exit stairwells. The spraying of chemicals Pg.26 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 26 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy in collections work and artifact storage areas will take place only when requested by staff. 3. Collections work and storage areas will be monitored with pest sticky traps. Traps are placed throughout the basement floor along the outside walls of storage, registration and the conservation lab. Traps are inspected monthly and any pests are entered into a log sheet. If necessary, traps can be bagged to show to the exterminator for pest identification and remediation. VI. CONSERVATION A. Any conservation treatment performed on objects in CFM's Permanent Collection is for the purpose of stabilization7 and will be reversible. CFM does not restore$ objects in the Permanent Collection. B. Condition surveys, performed by a conservator, are conducted on categories of collections in order to have documentation of conservation needs. The conservator produces a survey report that includes a ranking of the severity of condition, and a treatment proposal, with cost estimate, for each object. C. CFM prioritizes objects for conservation based on the following criteria: • Exhibition. The object is slated for exhibition, and conservation is needed to put it in proper condition for display. • Importance. The object is deemed to be of immense historical value to CFM and its community, and therefore merits treatment. • Condition. The object has been examined by a professional conservator and deemed to be in need of treatment according to a priority ranking. • Available funding. Funding becomes a priority when a significant object is identified as in critical need of conservation. D. CFM has no trained conservators on staff and must contract out for conservation services. CFM works only with professional, trained conservators, and will ask for a resume or list of credentials, and references, before contracting new services. Conservators are required to provide CFM with a treatment proposal and cost estimate for their work, as well as a final treatment report with photographs to document the process. Stabilization —Treatment procedures intended to maintain the integrity of cultural property and to minimize deterioration. From the AIC Directory, 2007. 8 Restoration—Treatmentprocedures intended to return cultural property to a known or assumed state, often through the addition of nonoriginal material. From the AICDirectory, 2007. Pg.27 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 27 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 10. INSURANCE & RISK MANAGEMENT An overview of the museum's approach to safeguarding the collection and the types of insurance coverage to be provided. CFM works with its governing body, New Hanover County, to maintain insurance coverage and prevent risk to collections. L INSURANCE COVERAGE A. New Hanover County's Risk Management (NHCRM) department is responsible for maintaining adequate insurance coverage of CFM's collections. CFM has a fine art museum collections insurance policy with blanket coverage for its own collections, long-term incoming loans, temporary incoming loans or receipts, and pending donations, whether on exhibit or housed in storage. The policy also includes limits for collections off -site or in transit. B. Coverage is based on current market value as determined by certified appraisals, or staff estimates using public sale records and/or price -guide books. C. Each year, prior to policy renewal, CFM provides information on the current insurance value of its objects to NHCRM. D. Each year, CFM selects a group of artifacts to be appraised for insurance purposes. The appraisal is conducted by a professional certified and accredited appraiser. The final written report is used to update insurance values, and any change in object values is reported to NHCRM. E. CFM's registrar reports to NHCRM any changes in the status of its insured collections, such as incoming or outgoing loans, new acquisitions, or loss. F. NHC's insurance company commits to performing Loss Control Inspections of CFM's facility and reviewing its risk management policies and procedures. IL RISK MANAGEMENT A. Artifacts in CFM's care are treated in a manner to minimize any risks (See Chapter 9 Conservation/Care.) B. During open hours staff routinely checks exhibits for any problems. C. Additional steps may be taken to safeguard objects while on display —such as hiring security guards, securing galleries with locks and/or electronic alarmsas the situation warrants. D. Incident reports filled out by staff document any instance of artifact damage or loss. The report captures information such as the nature of the damage, a description of the incident (if known), and should include photographs as documentation. There is a section for recording insurance and conservation information as well. Pg.28 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 28 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy E. The general public does not have access to collections storage areas. Only staff with keys may enter. Volunteers and interns have supervised access, while outside vendors and appointed guests must be accompanied by a staff member at all times. (See Chapter 13. Access.) F. CFM has a security alarm system that is activated when staff are not present. The alarm is tied in to a central security station, located offsite and monitored around the clock. G. CFM's building is equipped with fire alarms and manual pull stations on each floor. Fire extinguishers are placed throughout the building. Their locations are marked on evacuation floor plans, with copies conspicuously placed on each floor of the building. CFM is also located directly across the street from the City of Wilmington Fire Department headquarters and is inspected annually by the City of Wilmington Fire Marshal. H. The entire basement level of CFM's building —containing collections storage, conservation lab, and registration area —is alarmed with water/temperature/humidity sensors. When activated, the alarm system dials the collections unit's cellular telephone, which is at all times carried by a collections staff person. This allows for quick response to inappropriate environmental conditions that could damage collections. I. CFM has an Emergency & Disaster Preparedness & Response Plan that is reviewed, and updated if necessary, annually. J. CFM is registered with a professional disaster recovery company. In the event of a disaster, or in advance of an anticipated disaster like a hurricane, CFM will notify this company to be on standby to provide recovery services. (See Emergency & Disaster Preparedness & Response Plan) K. Pest management services are provided quarterly, and as needed, by contractors with NHC's Property Management department. Every effort is made to keep food, drink, trash, live plants, and any other things that attract pests, away from collections. (See Chapter 9, Conservation / Care.) L. Condition reports are prepared for new acquisitions, as well as incoming and outgoing loans. Pg.29 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 29 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 11. DOCUMENTATION / COLLECTION RECORDS A list of the type of records to be maintained and the standards for documentation. CFM creates and maintains the following records for the purpose of documenting and managing its collections. I. PROVENANCE DOCUMENTATION RECORDS A. Before an object is accessioned into the Permanent Collection, staff will assess its provenance and conduct any necessary historical research to verify the donor's information. This may include genealogical research to accurately date an artifact based on who owned it; research into the event the object is associated with, etc. An object with no known provenance, or one that cannot be verified, may not be accessioned. B. When an object is being proposed for the permanent collection, the curator will document in writing the logic behind wanting to accession it (e.g., it strengthens the 18th century collection; it represents a significant business in the region). Acquisition Form is completed for each donation to be considered for accessioning into the Permanent Collection. The form identifies information needed to evaluate the donation's appropriateness for the collection, such as: a. Owner's contact information b. List of objects c. If it relates to Natural History or Material Culture d. If it has display appeal or has archival use e. Duplicates other items in the collection f. How it meets CFM's Collecting Plan g. Provenance from owner h. Condition L Final recommendation for accession, unaccession or rejection 2. Research Narrative Form is completed by staff when they research the objects to confirm the provenance provided by the owner. It includes: a. List of objects and owner's provenance b. Artifact's significance/historical context and how it can be used for exhibition c. Confirmation of provenance and addition research conducted C. After an object is accessioned, all forms and any materials gathered through research, including primary sources, will be added to the accession file. II. ACQUISITION / MANAGEMENT RECORDS A. Temporary Receipts are completed as soon as an object enters CFM's custody for identification, study, or consideration for a possible donation or loan. Temporary receipts capture information such as: Pg. 3 0 owner's contact information November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 30 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy • object description • object provenance/historical significance • reason for deposit • insurance waiver • date of receipt The reverse (side) of the temporary receipt form lists the terms and conditions under which CFM accepts objects. (See Chapter 5: Acquisitions /Accessioning.) B. Acquisition Condition Reports are completed for each newly accessioned object. The reports include the following elements: • donor contact information • object name and accession number • object description • dimensions • detailed condition notes • photographs • examiner's name and date of examination C. Contracts of Gift are generated to record the transfer of title of an object from a donor to CFM. Contracts of gift incorporate the following details: • terms and conditions under which CFM accepts objects • statement that donor's gift is unrestricted and unconditional • donor's contact information • itemization of gift, including object(s) description • collection into which object(s) will be accepted (Permanent, Image Archive, Demonstration, or Research/Museum Use.) • signature and date of signing by CFM authority • signature and date of signing by donor Original contracts are permanently stored off site in a bank safe deposit box, and copies are stored in CFM's vault. D. Image Archive Contracts are created when an outside owner gives permission to CFM to copy and use his/her personal private images for programs and exhibitions. Image Archive contracts incorporate the following details: • owner's contact information • restrictions the owner may place on how CFM uses the images • itemization, including image(s) description • signature and date of signing by CFM authority • signature and date of signing by donor Original contracts are permanently stored off site in a bank safe deposit box, and copies are stored in CFM's vault. E. Logs are completed manually for each collection. Log sheets are held on separate clipboards for the following: • Permanent Collection Pg.31 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 31 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy • Demonstration Collection • Research Library or Museum Use collections • Image Archive Collection • Incoming Loans • Greater Wilmington Sports Hall of Fame Information listed on log sheets includes (where applicable): • accession or catalog number • donor or lender name • object(s) description • date received by CFM F. Invoices, purchase orders, receipts for payment, etc. obtained by CFM for objects purchased for the collection are also maintained. G. Catalog records are completed for each object in CFM's computerized collections management database. Each record contains the following: • accession or catalog number • object name (according to Chenall's Nomenclature) • object date • description • number of parts • materials • artist/maker • condition • dimensions • location • donor • provenance • value (estimated, appraised or purchase) • digital image Records are routinely updated as objects move within storage, on and off exhibit, to and from conservators, or out on loan. The database is maintained on a server by NHC's IT department and backed up routinely. Records are backed up every three months, or prior to a hurricane, to flash drives, which are kept in the collections emergency response kit. H. Contracts of Incoming or Outgoing Loan are completed when CFM borrows objects from another institution or individual for an exhibition or program, or when CFM lends objects to another institution. Loan contracts record the following information: • owner contact information • borrower contact information • purpose of loan • dates of loan period • description of object(s) lent • loan/accession numbers • insurance values and indication of insurer Pg.32 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 32 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy • credit line • terms and conditions of loan • signatures with dates of borrower and lender I. Outgoing Loan Facility Reports are completed by any institution wishing to borrow objects from CFM. (See Chapter 7: Loans.) J. Loan Condition Reports are completed for each object included in an incoming or outgoing loan. The reports include the following elements: • borrower or lender contact information • object name and loan number • object description • dimensions • detailed condition notes • photographs • examiner's name and date of examination K. Transfer Forms are completed when CFM temporarily transfers an object to an off -site location, usually to a conservator for the purpose of treatment, or permanently transfers an object to another institution. The form includes: • check boxes for indicating whether the transfer is temporary or permanent • contact information for the transfer site • purpose of the transfer • object name, number, description, and insurance value • note that proof of insurance has been provided by the person in temporary custody of CFM's property • signatures and dates of CFM authority and person in temporary or new and permanent custody of CFM's property L. Appraisal Reports are supplied to CFM by appraisers contracted to value CFM's collections for insurance purposes. They are kept in a file drawer in the curator's office. Copies may be inserted in appropriate accession files, and appraisal information is updated on appropriate catalog records. M. Conservation Treatment Proposals and Reports are supplied to CFM by conservators contracted to treat CFM's collections. They are kept in a file drawer in the curator's office. Copies may be inserted in appropriate accession files, and condition information is updated on appropriate catalog records. N. Deaccession/Disposition Forms are completed when objects are removed from the permanent collection. The forms are used to record the following: • object name and number and photograph • object provenance Pg.33 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 33 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy • condition • reason for deaccession/disposition • recommendations • action taken • signature and date for approval/disapproval by curator, director, collections committee, and advisory board • method of disposition, records from sales, etc. CFM creates and maintains files on its collections. Each file may contain any of the documents listed above. • Accession Files are kept for donations to the Permanent Collection. • Donor Files are kept for donations to the Demonstration, Museum Use, Research Library, and Image Archive collections. • Loan Files are kept for incoming and outgoing loans. Pg. 3 4 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 34 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 12. INVENTORIES A description of methods to maintain physical control of the objects, including a commitment to conducting periodic inventories. To ensure accountability to its governing authority, as well as to the public, CFM will use the following methods to maintain physical control of its Permanent Collection. I. OBJECT TRACKING A. Each Permanent Collection object is assigned a unique accession number that is semi - permanently affixed somewhere on the object's surface in a discreet location, and can be removed if needed. B. Each object also has a hanging paper tag, written with its accession number, attached. C. Each object has an assigned location (in a box, on a shelf, in a cabinet, etc.) in collections storage, and the location code is written on the hanging accession tag. Location codes are updated on tags any time an object's location changes. D. The location code, including exhibit locations, for each object is included in the computerized catalog record and updated any time an object's location changes, whether for conservation, loan, new location, etc. II. OBJECT INVENTORY A. Spot checks of the Permanent Collection are conducted quarterly. B. Inventories of groups of objects, selected by type or by location, are conducted annually. C. A complete and total inventory of collections, including items on display, is conducted every 10 years. D. Inventories will be used to: • identify objects in need of conservation • correct inaccurate record -keeping • help with deaccessioning and/or determining collection gaps • aid in security • provide information in the event of loss Pg.3 5 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 35 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 13. ACCESS Discussion of access and confidentiality concerning the collections or collection records. With regard to its collections, CFM's mission dictates that a balance must be struck between preservation and access. Museum staff and the general public need access to the collections owing to CFM's mission of interpretation and education. The following are meant to guide how CFM's collections are accessed by staff and the general public. I. PERMANENT COLLECTION Best practice for the care and safety of permanent collection objects dictate how these objects can be used. In general, only collections staff and trained collections volunteers/interns will handle these objects. A. CFM's permanent collection is stored in secured areas —registration, collections storage, and the conservation lab —that are controlled by collections staff. Collections staff, namely the curator, registrar, historian, and collections assistant, are allowed access to the secured areas at any time without signing in. B. In the absence of collections staff, collections storage areas may not be entered without prior permission —except if the elevator control rooms must be accessed, or in case of an emergency. In these situations, the visitor's log must be filled in before entering collections storage. C. With collections staff present, collections storage areas may be entered by the Museum director, housekeeping staff, exhibits staff (for the purpose of accessing exhibit mounts, furniture, etc.), and education staff (for the purpose of accessing the Demonstration collection or laundry). When entering into collections storage, they must sign the visitor's log. D. Collections volunteers and interns are not allowed to work in collections storage unless they are being supervised by collections staff. When working in collections storage for the day, they must sign the visitor's log. E. Maintenance workers and contractors may be allowed to work in collections storage but must be supervised by a CFM staff person at all times and must sign the visitor's log. If such work requires the protection or relocation of an artifact, it must be done by a collections staff member. F. Specialists, such as appraisers, conservators, etc., may access permanent collections objects with the approval of the curator, and where possible, will be supervised by collections staff. If they need to enter collections storage they must sign the visitor's log. G. When permanent collections objects are exhibited, secured vitrines, lockable cases, physical barriers, and/or security mounts must be used. H. When permanent collections objects are used in public programs or other educational activities, secured vitrines, lockable cases, physical barriers, and/or security mounts must be used and collections staff must be present. Pg.3 6 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 36 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy I. Permanent collections objects may not be removed from storage or exhibit areas without the permission of collections staff, and then only by collections staff, unless in an emergency. J. Objects from the collection may not be used as office decor. K. Objects from the collection may not be stored or exhibited where food and/or drinks are consumed. L. The general public may only access collection areas with the prior approval of collections staff or the director. Individual visitors may be allowed to tour collections when escorted by a collection staff person. Group visitors may be allowed to tour collections stooge, but will be escorted by two collections staff —or the director and a collections staff person —at all times. Tour groups are limited to 15 visitors. All visitors and/or groups entering storage must be entered onto the visitor's log. M. Outside researchers may access CFM's collections by appointment but must be supervised by staff at all times. Basic catalogue information on objects maybe provided to researchers. Restricted information not provided to researchers includes the object's insurance value, and the donors contact information. N. To access photographic collections, researchers will use copies in place of direct examination. Researchers must receive prior approval by the Curator to access original images in the collection. O. Collections records are comprised of paper files and computerized catalogue records and are accessible to collections staff and trained collections volunteers. Collections staff and trained collections volunteers may enter or change data in the computer database. Selected CFM staff — the director, exhibits coordinator, public relations specialist, and educators —have access to the computerized collections records in a read-only format. P. All use of the permanent collection shall conform to laws and policies governing intellectual property, including copyright and fair use. Q. Requests for use of images from the collection, or of images of collections objects, are covered by CFM's Reproduction Policy and Chapter 17. Photography/Filming. II. DEMONSTRATION COLLECTION A. CFM's Demonstration Collection is kept in a separate area within collections storage. B. Collections staff manages the cataloguing and storage of the Demonstration Collection. C. Education staff has unlimited access to the Demonstration Collection, with the ability to move objects in and out of the storage area as they are needed for programs and/or events. Pg. 3 7 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 37 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy D. Items in the Demonstration Collection may be loaned to other institutions. While a Facility Report is not required of the loaning institution, some requirements, including the loan paperwork, will be executed as outlined in Chapter 7. LOANS. III. RESEARCH LIBRARY A. The Research Library is non -circulating and intended primarily for the use of staff in developing exhibits and programs. It contains books, vertical files, unpublished manuscripts — such as theses and dissertations— and video materials relating to the history and objects of the Lower Cape Fear. It also has copies of CFM's photographic collections organized into binders. B. Outside researchers may access CFM's library by appointment. Staff must supervise researchers in the library. C. Requests for copies of video materials will be considered on a case -by -case basis. IV. MUSEUM USE A. CFM's Museum Use Collection is stored separately from the permanent collection. B. Museum staff has unlimited access to the Museum Use Collection. V. IMAGE ARCHIVE A. Images contained in the Image Archive are not owned by CFM and should be used only for internal CFM projects. B. CFM cannot give permission for the use of images in the Image Archive by outside individuals or organizations. VI. INCOMING LOANS/REPOSITORY COLLECTIONS A. Only collections staff will handle incoming loans and repository collections. B. Collections staff will not clean, repair, restore, or otherwise alter these objects without the written permission of the owner/lender. C. Written permission must be obtained from the owner/lender for others to access these objects. D. Written permission must be obtained from the owner/lender for staff and the general public to use images of these objects. Pg. 3 8 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 38 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 14. APPRAISALS Statement of whether the museum will conduct appraisals for donors. A. CFM does not provide object appraisals or dollar valuations to the public. B. No member of CFM staff shall conduct or provide an object appraisal for a donor, or other individual, for any purpose whatsoever. C. Upon request, CFM may provide an alphabetical list of certified appraisers, but will refrain from recommending any single individual or firm. D. When a donor has already given objects, and needs to have a valuation for tax purposes, CFM will assist by preparing lists or making the objects available for examination by an appraiser selected and employed by the donor. It is the responsibility of the donor to supply the appropriate tax forms to CFM, the appraiser and the IRS. E. In accordance with risk management practices, CFM does obtain appraisals or dollar valuations for objects in the Permanent Collection. F. CFM staff does estimate the value of its objects for insurance purposes only. G. CFM annually hires a certified professional appraiser to examine and value a small portion of its collection for insurance purposes only. Such values are for internal use only, and are not to be divulged publicly, as a measure of security. H. CFM prioritizes objects for appraisal based on the following criteria: • Exhibition. The object is slated for exhibition, and an appraisal is needed before it goes on display and becomes accessible to the public. • Importance. The object is deemed to be of immense historical value to CFM and its community, and therefore merits an appraisal. • Available funding. Funding becomes a priority when a significant object is identified as in critical need of appraisal. Pg.3 9 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 39 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 15. LAWS Reference to various laws that affect collections or collecting activities and the museum's commitment to adhering to them. Due to the nature of CFM's collections (see Chapter 2: Scope of Collections) most national and international laws concerning cultural property have little bearing on the Museum's activities. However, CFM is aware of these laws. 1. NATIONAL AMERICAN GRAVES PROTECTION AND REPATRIATION ACT (NAGPRA) CFM does not collect human remains. 2. CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN ENDANGERED SPECIES (CITES) CFM does not collect endangered animal or plant species. 3. NAZI ERA PROVENANCE CFM does not collect objects of European origin that may have been taken forcibly by the Nazi regime during World War Il. CFM does not knowingly accept into its collections any object that was exported from its country of origin in violation of laws of that country in effect at the time of the export. Nor does CFM accept any object that was imported into the United States in violation of U. S. federal or state laws or treaties. Pg.40 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 40 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 16. RIGHTS & REPRODUCTION Reference to the ownership of rights of collection objects. L RIGHTS A. CFM acknowledges that intellectual property laws (such as copyright), governing non- physical rights to a work, exist separately from ownership of a physical object. B. According to the Contract of Gift signed by donors, gifts to the Museum's collections transfer to CFM all legal and beneficial title as well as all owned copyright and literary rights associated with the property. Owing to its nonprofit educational mission, CFM may use collection objects, including photographs, or reproduction images thereof, according to "fair use" practices. CFM will make a good faith effort to secure permission to use material to which it may not hold rights. II. REPRODUCTIONS A. CFM makes images of its collections objects, including photographs, available to the public. CFM attempts to hold copyright and literary rights for the items in its collections, but it makes no representations or warranties and assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any claims against an applicant. All users of CFM's photographic services must agree to indemnify and hold CFM harmless against any and all such claims. (See Reproduction Policy that is distributed externally upon request.) B. For public domain objects held in its collections, CFM may maintain contractual rights, restrict photography, and require licensing agreements as needed. C. Requests to reproduce an object from the Permanent Collection will be considered on a case - by -case basis. Pg.41 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 41 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 17. PHOTOGRAPHY/FILMING Statement about whether the museum allows photography or filming in the museum or of specific objects and, if so, under what conditions. CFM manages the photography and filming of its exhibitions and collections according to its mission of preservation and education. I. PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHY A. In general, CFM allows the general public to photograph its exhibits for personal use only, such as recording a visitor's museum experience, family activities, etc. B. Objects or images not owned by CFM, but on loan from another institution or individual, may be restricted and photography of these objects is prohibited. C. Objects susceptible to light damage, such as paper and textiles, may require that no flash photography be allowed while they are on display. Such exhibits will have a notice to this effect posted at their entrance. D. Individuals interested in obtaining photographs of objects or images not currently on display may contact the collections unit for more information. (See Reproduction Policy for procedures.) E. CFM does not allow personal photography in its collections storage areas without permission from Collections staff. II. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY A. Permission must be obtained in writing, fees paid and contracts executed to publish any images, for commercial purposes, of objects or photographs owned by CFM, in any media format including web use. (See Reproduction Policy for procedures) B. In order to publish any images of objects or photographs owned by CFM for news -reporting purposes, permission will be arranged through CFM's Public Relations Specialist and under the supervision of Collections staff. C. Objects or images not owned by CFM, but on loan from another institution or individual, may be restricted and photography of these objects prohibited. D. CFM does not allow general photography in its collections storage areas. Specific objects may be photographed with prior approval from Collections staff. Pg.42 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 42 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy III. COMMERCIAL FILMING A. Requests for any news, commercial, or large-scale filming at CFM by media or film production companies must be made in writing to New Hanover County's Media Productions Coordinator, and will be reviewed on a case -by -case basis. Written requests must be received no later than two weeks prior to the desired film date, and must include the following: • description and purpose of the project; • sponsor and/or producer of the project; • treatment concept and/or a script for the project; • desired date(s) for the on -site filming; • description of the extent of the proposed filming; • list of names of crew and cast members (anyone not on the list will not be permitted on CFM premises); • description and intended use of any props; • Certificate of Insurance. B. Production companies must furnish proof of insurance coverage with adequate limits of coverage for property damage and personal injury incurred on location. They must also provide a waiver exempting CFM from damages or suit arising from filming while at the museum. CFM must receive a copy of the Certificate of Insurance no later than one week prior to the date for on -site filming. C. Permission for filming at CFM may be granted if the production will not endanger collections, hinder operations, or prohibit the general public from visiting and enjoying the collections and exhibitions. Generally, filming will be permitted only on Mondays or other periods when the facilities are closed to the general public. D. CFM, in consultation with the NHC's Media Productions Coordinator, may charge expenses to cover staff overtime hours, lost entrance fees, or any extra services or costs resulting from filming. CFM may also request that the production company make a financial contribution for the privilege of filming on its premises. E. Objects or images not owned by CFM, but on loan from another institution or individual may be restricted, and photography of these objects prohibited. F. Under no circumstances will CFM turn off its HVAC system for noise reduction during filming. G. There are lighting restrictions in all exhibition areas of CFM. While it may be safe for humans, film lighting does not meet the preservation requirements for many types of museum objects through either UV exposure or heat generation. The curator's presence may be required, and his/her judgment must be heeded. Generally, lights must be no more than 80 foot-candles in intensity, and all lights must have UV filter gels placed on them. Any light not necessary for shooting must be turned off. The placement of lighting equipment will also be subject to the curator's approval. Pg.43 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 43 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy H. Any changes to CFM lighting will be handled by museum personnel. A member of the exhibits unit will be on duty during the film company's use of the building. L Limited set dressing may be permitted; however, the film company may not move or remove existing cases and exhibits from their places in galleries. The moving of anything in the galleries must be agreed upon in advance and will be done by CFM staff. All set dressing must be approved in advance by CFM. Nothing is to be attached to existing museum walls or structures. Tape may not be applied to walls. Anything brought in for set dressing must be removed by the film crew following filming. Fogging and smoke machines are not permitted. J. If the film company wants to enter CFM exhibition vignettes for any reason, there shall be a curatorial person assigned supervisory duty during the shoot. K. Food and drink are not permitted in gallery spaces, and the use of tobacco products is prohibited in all spaces inside the museum. L. Prior permission must be obtained in order to bring in live plants, cut flowers, etc. for the shoot. M. CFM must receive credit using the following credit line: Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, Wilmington, North Carolina N. CFM reserves the right to terminate immediately any filming project in which the above guidelines are not followed. O. CFM does not allow general filming in its collections storage areas. Specific objects may be filmed with prior approval from Collections staff. Pg.44 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 44 Cape Fear Museum ofHistory and Science Collections Policy 18. DOCUMENT REVIEW Description of how the museum plans to keep its governing documents current CFM periodically reviews the documents that govern its management of collections. I. Collections Policy The Curator and Registrar will review the Collections Policy every two years. The purpose of the review is to ensure the Policy remains current with standards of best practice in museum collections care and management. II. Collections Procedures The Curator and Registrar will review the Collections Procedures every two years. The purpose of the review is to ensure the Procedures accurately reflect any changes in the standards of best practice in museum collections care and management, CFM's Collections Policy, and the systems CFM uses to care for its collections. Pg.45 November 17, 2014 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 45 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Consent DEPARTMENT: Museum PRESENTER(S): Heather Yenco, Museum Curator CONTACT(S): Heather Yenco SUBJECT: Approval of Six Donations for Accession into the Museum's Permanent Collection BRIEF SUMMARY: The museum collects objects pertaining to the history, science, and cultures of the Lower Cape Fear region. Submitted for approval are six donations to be added to the museum's permanent collection. Donations are carefully documented. The Curator reviews each item's provenance, condition, relevance to the collection, potential for exhibition, and room required for storage. A report on each object is reviewed carefully by the Director and Collections Committee. The objects presented have passed this scrutiny and were approved by the Museum Advisory Board at the meeting on July 21, 2021. Under the Dome television show prop, 2013 Wilmington Sharks baseball jersey, cap, and bobblehead, 2019 Christmas service gift bag, 2020 "Essential Employee" letter, 2020 COVI D-19 vaccine button and photograph, 2021 Azalea Belle display board and photograph, 2021 Each item offered has a special story to preserve and they help to document 300 years of the region's history. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept six donations of regional artifacts into the Cape Fear Museum's Permanent Collection. ATTACHMENTS: Acquisitions Chart COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 6 Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 6 NHC Commissioners Acquisition Proposals August 23, 2021 Board Meeting OBJ. DATE OBJECTS PROVENANCE / MISSION 2013 -film prop This barn model was used on the set of the television series Under the Dome, filmed in Wilmington. 2019 -bobblehead These items were used by members of the Wilmington Sharks baseball team. jersey -baseball cap 2020 -gift bag This ba was given to members of First Baptist Church to celebrate Christmas at home during the pandemic. 1 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 NHC Commissioners Acquisition Proposals August 23, 2021 Board Meeting 2020 2021 -letter -button -photograph This letter was given to a local radio station employee deemed an essential employee during the coronavirus pandemic, to show that he was allowed to travel during statewide stay-at-home orders. This button was given to F who received their covid vaccination in Brunswick County. 2 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 2 NHC Commissioners Acquisition Proposals August 23, 2021 Board Meeting 2021 -display board This cutout of an Azalea Belle from a past year was placed in a front -photograph 3 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 3 during the 2021 Azalea Festival. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Consent DEPARTMENT: Museum PRESENTER(S): Heather Yenco, Museum Curator CONTACT(S): Heather Yenco SUBJECT: Approval of Two Items to be Deaccessioned from the Museum's Permanent Collection BRIEF SUMMARY: Museum staff and the Museum Advisory Board have been diligently culling items from the permanent collection that have no relevant provenance, are in very poor condition, or are duplicates of better examples. This process is a recommended step in effective collections management. The items recommended for deaccession have all been reviewed by the Curator, Director, Collections Committee, and the Museum Advisory Board at their meeting on J my 21, 2021. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept the recommendation of the Museum Advisory Board to deaccession two items identified on the attached list for deaccession from the Museum's Permanent Collection. ATTACHMENTS: Deaccessions Chart COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5-0. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 7 NHC Commissioners Deaccession Proposals August 23, 2021 Board Meeting ACC. # 1962.7.2 1982.93.106 OBJECT, DATE, DONOR, ISSUE Anchor, about 1863, Alan B. Blake and John H. Waggett Anchor is currently on display outdoors near the museum's park. All other objects displayed outdoors have been deaccessioned because they are exposed to the elements. Anchor, about 1864, Blockade Runner Museum Anchor is currently on display outdoors near the museum's park. All other objects displayed outdoors have been deaccessioned because they are exposed to the elements. RECOMMEND Remain as outdoor display Remain as outdoor display Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Regular DEPARTMENT: County PRESENTER(S): Tim H. Holloman, Executie Director, Lower Cape Fear Water and Manager Sewer Authority CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, County Manager SUBJECT: 50th Anniversary Plaque Presentation BRIEF SUMMARY: Lower Cape Fear Water and Sewer Water and Sewer Authority would like to present New Hanover County with a 50th Anniversary Membership Plaque and have a photo taken of the presentation. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept the plaque and take a photo. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Accept the plaque and take a photo. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Accepted the plaque and took photos. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Regular DEPARTMENT: Human Resources PRESENTER(S): Commissioners and Chris Coudriet, County Manager CONTACT(S): Bo Dean, Human Resources Analyst SUBJECT: Presentation of Service Awards and Introduction of New Employees BRIEF SUMMARY: Service awards will be presented to retirees and employees. New employees will be introduced. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Present service awards and meet new employees. COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Present service awards and meet new employees. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Presented service awards and met new employees. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 9 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Regular DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Donna Girardot, Airport Authority Chair CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board and Donna Girardot, Airport Authority Chair SUBJECT: New Hanover County Airport Authority Annual Update BRIEF SUMMARY. The New Hanover County Airport Authority will make its annual presentation to the Board of Commissioners. Attached is the information regarding this board. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: New Hano\,er County Airport Authodty Information New Hanover County Airport Authodty Presentation COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 10 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY Number of members: 7 appointed by Board of County Commissioners Terms of Office: 4 years - appointees may not serve more than two consecutive terms and cannot be reappointed until at least two years have expired since the end of their last term. Compensation: None; however, the chairman is allowed a maximum of $350 per month, other members $300 per month, for automobile/travel expenses. Meetings: Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 5:00 p.m. in the Airport Terminal Conference Room. Statute or cause creating Authority: General Statutes Chapter 404, Senate Bill 410; NHC Board of Commissioners approved expansion from 5 to 7 members on September 15, 2014. Purpose: The Airport Authority constitutes a corporate and politic body that has the power and authority to: (1) purchase, acquire, establish, construct, own, control, lease, equip, improve, maintain, operate, and regulate the Airport for the use of airplanes, and other aircraft, and all facilities incidental to the operation of the Airport; (2) to purchase, acquire, own, hold, lease and/or operate real or personal property; (3) to acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise and to hold lands for the purpose of constructing, maintaining or operating the Airport and to make contracts and lease agreements, to charge and collect fees, royalties, rents; (4) to make rules and regulations as necessary for the proper maintenance, use, operation and control of the airport or airport facilities owned, leased, or controlled by the Authority; (5) to provide penalties for violation of such rules and regulations; (6) to sell, lease, or dispose of any property, real or personal, belonging to the Airport Authority with sale of real property requiring approval of the County Commissioners; (7) to purchase insurance; (8) to deposit or invest and reinvest funds; and (9) to operate, own, lease, control, regulate, or grant to others the right to operate a business on the Airport premises, and to issue revenue bonds. The Airport Authority shall make an annual report to the Board of Commissioners setting forth in detail the operations and transactions conducted by it. The Airport Authority employs persons whose services may be deemed necessary by the Airport Authority. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Donna Girardot, Chair First 9/15/14 6/30/18 927 Radnor Road Second 6/18/18 6/30/22 Wilmington, NC 28409 910-452-1078 (H) Nick Rhodes, Secretary First 6/15/20 6/30/24 1005 Deepwood Place Wilmington, NC 28405 910-352-3225 (C) 910-256-0281 (H) Julia Olson-Boseman, County Commissioner First 6/17/19; Undesignated 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 12/16/19; 1/19/21 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7148 (NHC) Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 10- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY PAGE 2 TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Frank Spruill Thompson, Vice -Chair First 6/18/18 6/30/22 1051 Military Cutoff, Suite 200 Wilmington, NC 28405 910-431-8280 (C) Jason Thompson First 6/22/21 6/30/25 606 Sunnyvale Drive Wilmington, NC 28412 910-793-1460 W. Lee Williams First 6/19/17 6/30/21 2114 South Canterbury Road Second 6/22/21 6/30/25 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-343-9530 (H) 910-616-1531 (C) 910-796-1647 (W) Thomas Wolfe Unexpired 9/15/14 6/30/15 3739 Reston Court First 6/22/15 6/30/19 Wilmington, NC 28403 Second 6/17/19 6/30/23 910-392-0654 (H) 910-228-8569 (C) Airport Director: Gary Broughton, Interim Director Wilmington International Airport 1740 Airport Boulevard, Ste. 12 File: /Airport Wilmington, NC 28405 B/C # 07/2021 910-341-4333 (Ext 1000) (FAX 910-341-4365) Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 10- 1 - 2 r the coast J Am ' .� Annual Report to New Hanover County Commissioners August 23, 2021 Wilmington International Airport ➢ Impact of all NC Airports* State& Local Tax Revenue ➢ Impacts of ILM* Q State & Local Tax Revenue *2020 NC DOT Report based on 2019 DataC Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 10- 2 - 2 $ 61 Billion 373,000 jobs $ 2.5 Billion $ 2.25 Billion 16,385 jobs $ 85 Million VLTAINMI 10to[H►■1►1■:1 1.101_\1111[HOF_\Will 171a1 iI Enplanement Data • 538,014 in 2019 • 237,676 in 2020 CY (-56%) Reversing the Trend: Preliminary data shows signs of recovery through summer of 2021 ! Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ��i LM ITEM: 10 2 3 WILMINGTdN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, CAPACITY & DEMAND RECOVERY FOLLOWING COVID-19 Percent + �...._r f,�.Ir-) - 4 - -an--,+,, 1207. 100% 80% 60% 407. 20% n Cv- d Q C © C O CD C] C) N CV N N CN N N CN N CN Cv CN CV N N iC < Dote: March 2020-February 2020 uses prior corresponding month as baseline, March 2021 onwards uses 2019 corresponding month Source: U.S. Department of Transportation T100; Wilmington International Airport; Ailevon Pacific Aviation Consulting analysis Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 10- 2 - 4 Forecast N N ��LM WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SUMMER SEAT CAPACITY, JUNE-AUGUST 2019-2021 Thousands of inbound seats 58 Jun 15 +0.3% Jul Aug 31 58 58 +11.5 65 60 F7.9 65 Source: UoMi by Cirium data as at May 30, 2021; Ailevon Pacific Aviation Consulting analysis Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 �i ITEM: 10- 2 - 5 L WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 �I LM ITEM: 10 2 6 WILMINGTdN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SUMMER SEAT CAPACITY, JUNE-AUGUST 2019-2021 Thousands of inbound seats 77 36 30 2020 2021 23 New for Summer 2021: Boston 17 14 15 17 15 12 10 q q 7 S 1 CLT ATL DFW PHL LGA IAD Source: UoMl by Cirium data as at May 30, 2021, Ailevon Pacific Aviation Consulting analysis Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ILM ITEM: 10-2-7 13 11 12 2 5 3 4 GRD DCA BOO Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ILM ITEM: 10-2-8 3 Phases of Construction —� $61OMToa ot IC t ss • Funds -State, FAA, and Local • Completing December 2022 • Contract 1— Enabling Phase • Contract 2 — Ticket Lobby and Baggage • Contract 3 — Concourse, TSA and Concessions WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 IV ILM ITEM: 10-2-9 3 Phases of Construction • Contract 3 remains ahead of schedule with new gates opening by end of 2021. • Final project completion scheduled for end of 2022. • Authority working with airline and concessions partners to plan occupancy. Adding 3 new gates, new restrooms, and concessions. • Expanded TSA checkpoint at final completion (2022). WILM INu I CJ14 1141 LK14HI IUNAL AIKI-UKI AIR CARRIM APRON EXPANSION W' ILM Lq ---- r'N(AFF All APRON r Supporting Commercial Air Travel at ILM Provides critical infrastructure needed to access new gates. • Planned funding through FAA AIP Discretionary Grants, State airport appropriations and Airport Reserves • Adds approximately 16,000 SY AtRA IR iF4 ARFl°" of concrete apron cAPA • Bids received summer of 2021. - �--�� WILMII+IGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT scALe ry FFFT AIR CARRIER APRON _ �x of Commissioners - August ITEM: 10- 2 - 10 WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT n .J /rA boara oT commissioners - Hugusi z3, NCI �i LM ITEM: 10 2 11 WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 3a �aWm. ❑ uo�� w.,�m S,a.... :_.., q,,.... r ec�-,. �,, wc� e: Mc�. s„ve.. e,w�.. r vxw_ rs�,._ �� 7� l,� 6 ux._ �wm - 8l ww� � ate., how.. PreCheck center in Wilmington: IdentoGo -TSA 2925 Boundary St. STE 2 Wilmington, NC 28405 Real ID Extension: DRIVER LICENSE 3000392999 311 0310112025 SAMPL R LANE `A 98G091 G N6iNE 1. - N6NE ♦,_ - F 9R0 4' 15 @LN ,erect iD�ywc 3WHOP1� g3101�"71 Required by May 3, 2023 for Air travel List of documents required for Real ID application and travel found at: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security- screening/identification or on the ILM website Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ILM ITEM: 10- 2 - 12 Parking & driver Info AIP{'V wT loT MA9 C�PnFsrt AYAIIAiLE pAA1[IMG WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT �*0 coasr;s, � t i O.M crop ILM Safe Travels coasrisc ��. �M /P -:c,1Pds� V��yc stay 6'K `_ umLL the code isclear, GG AGE CLAIM #1 IOU Until the coast is clear, y wash your hands often a` slay 6 feet apart mow. ro—y—t— 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Regular DEPARTMENT: Planning PRESENTER(S): Jessi Leonard, NCDOT Division 3 Traffic Engineer CONTACT(S): Rebekah Roth, Planning and Land Use Director; Tim Burgess, Deputy County Manager SUBJECT: Presentation on River Road Speed Limit BRIEF SUMMARY: NCDOT Division 3 Traffic Engineer Jessi Leonard will provide information regarding a speed limit reduction on River Road from 55 miles per hour to 45 miles per hour (see attached map) in order to address any board concerns or questions. In early 2020, NCDOT received a citizen request and legislative request from the office of Representative Charlie Miller to investigate whether a speed limit reduction on River Road was warranted. After an examination of existing conditions, including traffic speeds and roadway conditions, NCDOT has determined that the presence of bicycle infrastructure along the roadway merits a reduction in the speed limit to ensure bicyclist safety. NCDOT has coordinated with county staff, including the Sheriff's Department, to investigate the request and determine enforcement capacity. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. ATTACHMENTS: Riper Road Map with Proposed Speed Limit COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 11 SR-1276 (Cathy J M Y �D o � a�i a� UN o SR 1576 (River Road) Existing Speed Limit = SSmph SR-118'7 Proposed Speed Limit = 4Smph `Sanders Rd) s r, 0ks �r ry Ln - cn /Or/ Qoer SP-'778 SR-2401 P1a (e Rd) try (Windgate Dr) SR 1524 (Golden Rd) S _ (Patalah a Rd) SR-25 N ) d4Ake0ber6 SR-1526 S, (BeC�a o (Williams Rd) S R-2346 (Glena,, Shur Dr) i a Q,p ,o 5� SR-1564 (E Seaview Rd) SR-1257 _,cquillan Dr) SR-1258 SR-24AS -- (Lehigh Rd) (Smilax Ln) m o a N m SR^ u (Burney' N m m SR. Seabreeze (2 a S'4-1576 (River Rd) SR-1628/ 0.5 1 Miles A ?ark p 19-o e ommissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 11- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE:8/23/2021 Regular DEPARTMENT: Governing Body PRESENTER(S): Chair Olson-Boseman CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Committee Appointments BRIEF SUMMARY. Vacancies exist of the following boards and committees: • New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Workforce Housing Advisory Committee • New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture • New Hanover County Commission for Women • New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council • New Hanover County Library Advisory Board STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Make appointments. ATTACHMENTS: New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Workforce Housing Ad\isory Committee New Hano\er County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture New Hanover County Commission for Women New Hano\er County Inspections Department AdNsory Council New Hano\er County Library Advisory Board COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Make appointments. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS: The following appointments were made: Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12 New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Workforce Housing Advisory Committee: Ashley Daniels was appointed in the At -Large category. Kristen Keser was appointed in the Business/Education Community category. R. Frank Smith, Jr. was reappointed in the Development Community category. New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture: Veronica Carter -Edwards was appointed in the At -Large category. Tracion Flood, Bernice Sanders Johnson, Marcus A. Lacewell and Linda Thomas were reappointed in the At -Large category. Stephanie Walker was reappointed in the Business Community category. New Hanover County Commission for Women: Mireya Lupercio was appointed. New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council: Randall Siegel was appointed in the Plumbing Contractor category. New Hanover County Library Advisory Board: Shaun Assael, Amy Grant and Cheryl Kozik were appointed. Ida R. Smith was reappointed. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS NHC/City of Wilmington Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Vacancies: 3 Categories: At -Large, Business/Education Community, Development Community Term: 3 years, expiring 8/31/24 Applicants Eligible for Category Nominations Reappointment Andrew Blank At -Large Ashley Daniels At -Large Todd Dillon At -Large Chris Eisenzimmer Development Community Kagney Kellam At -Large Theresa Andrews Kemp At -Large Kristen Keser Business/Education Community Lauren McKenzie At -Large Deseree Muraglia Development Community R. Frank Smith, Jr. X Development Community Edwrin Sutton At -Large Sam Weldon Development Community Demond Wells At -Large Cindee Wolf Development Community Attachments: Committee Information Sheet Applications Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY/CITY OF WILMINGTON WORKFORCE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Number of Members: 13 members 1 Chair of the Community Relations Advisory Committee 6 appointed by County Commissioners: 1 for. each of the following categories: At -Large, Business/Education Community, Cape Fear REALTORS® Representative, Development Community, Financial Community, and Non -Profit Housing Community 6 appointed by Wilmington City Council: 1 for each of the following categories: At -Large, Business/Education Community, Cape Fear REALTORS® Representative, Development Community, Financial Community, and Non -Profit Housing Community Terms: Staggered initially; 3 years thereafter; no member shall serve more than two (2) full consecutive terms, unless there is a break of at least one (1) full term between appointments, excepting the Chairman of the Community Relations Advisory Committee, whose term shall endure so long as the appointee is the Chair of the Community Relations Advisory Committee. Regular Meetings: First Wednesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. in Conference Room 500 at the County Government Center, 230 Government Center Dr., Wilmington, NC. Statute or cause creating Board: BOCC bylaws and interlocal agreement adopted June 17, 2019. Brief on the functions: The Committee shall be organized for the purpose of developing a comprehensive workforce housing study, workforce housing opinion study and public awareness campaign, support for increasing equitable access and the supply of workforce housing that is affordable; informing the Appointing Authorities and other organizations of their findings; and making recommendations, in an advisory capacity, to the Appointing Authorities and other organizations, as necessary. The Committee shall have the following duties: 1. To procure a workforce housing study and public opinion study, and conduct a public awareness campaign on the topic of workforce housing. 2. To recommend, in an advisory capacity, to the Appointing Authority necessary procedures, programs, or policies to promote workforce housing. 3. To provide the appointing authorities with an annual written report or presentation. 4. To conduct any other duties as assigned or requested by the governing Boards. ** The six (6) members of this committee appointed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Chair of the Community Relations Advisory Committee will also serve on the Housing Grant Selection Committee as needed. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION New Hanover County Members Shamonique Brantley 4506 Dean Dr. Financial Community First 8/12/19 8/31/20 Wilmington, NC 28405 Second 8/24/20 8/31/23 910-769-8335 (H) 910-352-5782 (C) Tom Gale Cape Fear 8715 New Forest Dr. REALTORS® First 8/24/20 8/31/20 Wilmington, NC 28411 Representative 8/31/23 910-541-1001 (C) Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY/CITY OF WILMINGTON WORKFORCE HOUSING (CONT.) R. Frank Smith, Jr. 322 Causeway Dr., 707 Development First 8/12/19 8/30/21 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Communit t Q ,Y ^-�� 910-256-0065 (H) 910-616-2857 (C) re5 1` e "A fT Melanie James 616 Culler Court Non -Profit Housing Unexpired 8/31/23 Wilmington, NC 28409 Community 4/19/2021 910-617-5999 (C) 910-399-7563 (W) David Spetrino, Jr. 18 Palmetto Dr. At -Large First 8/12/19 8/31/21 Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 910-443-0746 (C) Glenda Tate 2013 Deer Island Lane Business/Education First 8/12/19 8/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28405 Community 910-523-1294 (C) 910-616-0445 (W) -� City of W!1mingt6n""Members Patrick Brien 1515 Hooper St. Financial Community First 11/19/19 8/20/20 Wilmington, NC 28401 Second 8/18/20 9/20/23 585-749-7255 (C) Philip Brown Unexpired 7801 Masonboro Sound Rd. Business/Education 2 8/20/20 Wilmington, NC 28409 Community Firstt 88/18/18/20 8/20/23 910-470-0304 (C) 910-397-9509 (H) Eric Knight Cape Fear 2142 Washington Street REALTORS® Unexpired 8/20/21 Wilmington, NC 28401 Representative 6/15/21 910-367-2253 (C) Katrina Knight First 8/20/19 8/31/21 2007 Wrightsville Ave. Non -Profit Housing Wilmington, NC 28403 Community 910-520-8602 (C) 763-442, x104 (W) Katrina Redmon 2506 Exhibit Court At -Large First 8/20/19 8/20/21 Wilmington, NC 28412 910-234-8996 (C) 341-7700 x224 (W) Paul Stavovy 4202 Park Ave. Development First 8/20/19 8/20/20 Wilmington, NC 28403 Community First 8/18/20 8/20/23 910-619-1074 (C) 910-218-0022 (W) Lori Wainright Chair of County/City 2905 S. 161h St. Community Relations First 11/24/20 Until no longer Wilmington, NC 28401 Advisory Committee chair 910-343-8249(C) Staff liaison: Rachel LaCoe Workforce Housing Planner 230 Government Center Dr., Ste.110 Revised: 6/2021 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7442 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 3 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Andrew Blank <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 3:26 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category At -Large Name Andrew Blank Email blankjr.andrew(d-gmail.com Home Address 619 N. 4th Street Ste 203 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United States Map It Home Phone (619) 987-0753 Years living in New Hanover County 1 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race White, non -Hispanic Age 28 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Novant Health Occupation Board of Commissidners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 4 People and Culture Service Delivery Specialist Professional Activities Delta Omega Honorary Society in Public Health Certified in Public Health (CPH) Project Management Professional (PMP) in progress, projected September 2021 Volunteer Activities Refugee Mentor, International Rescue Committee, Baltimore, MD Youth Mentor, The Coffee Oasis, Bremerton, WA Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? Housing instability is a key issue in the Economic Stability domain of the Social Determinants of Health. In New Hanover County (NHC), life expectancy is 80.2 years for White & 75.3 years for Black newboms—a disparity 26% wider than the nationwide gap. The NHC Board of Commissioners recognized racism as the force behind "persistent discrimination and disparate outcomes in many areas of life, including housing," and "the reduction of Racial inequity as a critical priority and essential to effective and systemic delivery of health and human services." NHC's long history of systemic racism has persisted long after Wilmington became the final Confederate port to fall to the Union. After the 1898 white supremacist coup that violently overthrew the local government, murdered at least sixty Black men, and sent more than 6,000 Black residents into exile, Black voter registration in North Carolina dropped 95 percent in just six years. From 1921 to 1967, healthcare in Wilmington was "separate but equal." White patients went to James Walker Memorial; Black patients went to Community Hospital. Only since the integrated New Hanover Memorial Hospital opened has healthcare access been for all. Florence Nightingale theorized "the connection between the health and the dwelling of the population is one of the most important that exists." I'm eager to join the Workforce Housing Advisory Committee to increase equitable access to affordable, quality housing, and, by extension, health, for New Hanover County's systematically marginalized communities. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? The NHC Community Survey identified lack of affordable housing as the second most significant issue negatively affecting the quality of life, and 21 percent of NHC residents report severe housing problems. NHC's median value of owner -occupied housing units is 41 percent above the state average, despite a median household income just 0.6 percent above the state average. NHC owner -occupied housing unit rate is 7.8 percent below the state rate. 15 percent of NHC residents and 21 percent of NHC children live in poverty. In NHC, the median monthly housing costs for rent is $978, and 54 percent of NHC renters spend more than 30 percent of their household income on housing. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, cost -burdened households (those spending more than 30 percent on housing) have little leftover each month to spend on other necessities such as food, clothing, utilities, and health care, and Black and Hispanic households are almost twice as likely as white households to be cost -burdened. NHC must continue to foster partnerships with non-profit and community -based organizations, such as the Wilmington Housing Authority and Feast Down East collaboration to provide access to affordable, healthy, local foods. I echo the 2009 U.S. "Surgeon General's Call to Action to Promote Healthy Homes" to a "dynamic and coordinated effort" to "develop imaginative and realistic solutions that will help ensure that safe, healthy, affordable, and accessible homes are available to everyone in the United States." Qualifications for serving: Master of Public Health (MPH), Keck School of Medicine (KSOM), University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA Bachelor of Science (BS), United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (2) Refugee Health Intern, UC San Diego Center for Community Health President, MPH Student Association, KSOM of USC Member, Education Task Force, KSOM of USC Member, MPH Steering Committee, KSOM of USC Member, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, KSOM of USC Discussion Leader, Social Justice Book Club, KSOM of USC Facilitator, Racism and Health Journal Club, KSOM of USC President, Associated Student Body, Steele Canyon High School Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Elizabeth Guy (Aloha Wilmington Real Estate) Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 5 Reference 1 Phone (910)262-3399 Reference 2 Elizabeth Guy (Aloha Wilmington Real Estate) Reference 2 Phone (910)262-3399 Reference 3 Elizabeth Guy (Aloha Wilmington Real Estate) Reference 3 Phone (910)262-3399 Additional comments: I moved to Wilmington, NC from San Diego, CA in August 2021 after receiving an honorable discharge from the U.S. Navy, where I served ten years as a nuclear submarine officer, separating at the rank of Lieutenant. Due to my recent arrival in Wilmington and working remotely for Novant Health (based in Charlotte) and New Hanover Regional Medical Center, I do not yet have three local references. Local references are not required by POLICY AND PROCEDURES FOR APPOINTMENTS TO COUNTY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND AUTHORITIES. Date 08/09/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 6 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Ashley Daniels <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021 8:52 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category At -large Name Ashley Daniels Email AshleyndanielsCaDgmail.com Home Address 505 Soundside Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910) 622-2629 Years living in New Hanover County 14 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Black Age 35 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 7 I currently work with The Carolina Federation but have resigned from my job effective this Friday Occupation Community Organizer Professional Activities I have worked as a community organizer in both electoral campaigns as well as environmental justice. Volunteer Activities I am a volunteer with: The Cape Fear River Watch Advisory Committee Sokoto House A Charge to Keep Food Ministry Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I know firsthand the challenges of seeking affordable housing in the city and county. I moved into my current rental residence, outside of the city and in the Southern part of the county because I couldn't afford to live within the city limits. In my living, my relationships, and my organizing work I've come to know others who like me, have had less -than -visible but still life -disrupting experiences. I feel an urgency for us- as a city and a county, to work to make this a place where all people, regardless of income can live. I deeply want for the inherent dignity of our people to be reflected in safe and dignified housing. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Basic housing Creative and varied approaches to provide low-income housing Ease of ownership for first-time home owners Engaging solutions for homelessness Qualifications for serving: Organizing Experience Rooted connection and relationships in this community The lived experience of a housing -insecure NHC resident Experience in facilitation and planning Willingness to research and work in collaboration for solutions Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: I have served on the Mayor's Ad Hoc Clean Energy Committee List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Rick Richards, Elderhaus CEO Reference 1 Phone (910)343-8209 Reference 2 Frankie Roberts, LINC Inc Executive Director Reference 2 Phone (910) 332-1135 Reference 3 Vanessa Gonzalez, Law Offices of Vanessa Gonzalez Reference 3 Phone Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 8 (910)399-2208 Date 08/08/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. 3 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 9 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Todd Dillon <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2021 10:32 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category AV - Lary, Name Todd Dillon Email todddillon2100&mail.com Home Address 5200 Old Myrtle Grove Rd Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 United States Mai) It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States MaD It Home Phone (910)660-1974 Cell Phone (910)660-1974 Years living in New Hanover County 16 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race other Age 55 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? Board of Commissidners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 10 No Applicant's Employer self employed Occupation Realtor Professional Activities Previously served on the Government Action Committee for the Cape Fear Board of Realtors, also licensed by NC in Landscape Contracting. Volunteer Activities Vice President of American Honor Guards. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I have great concerns of gentrification and would like to work on a solution for that. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Affordable housing that helps maintain a diverse community. Qualifications for serving: Real Estate experience in both private and public since 2002. previously licensed in Mortgage origination and personal lines insurance (home/auto). Authentic interest in helping people. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: none List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Janet Gray Reference 1 Phone (336)688-6639 Reference 2 Dan McIntyre Reference 2 Phone (910) 612-2678 Reference 3 Julia Boseman Reference 3 Phone (910) 547-6975 Additional comments: I see there are several openings, I would have thought there would be a waiting list for this committee. Date 06/30/2021 Consent Board of Commissianers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 11 VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 12 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Chris Eisenzimmer <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 11:11 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category Development Community Name Chris Eisenzimmer Email chris.e( blueridgeatlantic.com Home Address 5934 Greenville Loop Rd Wilmington, North Carolina 28409-2321 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910)338-3349 Business Phone (910)338-3349 Years living in New Hanover County 2 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race White Age 34 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 13 No Applicant's Employer Blue Ridge Atlantic Development Occupation Affordable Housing Developer Professional Activities President of Blue Ridge Atlantic Development, Affordable Housing development company located in Wilmington, NC. Volunteer Activities GA Housing Coalition Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers Cape Fear Housing Coalition Member Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? The City of Wilmington and New Hanover County are facing a growing problem in terms of housing affordability, increases in income gaps, and developable land. As the President of an affordable housing development company with a nationwide presence I have had the opportunity to be exposed to several states / municipalities and how they accomplish their goals as it relates to affordable housing. I would like to be able to share my experiences (in developing over 6,000 units) and ultimately have a positive impact in helping to shape the community in which I reside. As we look forward our attention to affordable and workforce housing will be paramount to the sustained growth within our region. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Affordable / Workforce Housing Funding Land Use and Planning Policies Density Bonuses Entitlement process for Affordable Housing Long -Term Sustained Housing Policy Qualifications for serving: Previous Employment: Ernst and Young (Assurance and Advisory) Greystone and Company (Director Affordable Housing Practice) Blue Ridge Atlantic Development (President) My vast experience ranging from Big 4 Accounting/Advisory services to leading a nationwide affordable development company provides me with a unique set of skills to offer the City and County on how to best shape affordable housing policy for the foreseeable future. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Dr. Henry Hawthorne Reference 1 Phone (910) 228-9063 Reference 2 Raiford Trask Reference 2 Phone (910) 799-8755 Reference 3 Board of Commissianers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 14 Richard Collier Reference 3 Phone (910) 343-1048 Additional comments: We have worked with County staff (Rachel LaCoe) to offer insights into helping to shape affordable housing policy. This board position would be utilized in furtherance of that goal. Date 06/22/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 15 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kagney Kellam <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 3, 2021 3:07 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category karge Name Kagney Kellam Email kskellam751(rDmail.cfcc.edu Home Address 1156 Harbour Dr 203 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United States Mai) It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Mai) It Home Phone (910)442-5123 Years living in New Hanover County 35 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Black Age 35 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 16 Embassy Suites Occupation Banquet Captain Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I want the opportunity to help those in my community... low-income individuals... or those with a criminal history be able to start over and live a sustainable life. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Housing Work Qualifications for serving: Current Board Member Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: NHC PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Briannca Kellam Reference 1 Phone (910)880-3022 Reference 2 Lea Jacobs Reference 2 Phone (910) 442-9502 Reference 3 KyJinae K Reference 3 Phone (910) 604-0637 Date 08/03/2021 Consent ✓I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 17 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Theresa Andrews Kemp <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Friday, July 9, 2021 9:34 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category At large Name Theresa Andrews Kemp Email Evolvelifecoachi ng(cD hotmail.com Home Address 898 Wine Cellar Circle Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Mai) It Mailing Address (if different from home address) PO Box 3783 Wilmington, North Carolina 28406 United States Mai) It Home Phone (910)264-3138 Cell Phone (910)264-3138 Years living in New Hanover County 21 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 42 Board of CommissOners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 18 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Integrated Family Services Occupation Counselor Professional Activities I'm highly involved in working with the most at risk & destitute populations in New Hanover county. To include, the chronically homeless, chemically dependent and the chronically mentally ill. Volunteer Activities Competitive cheer coach for Coastal pop Warner. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? Workforce housing is a resource and pronounced issue for the population of people that I currently serve. I would like to be a voice, advocate & offer my perspective & experience in regards to the oversight & implementation for workforce housing. Most importantly giving back to my community & focusing on being influential & representing the voice of the people & the best interest of people we serve at large. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Accessibility, implementation & public awareness for the people we serve. Qualifications for serving: I have worked in the field of Mental Health, Substance abuse & chronically homeless for almost 2 decades. I have a BA in Psychology, Masters degree in Mental Health counseling & some doctorate level work. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Bill Saffo Reference 1 Phone (910)616-6020 Reference 2 Ashli Barefoot Reference 2 Phone (919)524-8942 Reference 3 Charles Craven Reference 3 Phone (910)599-7795 Date 07/09/2021 Consent Board of Commissid'ners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 19 VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 20 Crowell, Kym From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Kristen Keser <application@webformsnhcgov.com> 0 1 ri Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:04 PM J "f��• To: Crowell, Kym Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ` G•J ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category Business/Developmen At Large Name Kristen Keser Email kkeser(a)-live.com Home Address 6204 Shire Lane Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910)632-9613 Cell Phone (703)403-5525 Years living in New Hanover County 15 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Caucasian Age 47 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? Board of Commissiobers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 21 No Applicant's Employer CARROLL Occupation Regional Property Manager Professional Activities Vice President - Wilmington Apartment Association Member of the Board of Directors - Apartment Association of North Carolina Volunteer Activities Capture/transporter for Skywatch Bird Rescue Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I know that land is expensive and the need for affordable housing is growing. If no one steps up to help fill this need then the homeless situation will worsen and the people who are needed to serve our community will be priced out of this market. I hope to be a part of the movement that can make a difference in available housing for our residents. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? How can we find ways to locate affordable land and overcome construction costs to be able to provide affordable housing options? Qualifications for serving: Working in the apartment industry has given me a lot of insight on housing needs in the Cape Fear region. I have worked with new high -end multifamily development and currently manage three communities that are considered for profit workforce housing. I can offer a unique perspective and provide insight from my 20 years in the multifamily industry. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Stacy Venters Reference 1 Phone (910)599-7501 Reference 2 Jennifer Trapaso Reference 2 Phone (919) 763-7135 Reference 3 Jane Anglin Reference 3 Phone (703)303-5781 Date 03/23/2021 Consent Board of Commissidners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 22 VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 23 a Crowell, Kym From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Lauren McKenzie <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 4:44 PM To: Crowell, Kym Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category Non -Profit Housing Community Name Lauren McKenzie Email lauren .cagefearhabitat.org Home Address 2024 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 United States Mat) It Mailing Address (if different from home address) 3310 Fredrickson Road Wilmington, NC 28401 United States Map It Home Phone (704)607-5128 Business Phone (910) 762-4744 Years living in New Hanover County 8 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 34 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 24 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Cape Fear Habitat for Humanity Occupation Executive Director (effective 4/5) Professional Activities CFHFH Executive Director Volunteer Activities CFCC Accounting Advisory Committee, New Hanover Disaster Coalition Treasurer, Habitat NC Board Member Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I would like to use the affordable housing experience I have gained through my job and volunteer activities on this joint taskforce. Our organization is deeply invested in housing in both the County and City. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? The need for revolving funding streams for affordable housing, land use regulations, housing studies. Qualifications for serving: Leading largest nonprofit builder in the region and four years in my role as Director of Finance & Operations previously working closing with homeownership and advocacy efforts for affordable housing. Created a new Hurricane Florence REBUILD program to serve families affected by natural disaster. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None at this time. List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Steve Spain Reference 1 Phone (781)640-6451 Reference 2 Sarah Daniels Reference 2 Phone (910)338-9121 Reference 3 Tommy Taylor Reference 3 Phone (910)798-3911 Date 03/24/2021 Consent Board of Commissio0ers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 25 VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 26 Kianpour, Dahria From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Deseree Muraglia5�' <application@webformsnhcgov.com> `ill Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2020 9:11 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Kianpour, Dahria 1 n' waAj Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee 1 Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category Name Deseree Muraglia Email Deseree _jlongcustomhomes.com Home Address 1901 Market St Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910) 470-3718 Cell Phone (910)470-3718 Years living in New Hanover County 25 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Brazilian/Italian /American Age 40 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Board of Commissiorlers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 27 I& Applicant's Employer J.Long Custom Homes, LLC Occupation Builder Professional Activities Creative development/ bussiness mentorship/event planning Volunteer Activities I helped start community gardening In underserved areas such as Hillcrest community of which I was a home health and hospice nurse in and the base formation of Wilmington Green of which David Brenner has taken over. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? After I retired my nursing hat, I have longed to re-engage in our community and join a team that will strive to create sustainable programs using public and private funding to uplift, enrich and support workforce and community living for our local residents. As a builder and small developer and former nurse in home to our underserved areas, I feel I have vast onsite to how Goverment plans work and affect those in place now and also I see where new policies can be implemented to fill the gaps and complement existing programs and policies for the best outcomes for those we serve and who need us. I can lend a creative visionary thought process that with others collaboration can become a fully sustainable and stable pathway for the countries goals. In addition our company and personal associates share the interest of work force housing and we can assist in the procurement and funding of such programs and housing. I hope you all will consider me, to join your amazing team. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? As of now, there are no major areas of concern as we ha a all gotten used what is in New Hanover County. However some areas of interest are land that is being absorbed by investors and that leads to the high rents not all residents can afford to pay and work in our community. I have studied many programs across the US and have found identifying and providing housing for our first line of defense workers bolsters community spirit and brings a culture of positive affect that sets the precedence of just how wonderful it can be to thrive not just live in those communities that support such endeavors. Qualifications for serving: As former home health and hospice nurse and developer builder, I can offer many different life experiences to all facets of considerations in the development of any work force housing program. I will be able to identify critical pathways and help formulate and implement a teams plan with ease. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 George Venters Sr. Vanguard Development Group Reference 1 Phone (919)614-5321 Reference 2 Deidra Cusack Wilmington Resident Reference 2 Phone (919)389-6442 Reference 3 lonela Oprea Wilmington Resident Reference 3 Phone (910)616-5871 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 28 Additional comments: Thank you so much for your considering of my application and I very much look forward to your response and discussing this position for community further. Best, Des Date 07/09/2020 Consent f I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. F�CEl7xTE BOC OFF. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 29 NEW HANOVER COUNTY ' • 1,, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 i Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798-7149 (�Opmzmp' FAX (910) 798-7145 cao Board/Committee: County / City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Name: R. Frank Smith Jr. AIA E-Mail: fsmith@smith2 design.com Home Address.322 Causeway Drive, 707 Wrightsville Beach NC 28480 (Street) (City) (Zip Code) Mailing Address if different: (City) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 9102560065 Fax: Cell: 9106162857 Business: Years living in New Hanover County: 34 Male: Female: Race: caucasian Age: 57 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name no Employer: Self Employed - Smith2 Architecture + Design PLLC A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Architect — Town Planner Professional Activities: American Institute of Architects, National Town Builders Association Volunteer Activities: ILM -NHC Planning Commission, CAMA Plan Cmts, ILM Brd of Adjustment Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? Workforce housing has become a critical need I wish to give back to my community offering my experience and expertise in town planning Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Identification of planning and implementation tools to facilitate the economic viability of work force housing Qualifications for serving: 2 NHC Planning Brd terms, National Town Builders Association access NHC- ILM Steering Cmte, ILM Planning Commission, involved in design of workforce housing Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: no positions currently held List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. Mr. Wayne Clark. County Planning 2 Mr. Bill Blair, Mayor, Wrightsville Beach 910-520-5463 BOC OFF. 3 Mr. David Swain, 617-4649 Date: 7-25-2019 Signature I- f`aNkSWI't it-aia Applications are kept on file for 18 months I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 30 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Edwrin Sutton <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 10:51 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category At -large Name Edwrin Sutton Email pastor(cDsendi ngch u rchwi lm.com Home Address 204 Arcadian Row Apt. 207 Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910) 508-0685 Years living in New Hanover County 8 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race African -American Age 35 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of CommissOnners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 31 The Sending Church Occupation Pastor Professional Activities Community leader, spiritual advisor, itinerant speaker Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I use to live at the Village of Greenfield. I have also served on a board for affordable housing while I lived and pastored in Poughkeepsie, NY. Contextually I understand many of the needs and demands of Public Housing as one who was a tenant and then as one who served on a public housing board for 2 and a half years. I want to help advance our city, the lives of under resourced individuals and the cause of the Housing Authority. It would be my honor and joy to serve on this board. Qualifications for serving: 1) Pastor 2) A byproduct of Section-8 3) Served on the Tubman Terrace Housing Board for 2 plus years. (Poughkeepsie, NY) Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Commisioner Jonathan Barfield Reference 1 Phone (910) 233-8780 Reference 2 Mr. Hollis Briggs Reference 2 Phone (910) 508-0685 Reference 3 Brandon Hickman Reference 3 Phone (910)431-9008 Date 08/05/2021 Consent %0I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of CommissiAers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 32 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Sam Weldon <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 3:16 PM I S (a To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category Development Community Name Sam Weldon Email sweldon(ftlueridgeatla ntic. com Home Address 2029 Eastwood Road Unit 134 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910)232-3334 Years living in New Hanover County 20 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race White Age 30 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 33 Blue Ridge Atlantic Development Occupation Real Estate Development Professional Activities Voting member of Cape Fear Housing Coalition, Member of AICPA and member of NCACPA Volunteer Activities Member of Hope Community Church Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? First and foremost, I have a strong desire to be on this committee because I want to assist in bringing more high quality workforce/senior housing to the wonderful people in New Hanover County/City of Wilmington. Having grown up in Wilmington since elementary school, I have seen the growth Wilmington has had first hand. I have also seen first hand the increase of cost of living as well as the growing gap of housing. So when this joint committee was created I have been extremely interested in joining. Being in the multi -family workforce/senior housing industry professionally I feel I can be a positive asset to this committee moving forward. Now more than ever the residents of New Hanover County/City of Wilmington need the members of this committee to speak out and support their need for more housing and to have the chance to assist in this effort would be special. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Being on the development side professionally, many developers in the county/city face extreme challenges during the rezoning process which makes the success of adding more quality of workforce/senior housing difficult. Easier pathways through the rezoning process for workforce/senior housing would be an area of focus I would like to see addressed. That said, rezoning is occurring in the first place because the county/city does not have the most favorable zoning ordinances for multi -family workforce/senior housing (understanding we have been working on this with the new LDC). Lastly, this committee played a critical role in presenting the affordable housing bond to the city council/county commissioners. I would like to see the committee suggest ideas on how to communicate what the affordable housing bond is, what the dollars will be allocated to (home ownership, rental housing etc.) to the people of Wilmington/New Hanover County. Qualifications for serving: I believe I have several qualifications that I could bring to this committee if appointed. First, I have been working for a workforce/senior housing development company based in Wilmington for 2 years now. I absolutely love it and cannot see myself doing anything else. Secondly, can provide insight and suggestions on how the Low Income Housing Tax Credit through NCHFA works (difference between 9% vs. 4% tax credits), insight on financial modeling of these types of projects, how to incorporate tax-exempt bonds to a 4% tax credit deal and can also assist in discussions on how to allocate soft dollars to the County Commissioners/City Council (ex. Affordable Housing Bond that is on the November Ballot). With the experience of working with larger municipalities (Charlotte, Raleigh) on their affordable housing soft dollars process and application, I could provide suggestions on how this process could work for New Hanover County/City of Wilmington. Lastly, I have an Unlimited General Contractors License in the State of North Carolina and I am a licensed Certified Public Accountant in the State of North Carolina. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: NONE List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Richard Collier Reference 1 Phone (910) 520-7754 Reference 2 Andy Hewitt Reference 2 Phone (843)830-4490 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 34 Reference 3 David Coleman Reference 3 Phone (910)470-7052 Date 07/31 /2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 35 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Demond Wells <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 11:15 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category at large Name Demond Wells Email demondwells72(cDQmail.com Home Address 133 Rogers Dr. Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) 133 Rogers Dr. Wilmington, NC 28411 United States Map It Home Phone (910)899-7396 Years living in New Hanover County 38 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race Black Age 49 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Board of Commissianers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 36 Applicant's Employer Linc, Inc. Occupation Peer Support/Facilities Management Professional Activities Disc Jokey, Stocks Volunteer Activities Comminity Services to the homeless Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? To learn and also be a voice for the downtrodden. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Housing for Justice involved individuals. Creation of programs that wolud lead low income households to work towards being home buyers. Qualifications for serving: I work in the human services field. I'm a NC State Certified Peer Support Specialist (Advocate). Lived experience and my job. Community Involve Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Frankie Roberts Reference 1 Phone (910)262-1600 Reference 2 Hollis Reference 2 Phone (910)352-2474 Reference 3 Johnathan Barfield Reference 3 Phone (910) 233-8780 Additional comments: Thank you for the opportunity and I look foward to serving the county & people Date 08/05/2021 Consent ✓I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of CommissiAers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 37 Crowell, Kym From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of cindee wolf <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 11:10 AM To: Crowell, Kym Subject: Application for County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Attachments: CWolf-CV.pdf l I I rkxesjl� ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe Board or Committee being applied to: County/City Workforce Housing Advisory Committee Category development Name cindee wolf Email cwolf(cD lobodemar. biz Home Address 107 stokley dr unit 104 wilmington, North Carolina 28403 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) po box 7221 wilmington, NC 28406 United States Map It Home Phone (a1O)Wao-a319 Cell Phone (910)620-2374 Business Phone (910)620-2374 Years living in New Hanover County 31 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 38 white Age 64 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer self-employed / design solutions Occupation land development planner & consultant Professional Activities Registered Landscape Architect Professional Land Surveyor (inactive) Volunteer Activities CFPUA Board (past) Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I value this community as my forever home and understand the potential housing crisis that we face in the future. it's always gratifying to be part of a solution. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I find it disconcerting that some of the hardest -working people in our community have a lot of difficulty finding affordable housing in the proximity of their jobs. Not only is it a benefit to well-being & lifestyle to work, live & play in a general vicinity, but ultimately it can also translate to reducing traffic issues. It will be important that the Committee work closely with several of the City & County departments to facilitate sensible infill and redevelopment as a means to increase available & affordable housing around the community. Qualifications for serving: I believe my knowledge of the community, background and experience in residential land development could be beneficial to the efforts of the committee. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: none List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Tim Milam Reference 1 Phone (910) 617-4358 Reference 2 Livian Jones Reference 2 Phone (910)520-3943 Reference 3 Jordy Rawl Reference 3 Phone Board of Commissi3ners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 39 (252)916-4575 Additional comments: Please do not hesitate to contact me if there are questions or more information is needed. Thank you for your consideration. Upload additional information. • CWolf-CV.Ddf Date 03/24/2021 Consent ✓I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of CommissiAers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 40 Post Office Box 7221 Wilmington, North Carolina 28406 Telephone: (910) 620-2374 Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Cynthia A. Wolf EDUCATION: Pennsylvania State University; University Park, Pennsylvania. Graduated June, 1978; B.S. in Landscape Architecture with an emphasis on Civil Engineering. Miscellaneous continuing education courses, primarily in zoning, land use law, and entitlements; April, 1990 thru the present. EXPERTISE: Over twenty-five (25) years of diversified private sector land development experience with an emphasis in site planning, zoning issues and landscape architecture. JOB HISTORY: Design Solutions - Wilmington, North Carolina May, 2012 through the present Land development consulting and design (self-employed again). Withers & Ravenel, Inc. —Wilmington, North Carolina October, 2004 through April, 2012 Design Solutions merged with Withers & Ravenel, an established engineering, surveying and planning firm in Cary, North Carolina, to better provide my clients with the full range of services in land development. I acted as branch office manager for the first three years, and have always been the lead project manager for development projects. Along with basic site layouts, my specialty has become negotiating projects through the bureaucratic processes of rezoning, conditional use permitting, and special use justification. Design Solutions - Wilmington, North Carolina. April, 1990 through October, 2004. As Owner, I developed a firm providing the full range of design services necessary in today's land development and landscape architecture. I was responsible for all aspects of professional services with the firm's emphasis on site planning for land development and landscape design for commercial and institutional projects. Personal assets include mastery of survey calculations and computations, use of coordinate geometry programs, facility with computer aided design and drafting, and versatility with graphics and project presentation techniques. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 41 Hobbs Surveying Company, Inc. — Wilmington, North Carolina. April, 1995 through January, 1998. As Land Development Coordinator, I was responsible for complete project management. Included was compilation of initial field surveying by data collection, site planning / layout design, jurisdictional approval processes, construction stakeout data and construction coordination. Projects range from individual lots, through commercial, office and institutional, to large residential subdivisions. John R. McAdams Company, Inc. - Research Triangle Park, NC. November, 1983 thru March, 1990. As Project Manager, my responsibilities were completion of projects from preliminary layout design throughout approvals and construction release. John E. Harms, Jr. & Associates, Inc. - Pasadena, Maryland. September, 1982 through November, 1983. Employed in the land development section and worked very closely with the surveying department. Job description included preparation of development feasibility studies, subdivision planning, roads and utilities layout and design, grading and erosion control. New Hanover County Land Records - Wilmington, North Carolina. August, 1980 through September, 1982. Worked as Land Records Supervisor, maintaining all related records dealing with land transfers and divisions. Responsibilities included mapping, title abstracting, indexing, digitizing, deed plotting, interpretation of land surveys and ortho-photos. Landmark Engineering Company, Inc. - Cary, North Carolina. June, 1979 through August, 1980. Job title was defined as Survey Technician with responsibility for all in-house survey computations for geodetic ground control. Duties included flight -line layout, reduction of horizontal and vertical survey notes and closure and balance of control traverses. Additional assignments were coordination between the tax mapping and survey sections and any projects requiring landscape design. REGISTRATIONS: Registered Landscape Architect - North Carolina (Active) & South Carolina (Inactive) Professional Land Surveyor - North Carolina (Inactive) & South Carolina (Inactive) REFERENCES: References and project portfolio can be made available upon request. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 1 - 42 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Vacancies: Categories: At -Large (appoint 5) Business Community (appoint 1) Term: 3 years, expiring 8/31/24 Applicant Eligible for Reappointment Category Nominations Veronica Carter -Edwards At -Large Andrea Davis At -Large Lowell Davis At -Large Tracion Flood X At -Large Bernice Sanders Johnson X At -Large Marcus A. Lacewell X At -Large Christine McDow At -Large Jorey Stanley At -Large Linda Thomas X At -Large Stephanie Walker X Business Community Attachments: Committee Information Sheet Applications Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSION ON AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY, HERITAGE AND CULTURE Number of Members: 13 members, appointed in the categories as follows: 5 At -Large, 2 Business Community, 2 Civil Rights Community, 2 Education Community, 2 Faith Community Terms: Staggered initially; 3 years thereafter; no member shall serve more than two (2) full consecutive terms, unless there is a break of at least one (1) full term between appointments. Regular Meetings: Second Thursday of every month at 4:30 p.m. in the Human Resources Training Room A of the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Dr., Wilmington, NC 28401. Statute or cause creating Board: BOCC bylaws adopted May 20, 2019. Brief on the functions: The commission shall be organized for the purpose of researching, investigating, discovering, preserving, collecting, cataloging, and celebrating African American culture, history, historical areas, sites and/or landmarks of focus in the county through collaboration with the Cape Fear Museum, New Hanover County Library, City of Wilmington Commission on African American History, NAACP, Arts Council of Wilmington and New Hanover County, UNCW, the North Carolina African American Heritage Commission, and other institutions, agencies and individuals with historical knowledge and expertise. The commission shall educate the community on historical areas and/or landmarks, and establish programs and initiatives that preserve and protect New Hanover County's African American history, heritage, arts and culture. The commission shall collaborate with the City of Wilmington Commission on African American History on special events and projects. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Christopher F. Eaton 4418 McClelland Dr. At -Large First 8/12/19 8/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28405 910-512-6139 (C) Tracion Flood 618 Harnett St., Apt. A At -Large Unexpired 8/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28401 9/21/20 910-233-2357 (H) Ir2S Brenda R. Fong 215 Avant Dr. Business First 8/12/19 8/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28411 Community 910-799-0914 (H) 910-232-0323 (C) Angela G. Gaines 710 St. Andrews Dr., #32 Education First 8/12/19 8/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28412 Community 910-742-9009 (C) Bernice S. Johnson 1000 Balfoure Dr. At -Large First 8/12/19 8/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28412 910-352-6074 (C) Marcus A. Lacewell 2517 Flint Dr. At -Large Unexpired 8/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28401 6/15/20 910-352-3643 SI 2 O t PIMM Aimp Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSION ON AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY (CONT.) Manuel Lloyd 204 Chablis Way Education First 8/12/19 8/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28411 Community 910-538-4600 (C) Deborah D. Maxwell 121 Jamaica Dr. Civil Rights First 8/12/19 8/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28401 Community 910-508-9414 (C) Sandra Oglesby 1508 Rockhill Rd. Faith Community First 8/12/19 8/31/22 Castle Hayne, NC 28429 910-675-8040 (H) 910-409-7952 (C) Cynthia Pershia 1403 Setter Ct. Civil Rights Unexpired 8/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28411 Community 11/18/19 910-508-9005 J'vanete Skiba 5217 Clear Run Dr. Faith Community First 8/12/19 8/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-232-7855 (C) 910-350-2031 (W) Linda Thomas 123 South 10th St. Wilmington, NC 28401 At -Large First 8/12/19 8/31/21 910-660-2657 (H) 910-617-6230 (C) 910-332-1138 (W) f?S1 res Stephanie Walker 319 Lido Dr. Business First 8/12/19 8/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28411 Community 910-408-2293 (C) 910-338-1466 (W) Staff liaison: Linda Thompson Chief Diversity and Equity Officer 230 Government Center Dr., Suite 120 Wilmington, NC 28403 Revised: 09/2020 910-798-7414 �41+_* J0 +* Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 3 I Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Veronica Carter -Edwards <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 1:56 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Category At large Name Veronica Carter -Edwards Email veronica.carter.edwardsCaD-gmail.com Home Address 903 Sheffield Dr Wilmington, North Carolina 28411 United States Maa It Mailing Address (if different from home address) North Carolina Wilmington United States Map It Home Phone (910)794-7943 Cell Phone (845) 258-0029 Business Phone (910)341-0831 Years living in New Hanover County 17 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race African American Board of Commissic6rs - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 4 Age 55 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer City of Wilmington Occupation Accounting / Fiscal Support Specialist Professional Activities I work for the City of Wilmington in the Parking and Economic Development Department as a fiscal support specialist. Volunteer Activities Evangelical Training Association Instructor / Administrator at NBCC Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I want to get involved with anything to help uplift our African American community. Any helping hand that I can lend would be satisfying. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I would like to see the African American culture improve as a whole. Qualifications for serving: I attend 3 regular committee board meetings in my position at the City as an employee. Familiar with the meeting formats. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Ems Dunston Reference 1 Phone (919)616-0374 Reference 2 Jonathon Barfield Reference 2 Phone (910)233-8780 Reference 3 Yvetta Thompson Reference 3 Phone (914)805-9423 Date 07/21/2021 Board of Commissidners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 5 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissia3hers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 6 i Kianpour, Dahria From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Andrea Davis 1 L �p <application@webformsnhcgov.com> 1 \ %y1+ereS l e.0 Sent: Friday, August 28, 2020 10:50 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Kianpour, Dahria a Ia-� Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Category At large Name Andrea Davis Email A. d avi s865 (a)ya h oo. com Home Address 517 Meares st Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910)442-5750 Years living in New Hanover County 10 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race African -American Age 27 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of CommissioAers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 7 N/A Occupation Student Professional Activities American Library Association student chapter, American Association of Archivists Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I am a long time resident of New Hanover county and I would love to serve in my community. I want to join this committee to improve the preservation of African -American history in a town that is full to the brim with rich cultural history. Also, many of my young peers want to make positive changes in their community but might not know exactly how. I hope I can be a beacon and shine by example. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Preserving physical history, highlighting this history, educating the community and school administration to make sure they are aware and teaching this vast history. Qualifications for serving: I am intimately acquainted with my community and community members. I have a Bachelor's and a Master's degree from two highly accredited Historically Black Colleges and Universities in North Carolina. My bachelor's degree from WSSU is specialized in History and my master's degree from NCCU is in Library and Information science, specifically in African -American communities. I want to bring my skills as an Information professional to my community. In the near future I will be pursuing my PhD to enhance these skills even further. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Donald Thompson Reference 1 Phone (910) 409-2725 Reference 2 Tamara Hart Reference 2 Phone (202)344-5563 Reference 3 Jasmine Lee Reference 3 Phone (910)352-0228 Date 08/28/2020 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause,xtajerity oi�6,omissioners. AUG 2 8 2020 r Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ECC OFF ITEM: 12- 2 - 8 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Lowell Davis <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 8:22 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Category At large Name Lowell Davis Email IowellkdavisCcDg ma i I. com Home Address 1723 Verrazzzano Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) P.O. Box 236 Wrigtsville Beach, NC 28480 United States Map It Home Phone (757) 218-7353 Years living in New Hanover County 1 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race African American Age 40 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? Board of CommissicIners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 9 No Applicant's Employer University of North Carolina Wilmington Occupation Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Professional Activities Journal of the First Year Experience and Students in Transition Editorial Board, November 2009- 2015; North American Association of Summer Sessions, Regional Vice President 2017- 2019; North American Association of Summer Sessions, President Elect, 2019-2021; Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Commission on Colleges (COC); North Carolina Association of Summer Sessions — President -Elect, 2017-2018; North Carolina Association of Summer Sessions — President, 2018-2020; Volunteer Activities Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Achievement Academy Mentor; • 100 Black Men of America, Inc. Board of Directors, 2008- 2012; Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity - "BouIL"; Baptist Children's Home of North Carolina — Board of Visitors, 2019 — Present; West Alabama Chamber of Commerce Livability Team, 2009-2013; Rotary Club of Tuscaloosa Executive Board, 2012-2013; Rotary Club of Waynesville (Sunrise) Executive Board, 2016-2021; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated, Keeper of Records, 2015- 2018; Polemarch, 2018- 2021; • Haywood county, North Carolina, Health and Human Service Agency Board, January 2020 — Present Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? The primary reason I want to serve on this board is to meaningfully contribute to serving New Hanover County and the city of Wilmington around issues that may be sensitive and yet celebratory. I look forward to engaging residents and my peers on the board in conversation about how we can advance the mission of the board. Last but not least, I want to educate others on the work of this board and examine issues from another perspective. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? First of all, I must learn what work has been done by the board. Secondly, I want to make sure the residents of New Hanover County have an understanding of the history of African Americans in this county. Additionally, I want to look for ways to celebrate the growth of the county and the work that has been done. Qualifications for serving: I have the educational background as well as the professional experience, in my opinion to make a meaningful contribution to this board. In my doctoral program, I had an emphasis on the History of Education. Through this formal training and serving as an educator, I am equipped with the necessary tools to deliver information in a way that people can understand while challenging perspectives in a constructive environment. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Bradley Ballou Reference 1 Phone (919) 880-4452 Reference 2 Miles Lackey Reference 2 Phone (919)265-4777 Reference 3 Board of Commissi3ners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 10 Donyell Roseboro Reference 3 Phone (336) 782-1480 Date 08/05/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 11 Kianpour, Dahria From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Tracion Flood <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, June 01, 2020 11:38 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Kianpour, Dahria Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Category At large Name Tracion Flood Email tracie.flood(5cimail.com Home Address 618 Harnett st Apt A Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910) 233-2357 Years living in New Hanover County 30 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race African american Age 49 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissiotlers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 12 Verizon Occupation Financial Services Professional Activities Co Author "Game Changer Life the Anthology" Volunteer Activities Board of Directors MedNorth Finance Committee MedNorth Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I am seeking to create positive social change in my community. Knowledge of self and ancestral history is power and I feel our community and future leaders and missing that. Our community is suffering because we lack knowledge, leaders, and educators within the community. I would like to close that gap in our community. We can not depend on others to raise our future leaders we must start now and education is the key. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I would like to enhance the presence of the committee in the community thereby increasing the knowledge of our African American culture and possibly decreasing the self hate we see daily. Qualifications for serving: Associate General Education CFCC 2010 Bachelor of Business Administration Shaw University 2013 Medical Transcription CFCC 2013 Master of Business Administration Webster University 2016 Current Doctor of Business Administration Walden University expected 2020 US Army veteran E4 Honorable discharge (disabled) List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Dr. Terry Jackson Reference 1 Phone (910)232-0425 Reference 2 Althea Johnson Reference 2 Phone (910)202-8623 Reference 3 Michael Moore Reference 3 Phone (910)604-0600 Date 06/01 /2020 Consent ✓1 understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without crt ci- ' TV9n1A Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2- 13 B 0 C 0 F F NEW HANOVER COUNTY , BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 wamington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798-7149 FAX (910) 798-7145 (�& U" Vt . A+ Board(Committee: NHC COMMISSIONON AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY, HERITAGE AND CULTURE Name: Bernice Sanders Johnson E--Mail. Home n� cy �004 @gYha►1 • CORM Address: 1000 Balfourrive, Wilmington, NC 28412 fZ�e� 1tn0(ACI 5I17 �a� p Mailing Address if different: (CO) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 9103526074 Fax: 9107952487 Cell:9103526074 Business: Years living in New Hanover County: 15 Male: Female: ✓ Race:African American Age. 44 (information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) Do you have a famUy member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name None Employer. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority A person currently employed y the agency or department for which this applicafion is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department Occupation: Senior Project Manager Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: Jack and Jill of America, Inc., Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, NC PTA Board Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? To help identify African American structure and monuments to preserve; build partnerships with other agencies to celebrate AA history. Conflict of Interest. If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Preservation of African American historial sites and celebration of African American culture. Qualiiicadons for serving: Previously employed at The Wilmington Journal which provided extensive historiacal knowledge; active in various aspects of the AA community Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None r List three local personal references and phone numbers: �. Penny Spicer Sidbury, 910-274-5587 2. Tufanna Thomas, 910-409-2028 B 0 0 0 F F. 3. Pat Kusek, 910-200-3677 Date: July 29, 2019 Applications are kept on rife for 18 months Signature I understand that any board or coikmittee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of Couiky Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 14 � DUNTY.h NEW HANOVER COUNTY ° BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, 4 P 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 s ° Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION '? Telephone (910) 798-7149 o r' FAX (910) 798-7145 Board/Committee: African American Commission on History Heritaqe and Culture Category (if applicable): At -Large Name: Marcus A. Lacewell E-Mail: Address: 2517 Flint Drive Wilmington 28401 (City) Mailing Address if different: (Street) (City) Rip Code) Home Phone: Fax: Cell: (910) 352-3643 Business: Years living in New Hanover County: 37 Male: �_ Female: Race: Black Age:41 (information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name Applicant's Employer. Smart Smoothies In accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 7 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy, a person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment. Furthermore, the applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: vender Professional Activities: Sponsor different programs and events for kids in the Creekwood (CW) area Volunteer Activities: organizer of: Azalea Stop the Violence Fest., S.T.V. Movement, CW summer pool program Why do you wish to serve on this boarftommittee? give equal opportunities Conflict of interest: If aboard member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a pubfic meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himselNherself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? install the goal of success in the minds of minority kids while providing them with opportunities to succeed Qualifications forserving: organizing and sponsoring events and programs that expose African American kids to different types of success Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: �yT-3 List three local personal references and phone numbers: �. John Muesser (910)547-8153 (! 2. Tarence Williams (910)200-6121 B O C OFF. 3. Ursula Greene (910)231-2727 Date: 0-5-6 a ° &' 5 Signature M geo 5 CG_�� Q /l Applications are kept on file for 18 mon@Bard of Comm4-W#WRft"0f bSff* or committee appointee may be removed Please use reverse side for additional comments IT T gaufq by a majority of County Commissioners. Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Christine McDow <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 11:59 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Category At large Name Christine McDow Email christine.a.mcdow(ftmaiI.com Home Address 152 N Front St #2541 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United States MaD It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Mai) It Home Phone (910)392-2594 Years living in New Hanover County 23 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race African American Age 23 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 16 Applicant's Employer FSG Occupation Associate Consultant Professional Activities Sponsors for Educational Opportunity Career Ambassador Volunteer Activities Hospice Volunteer Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I bring to the table passion, grit, and innovation. As a black studies major in college I wrote my thesis on black history in Wilmington. I want to share this history more broadly. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Preserving the Williston Room Qualifications for serving: Black Studies Major, Undergraduate, Middlebury College '21 Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Kenny House Reference 1 Phone (910) 297-6432 Reference 2 Clifford Barnett Reference 2 Phone (910)799-4646 Reference 3 Robin Boltz Reference 3 Phone (919) 416-2914 Additional comments: www.listenwitnessamplify.org Date 08/09/2021 Consent ✓I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 17 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jorey Stanley <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2021 1:40 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Attachments: Resume_2021.docx.pdf ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission on African American History, Heritage and Culture Category At large Name Jorey Stanley Email loreystan IeyCa)a mail.com Home Address 2514 Ashby Dr Wilmington, North Carolina 28411-6183 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (704)797-1986 Years living in New Hanover County VA Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Afro-American/Black Age 25 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Board of Commissiobers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 18 Applicant's Employer Perfect Touch Rental LLC Occupation Administative Associate/Graduate Student Professional Activities Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, Member (Perfect Touch Rental LLC) 2020-Present Smart Start Parents As Teacher Advisory Committee, Advisory Member 2019-Present NHC Disaster Coalition Child Welfare Committee, Member 2020-Present Volunteer Activities UNCW African American Graduate Association (AAGA), Secretary 2020-Present StepUp Wilmington Board of Young Professionals 2019-Present Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I would like to serve on the NHC African American Heritage Commission to aid in the preservation, interpretation, and promotion of regional African American history and cultures. After working as an educator with Cape Fear Museum, I became more aware of the richness and complexity of the history of Lower Cape Fear and the need for more informed and inspired storytelling about African American cultures. I want to help bring greater diversity Ito the fields of research and storytelling by working with the board to build collaborative platforms that equip communtiy members with the tools to increase agency over their own narratives and ideas as our community grows. I am especially excited to share my perspective on centering joy through the promotion of Black history and cultures in order to provide more complex narratives that acknowledge our shared trauma while focusing on a framework rooted in our shared resilience and innovation. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? -Increased opportunities for cultural and historic explorations through the arts -Increased opportunities for local Black historians to own businesses, promote their research, and share their ideas across various platforms -An increased collaboration between community members, educators, and historians to tell more inclusive historic and cultural narratives through the creation of curriculum and educational tools -Increased opportunities for BIPOC business owners to utilize the rich history of this area to promote their business and enhance collaboration in our tourism and film industry Qualifications for serving: From my time with Cape Fear Museum, I developed a better understanding of key historic moments of the region and the socio- political factors that helped to shape our community today. I now have the tools to craft narratives using a historic lens and find key connections between our past and our present. I have extensive experience in community building and educational leadership to provide engaging and accessible experiences. I am also enrolled in the UNCW Master of Public Administration and working to enhance my professional research and data analysis skills that could serve the board in identifying and promoting heritage sites, compiling resources for educators, extending the work of national programs, and independent initiatives. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Manny Lloyd Reference 1 Phone (910)538-4600 Board of Commissi3ners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 19 Reference 2 Lettie Shumate Reference 2 Phone (910)233-7849 Reference 3 Sean Palmer Reference 3 Phone (706) 627-1124 Additional comments: Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/J*orey-s-55ab9ll3O/ Upload additional information. • Resume 2021.docx.odf Date 07/17/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 20 Jorey Stanley 2514 Ashby Drive, Wilmington, NC 28411 Cell: (704) 797-1986 Email: joreystanley@gmail.com PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Proactive and resourceful professional adept at providing excellent customer service and ensuring that information is accessible to a broad range of community members and constituents. Extensive experience working with key community leaders and agencies to eliminate educational, health, and general resource barriers. Diverse background in community service and educational leadership with a strong cultural competency. Able to perform well independently and in teams, as well as efficiently manage multiple projects. SKILLS & ATTRIBUTES • 5+ years of educational programming for a variety of ages • Ability to work collaboratively with diverse populations • Exceptional familiarity with community resources and regional history • Strong interpersonal, problem solving, and communication skills PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Administrative Associate, Perfect Touch Rental LLC • Perform a wide range of clerical and organizational tasks (June 2021-Present) • Assist in scheduling, calendaring and confirming tasks, activities and appointments • Provide general office support including copying, faxing, filing, office errands, creating documents and printing and binding documents for client meetings Museum Educator, Cape Fear Museum of History and Science (November 2018-June 2021) • Identified and connected with community partners to help eliminate educational and public resource barriers • Created and led hands-on S.T.E.A.M. programs tailored to weekly themes for diverse family audiences • Filmed, directed, and produced weekly educational videos, including bilingual videos • Developed proposals and worked collaboratively to provide diverse content with a focus on regional culture, history, and community • Aided museum staff and volunteers in managing front desk operations, greeting museum patrons, and coordinating special events Assistant Site Director, Museum of Life and Science (June 2018-August 2018) • Managed the day-to-day operations of summer camp, supervise up to 200 campers per week, 22 paid staff and 13 teen volunteers • Professionally handled interactions with parents, community members, and museum personnel • Maintained safety and well-being for all campers, staff, and volunteers by modeling appropriate behavior, problem solving and providing support • Prepared and presented pre -developed science programs Direct Support Staff, The Arc of Wilmington (September 2017-June 2018) • Cared for individuals with chronic and acute health conditions associated with cerebral palsy and autism • Assisted with skill development and everyday activities to increase independence and community inclusion • Recorded and documented individual's development in daily progress notes YWCA Lead Group Facilitator, Wilmington, NC (August 2017-May 2018) • Created and implemented curriculum and educational activities centered around youth development and positive self-identity • Provided resources, support, and services to establish practical skillsets, emotional intelligence, positive coping skills, and culturally appropriate health information in elementary and middle school youth • Marketed program services to increase program presence within the community and collaborated with professionals in various fields to host trainings, workshops, and panel Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 21 COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP • NHC Disaster Coalition Child Welfare Committee, Member (2020-Present) o Work to address the unique needs of children (ages 0-18) before, during, and after a disaster, and is especially focused on planning for future events • UNCW African American Graduate Association, Secretary (2019-Present) o Responsible for making and preserving a record of all proceedings of the alumni chapter meetings. o Perform other duties as prescribed by the president and the alumni chapter. • Smart Start Parents As Teachers, Advisor (2019-Present) o Advise and provide support for the development and promotion of the Parents as Teachers affiliate o Help provide input into program planning and relevant community resources • StepUp Wilmington, Board of Young Professionals Member (2019-Present) o Support StepUp Wilmington's mission to improve job placement in New Hanover county o Attend monthly meetings to network with young and seasoned professionals in various fields AWARDS/NOMINATIONS WilmingtonBiz 40 Under 40 (2021) • Winner of young professional award for impactful work in our community YWCA Woman of Achievement, Trailblazer Category (2020) • Nominated for strong commitment to innovation, advocacy, and social change within my field Wilma's Women to Watch, Rising Star Category (2020) • Nominated as a woman under 30 making an impact in our community EDUCATION University of North Carolina Wilmington, B.S. Environmental Science, History & Spanish Minors University of North Carolina Wilmington, M.A. Public Administration (In progress) Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 2 - 22 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 Govemment center Drive, Suite 175 '; ArQL Mimington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATI Telephone (910) 70-7149 13 _ FAX (910) 798-7145 ° C ieS: �,iVil P��i 5t� BoarwCommittee: P r„�l k a,r1 %e_y Co, �' _n r� m ; ��, ; n n n n r� c� n �1 rY,�.►% _� �, Name: Linda Thomas E4"►►.lthomas@lincnc.org Home Ad1rew.123 South loth Street Wilmington 28401 Mailing Address if different: Home Phone: (910) 660-2657 (Zip Code) Fax: Ce/h. (910) 617-6230 Business: 332-1138 Years living in New Hanover County. 28 Male: Female: 4 Race -African American Age:61 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? ff yes, name N/A Employer. LILAC, Inc. A Person cwrendy empbye'd by the agency or department for which this appflcation Is made, must resign his/her posftbn with New Hanovcv County upon appointment, in ammlance **h Article VI, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover county Pe►sonner aohfcy. Furthermore, appticent should have no Immediate thaW member employed hysuch agency or department Occupation: Lead Case Manager Professional ActivNes: peering with UNCW, Coastal Horizons, RESET, & Probation VolunteerAcfivides: Jack & Jill, Feeding the Homeless, Commwnity Outreach., Working with childre Why do you wish to serve on this boardicommittee? To serve my communities and overall city Contrkt of interrast If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular Issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a punk meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary Interest, either dtretx or lndlec{ In the Issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himsefffherseff from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Our communities aad our children Qualiiicadons for serving: other municipal or county boards✓committees on which you are serving: s_ List three local personal references and phone numbers: Michelle Gunn (910) 2. Frankie Roberts (910)262-1600 BOC O F F 3. Rev. Thomas Nixon (910)762-982ck Date: 7/29/2019 )101 i a I signature J A4 /".V / Appiftatiom are kept on fife for f8 months I understand a y board or cominiffee appointee may be removed W"hout cause by majority of County commissioners. Please use reverse sidle for additional comments Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ___ . ITEM: 12- 2 - 23 NEW HANOVER COUNTY print tear For BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS - 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798-7149 A _ FAX (910) 798-7145 Board(Committee: t?4gncger trt Name: j . , Q A !g er E-Mail: S�{ID� m �nl Wi Address: 9 101 L.1 D o -Dc ► \re- IA 110 w►1 01 dr), n L11 i Mailing Address if different: q10 Home Phone: -1 b g - �2�'i Fax: (City) (Zip Code) 6710 Cell: Business: 3 sk— ) Gtv Years living in New Hanover County: - + I Male: Female: V/ Race: 1/V Age: (information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name % J O Employer. S-C - k2I a r - Co M rn u n t�Ci N \cc.yYc c,e r A person currently employed by the agen&l or department for which this application is made, infist resign his/her p&Won with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vi, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Professional Activities: Volunteer Activities: r Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? Td Cal A Wk f-C•�Ga.�(Z�rr-- �` re CAbC.t fhAv (� f'i'YYi r^,(�nn-��x ► la.t.- �1�D�M � �U td�Ctri'C.l� �n�� /tu�l �'�Xtu i�.l �( �CS Conflict of interest: If a board member believes he/she has a confA& dr potential conflict o/ interest on a particular issue, that members utd state this belief to the other members of his/her respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either direct or indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. t rW,hat areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? VYl.� t(� a l!,oG►V► C t i W"- dy 16 c c A AM o .ri f iAn e'Lv,n i f.0 AAA 6 ; n e-<C-CA -e-C.0 _ Ili, --I V . _ - Qualmscations for serving: Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1. 2. 3. Date: 0 Signature I understand that any b d or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional comments Board oi Corprioner -Li ITEM: 12- 2 - 24 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT New Hanover County Commission for Women Vacancy: Term: unexpired, expiring 5/31/22 Applicants Eligible for Reappointment Nominations Monica Franklin Michaelle Gady Donna Marie Guillaume, RN, PhD Michaela Howells Carolyn Kleman Jessica Lightner Mireya Lupercio Alexandra Lysik Marie Parker Joanne Phillips Anne Russell Lauren Vilar Attachments: Committee Information Sheet Applications Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN Number of Members: 11 members 1 YWCA Lower Cape Fear CEO or Designee 5 appointed by County Commissioners; 5 appointed by Wilmington City Council Terms: Each member of the Commission shall be appointed to serve a term of three (3) years, or until a successor is appointed; provided however, that on the initial Commission, three (3) of the members shall serve a term of one (1) year; three (3) of the members shall serve a term of two (2) years; four (4) of the members, including the YWCA Lower Cape Fear CEO, or designee, shall serve a term of three (3) years. Members shall serve no more than two (2) full successive terms unless there is a break of at least one (1) full term between appointments. Regular Meetings: Fourth Wednesday of every month at 4:00 p.m. Statute or cause creating Board: BOCC bylaws adopted August 12, 2019. Brief on the functions: The Commission shall be organized for the purpose of acting as an advocate for women and a resource of information on the status of women in New Hanover County for the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Board) and Wilmington City Council (Council): • To identify the status of women and assess the needs of women in New Hanover County (County) and the City of Wilmington (City); • To provide a status of women in New Hanover County report on an annual basis to the Board and Council; • To provide information and recommendations to the Board and Council on the needs and issues important to women as it deems necessary in improving and upholding the opportunities in employment, education and community services for all people, regardless of sex; • To work toward the betterment of the status of women with respect to employment and educational opportunities, health services, childcare services, welfare services, financial services, and community leadership opportunities; • To serve as an umbrella to coordinate and support all women's initiatives, organizations, and networks in the County and the City including coordinating and cooperating with the YWCA and other organizations involved in activities on the status of women; and • To conduct educational seminars in collaboration with other organizations for residents and businesses in the County and the City. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION N w""" qver,County Members .: ' �`_ ,k. ��. ��� ., Sheila Evans, Chair 818 Bradshaw Terrace First 10/21/19 5/31/23 Wilmington, NC 28409 910-233-5480 (C) Bhairavi Jeganathan, Vice -Chair 2153 Fowler Street First 10/21 /19 5/31 /23 Wilmington, NC 28403 443-424-2472 (C) Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN CONT. Meaghan Lewis, Secretary 215 Kenwood Ave. Unexpired 11/16/20 5/31/23 Wilmington, NC 28405 910-607-2417 (C) April Scott 1406 Weimaraner Ct. First 5/17/2021 5/31/24 Wilmington, NC 28411 910-431-2512 (C) Natosha Tew 5128 Greenville Loop Road, Apt. C First 10/21/19 5/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28409 910-777-1444 (C) 910-765-7458 City" of Wilming#on"Members " "" Jane Birnbach 233 Racine Dr., Unit 6 First 2/18/20 2/18/22 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-612-0891 (C) 910-763-4424, ext. 110 Vacant 5/19/22 Kimberly Spader 411 S. 18th St. First 3/17/20 6/18/24 Wilmington, NC 28403 Second 5/18/21 910-585-5223 (H) Bridget Tarrant 111 South 9th St. Wilmington, NC 28401 First 2/18/20 2/18/22 708-917-1148 (C) Debbie Todd 3808 Antelope Trail First 3/17/20 6/18/23 Wilmington, NC 28409 Second 5/18/21 910-231-0750 (C) YWCA Lower Cape Fear CEO or Designee: Velva Jenkins, CEO First 10/21 /19 10/31 /22 910-799-6820 Ex. Officio Member: Representative of the North Carolina Council for TBD TBD Women TBD Staff liaison: Linda Thompson Chief Diversity and Equity Officer 230 Government Center Dr., Suite 120 Wilmington, NC 28403 Revised 7/2021 910-798-7414 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 3 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Monica Franklin <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 6:56 PM eD- M 14est4Ed To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women 'j l Iq 10L Attachments: MonicaFranklin-CV1.pdf ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Monica Franklin Email m.barboza(@msn.com Home Address 6421 Chalfont Cir Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States MaD It Home Phone (910) 233-0324 Years living in New Hanover County 6 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White -Hispanic Age 39 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer N/A Occupation Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 4 Homemaker Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? Serve the community I live in and its member is a rewarding experience for any person. Qualifications for serving: Dedication, experience in working related matters of equality and the will to empower women to be their best. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None list three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Angela Goodhand Reference 1 Phone (910)350-8015 Reference 2 Courtney Nason Reference 2 Phone (910) 350-8015 Reference 3 Jennifer Erdmann Reference 3 Phone (910)431-7827 Upload additional information. • MonicaFranklin-CV1.pdf Date 04/28/2021 Consent ✓I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 5 Monica Franklin +1 (910) 233 0324 1 m.barbozaCa msn.com 16421 Chalfont Cir., Wilmington, NC 28405 Professional Summary Deliver consistent and professional work for every assignment. Offer i5 years of experience. Quality -driven administrative professional with solid background smoothly handling high -volume workloads. Prepare documents, Efficient database administration and customer relations abilities. Highly organized and efficient. Manage financial and office administrative needs with excellent judgment. Write, edit and deliver error -free documents and correspondence. Skills • Detail oriented • Decision making • Time management • Inventory organization • Written communication • Administrative support • Customer relations Experience International Administrative Assistant July 2019 - July 2020 Biocomposites Inc., Wilmington, North Carolina, United States • Processed orders for Canadian Hospitals and Latin America distributors. • Billing all daily sales for Canada and Latin America. Billing assistance for US sales. Follow up of Accounts Receivable from all Canadian Hospitals to completion. • Provided accurate information for all distributors monthly commissions. Ensured accuracy of daily sales reports. Ensure compliance for orders travelling to Latin America. • Redesign and created new forecast for the International Department years 2019, 202o and 2021, correlated with expenses and budget. • Improved inventory levels and procedures. Created a new inventory reconciliation system. • Boosted inventory accuracy to +98% of compliance • Customized agreement schedules for hospitals and distributors to ensure all contracts are updated. Processed new customers, new consignment agreements and followed up to t00% completion. • Modernized and organized and updated file systems, keeping records easily retrievable. • Developed solid relationships with staff, customers, and distributors. Administration Manager Grupo Kawi C.A., Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela August 2004 - August 2014 • Broad experience in all aspects of auditing and management. Direct experience with purchasing and cost controls. • Coordinated Human resources management under existing law, Including hiring staff, contract discussions. • Planned and oversaw costs control systems, evaluation of risks. Coordinating procurement and purchasing when required. Calculating and controlling the budget for different projects by estimating and keeping the stock of working tools and materials needed, recording working hours and managing financial resources. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 6 • Expedited and coordinated the supply of materials for the building process, in order to meet quality standards and customer specifications. • Boosted the relationship between the company and municipal authorities, in order to obtain building permits. Project Cost Controller September 2000 - July 2004 CohemiL C.A., Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela • Managed financial operations in Line with current federal, state and general accounting standards. • Improved internal control structures by revamping guidelines for areas such as budget administration and accounting oversight. • Tracked daily activities for consistent reporting. Education Business Administration (Applying to complete) - UNC Pembroke, Pembroke, North Carolina, United States Industrial Enginnering - Instituto Universitario PoLitecnico Santiago Marino, Maracaibo, May 2009 Zulia, Venezuela Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 7 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Michealle Gady <application@webformsnhcgov.com> 1 Sent: Monday, May 3, 2021 12:13 PM I yl- eresvej To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women 1 115 I a Attachments: StaffBiosl .pdf ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Michealle Gady Email michealle(cDatromitosconsultino.com Home Address 925 Mound Battery Rd WILMINGTON, North Carolina 28403 United States Mai) It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (703)850-7127 Cell Phone (703) 850-7127 Business Phone (910) 294-1829 Years living in New Hanover County 5 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 43 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 8 No Applicant's Employer Atromitos, LLC Occupation Founder, President & CEO Professional Activities Please refer to my Linkedln Profile for a comprehensive overview of my current and professional activities. hftps://www.linkedin.com/in/micheallecarpenter/ Volunteer Activities Board of Directors, Member, Cape Fear Literacy Council (Wilmington) - Current Board of Directors, Member, A Safe Place (Wilmington) - Current Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? As the founder and President & CEO of a woman -owned small business in Wilmington, I want to engage in initiatives and support policy development that furthers the economic wellbeing on women in our community. My background in health and social services means that I understand the importance of public programs in keeping women out of poverty or helping them get out of poverty. I'd like to contribute my knowledge and experience to help New Hanover County in ensuring women in our community have the supports they need to achieve their best wellbeing, as well as that of their children. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Addressing the economic well being of women in the community through support for business ownership and improving health and human services support programs to ensure women and their children can achieve their best wellbeing. Qualifications for serving: Please see Linkedln Profile for qualifications. https://www.linkedin.com/in/micheallecarpenter/ At a high level: President and CEO, Founder, Atromitos, LLC Former Chief Strategy Officer, Emtiro Health Former Expert Advisor, Nous Group (Australia/UK) Former Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates Former Senior Health Policy Analyst, Families USA Former Health Counsel, U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett Former Deputy Director and Counsel, Medicare Rights Center Former Congressional Aide, U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman Member, American College of Healthcare Executives, American Health Law Association Admitted, CT Bar - Admitted J.D., Quinnipiac University School of Law B.S. Rehabilitation Services, Springfield College Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Tina Simpson Reference 1 Phone (919) 749-2282 Reference 2 Craig Snow Reference 2 Phone Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 9 (910)367-6229 Reference 3 Yasmin Tomkinson Reference 3 Phone (910) 251-0911 Upload additional information. • StaffBios1.pdf Date 05/03/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 10 Driven by a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt, "You must do the things you think you cannot do," Michealle founded Atromitos to help partners do what they think they cannot. In her role as President, Michealle oversees strategy, planning, and policy work for its partners and the day-to-day operations of Atromitos. The words used most often to describe her are "She gets things done." Michealle takes years of law and policy experience and puts it to work for partners who are trying to succeed in an environment of constant change. Michealle fully understands the intricate process of bringing an organization through change and the need to balance competing forces to succeed. Michealle has honed her ability to think strategically and creatively in her prior roles and brings these skills to all of Atromitos' partners. EXPERIENCE Recent relevant projects include: • Support providers in Medicaid managed care contract review, strategy, and negotiations with health plans, with a focus on value -based payment arrangements and population health management requirements. • Provide technical assistance to local health departments to prepare for Medicaid transformation, including an operational readiness assessment and training on Medicaid managed care regulatory requirements. • Conduct a market assessment for a virtual health provider to assess Medicaid state markets and identify regulatory requirements that require platform, clinical, and business model changes to enter the Medicaid market. • Oversee the governance, regulatory, operational and communication process during the corporate restructure of a joint venture company, including unwinding and dissolving a nonprofit corporation member of the JV. Evaluate health care organizations in the US and Canada to identify key attributes integral to being a high -performing person -centered health care organization on behalf of the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. Support Medicaid managed care organizations in the development of proposals in response to competitive Requests for Proposals issued by state Medicaid agencies, including for Medicaid managed care, other public insurance programs, and innovative transformation demonstrations and pilots issued by the CMS Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovations. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS =� _ 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798-7149 = FAX (910) 798-7145 P ` Board/Committee: NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSION FOR WOMEN Name: Donna Marie Guillaume,RN,PhD E-Mail: donnaguillaume@ymail.com Home Address.2373 Lakeside Circle Wilmington NC 28401 (Street) (Zip- code) Mailing Address if different: (City) (zip Code) Home Phone: Fax: Cell: 508-736-9137 Business: Years living in New Hanover County: 1 Male: Female: ✓ Race: Whi to Age: 67 (Information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name Employer. A person currently employed by the agency or department for which this application is made, must resign his/her position with New Hanover County upon appointment, in accordance with Article Vl, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Retired Professional Activities: RN, Senior Project Manager Volunteer Activities: Church Why do you wish to serve on this board/committee? As a wife, mother, grandmother I have tried to be an example of how women survive and succeed in a challenging world. Want to be a catalist Conflict of Interest: If a board member believes he/she has a conflict or potential conflict of interest on a particular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of hisrher respective board during a public meeting. The member should state the nature of the conflict, detailing that he/she has a separate, private, or monetary interest, either director indirect, in the issue under consideration. The member should then excuse himself/herself from voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Women support needs ; women self-empowerment,Equality and descrimination,women opportunities, women educational needs Qualification for serving: Worked in heal tcare, Nenatal Intensive Care, Labor and Deliver, Quality and Patient Safety, Medicaid and Medicare, Adult learner MS at age 50, Phd age 60 Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: t Julie Soares 508-736-4941 JUL 10 ZOZI 2. Ronald Guillaume 774-230-8146 R.00 0f F 3. Alan Head 910-264-8038 Date: 7 / 14 / 2 021 Signature C;p asNl��Ck Applications are kept on file for 18 months I understand that any board or committee appointee may be oved Please use reverse side for additional commentswithout cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 12 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Michaela Howells <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, May 3, 2021 4:54 PM V*eres+Cd To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women (�q Io� Attachments: Howells-CV-May-2021.pdf ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Michaela Howells Email howellsm(a_uncw.edu Home Address 5130 Fitzgerald Dr. Apt, suite, floor, etc. Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) 5130 Fitzgerald Dr. Apt, suite, floor, etc. Wilmington, NC 28405 United States Mai) It Home Phone (303) 889-9592 Years living in New Hanover County 7 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 40 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 13 Applicant's Employer University of North Carolina at Wilmington Department of Anthropology Occupation Assistant Professor of Biological Anthropology Professional Activities My professional activities reflect my expertise and interest in women's health and equity. Background and Introduction I am a biological anthropologist and human biologist who specializes in the intersection of biology and culture. My focus is on the disparities of health, and health equity particularly surrounding women and gender. I have experience working for and with diverse communities at the local regional, national, and international level. Relevant Professional Research As a professional, I have designed, conducted, and developed research on a range of women focused issues. These range from studying the impacts of stress on pregnant women in New Hanover Country following Hurricane Florence, to addressing disparities in treatment in pregnant Pacific Islander women during delivery, and women's barriers to protection from Zika Virus in American Samoa and in Guatemala. I have also conducted and published research addressing women's barriers to STEM careers in the United States. Most recently I have spearheaded a collaborative campaign to address period poverty and menstrual equity in New Hanover Country. In addition to raising over 25,000 menstrual products to address the short term need of menstruating people in New Hanover County, I collaborated on education and outreach regarding this unmet need with multiple community partners including SEEDS of Healing, YWCA Lower Cape Fear, the Frank Harr Foundation, and the League of Women Voters of the Lower Cape Fear. Relevant Work Experience - Assistant Professor Biological Anthropology University of North Carolina Wilmington (Tenure granted and begins August 2021) - Affiliate Professor UNCW Women and Gender Studies - Member UNCW Gender Studies Research Center Advisory Board - Chair Public Relations for the Human Biology Association (outgoing) - Nursing Assistant Specializing in Elder Care and Rehabilitation (8 years of experience) Volunteer Activities My volunteer activities reflect my commitment to gender equity and reducing barriers to resources. I am committed to opportunities that take an intersectional approach to community needs. I am active volunteer with multiple organizations in New Hanover County. These include the NAACP, SEEDS of Healing, Frank Harr Foundation, and SAGE. Some highlights include: -Periods Don't Stop for Pandemics (2021): Organized a county wide campaign of menstrual hygiene products. This campaign is ongoing at the time of this application, but we have raised over 25,000+ donations as of 5/3/21. These materials will be distributed to multiple partners (including YWCA Lower Cape Fear, A Safe Place, Bridges of Wilmington, Good Shepard Center, LINC INC, Roots of Recovery, Walking Tall, UNCW Hawk's Harvest and more), This event was a collaboration with SEEDS of Healing, Frank Harr Foundation, YWCA Lower Cape Fear, League of Women Voters Lower Cape Fear, UNCW Gender Research Center, UNCW Department of Anthropology, and I Support the Girls. -Member of the NAACP Health Care Committee. Developing and supporting strategies to address vaccine hesitancy. -AIDS Quilts Come to Wilmington (2019). Collaborated with UNCW, the Frank Harr Foundation and SEEDS of Healing to bring examples of the AIDS Quilts to Wilmington. I developed and delivered educational and training materials to over 135 community volunteers. I also hosted two community documentary film screenings (Thalian Hall and UNCW) and facilitated a panel discussion about stigma and access to resources. Black women are one of the fastest growing groups of HIV+ people in the South Eastern United States and this event helps increase education and decrease stigma around the disease. -The Frank Harr Foundation and SAGE invited me to act as a moderator and host of a racial equity training for their board. We watched the three-part documentary Race: Power of Illusion and discussed it over a three-week period. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 14 My research, teaching, and community volunteering has centered around addressing gender -based challenges on a local, national, and international level and I feel that my skills and background could complement those already on the committee. I am looking forward to the opportunity to serve New Hanover County as a member of this board. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I am looking forward to supporting the initiatives currently underway by the committee. I would also be very interested in working with the committee to assess and address menstrual inequity as well as addressing particular needs of women following natural disasters (hurricanes etc) in New Hanover County. During a crisis, it becomes harder for people to manage their periods in a safe and dignified manner. Financial strain, job loss, and homelessness can all compound this challenge. In North Carolina, 20% of women and girls aged 12 to 44 and 25% of trans and non -binary people live below the federal poverty line, reducing access to menstrual hygiene products. Additionally, 63% of female students grades 7-12 in N.C. public schools attend Title I Eligible schools, meaning they are low-income and cannot afford basic menstrual hygiene products. In the United States, 1 in 5 women have reported missing school, work, or other responsibilities because they lack necessary period supplies - at a cost to both workers and employers. I would like to work with the committee to determine the magnitude of this challenge in New Hanover County and see how we can effect change. I see an important step of this to be working with the New Hanover County School Board to assess need and barriers to menstrual hygiene materials among our students and have initiated these conversations. Qualifications for serving: I have a deep-seated interest in serving as an At Large Member on the New Hanover County Commission for Women. My professional and volunteer experience makes me particularly qualified for this appointment. As a professional I have successfully served in multiple leadership positions. I recently completed a three-year term on the National Board of the Human Biology Executive Community as the Public Relations Chair. At UNCW I served as a Member of the UNCW Gender Studies Board, Faculty Senator for the Department of Anthropology, as a member of the Honors Advisory Committee and the Undergraduate Research Committee. I have sought out multiple leadership training opportunities. In addition, I have completed multiple racial and gender equity trainings and workshops to increase my knowledge surrounding the diversity of needs within our community. My research (detailed above) and professional training has focused heavily on women's health and barriers to resources (including following disasters like Hurricane Florence). It reflects my dedication to supporting women's diverse needs across their lifespan. My professional and volunteer work highlights my skills as a collaborative team player with effective research and personal skills. My international experience provides additional perspective on women's issues on an international, national, and local level. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: I am not serving on other municipal or county board/ committees List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Representative Deb Butler Reference 1 Phone (919)733-5754 Reference 2 Deborah Dicks Maxwell (President of New Hanover County NAACP) Reference 2 Phone (910) 508-9414 Reference 3 LeShonda Wallace, PhD, FNP-BC (Director SEEDS of Healing) Reference 3 Phone Board of Commission;rs - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 15 (973)342-0979 Additional comments: Thank you for your consideration of my application for position on the New Hanover County Commission for Women. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. I look forward to the opportunity to serve. Upload additional information. • Howells-CV-May-2021.odf Date 05/03/2021 Consent V*I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 16 MICHAELA HOWELLS University of North Carolina Wilmington Department of Anthropology Osprey Hall 601 S College Rd Wilmington, NC 28403 (303) 889-9592 howellsm@uncw.edu May 2021 CURRENT POSITIONS Assistant Professor. Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina Wilmington Affiliate Faculty. Women and Gender Studies, University of North Carolina Wilmington Adjunct. Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado Boulder Director. UNCW GAPS Lab (Growth Adaptation Pregnancy Stress Lab), University of North Carolina Wilmington Director. Balinese Macaque Ethnoprimatology Field School. Bali, Indonesia EDUCATION Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2013. Dissertation Title: Maternal psychosocial stress and neonate outcomes on the Pacific island of Tutuila. Dissertation Director: D.L. Dufour. Certificate in College Teaching, University of Colorado Boulder, 2013. M.A. Anthropology. Iowa State University, 2006. Thesis Title: Chimpanzees, humans and parasites: sympatry in southeastern Senegal. Thesis Director: J. Pruetz. B.A. Anthropology. Central Washington University, 2002. Honors Thesis Title: Aggression and use of space with move to a novel environment in Cebus apella. Thesis Director: M. Matheson B.S. Primate Behavior and Ecology. Central Washington University, 2002. A.A. Green River Community College, 2000. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor— UNCW August 2015 — Present • Introduction to Anthropology — Four Field Approach (ANT 105) • Introduction to Physical Anthropology (ANT 210) Human Origins (ANT 320) Human Biological Variation (ANT 324) • Human Growth and Development (ANT 325) • Medical Anthropology (ANT 346) • Directed Independent Study (ANT 491) — UNCW Students: Tamara Capps, Mead Krowka, Taryn April, Michael Coszalter, Katherine Woolard,Michelle Pieters, Latisha Rivera, Jennifer Rankin, Alayna Brehm, Kaitlyn Lowrence, Lauren King, Elizabeth Boswell, Cara Stompor, Kathleen Chapman, Alexandria Stephenson, Alexandra Stephens Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 17 Lecturer — UNCW August 2014 — July 2015 • Introduction to Anthropology (ANT 105) • Physical Anthropology (ANT 210) • Human Biological Variation (ANT 324) • Human Growth and Development (ANT 325) University Instructor January — March 2011 Introduction to Psychology (PSYCH 150) American Samoa Teacher Education Program, American Samoa Community College May -July 2010 • Introduction to Physical Anthropology 1 (ANTH 2O10) University of Colorado, Boulder January -May 2009 & August — December 2008 • Primate Behavior (ANTH 3000) University of Colorado, Boulder Field Teaching Experience Summer 2016, 2017, 2018 Instructor Ethnographic methods: Balinese Macaque Ethnoprimatology Field School. Bali, Indonesia. December 2005 — January 2006 Teaching Assistant: Primate Behavior and Ecology field school, La Suerte Biological Field Station, University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign June 2004 - August 2004 Teaching Assistant: Primate Behavior and Ecology field school (1' and 2na sessions) El Zota Biological Field Station - Costa Rica, Iowa State University and Indiana University Lead Graduate Teacher 2007-2008 & 2009-2010 • Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder Pedagogical Research (University of Colorado Boulder) May 2009-August 2009 - McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program • Research Assistant and Academic Counselor. Provided direction and research support for undergraduate McNair Scholars. July -September 2008 - Graduate Teacher Program • Research Assistant — Center for the Integration of Research Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) Network. Interviewed STEM teachers to determine role of CIRTL in their discipline. Teaching Assistantship (2002-2014) • Human Evolutionary Biology (ANTH 4110) — University of Colorado, Boulder (UCB) Lab Instructor for Physical Anthropology I (ANTH 2O30) UCB • Lab Instructor for Physical Anthropology 2 (ANTH 2O40) UCB • Introduction to Women's Studies (WMST 2000) UCB • Introduction to Physical Anthropology (ANTH 2O10) UCB 2 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 18 • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (ANTHR 201) Iowa State University (ISU) • Biological Anthropology and Archaeology (ANTHR 202) ISU • Globalization and the Human Condition (ANTHR 230) ISU • Biological Anthropology (ANTH 110) Central Washington University (CWU) • Advanced Biological Anthropology (ANTH 311) CWU Pedagogical Training (Select) 2020 UNCW Information Literacy Fellowship (2 months) 2020 UNCW Course Design Institute (1 month) 2020 Eight ways to connect your students with support this semester. UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence 2020 Teaching through a disaster. Again. UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence. 2020 Sticking the landing: How to close the semester from a place of strength. UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Extramural Grants 2020 National Science Foundation. $26,476 18-504 Biological Anthropology Program — Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants. "Thermogenesis and Energetic Costs in Humans". Co -PI: Ocobock C, Howells ME, Niclou AM. (Note: Project suspended due to COVID-19) 2018 Natural Hazards Center $2,000 Quick Response Application (NSF) 2016 Pacific Society of Reproductive Health $15,000 Send Hope not Flowers 2015 Wenner Gren Foundation $5,000 Engaged Anthropologist Grant 2011 Wenner Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant $19,940 Osmundsen Initiative $4,860 2010 National Science Foundation $19,985 2008 American Association University Women $1,000 2005 American Society of Primatologists $1,450 2005 Explorers Club $1,200 2005 Sigma XI — Grant in Aid $997 Extramural Grants — Applied for Not Funded 3 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 19 2019 AAPA Cobb Professional Development Grant $6,500 (Not Funded) 2019 National Science Foundation $954,779 (Not Funded) (Dynamic Coupled Human Systems) 2018 RAPID - NSF $32,400 (Not Funded) 2018 Wenner Gren Foundation $20,000 (Not Funded) 2018 National Science Foundation $954,779 (Not Funded) (Dynamic Coupled Human Systems) 2017 National Geographic Society $33,450 (Not Funded) 2017 National Science Foundation $315,808 (Not Funded) (Cultural and Biological Anthropology) 2017 Wenner Gren $19,850 (Not Funded) 2016 Wenner Gren $19,940 (Not Funded) 2016 National Science Foundation $126,124 (Not Funded) (Cultural Anthropology) 2016 Wenner Gren $19,940 (Not Funded) Intramural Grants (Home Institution) 2020 UNCW Travel Grant (Hazards Workshop) $1,000 2019 UNCW Travel Grant (Samoa) $1,000 2019 UNCW Travel Grant (Hazards Workshop) $1,000 2019 UNCW CAS Pilot Grant $3,500 2019 UNCW SURCA Grant - Hurricane Pregnancy $5,000 2018 UNCW Hurricane Pedagogy Grant $500 2018 UNCW SURCA Grant - Inking of Immunity $5,000 2017 UNCW Dean's Fund $30,000 2017 UNCW ETEAL Supported Pedagogy Initiative $10,000 2016 UNCW Women's Studies and Resource Center Travel Grant $200 2016 UNCW Dean's Fund - Darwin Day $1,300 2016 UNCW Dean's Fund $13,000 2016 UNCW Global Citizen $6,500 2016 UNCW Travel Grant $1,000 2016 UNCW SURCA Grant - Stress & Classroom $4,994 2016 UNCW SURCA Grant - Zika Virus $5,000 2016 UNCW Curriculum Improvement Grant $3,500 2015 UNCW ETEAL Supported Pedagogy Initiative $3,499 2015 UNCW Dean's Fund $31,000 2014 UNCW ETEAL Supported Pedagogy Initiative $3,500 2013 UCB Dissertation Completion Fellowship $6,000 2012 UCB Haskell-Houghtelin Scholarship Fund $1,200 2011 UCB Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant Margaret Hoenich Award $2,000 2011 UCB Haskell-Houghlin Scholarship Fund $600 2010 UCB Dorothy Martin Award $2,000 2008 UCB Dissertation Improvement Grant $500 2008 UCB Haskell-Houghtelin Scholarship Fund $410 2007 UCB Dissertation Improvement Grant $1,700 2007 UCB Burt Fund $1,500 2007 UCB Walker Van Riper Award $1,500 2007 UCB Beverly Sears Research Award $1,000 4 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 20 2006 UCB Dissertation Improvement Grant 2006 UCB Travel Grant 2005 ISU Anthropology Departmental Award 2004 ISU Professional Advancement Grant 2004 ISU Travel Grant Professional Grant and Training Workshops Attended 2019 Hazards Workshop — Boulder, CO 2017 UNCW SPARC Office Grant Writing Boot Camp 2017 ECU NSF Grant Writing Workshop 2016 NSF / NIH Grant Writing Workshop $2,500 $200 $300 $350 $300 Refereed Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Popular Press (Italicized Indicates Student Co -Authors) Howells ME, Dancause K, Pond R, Rivera L, Simmons D, Alston BD. (2020). Maternal marital status predicts self -reported stress among pregnant women following Hurricane Florence. American Journal of Human Biology. 32:e23427. https://doi.org/i0.1002/ajhb.23427 Carney RM, Howells M, Tanumafili A, Matalavea A, Gafa J, Isaia L. Trends of Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis and Syphilis Infections in Samoa from 2012 to 2017. (2020). World Health Organization's Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal (WPSAR). I I(1). doi: 10.5365/wpsar.2019.10.2.004 Lynn CD, Howells ME, Herdrich D, Ioane J, Hudson D, Fitiao ST. (2020)(Early View). The evolutionary adaptation of body art: Tattoo as an honest signal of immunological fitness in American Samoa. American Journal of Human Biology. Hawley NL, Tripathi RR, Muasau-Howard B, Howells ME, Faiai M, Van der Ryn M. (2019). Knowledge of gestational mellitus among pregnant women in American Samoa. The Pacific Journal of Reproductive Health. https://doi.ors/10.18313/pjrh.2019.902 Sponheimer M, Loudon JE, Howells ME. (2019). Fossil primates from flooded habitats: the antiquity of an association. In A.A. Barnett, I. Matsuda, and K. Nowak (eds) Primates in Flooded Habitats: Ecology and Conservation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lynn CD, Howells ME, Stein MJ. (2018). Family and the field: expectations of a field -based research career affect researcher family planning decisions. PLoS One. 13(9): e02O3500. Howells ME. (2018). Puberty in Nonhuman Primates. The International Encyclopedia of Biological Anthropology. Eds. W. Trevathan. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Howells ME, Lynn CD, Weaver J, Langford-Sesepesara M, Tufa J. (2018). Zika Virus in American Samoa: challenges for prevention and management in the context of non -communicable disease. Annuals of Human Biology. Special edition Human Biology in the Pacific. Vol 45, No 3 (229-238). Howells ME, Pieters M. (2018). "The mosquito brings the sickness": local knowledge, stigma, and barriers to Zika prevention in rural Guatemala. In D. Schwartz (eds) Maternal Health, Pregnancy -Related 5 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 21 Morbidity and Death Among Indigenous Women of Mexico and Central America: An Anthropological, Epidemiological and Biomedical Approach. Expected Press Date: April 2018. Springer Nature. Van Tilburg H, Herdrick DJ, Howells ME, Sesepasara VH, Ausage TC, Coszalter M. (2018). "Row as One!" A History of the Development and Use of the Samoan Fautasi. The Journal of the Polynesian Society. Howells ME, Lynn C, Ocobock C, Robinson C, Woolard K. (2017). It's a Deadman's Party: Integrative Evolutionary Education. The Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium. 7(1):132-149. Howells ME. (2017). Puberty. The International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Eds. A Fuentes. Wiley Blackwell. Howells ME, Ah Ching J, Bender R. (2016). Does maternal marital status indirectly influence use of medical interventions during delivery in American Samoa? Pacific Journal of Reproductive Health. 1(3):102-108. DOI: 10.18313/pjrh.2016.901 Howells ME, Pieters M. (2016). Zika's Frightening Stranglehold. Sapiens (Online Magazine of the Wenner Gren Foundation). Published February 8, 2016. Howells ME. (2016). Debates and Controversies: Myth of the Freshman 15. In: Filling Up: The Psychology of Eating. Justine Reel (eds). Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood / ABC-CLIO. Howells ME, Pruetz J, Gillespie TR. (2010). Patterns of Gastro-Intestinal Parasites and Commensals as an Index of Population and Ecosystem Health: The Case of Sympatric Western Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) and Guinea Baboons (Papio hamadryas papio) at Fongoli, Senegal. American Journal of Primatology 71:1-7. Sponheimer M, Loudon JE, Codron D, Howells ME, Pruetz JD, Codron J, de Ruiter DJ, Lee -Thorp JA. (2006). Do "Savanna" Chimpanzees Consume C4 Resources? Journal of Human Evolution 51:128-133. Loudon JE, Howells ME, Fuentes A. (2006). The Importance of Integrative Anthropology: A Preliminary Investigation Employing Primatological and Cultural Anthropology Data Collection Methods in Assessing Human -Monkey Co -existence in Bali, Indonesia. Ecological and Environmental Anthropology 2:2-13. Non -Refereed Articles and Popular Press Howells ME. 2018. Zika: From the Brazilian Backlands to Global Threat. American Journal of Human Biology (Invited Book review). American Journal of Human Biology. Early View. Howells ME. 2017. Biological Anthropology in a Changing World. May/June Edition of Anthropology News. Contributing Editor for the Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association. Howells ME. 2016. Engaged Anthropology Grant: Michaela Howells. The Wenner-Gren Blog. http://blog.wennergren.org/2016/08/eag_jiowells/ R Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 22 Howells ME, Kissel M. 2016. Redefining Biological Anthropology. March/April Edition of Anthropology News. Contributing Editor for the Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association. Howells ME. 2016. Celebrating the Year of the Monkey in Minneapolis, MN. March/April Edition of Anthropology News. Contributing Editor for the Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association. Manuscripts Under Review Sarma MS, Gildner TE, Howells ME, Lew -Levy S, Trumble B.C., Fuentes A. (In review). There and back again: the biosocial dynamics of returning from the field. Submitted to American Journal of Human Biology (4.22.21). Howells ME, Loudon JE, Brotcorne F, Petterson JV, Wandia IN, Putra IGAA, Fuentes A. (In review). Primates and primatologists: reflecting on two decades of ethnoprimatological research, tourism, and conservation at the Ubud Monkey Forest. Invited book chapter submitted for Indonesian Primates. Manuscripts in Final Staged of Preparation Howells ME, Bender RL, Dufour D, Ah-Ching J, Muasau B, Carney B, Langford-Sesepasara M, Wagi C. In Prep. Marital status impacts access to prenatal care in American Samoa: Implications for population health and Zika exposure. Human Organization. Howells ME, Bender RL, Dufour DL. In Prep. Is there a relationship between psychosocial stress and pregnancy outcomes in Samoan women? Target Journal: American Journal of Human Biology. Howells ME, Dufour DL, Williams H, Reina JC. In Prep. Trends in BMI and Ideal Body Size of Urban Colombian Women in Two SES Groups. Target Journal: American Journal of Human Biology. Submission goal: April 2021. Howells ME, April TB, Woolard KL, Loudon JE. In Prep. Abroad Spectrum of Activity: Comparing Energetic Output of Students on Study Abroad and in Traditional Classroom Settings. Target Journal: American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Target Submission Date: July 2021 Loudon JL, Lewis AE, Turner TR, Grobler JP, Howells ME, Pender JE. In Prep. Ecotoxicology at anthropogenically disturbed sites inhabited by vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus pygerythrus). Target Journal: American Journal of Primatology. January 2020 Consultant Scientific Advisor. 2016-2021. Mandala Suci Wenara Wana — Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary. Monkey Forest Ubud. Scientific Advisor. July 2018. National Geographic film crew of "Rare". Filmed in part in the Ubud Monkey Forest. Expected Air Date October 2020. 7 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 23 Media Engagement Group Collecting Menstrual Hygiene Products to Address Period Poverty. April 29, 2021. WECT 6 News. https://www.wect.com/2021/04/29/group-collecting-menstrual-hygiene-products-address-period- poverty/ New Study Researches How Hurricane Florence Could Have Impacted Pregnancies. Dec 27, 2018. WWAY 3 News (Wilmington, NC). https://www.wwaytv3.com/2018/12/27/new-study-researches-how- hurricane-florence-could-have-impacted- pregnancies/?fbclid=IwARORN2odGSOCUe8GnhrO 1 nVD 1 nEL-msEirmlLwOzjCgnKZI6KmneTp2oEE4 UNCW Public Outreach - Dub Geographic and the Department of Anthropology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Nzsx4P2VIg&feature=share&fbclid=IwAROs_yCgij_epOwASyB5 MLLVMD4yz47vsLj exkuath-15 fbPFyg4FYk5 vWA Public Health Video — Gestational Diabetes (GDM) GDM Video Intervention — American Samoa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ilMu8BgcUM GAPS Lab — Growth Adaptation Pregnancy Stress Facebook Page: @GAPSLabNC Inking of Immunity — Taina o le tetee atu I faamai Facebook Page: @Inking.of.Immunity Balinese Macaque Field School Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1028955133807699/ Balinese Macaque Ethnoprimatology Field Project web page. https://www.balimacaqueproject.com/ UNCW Professor Spotlight: Michaela Howells https://theseahawk.org/ 14780/lifestyle/professor-spotlight-michaela-howells-anthropology-and-womens- studies/ Samoa News. July 24, 2017. Tattoo research progressing steadily. http://www.samoanews.com/local- news/tattoo-research-progressing-steadily Samoa News. July 10, 2017. Can tattoos make you healthier? http://www.samoanews.com/local- news/can-tattoos-make-you-healthier NBC News. Nov 22, 2016. Cultural Factors Complicate Zika Prevention in American Samoa. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/american-samoa-cultural-factors-could-make-zika-worse- n686781 Biocultural Systematics: Biocultural Medical Anthropology at the University of Alabama. December 22, 2016. https://anthropology.ua.edu/blogsibiocultmed/2016/12/22/replacing-the-lone-stranger-with- evidence-based-theory-collaborative-fieldwork-in-anthropology/ Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 24 Honors and Awards 2020 Information Literacy Fellow — UNCW Randall Library 2019 Discere Aude Award, UNCW Center For Teaching Excellence 2019 YWCA Lower Cape Fear — Women of Achievement — Education (Nomination) 2019 L.S. "Bo" Dean Faculty and Staff Award, UNCW LGBTQIA+ Resource Center 2018 Janet Mason Ellerby Award for Scholarship. UNCW Women's Studies Program 2018 Distinguished Anthropology Alumni Award (Inaugural Recipient) - Central Washington University 2017 Nominated - UNCW Dub Awards — Best Educational Programing - Darwin Day 2017 2015 Featured in the Women of UNCW Campaign 2012 Best Student Presentation Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association, 11 Ph Annual Meeting, San Francisco 2009 Graduate Part Time Instructor Teaching Excellence Award, University of Colorado, Boulder 2009 Best Should Teach Silver Award - Science and Mathematics, University of Colorado, Boulder 2007 Best Should Teach Silver Award - Social Science, University of Colorado, Boulder 2005 Finalist - Primate Interest Group Student Prize American Association of Physical Anthropologists 2004 Teaching Excellence Award, Iowa State University 2002 Departmental Honors in Anthropology, Central Washington University 2000-2002 Honor Roll, College of Sciences, Central Washington University 1997-1999 Dean's List, Green River Community College Invited Professional Presentations (* Denotes Published Abstracts. t Denotes Invited. Italicized Indicates Student Co -Authors) 2019 Howells ME. Tattoo and Cultural Protections on Health. Invited Lecture: Tatau Tattoo Festival, Apia Samoa. 2018 Howells ME. The embodiment of inequality: the effect of maternal social status on fetal growth, prenatal care, and Zika exposure in American Samoa. Invited lecture East Carolina University Department of Anthropology. 2018 Howells ME. "Fight the bite": Zika, tattoos, and health in American Samoa. Invited lecture Central Washington University, Department of Anthropology and Museum Studies. 2018 Howells ME. "Fight the bite": Zika, tattoos, and health in American Samoa. Invited lecture Green River College Department of Anthropology. 2017 Howells ME. Stigma and size: maternal social status, neonate size, and risk of Zika in American Samoa. Invited Extemporaneous Talk: University of Alabama. 2 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 25 2011 Howells ME. Impact of psychosocial stress on gestation length and pregnancy outcomes in Samoan women. In-service presented to the American Samoan Department of Health. 2008 Howells ME. An ethnoprimatological approach to understanding human -chimpanzee sympatry in western Tanzania. 2008 Walker Van Riper and William H. Burt University of Colorado Lecture Series. University of Colorado Museum of Natural History. Conference Presentations (* Denotes Published Abstracts. t D e n o t e s I n v i t e d. Italicized Indicates Student Co -Authors) 2020* Howells ME, Carney RM, Tanumafili A, Matalavea A, Gafa J, Naseri T. Differences in STI prevalence across age and sex classes in Samoa: the value of age specific preventative services. Accepted for presentation 45 h Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, Los Angeles California (Presentation not possible due to COVID-19 cancellation) 2020* Lynn CD, Howells ME, Chen W, Chen-Fruean E, Nowak T, Caballero G, Wood H, Muehlenbein M. Tattoos and other biomarkers: secretory immunoglobulin A, C-reactive protein, cortisol, and bacteria -killing response to tattooing. Accepted for presentation 45`h Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, Los Angeles California (Presentation not possible due to COVID-19 cancellation) 2020*1 Capps T, Oppenheim G, Kim D, Howells ME, Braun DR, Hlubik S. Experimental investigation of phytoliths and combustion features and their relevance for the 'Cooking Hypothesis' from East Turkana, Kenya. Accepted for presentation 89 h Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Los Angeles California (Presentation not possible due to COVID-19 cancellation). 2020* Krowka MA, Smith BK, Bianchi S, Loudon JE, Howells ME, Gomez AM, Paines OCC, Sponheimer M. Food choice and nutritional analysis of frugivorous and insectivorous diets in captive Northern greater galagos (Otolemur garnettii). Accepted for presentation 89`b Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Los Angeles California (Presentation not possible due to COVID-19 cancellation) 2019 Howells ME, Dancause K, Pond R. Going with the Flo: socioeconomic disparities in stress experiences and mediation following Hurricane Florence. Presented at the 44"' Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, Cleveland, OH, March 26-28. 2019 Lynn CD, Howells ME, Herdrich D, Ioane J, Hudson D, Fitiao TW. Tattooing and Immune Response: More Like Exercise or an Inoculation? Presented at the 44 h Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, Cleveland, OH, March 26-28. 2019 Terrell E, Lynn C, Howells ME. Family and Career Dynamics among Biological and Applied Anthropologists. Presented at the 40 Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association, Cleveland, OH, March 26-28. 2018 Lynn CD, Howells ME, Herdrich D, Ioane J, Hudson D, Fitiao TW. The Evolutionary Adaptation of Body Art: Tattooing as an Honest Signal of Fitness. Presented as part of the session "The Resistance to and Resilience of Adaptation: The Place of Evolutionary Theory in Biocultural Anthropology: Part I" at the I I7"' Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Jose, CA, November 14-18 10 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 26 2018*t Howells ME, Lynn CD. Zika virus and maternal stigmatization: Supporting maternal and child health through religious engagement in American Samoa. Invited Session AAAS: Biological Anthropology and Dialogue with Diverse Publics. Paper presented at the 87 h American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Austin, TX. 2018*t Lynn CD, Howells ME. Fight the bite: Zika Virus, personal responsibility, maternal stigmatization, and disabled children in American Samoa. Invited Session: The False Meritocracy of Choice within Social Constructs of Health. Paper presented at the 87d' American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Austin, TX. 2018*t Lynn CD, Howells ME, Herdrich D, Ioane J, Hudson D, Wilson Fitaiao ST. Tatau and the hygiene hypothesis: retesting the inoculation effect of tattooing in American Samoa. 43rd Human Biology Association Meeting in Austin, TX. 2018*t Loudon JL, Howells ME, Wandia I, Putra I, Crudup MR, Fuentes A. Trouble in paradise: analyzing the patterns of a bites and scratches directed at humans by long-tailed macaques (Macaque fascicularis) at Padangtegal Wenara Wana, Bali, Indonesia. Invited Session: Anthropologists Take on Emerging Infectious Diseases: Poster presented as part of the AAPA and AAA Joint Session. 87d' American Association of Physical Anthropologists. Austin, TX. 2017 Howells ME. Barriers to Zika Prevention in American Samoa. Podium presented at the 4`h Annual Mid -Atlantic Biological Anthropology Interest Group Meeting. 2017* Howells ME, Lynn CD, Sesepasara M. The embodiment of inequality: Zika risk in the Pacific island of American Samoa. Poster presented at the 42"d Human Biology Association Meetings, New Orleans GA. 2017* Lynn CD, Howells ME. Behaviors, badges, bans, and babies: religious commitment signaling and unwed motherhood in American Samoa. Poster presented at the 86 h American Association of Physical Anthropologists. New Orleans, LA. 2017* Lewis AE, Loudon JE, Pender JE, Andrews JC, Howells ME, Grobler JP, Turner TR. Examining heavy metal concentrations in hair of South African vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) to access anthropogenic impacts. Poster presented at the 86th American Association of Physical Anthropologists. New Orleans, LA. 2017* Pieters M, Howells ME. Zika in rural Guatemala: condom stigmatization and the embodiment of risk. Poster presented at the 42°d Human Biology Association Meetings. New Orleans, LA. 2017* Woolard KL, Boswell EM, Howells ME, Lynn CD. Stress, creativity, and final exams: A preliminary report. Poster presented at the 42nd Human Biology Association Meetings, New Orleans GA. 2017 Lynn CD, Howells ME. Of Moms and mosquitos: embodiment of inequality and Zika risk in American Samoa. Conference on Rural Health — University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, AL. 2017 Howells ME, Lynn CD. Mosquitos and Moms: the intersection of biology and culture during recent Zika outbreaks in American Samoa. Podium presented at the Southeastern Evolutionary Perspectives Society. Tuscaloosa, AL. 11 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 27 2017f Herdrich DJ, Tilburg HK, Howells ME, Coszalter MD. History of the development and use of the Samoan Fautasi. Key Note Address given at the Hawaiian Watercraft Conference. Honolulu, HI. 2016*t Howells ME, Pieters M, Sespasara M. American Samoa and the Embodiment of Inequality in the Age of Zika. Invited Session. Podium presented at the 115'11 American Anthropological Association Meeting, Minneapolis MN. 2016 Howells ME, Lynn CD, Herdrich D. Does maternal social status impact their exposure to the Zika virus in American Samoa? Podium presented at the Modernization and Health in the Asia -Pacific Region. Joint sponsored by the Japan Physiological Anthropology Society. University of Hawaii, Hilo. 2016 Howells ME, Bender RL, Dufour DL, Sespasara M, Muasau-Howard B. Reduced Maternal Social Status in American Samoan Women Results in Slower Fetal Growth. Podium presented at the I" meeting of the Pacific Islander Health Conference, Fayetteville AK. 2016* Howells ME, Lynn CL. Anthropologists Under Pressure: Perceptions of Stress, Conflict, and Support in the Pursuit of Career -Family Balance. Podium presented at the 85t' Meeting American Association of Physical Anthropology Meetings, Atlanta GA. 2016* Howells ME, Dufour DL, Bender RL, Sesepasara M, Lloyd A. Does chronic maternal psychosocial stress among American Samoan women affect neonate body size? Poster presented at the 4 1 ' Human Biology Association Meetings, Atlanta GA. 2016* Wagi C, Howells ME, Bender RL. Examining maternal marital status in American Samoa: implications for neonate size and access to prenatal care. Poster presented at the 41' Human Biology Association Meetings, Atlanta GA. 2016 Howells ME, Bender RL, Wagi C. Stigma and size: does reduced maternal social status in American Samoan women result in slower fetal growth? Podium presented at the Southeastern Evolutionary Perspectives Society Meeting, Tuscaloosa, AL. 2015* Howells ME, Bender RL, Darna DL, Sesepasara M, Lloyd A. Is Chronic Maternal Psychosocial Stress Linked to Neonate Outcomes in American Samoan Women? The Intergenerational Effects of Stress on Neonate Body Size. Invited podium presented at the 114"' American Anthropological Association Meeting, Denver CO. 2015* Lynn CD, Howells ME. Anthropologists, Kids, and Careers: When Family Is Strange and the Field Familiar. Invited podium presented at the 114`" American Anthropological Association Meeting, Denver CO. 2015 Howells ME, Lloyd A. Stressing the Small Stuff: Does Maternal Psychosocial Stress Affect Neonate Body Size in American Samoans? Podium presented at the Mid -Atlantic Biological Interest Group Meetings, Richmond VA. 2015 Wagi C, Howells ME, Bender RL. Tie the Knot, Grow a Baby: The Effects of Marital Status on Neonate Growth in American Samoa. Poster presented at the Mid -Atlantic Biological Interest Group Meetings, Richmond VA. 12 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 28 2015* Howells ME, Dufour D, Williams HS, Reina JC. 2015. Time and transition: actual and ideal body size of high and low socioeconomic women in Cali Columbia over a 13 year period. Podium presented at the 40'h Human Biology Association Meeting. St. Louis, MO. 2014 Howells ME, Bender RL, Dufour DL, Sespasara M, Ah Ching J, Mua'sau B, Time M, Sipili G. To love, honor and obey: the relationship between marital status and birth outcomes in American Samoa. Podium presented at the Mid -Atlantic Bioanthropology Interest Group. Richmond, VA. 2013 * Howells ME, Dufour DL. The impact of maternal social status on pregnancy outcomes in American Samoa. Podium presented at the 112"' Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. Chicago, IL. 2013* Howells ME, Bender RL, Dufour DL, Sespasara M, Ah Ching J, Mua'sau B, Time M, Sipili G. To love, honor and obey: the relationship between marital status and birth outcomes in American Samoa. Podium presented at the 38t' Human Biology Association Meeting. Knoxville, TN. 2012 Howells ME, Bender RL, Dufour DL, Ah Ching J, Mua'sau B. You just have to wait: marital status and pregnancy outcomes in American Samoa. Paper presented at the 111t' Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. San Francisco, CA. 2012* Howells ME, Bender RL, Dufour DL, Ah-Ching J, Mua'sau B. Does residency status impact gestation length and birth outcomes in Samoan women? Poster re -presented at the 2012 Women's Health Research Day. Denver, CO. 2012 Howells ME, Bender RL, Dufour DL, Ah-Ching J, Mua'sau B. Does residency status impact gestation length and birth outcomes in Samoan women? Poster presented at the 37th Human Biology Association Meeting. Portland OR. 2011 Howells ME, Ah Ching J, Bender R. The impact of state -assigned identity on pregnancy outcomes in Samoan women. Podium presented at the 2nd Samoa II Conference National University. Apia, Western Samoa. 2010* Howells ME, Reina JC, Dufour DL. C-reactive protein and cardiovascular disease risk factors for women in Cali, Colombia. Poster presented at the 35 b Human Biology Association Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. 2007* Howells ME. Time for retirement? An alternative perspective of the grandmother hypothesis. Invited poster presented at the 100b American Anthropological Association Meeting. Washington DC. 2007* Howells ME. Common origins: commensalisms between humans and chimpanzees in southeastern Senegal. Poster presented at the 75th American Association of Physical Anthropologist Annual Meeting. Philadelphia PA. American Journal of Physical Anthropology; (132 S44):131. 2006* Howells ME, Pruetz TR, Gillespie TR. Increased human -chimpanzee sympatry in southeastern Senegal: implications for pathogen transmission and health. Podium presented at the 75''' American Association of Physical Anthropologist Meeting. Anchorage AK. American Journal of Physical Anthropology; (129): 105-106. 13 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 29 2005 * Howells ME & Pruetz J. They came, they saw, they conquered — now what? Management of a Costa Rican rainforest for three species of primates. Poster presented at the 74a' American Association of Physical Anthropologist Meeting. Milwaukee WI. American Journal of Physical Anthropology; (126):119. 2004* Howells ME. Fuentes A. Loudon J. Sacred cropraiders? An examination of sympatric associations among Homo sapiens and Macaca fascicularis on the island of Bali. Paper presented at the 20th Congress of the International Primatological Society. Torino, Italy. Folia Primatologica; (75):279. 2004* Loudon J. Fuentes A. Howells ME. Sacred cropraiders? An examination of sympatric associations among Homo sapiens and Macaca fascicularis on the island of Bali. Poster presented at the 73th American Association of Physical Anthropologist Meeting. Tampa, FL. American Journal of Physical Anthropology; (123):137. 2003* Howells ME, Matheson M.D. Aggression and use of space in captive Cebus apella. Poster presented at the 102nd American Anthropological Association Meeting. Chicago, IL. Student Presentations at UNCW 2020 Capps T, Howells ME. Experimental investigation of phytoliths and combustion features and their relevance for the 'Cooking Hypothesis' from East Turkana, Kenya. UNCW Anthropology Day. 2020 Krowka AL4, Howells ME. Food choice and nutritional analysis of fugivorous and insectivorous diets in captive Northern greater galagos (Otolemur garnettii). UNCW Anthropology Day. 2019 Rivera T. Howells ME, Dancause K, Pond R. Going with the Flo: socioeconomic disparities in stress experiences and mediation following Hurricane Florence. Poster presented at the 2019 Center for Support of Undergraduate Research and Fellowship (CSURF), 2019 April T, Howells ME, Woolard KL, Loudon JE. Abroad spectrum of activity: comparing energetic output of students on study abroad and in traditional classroom settings. Poster presented at the 2019 Center for the Support of Undergraduate Research and Fellowship (CSURF). 2017 Brehm A, Howells ME. Midwives and cesarean sections — who is affected? Poster presented at the 2017 Center for the Support of Undergraduate Research and Fellowship (CSURF). 2017 Woolard K, Boswell E, Howells ME. Poster presented at the 2017 Center for the Support of Undergraduate Research and Fellowship (CSURF). Community Presentations 2021 Howells ME. Webinar: Periods Don't Stop for Pandemics. League of Women Voters Lower Cape Fear. httl)s•//www youtube.com/watch?v=yvI3234EOm8&list=PLTb7VaiixAOykBNAx4WOxYzo0bad saTBT&index= I I &t=19s 14 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 30 2021 Howells ME. Self -Love Speaker Series feat. Dr. Michaela Howells- Menstrual Health and Period Poverty. httys•//www youtube.com/watch?v=3FHKbRUsU4I&list=PLTb7VaiixAOykBNAx4WOxYzoObh dsgT8T&index=10 2019 Howells ME. Victorian Mourning Rituals through Clothing. Invited Presentation for the "I Love Vintage" meeting at the Second Skin Vintage, Wilmington NC. 2019 Howells ME. Vintage Tiki Fashion: Clothing and Escapism. Invited Presentation for the "I Love Vintage" meeting at the Second Skin Vintage, Wilmington NC. 2017 Howells ME. Fashion as political resistance: defiant fashion, defiant women. Invited Presentation for the "I Love Vintage" meeting at the Second Skin Vintage, Wilmington NC. FIELD EXPERIENCE Health Education Messaging July 2016 — Present - Department of Health, American Samoa Research Associate. Gestational Diabetes education program. Co -developed screenplay for educational video for gestational diabetes outreach video with Yale and American Samoa Community College faculty. GDM Video Intervention — American Samoa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ilMu8BgcUM June 2015- August 2015 — Department of Health American Samoa Created five prenatal health messaging posters in collaboration with the health care professionals Human Biology July 2017 — Present — Historic Preservation Office American Samoa Co -PI. Inking of Immunity July 2016 — Present — Department of Health, American Samoa Research Associate. Coordinating research on the socioeconomic risk factors associated with Zika Virus on the Samoan island of Tutuila October 2010-June 2012 — Department of Health and LBJ Tropical Medical Center, American Samoa Research Associate. Coordinating research on the impacts of prenatal stress on Samoan neonates between the two key prenatal care centers on the Samoan island of Tutuila July 2007-July 2008 — Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder Research Assistant Lactation Study. Ran energetics and anthropometric tests on lactating females Primate Behavior and Ecology May 2016-June 2018 — Department of Anthropology (UNCW) — Bali, Indonesia 15 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 31 • Co -Director Balinese Macaque Ethnoprimatological Field Project. Developed, organized, and taught the ethnographic portion of the field school. May 2006-July 2006 - Department of Anthropology (Iowa State University) - Western Senegal • Field Research Assistant. Collected biological specimens and behavioral data from a community of savanna chimpanzees. June 2004-August 2004 - El Zota Biological Field Station (Costa Rica) • Research Assistant — Iowa State University & DANTA (non-profit organization). Collected data on use of non-native tree plantations by three species of primates. Project lead — trained students on data collection techniques. Assisted owners in developing a forest management plan. June 2003-August 2003 - Balinese Macaque Field Project (Bali, Indonesia) • Research Assistant — Notre Dame University. Collected demographic data on multiple groups of long-tailed macaques. Worked in conjunction with Udiana University to assess impact of human/monkey interactions. Assisted in the collection of macaque fecal samples for parasitic investigation. Utilized both GPS data and digital photography. June 2002-August 2002 - Balinese Macaque Field Project (Bali, Indonesia) • Student. Collected behavioral data on long-tailed macaques, human/monkey interactions, and post -copulatory behavior. Received training on identification, video follows and data collection methods. Fall 2000-Spring 2002 - Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute (Ellensburg, WA) • Intern. Collected behavioral data on five adult chimpanzees. Conducted video scans regarding use of enrichment. Received training on data collection methods, scan sampling techniques, video follows, enrichment preparation, cleaning, meal preparation. Stable Isotope Analysis (University of Colorado, Boulder) March 2005 - Department of Anthropology Lab Assistant • Preparation of samples for stable isotope analysis. Genetics (University of Colorado, Boulder) August 2003 - February 2004 — Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology • Research Assistant. Prepared slides for analysis. Analyzed mammalian and reptilian blood samples for parasites. Isolated malarial DNA in Lemur catta blood samples using extraction and PCR techniques. SELECT APPLIED WORK Periods Don't Stop for Pandemics — Menstrual Equity Drive February 2021 — Present • Directed donation drive for menstrual hygiene products in New Hanover County • Raised over 25,000 donations (as of 5/3/21) Docent Education Leader — Frank Harr Foundation AIDS Memorial Quilt October 2019 — December 2019 • Developed and delivered educational material to AIDS Quilt Docents 16 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 32 • Trained 135 docents through 5 training sessions (35 UNCW students) Expert Witness — Alaskan Public Defenders Office January 2014 — December 2015 Professional Grant Writing Services May 2014 — August 2014 Professional Grant Writer — CM Dance Denver Colorado. Awarded $7,000 Bowen Family Foundation, Awarded $40,000 in grant money Clinical Training and Experience June 2015 • Hansen's (Leprosy) Disease Workshop — Weeklong workshop hosted in American Samoa by the National Hansen's Disease (Leprosy) Clinical Center 1997-2004, 2011-2014 • Certified Nursing Assistant (Washington and Colorado). Long term care and rehabilitation SELECT DEPARTMENTAL AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2020 Host and Moderator - Speaker: LeShonda Wallace. Southern Sisters in a Global Crisis: HIV/AIDS in the Time of COVID-19. Pandemic Exposed lecture Series. UNCW Honors College and UNCW Department of Anthropology 2020 Presenter - "Having Uncomfortable, but Brave Conversations in the Classroom." UNCW's Center for Teaching Excellence Racial Justice Learning Community 2018-21 Board Member — UNCW Women's Studies Program 2018-21 Senator — UNCW Department of Anthropology 2016-18 Assessment Committee Member 2015-21 Administrator — UNCW Department of Anthropology Facebook Page 2018 Honors Thesis Committee Member — Tara Capel (Anthropology Undergraduate) 2018 Honors Thesis Committee Member — Stepfanie Zaph (Philosophy Religious Studies UG) 2017-19 Co -Organizer Anthropology Day 2017 Faculty Representative - Seahawks Saturday 2017 Organizer, Engaging Global Perspectives, Invited Speaker Marc Kissel, ASU 2017 Organizer, Public Anthropology Lab: Human Origins with Marc Kissel, ASU 2017 Presenter — UNCW Anthropology Club — Lightening Round Presentations 2017 Search Committee Member — Anthropology Department Chair 2017 Honors Thesis Committee Member — Mariana DeLara (Anthropology Undergraduate) 2016-17 Search Committee Member — Cultural Anthropologist 2016-17 Organizing committee — Dean's Lecture Series in the Humanities 2017 Co -Organizer, UNCW Darwin Day 2015-17 Faculty Advisor — Anthropology Club UNCW 2016 Presenter — UNCW Anthropology Club — Lightening Round Presentations 2016 Took Students — Human Biology Association Meetings, Atlanta GA 2016 Presenter STEM Expo — Watson School of Education - K-12 Workshop Evolution 2016 Organizer, Engaging Global Perspectives, Invited Speaker Christopher Lynn, UA 2016 Invited Lecture UNCW — Depart of Public and International Affairs —Dr. Jessica Wienkle 17 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 33 2016 Invited Lunch with Provost Marilyn Sheerer 2016 Featured in SWOOP "We are UNCW" Series 2016 ETEAL Exploration Day UNCW — Representing Department of Anthropology 2016 Co -Organizer Anthropology Day 2016 Co -Organizer Primate Conservation Panel, UNCW 2016 Co -Developed Evolution Song Parody and Music Video with UNCW Students 2016 Organizer, Diversity in Action Lecture Series, Invited Speaker Richard Bender, UCB 2016 Organizer, Anthropological Statistics Weekend Workshop with Richard Bender, UCB 2015-16 Co -Organizer, UNCW Darwin Day — Scavenger Hunt & Event 2015-16 Steering Committee Member — 2016 Vagina Monologues UNCW 2015 Honor's Thesis Committee Member — Katherine Culley UNCW 2015 CSURF Poster Session - Student (Cheyenne Wagi) Presented our Research 2015 Honor's Program — "Pizza with Professors" 2015 Organizer, Diversity in Action Lecture Series, Invited Speaker Christine Avenarius, ECU 2015 Took Students - Mid -Atlantic Biological Anthropology (MABIG), Richmond VA 2015 Organized Duke Lemur Center Visit — ECU and UNCW Anthropology Club 2015 Chancellors visit and Anthropology Open House 2015 Chancellors Parents Weekend Fund Raiser — UNCW Society 2015 Invited Lecture UNCW Anthropology 105 - Dr. Fletcher's — Hominid Evolution 2015 Invited Lecture UNCW Anthropology Club — Being an Anthropologist 2015 Invited Lecture ECU Anthropology Club — Being an Anthropologist 2015 Anthropology Club Involvement Fair 2015 Co -Designed Osprey Hall Museum Cabinets — Entry Way and Classroom 2014 Organizer, Transgendered Health Panel, UNCW 2014 Organizer, Diversity in Action Lecture Series, Invited Speaker Dr. Blakely Brooks ECU 2014 Organizer, Natural Selection Panel, UNCW 2014 Presenter, UNCW Anthropology Club, Professionalism PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION SERVICE 2016-2020 Chair Public Relations — Executive Committee for Human Biology Association 2018 Panelist- Balanced: A Panel on Family Life and Careers in Academia. AAPA 2018 2016-2018 Vice -President — Southeastern Evolutionary Perspectives Society 2016-2018 Program Committee — Southeastern Evolutionary Perspectives Society 2016-2018 Section Editor — Anthropology News - Biological Anthropology Section of the AAA 2017 Human Biology Association (HBA) — Fellow at Trainee Professionalization Workshop 2016 Biological Anthropology Section AAA Organized Student Professionalization Workshop 2015-2017 Administrator — Biological Anthropology Section of AAAs Facebook Page 2015-2017 Administrator — Human Biology Association Facebook Page 2013-2015 Graduate Representative, Biological Anthropology Section of the American Anthropological Association 2014-2015 Organizer, Workshop: Now What? How to Get Employment After Graduate School. Biological Anthropological Section American Anthropological Association 2015 Steering Committee Member — Southeastern Evolutionary Perspectives Society 2012 Session Chair, `Biocultural Insights into Life History and Human Social Behavior". 11 lcn meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA 2009-2010 Student Representative, Human Biology Association COMMUNITY SERVICE AND OUTREACH 18 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 34 r 2020 Moderator - Frank Harr Foundation and SAGE. Race: Power of Illusion documentary. Screened 3 Part documentary and lead discussion (3 Week Event) 2017 Faculty Mentor — New Hanover High School Student Lauren Sause Senior Project: Traditional Pacific Islander Lifeways 2016 Invited Speaker — 2016 Summer Health Academy Amerika Samoa hosted by the American Samoa Community College 2015-2017 Co -Director and Executive Committee Member - Cape Fear Swing Dance Society 2011-2012 Governor's Council on Population Control, American Samoa 2011-2012 Science Fair Judge, Elementary, High School and Territory Level, American Samoa 2011 Volunteer Health Educator AIDS Day Outreach Samoana High School, American Samoa 2010-2012 Volunteer Prenatal Care Nursing Assistant - Department of Health, American Samoa 2009-2010 Presenter Expanding Your Horizons (Science / Math Conference for Girls sponsored by & 2013 the American Association of University Women), Boulder, CO 2009-2010 Graduate Representative, Graduate Committee, University of Colorado, Boulder 2009-2010 Graduate Representative, Graduate Committee, University of Colorado, Boulder 2008-2010 Chair Biological Anthropology Student Speaker Series, University of Colorado DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION TRAINING (SELECT) 2/1/2021 The Sit In: Cultural Competency Model. UNCW Upperman Center. (3 Hour) 10/30/20 Racial Justice Learning Community Series: Critical and Decolonizing Praxis Teach In by Unlocking Silent Histories (3 Hour Session)(Part 2). UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence. Conversations and Guidance on Anti -Racism. 10/23/20 Racial Justice Learning Community Series: Critical and Decolonizing Praxis Teach In by Unlocking Silent Histories (3 Hour Session)(Part 1). UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence. Conversations and Guidance on Anti -Racism. 11/06/20 UNCW Gender and Leadership Academy: Courage to Grow 10/21/20 Being a Curator of your Own Health. UNCW Gender Studies and Research Center. 10/19/20 Creating Brave Dialogue and Driving Action on Racial and Gender Justice in Multiracial Teams. UNCW Gender Studies and Research Center. 10/14/20 UNCW Access, Equity, and Diversity. Katherine Turner, Global Citizen, LLC. UNCW Gender Studies and Research Center. 10/02/20 UNCW Gender and Leadership Academy: Courage to grow Membership in Professional Associations Human Biology Association — Fellow Southeastern Evolutionary Perspectives Society —Vice President, Program Committee American Anthropological Association (AAA) — Professional Member Biological Anthropology Sections of the AAAs — Professional Member, Editor BAS section of Anthropology News American Association of Physical Anthropologists — Professional Member Coalition to End Teenage Pregnancy American Samoa — Member 19 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 35 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Carolyn 'Kiernan <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 12:39 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women Attachments: CV-Carolyn-Kleman-June-17-2021.docx ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Carolyn 'Kiernan Email klemanc uncw.edu Home Address 5805 Oak Bluff Lane Wilmington, North Carolina 28409-2368 United States Mao It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Mao It Home Phone (330)338-7894 Cell Phone (330)338-7894 Business Phone (910)962-7278 Years living in New Hanover County 3 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 56 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 36 No Applicant's Employer School of Nursing, University of North Carolina Wilmington Occupation Assistant Professor Professional Activities Phd, RN Research- Self -management of chronic illness Teach- Population health, finance, and policy Board Certified Patient Advocate Volunteer Activities Examples of University -related volunteer activities include: Nurse Educator Course- Coordinator, Faculty Senate- Senator, Grant Reviewer for UNCW National Institutes of Health Grant Proposals Southeast Nursing Research Society- Development Committee North Carolina Nurses Association- Southeast Regional Engagement Coordinator Akron Center for Recovery (Akron, Ohio} Board Vice President Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I am fairly new to the Wilmington area and would like to become more involved in the community. I have always had improving the lives of women as one of my personal and professional goals. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Improving the social determinants of health that impact women, children, and families. Empower women and provide services to help women meet their needs and the needs of their families. Qualifications for serving: I have experience serving on committees and boards. I am committed to respecting and encouraging diversity of thought and action in our community. I have expertise in patient advocacy and can share that expertise when appropriate. I am a nurse and have a broad picture of what impacts women's health and would like to improve the health and lives of women in our community. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None at this time. List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Stephanie D. Smith, PhD Reference 1 Phone (910)279-9830 Reference 2 Barb Lutz, PhD, RN, CRRN, PHNA-BC, FAHA, FNAP, FAAN, Professor, McNeill Distinguished Professor Reference 2 Phone (910)962-2921 Reference 3 Shawn Conrad, DDS Reference 3 Phone (910)612-9990 Board of Commissi&ers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 37 Additional comments: Thank you for the opportunity to apply for this position. Upload additional information. • CV-Carolyn-Kleman-June-17-2021.docx Date 07/13/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 38 Carolyn C Kleman University of North Carolina Wilmington School of Nursing (910) 962-7278 klemanc(&uncw.edu Professional Positions Assistant Professor, University if North Carolina Wilmington. (August 2018 - Present). Faculty, part-time, Kent State University. (August 1, 2017 - May 1, 2018). Graduate Assistant, Kent State University. (August 1, 2009 - May 1, 2016). Education Ph D, Kent State University, 2017. Major: Nursing Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Chronic Care Dissertation Title: A PATH ANALYSIS OF TRUST IN NURSES, SOCIAL SUPPORT, PATIENT SELF - ADVOCACY, PSYCHOLOGICAL DISTRESS, AND PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEART FAILURE MHA Master of Healthcare Administration, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 1993. Major: Administration Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Quality Management BSN, University of Maryland, 1987. Major: Nursing Licensures and Certifications Registered Nurse, Board of Nursing. (2018 - November 2021). Professional Memberships Academy Health (January 2021- Present) National Association of Healthcare Advocacy (January 2020- Present) North Carolina Nurses Association. (August 2018 - Present). Southern Nursing Research Society. (August 2018 - Present). Sigma Theta Tau International. (January 1997 - Present). American Nurses Association. (January 1990 - Present). Awards and Honors Take Me There, Center for Teaching Excellence. (March 2020). Award, 3rd Place Poster, AHEC- SENSES Conference. (October 24, 2019). Award, 15t Place Poster, Nu Omega. (February 9, 2019). PCORI Scholarship, PCORI. (November 17, 2016). Publications Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 39 Smith, Y., Cleveland, K., & Kleman, C.C. (in revision). Understanding Nurses' Experiences and Contributions to Governing Boards. Online Journal in Nursing. Kleman, K., & Ross, R. (in revision). Trust in Nurses and Social Support Predict Patient Self -Advocacy Behaviors in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure. Applied Nursing Research. Smith, Y. M., Cleveland, K. A., Fisher, J., & Kleman, C. C. (June, 2020). The use of faculty policy teams for policy advocacy and colleagueship. Nursing Forum, 55(5), 582-588. https://doi.org/l0.1111/nuf.12473 Smith, Y., & Kleman, C. C. (accepted). Ethical Issues Related to Health Promotion. In Edelman & Kudzma (Eds.), Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span (10thth ed., pp. 109-128). Elsevier. Kleman, C. C., & Smith, Y. (accepted). Health Defined: Health Promotion, Protection, and Prevention. In Edelman & Kudzma (Eds.), Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span (10thth ed., pp. 2-18). Elsevier. Bove, L. A., & Kleman, C. (2020). Using Video Technology to Educate Students, Patients and Legislators. 59(8), 457-460. https:Hdoi.orQ/https://doi.or4/10.3928/01484834-20200723-07 Kleman, C. C. (2017). A path analysis of trust in nurses, social support, patient self -advocacy, psycholgical distress, and physical symptoms in patients with heart failure (p. 209). Ohio Link ETD. Ross, R., & Carolyn, K. C. (2017). Health Defined: Objectives for promotion and prevention. In &. C. M. C.L. Edelman E.C. Kudzma (Ed.), Health promotion thoughout the lifespan (9thth ed., pp. 1-21). Elsevier. Ross, R., Saenyakul, P., & Kleman, C. C. (2015). A Path Analysis of Intimate Partner Violence, Depression, and the Quality of Life Among Thai Women. 44, S57—S57. Vermeersch, P., Sampsel, D. D., & Kleman, C. C. (2015). Acceptability and usability of a te/epresence robot for geriatric primary care: A pilot. 36(3), 234-238. Presentations Kleman, C. C. (Presenter & Author), Magnus, J. M. (Author Only), Andrews, M. C. (Author Only), Lutz, B. J. (Author Only), Meyer, K. (Author Only). (June 2021). Academy Health- Annual Research Meeting, Being Sick Is a Full -Time Job": A Job Analysis of Managing a Chronic Illness," Academy Health, Virtual. Kleman, C. C. (Presenter & Author), Magnus, J. M. (Author Only), Andrews, M. C. (Author Only), Lutz, B. J. (Author Only), Meyer, K. (Author Only). North Carolina Nurses Association Annual Convention. (September 2021). The Work Patients Do To Manage a Chronic Illness and How Nurses Can Be Helpful Kleman, C. C., PhD Seminar, "Mixed Methods Research," University of North Carolina Greensboro, Zoom. (February 2021). Bove, L. A., Kleman, C. C., Kick Corona to the Curb Conference, "Using Technology for Applied Learning of Future Nurse Educators," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington NC. (April 2020). Bove, L. A., Kleman, C. C., Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Education Research Conference 2020 'Canceled COVID 19, "Using Technology for Applied Learning of Future Nurse Educators," Sigma Theta Tau, Washington, DC. (March 2020). Bove, L. A., Kleman, C. C., Faculty Development, "PhD — DNP Collaboration," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC. (December 2019). Kleman, C. C., Bove, L. A., 15th Annual SENSES Conference, "Practice Makes Perfect: Peer Reviewed Video Presentations for Nurse Educator Students," South Eastern Nursing Educator Symposium (SENSES), Concord, NC. (October 2019). Kleman, C. C., International Conference on Mixed Methods Research in Health Sciences, "Conducting Mixed Methods Research: from the project design to publication," Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. (September 2019). Kleman, C. C. (Presenter Only), Ross, R. (Presenter Only), International Conference on Mixed Methods Research in Health Sciences, "Evidence -Based Practice: Principles and Applicability in Nursing," Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. (September 2019). Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 40 Kleman, C. C. (Presenter Only), International Conference on Mixed Methods Research in Health Sciences, "Research areas of the School of Nursing, University of North Carolina Wilmington," Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil. (September 2019). Kiernan, C. C., North Carolina Nurses Association Convention, "Encouragement: The Key to Increasing the Number of Nurses Serving on Boards," NCNA, Winston-Salem, NC. (September 2019). Bove, L. A. (Presenter & Author), Kleman, C. (Presenter & Author), Partnerships in Applied Learning Applied Learning Summer Institute, "Creating Student Videos by Nurse Educators," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC. (July 2019). Kleman, C. C. (Presenter & Author), American Heart Association: Quality of Care and Outcomes Research Conference, "Predictors of Self -Advocacy in Heart Failure," American Heart Association (AHA), Arlington, VA. (April 2019). Kiernan, C. C. (Presenter & Author), STTI- Nu Omega Research Day, "The Impact of Trust in Nurses and Social Support on Patient Self -Advocacy," STTI Nu Omega, UNCW, Wilmington, NC. (February 2019). Kleman, C. (Presenter & Author), Doctoral Forum, "You can be tired all you want ... but you can't rest until you are done!," Kent State University, Kent, Ohio - through Zoom. (November 2018). Kleman, C. C. (Presenter & Author), Cardiac Cerebral Vascular Conference, "Predictors of patient self -advocacy (PSA) in chronic heart failure," New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Wilmington, NC. (September 2018). Contract, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research Kleman, C. C. (Principal), Magnus, J. M. (Co -Principal), Martha, A. C. (Co -Principal), Lutz, B. J. (Co -Principal), "SON Seed Grant," Sponsored by University of North Carolina Wilmington, University of North Carolina Wilmington, $20,000.00. (October 10, 2019 - September 30, 2020). Bove, L. A. (Co -Principal), Kleman, C. C. (Co -Principal), "ETEAL: Creating student videos by nurse educators," Sponsored by University of North Carolina Wilmington, University of North Carolina Wilmington, $3,500.00. (January 2019 - May 2019). Kleman, C. C. (Principal), Magnus, J. M. (Co -Investigator), & Andrews, M. C. (Co -Investigator). (April 1, 2021). "Describing the Work Healthcare Advocates Perform for People with Chronic Illnesses," Sponsored by Sigma Theta Tau International and the Southern Nursing Research Society, Other, $5,000.00. Turrise, S. L. (Principal), Lutz, B. J. (Co -Investigator), Kleman, C. C. (Co -Investigator), & Winslow, H. J. (Supporting). (April 26, 2020). "Readiness to Engage in Heart Failure Self -Care: Screening Tool Development," Sponsored by Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation, Private, $50,000.00. Not Funded. Richardson, E. L. (Principal), Kleman, C. C. (Co -Principal), & Strawn, N. (Co -Principal). (March 6, 2020). "Global Interprofessional Learning Experience - Toolkit for Online Education," Sponsored by Academic Partner- ships, Private, $9,844.25. Not Funded. Turrise, S. L., Kleman, C. C., Lutz, B. J., & Winslow, H. J. (January 1, 2020). Sponsored by American Heart Association, Other, $154,000.00. Not Funded. Teaching Experience NSG 398, section 803, Health Policy. 3 credit hours. 21 enrolled. NSG 593, section 800, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 14 enrolled. NSG 593, section 800, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 16 enrolled. NSG 593, section 801, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 17 enrolled. NSG 593, section 802, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 17 enrolled. NSG 593, section 800, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 13 enrolled. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 41 NSG 593, section 801, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 13 enrolled. NSG 593, section 803, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 17 enrolled. NSG 499, section 307, Honors Work in Nursing. 3 credit hours. 0 enrolled. NSG 593, section 800, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 14 enrolled. NSG 593, section 801, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 16 enrolled. NSG 398, section 801, Health Policy. 3 credit hours. 28 enrolled. NSG 593, section 801, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 13 enrolled. NSG 593, section 802, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 10 enrolled. NSG 499, section 317, Honors Work in Nursing. 3 credit hours. 1 enrolled. NSG 398, section 802, Health Policy. 3 credit hours. 19 enrolled. NSG 593, section 803, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 11 enrolled. NSG 504, section 002, Hlthcare Delivery Sys-Hlth Pol. 3 credit hours. 25 enrolled. HON 499, section 317, Interdisciplinary Honors Work. 3 credit hours. 1 enrolled. NSG 398, section 803, Health Policy. 3 credit hours. 26 enrolled. NSG 398, section 808, Health Policy. 3 credit hours. 30 enrolled. NSG 593, section 801, Health, Finance, Policy Nur Ed. 3 credit hours. 16 enrolled. NSG 504, section 002, Healthcare Delivery Systems and Health Policy. 3 credit hours. 20 enrolled. NSG 504, section 2, Hlthcare Delivery Sys-Hlth Pol. 3 credit hours. 20 enrolled. Directed Student Learning "GEARS Online Patient Advocacy" (On -Going). As part of the GEARS program, I am mentoring a student in research from the Beijing University of Technology. The GEARS program is through NC State. She will be working with me on finding websites in which people with chronic illness communicate with one another. Undergraduate Honors Thesis Committee Chair, "Vaping Behaviors and Perception of Risks in College Students," Nursing. (August 2019 - Present). Advised: Aimee Kerupetski Master's Committee Member, "The Perceptions of Maternal Care in African American Women during Preconception, Prenatal and Postpartum." (2021). Advised: Mira Johnson Teaching Innovation and Curriculum Development Course Coordinator. NSG 593: Population Health, Finance, and Policy Applied to Nursing Education. January 2020 - Present. Revise Existing Course. NSG 593: Population Health, Finance, and Policy Applied to Nursing Education. January 2019 - Present. Peer Review content updates and a rubric created that el -earning uses as an example for the University. To meet QM Standards. Curricular Development. BSN to DNP. February 2019 - January 2020. Curricular work related to population health and health policy Curricular Development. BSN to DNP. December 13, 2018. Program development for Executive post-mMasters progra Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 42 Faculty Development Activities Attended Workshop, "Graduate Student Wellbeing Workshop," University of North Carolina Wil, Wilmington, NC, United States. (April 23, 2021 - Present). Webinar, "The Power to Heal," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, United States. (February 24, 2021 - Present). Seminar, "How to get published: Guidance from emerging and established authors," The American Educational Research Association, Wilmington, NC, United States. (January 12, 2021 - Present). Seminar, "Gender and Leadership Academy," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, United States. (December 4, 2020 - Present). Seminar, "Gender and Leadership Academy," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, United States. (November 6, 2020 - Present). Seminar, "Gender and Leadership Academy," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, United States. (October 30, 2020 - Present). Seminar, "Gender and Leadership Academy," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, United States. (October 2, 2020 - Present). Seminar, "Scholarship Circle," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, United States. (September 2020 - May 2021). Seminar, "Teaching and Learning Circle," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, United States. (September 2020 - May 2021). Seminar, "RTP Circle," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC, United States. (September 2020 -April 2021). Conference Attendance, "Whole Person Advocacy: Integrating Mental Health," Washington State Health Advocacy Association. (November 5, 2020 - November 6, 2020). Conference Attendance, "NCNAAnnual Convention September 2020," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (September 2020). Conference Attendance, "Patient -Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Annual Meeting," Virtual, Washington DC. (September 2020). Training, "Voice Thread," Voice Thread. (July 2020 -August 2020). Training, "Getting ready for the New Semester," University of North Carolina Wilmington- eLearning, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (June 2020). Training, "How to deepen dialogue in discussion boards," University of North Carolina Wilmington- eLearning, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (June 2020). Workshop, "Nurses Wellness Retreat 2020," North Carolina Nurses Association, Raleigh, NC, USA. (June 26, 2020). Training, "Authentic Assessments," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (June 23, 2020). Training, "Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR): (Statewide Systems)," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (June 2, 2020 - June 18, 2020). Webinar, "NCNA Legislative Update- Short Session 2019-2020," NCNA. (April 21, 2020). Training, "eTeal," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (December 2019 - January 2020). Workshop, "Writing Workshop," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (March 2019 - December 2019). Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 43 Self -Study Program, "Patient Self -Advocacy," Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States. (January 2018 - December 2019). Workshop, "Center for Teaching Excellence: Course Design Institute," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (May 13, 2019 - May 17, 2019). Mentorship, "Mentorship with Janie Canty -Mitchell," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (October 15, 2018 - May 15, 2019). Training, "Teaching Learning Circles," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (August 27, 2018 - May 15, 2019). Community Research Meeting, "NHRMC Research Meeting," University of North Carolina Wilmington and NHRMC, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (October 2018 -April 2019). Seminar, 'Research Teams," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (April 29, 2019). Workshop, "LVAD Academy," SEAHEC, Wilmington, NC, United States. (March 29, 2019). Conference Attendance, "NINR Campus Visit," University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. (February 12, 2019). Webinar, "NLN Voices University: How to navigate the 116th Congress," NLN, Raliegh, NC, United States. (February 6, 2019). Webinar, "NCNA legislative update," NCNA, Raliegh, NC, United States. (January 28, 2019). Training, "From Ideas to Publication and Grant Basics," UNC- Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. (January 18, 2019). Workshop, "Certified Heart Failure Nurse Review," SEAHEC, Wilmington, NC, United States. (January 7, 2019). Workshop, "CNE Review Course," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (December 12, 2018). Seminar, "Service opportunities -SON," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (November 26, 2018). Seminar, "Yoga for functional movement," NCNA- SEAHEC, Wilmington, NC, United States. (October 25, 2018). Seminar, "NCOLN Leadership Conference," North Carolina Organization for Nurse Leaders-SEAHEC, Wilmington, NC, United States. (October 19, 2018). Training, "New Faculty Orientation," University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, North Carolina, United States. (August 13, 2018 -August 17, 2018). Workshop, "Designing Paticipatory Mixed Methods Research: Community Engaged Approaches to Address Complex Problems," University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, MI, USA. (March 30, 2017 -April 1, 2017). University Service Committee Member, NIH Mock Review Panel. (February 2019 - Present). Panel Judge, CHHS 3 Minute Thesis. (March 2021). Grant Reviewer, Community Engagement. (November 2019). Committee Member, Research Advisory Council. (August 2019-August 2021). Faculty Senate SON Representative, Faculty Senate. (August 2021- August 2023). Professional Service Southeast Regional Engagement Coordinator, North Carolina Nurses Association, Wilmington, NC. (January 2021 - Present). Reviewer, Journal Article, Nursing Forum. (July 2020 - Present). Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 44 Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. (January 2020 - Present). Reviewer, Grant Proposal, University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC. (November 2019 - Present). Committee Member, North Carolina Nurses Association- Nurses on Boards 2020, Raleigh, North Carolina. (August 2019 - Present). Committee Member, Development Committee. Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS), Overland Park, Kansas. (May 2, 2019 - Present). Committee Member, American Heart Association- Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing Council, Washington, DC. (September 2018 - 2021). Member, American Nurses Association, Washington, DC. (January 2010 - Present). Public Service Attendee, Meeting, American Heart Association, Wilmington, NC. (October 26, 2019 - Present). Officer, Vice President, Akron Center for Recovery, Akron, OH. (January 2017 - Present). American Heart Association- Heart walk, Wilmington, North Carolina. (October 27, 2019). Attendee, Meeting, New Hanover Regional Medical Center Research Committee, Wilmington, NC. (February 19, 2019 - April 2019). Attendee, Meeting, Wilmington Biz Expo, Wilmington, NC. (March 27, 2019). Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 45 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Jessica Lightner <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 4, 2021 1:50 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Jessica Lightner Email JESSIEL(cDBOBKING.COM Home Address 3220 Alex Trask Drive Castle Hayne, North Carolina 28429 United States MaD It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910) 297-5985 Cell Phone (910) 297-5985 Business Phone (910) 202-8357 Years living in New Hanover County 40 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 40 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? Board of CommissAners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 46 No Applicant's Employer Bob King Buick GMC Mercedes Occupation Customer Relations Manager Professional Activities As a customer relations manager, I interact with customers for various reasons. Some include: complaints with a department at Bob King, an issue with the vehicle, acting as a liaison between the customer and the vehicle manufacturer, etc. I also manage 200 employees. I facilitate training for the employees, handle disciplinary concerns, provide support for employees and much more. Volunteer Activities I have worked with the Food Bank of Eastern NC, the Diaper bank and an urban garden with Hope Recuperative Care. Until COVID happened, we have a Serve Team at work and volunteer once a quarter. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I feel it more important than ever to be a positive part of the community. I would like to be a positive force to help. I am a Wilmington native and want to see the area to grow in the right direction. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I would like to see violence against women be addressed more. Even though I do not have biological children of my own, I would like to see education offered to women on how to navigate a career and motherhood. Qualifications for serving: I feel that the volume of employees and customers I am involved with helps me be an open person. My office door is always open and people know they can come in anytime for advice, help or even a shoulder to cry on. People come to me to be a problem solver. I am efficient and work hard. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Phil Hardee Reference 1 Phone (910) 617-2955 Reference 2 John Jackson, Jr Reference 2 Phone (910)599-7120 Reference 3 Jacque Crawford Reference 3 Phone (910) 799-3520 Additional comments: Thank you for your time. Board of Commissianers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 47 Date 08/04/2021 Consent ✓I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 48 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Mireya Lupercio <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2021 5:18 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women Attachments: Lupercio_M.pdf ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Mireya Lupercio Email mireva lupercio(cDalumni.unc.edu Home Address P.O BOX 7074 Wilmington, North Carolina 28406 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (919)802-6460 Years living in New Hanover County 4.5 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Latina Age 32 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Coastal Horizons Center, Inc Occupation Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 49 Outpatient Mental Health Therapist Professional Activities I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and an experienced Mental Health Therapist who is passionate about social justice as well as mental and emotional health, especially in the Latinx community. I provide a bilingual and bicultural therapeutic environment for adolescents and adults. I have experience working with a diverse group of clients and range of diagnosis, I have strengths working with first generation stressors, anxiety, depression, ADHD, PTSD, domestic violence, and post-partum depression. I also hold a Master of Social Work focused in Community, Management and Policy Practice. I have experience working with several nonprofits and national committees that focus on farmworker and migrant rights. I have organized and led community events raising awareness on farmworker and migrant issues as well as for undocumented students. Volunteer Activities I enjoy volunteering in community events and participating in discussions and events targeting social justice reform. I have volunteered at the Community Vaccine Clinic with New Hanover Regional Medical Center by assisting with interpretation for Spanish speaking individuals receiving COVID-19 vaccine. In addition, I participate in the program team for Student Action with Farmworkers to evaluate, support, and provide recommendations to five programs led by organization. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I wish to serve in the New Hanover County Commission for Women because as the Latinx community continues to grow in this area and the number of young professionals among the Latinx community, especially women, I believe in the importance of representation. I wish to be able to bring awareness of the challenges Latina women encounter in our community especially those marginalized so collective we work together towards equity, diversity and inclusion in community services. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? As mentioned, I hope my professional and personal experiences can provide insights to an often overlooked population such as Latina women in New Hanover County. I believe it can be helpful to find ways to support Latina mothers and their families in a culturally acceptable manner. There is a need of resources for this population. Qualifications for serving: Please see resume attached. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None Ust three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Robert Ramirez Reference 1 Phone (910)622-2648 Reference 2 Billy Worthy Reference 2 Phone (404)550-3592 Reference 3 Victoria Velazco Reference 3 Phone (910) 274-3282 Upload additional information. • Lupercio M.Ddf Board of Commissianers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 50 Date 07/24/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 51 Mireya LuperciO, Lcsw P.O. BOX 7074, Wilmington, NC 28401 i T: 919.802.6460 i E: mireya lupercioftalumni.unc.edu Experience Clinica Latina ---Coastal Horizons Center, Inc.; Wilmington, NC November 21, 2016 --- Present Outpatient Mental Health Therapist: • Provides individual assessment, treatment planning, and psychotherapy services to culturally diverse adolescent and adult population diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, and other affective disorders; services provided in a bilingual and bicultural therapeutic environment. • Collaborates with treatment team of clinical social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, and rehabilitation counselors to develop individualized treatment plans. • Co -facilitates groups in delivering evidenced -informed school based intervention, Supporting Transition Resilience in Newcomer Groups (STRONG) to newcomer youth to support their transition to a new school and community. • Facilitates parent groups in delivering Padres Efectivos to support Latino parents to better navigate the USA health system while accessing services on behalf of their children in the mental and child development fields. • Participates in agency's Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Task Force in efforts to examine agency's current activities, trainings, initiatives and culture to ensure best practices to meet the needs of clients, staff, and community partners. Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs; Washington, D.C. July 2016 --- October 2016 Children in the Fields Campaign Manager • Worked on developing a memorandum of understanding with the National Consumer League and the Child Labor Coalition to increase awareness at a national level on issues affecting farmworker children. • Managed Children in the Fields Campaign social media platforms and contributed to monthly blogs to increase awareness on child labor in the U.S. agriculture and discriminatory child labor laws. • Coordinated Children in the Fields Campaign annual Art and Essay Contest. • Assisted with Association of Farmworker Opportunity Program's National Conference • Participated in local events, meetings, and conference as a speaker for Children in the Fields Campaign. • Led Children in Fields Committee, participated in Child Labor Coalition, and participated in Health and Safety Committee. Student Action with Farmworkers; Durham, NC August 2015--- May 2016 Advocacy and Organizing Intern: • Participated in two coalitions (Farmworker Advocacy Network and Adelante Education Coalition). • Assisted in planning and managing events. Planned and facilitated committee meetings for events and press conferences. • Led program to raise awareness of working conditions for farm and poultry workers. • Researched farmworkers mortality rates and made presentations on findings. Compiled and analyzed farmworker feedback surveys that evaluate program services. • Wrote letters to government officials regarding tuition equity for undocumented students in North Carolina. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 52 Education Volunteer Skills Clinica Latina ---Coastal Horizons Center, Inc.; Wilmington, NC August 2014--- April 2015 Intern: • Facilitated support group for Spanish-speaking women on various sensitive topics. • Provided interpreting for clients during appointments with psychiatrist • Organized and prepared intake paperwork for clinician. Assisted clinicians with client referrals to additional resources. • Advocated for Clinica Latina and Latino community by presenting agency information to New Hanover schools. Master of Social Work, May 2016 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Concentration in Community, Management and Policy Practice Coursework: Advanced Policy Practice, Leadership in Non-profit Organizations, Immigration and Citizenship Law and Policy, and Human Migration: Implication for Policy, Practice, and Research. School of Social Work Race & Social Justice Initiative: Worked to provide visible racial and social justice in the schools' curriculum, student interactions, and organizational culture. Bachelor of Social Work, May 2015 University of North Carolina Wilmington GPA: 3.914 The Globalization, Culture, and Diversity Committee: Worked to integrate diversity to the school of College of Health and Human Services. Honors and Awards: Dean's List, Phi Alpha Honor Society ---Eta Omega Chapter, and Tau Sigma National Honor Society New Hanover Regional Medical Center —Community Vaccine Clinic March 2021 --- Present Utilizes Spanish to welcome, engage, and assist with interpretation and translation for Spanish speaking individuals receiving COVID-19 vaccine. Student Action with Farmworkers; Durham, NC June 2021--- Present Participates in the program team to evaluate, support and provide recommendations for SAF's Levante Leadership Institute, Into the Fields, Solidaridad, Cosecha, and From the Ground Up programs. Languages: Spanish- Proficient Computer Skills: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Social Media Platforms Trainings: Supporting Transition Resilience in Newcomer Groups, Padres Efectivos Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 53 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Alexandra Lysik <application@webformsnhcgov.com> SLl 1 tl , .er.�ste-d Sent: Saturday, May 1, 2021 11:49 PM T To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Igo I a Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Alexandra Lysik Email alexandrana cavikinsurance.com Home Address 1713 Ebb Dr Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 United States Mai) It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Mai) It Home Phone (910) 398-5850 Years living in New Hanover County 15 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 35 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Cavik insurance Occupation Board of Commissiobers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 54 Insurance Agent Professional Activities Women to Watch Finalist 2018, 40 under 40 Nomination 2020 Volunteer Activities Board Member of Wilmington Area Rebuilding Ministry; Prior Cape Fear Literacy Council Gala chair Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I believe the advancement of women, and protection of women, is important to our future and local area. There are a lot of issues that we face, from home to work, than affect oir every day lives. I hope by joining this committee to further our place in the workforce, and bring opportunities to future women of our area too. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Advancement in the workforce Getting women back into the workforce Bringing education and opportunities to low income women to help further their futures Supporting women owned businesses, and work from home opportunities Qualifications for serving: As a local employer, most of my employees are women. We have women that work in both the office, as well as from home. I believe this will help me understand what women need in the workforce. I have a bachelors in Political Science, and Masters in Public Administration. I am familiar with how public administration works, and have also worked for NHC prior as the Risk Management Technician. I am a local citizen, and woman myself. I hope to help all generations of women who want to stay in our community and grow, or start a business. This is my home, so I want to see it prosper with powerful women. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None list three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Deb Hays Reference 1 Phone (910)232-0505 Reference 2 Thomas Murphy Reference 2 Phone (910)228-6493 Reference 3 Danielle Boisse Reference 3 Phone (910) 617-9617 Date 05/01 /2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 55 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Marie Parker <application@webformsnhcgov.com> SNi t Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2021 1:13 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Marie Parker Email marieoarker(cDamail.com Home Address 4531 Auriana Way Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (919) 795-0957 Years living In New Hanover County 1 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Caucasian Age 47 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer CFPTA (Wave Transit) Occupation % i 1+Ue_S+e_d -I Its la1 Board of Commissio4ers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 56 Executive Director Professional Activities North Carolina Public Transportation Association - Board Member American Public Transportation Association - Board Member Volunteer Activities None currently. Previously served as Volunteer Caregiver for seven years through 2020 for Center for Volunteer Caregiving, Cary NC. Also previously volunteered with Literacy Council as teacher and American Red Cross as disaster response volunteer. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? To assist with addressing issues in the communities as it relates to women that could be anything from wage disparity, business ownership, and education. Women have made a lot of progress over history but there are still societal and systemic issues that need to continue to be improved upon. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I am new to the community so I don't have any specific concerns to New Hanover County, but am willing to take up and support whatever causes need to be addressed. That could also include housing, fair pay, access to transportation, education, and health care. Qualifications for serving: None other than college -educated professional female with a passion for supporting the growth, enrichment, and success of other women. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None Ust three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Andrea Epstein Reference 1 Phone (984)328-2714 Reference 2 Moms Cook Reference 2 Phone (919)745-0451 Reference 3 Laura Bass Reference 3 Phone (630) 926-7973 Date 04/29/2021 Consent **I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 57 Kianpour, Dahria From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Joanne Phillips <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 9:14 PM (t To: Crowell, Kym; Kianpour, Dahria Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women Attachments: J-Phillips- Board- Bio-Jan-20212.pdf Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Joanne Phillips Email philio04(@gmail.com Home Address 7914 Breeze Way Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (919)337-3642 Cell Phone (919)337-3642 Years living in New Hanover County 1 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 55 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 58 Red Hat, Inc. Occupation Sr Director, Internal Audit & Risk Management (CPA) Professional Activities Relevant professional activities would include my current oversight of mentoring programs at Red Hat including the Women in Finance program, mentor/mentee and accountability programs as part of my role as Chief of Staff for the CFO office. Volunteer Activities Advisory Board - American Cancer Society, Central and Eastern North Carolina Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I am new to New Hanover county and have an interest in serving my community. I have also applied for positions on both the Planning and Risk Management committees. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I have no areas of concern, but am interested in learning how New Hanover county supports various female -led small businesses and entrepreneurs. Qualifications for serving: CPA - 25+ years of audit, risk and controllership experience both in small and large size business. I also bring insights into various industries including telecommunications, software and technology, manufacturing and investment banking and various efforts I have led for women in those industries. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Melissa Law Reference 1 Phone (910)489-2581 Reference 2 Lexi Pate Reference 2 Phone (910)232-5943 Reference 3 Michael Whitley Reference 3 Phone (919)931-3000 Upload additional information. • J-Phillips-Board-Bio-Jan-20212.pdf Date 02/01 /2021 Consent Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 59 VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. FEB O 2 2021 B6C OF Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 60 Joanne Phillips is a dynamic finance leader with a focus on building teams with integrity and transparency. Joanne brings extensive experience in accounting, finance, tax & audit matters for multinational operations both through industry and public practice. Prioritizing team effectiveness, she has cultivated 'can -do' and talented finance departments resulting in capable and accurate analysis supporting management in various industries including telecom, manufacturing and software. As a finance leader in many large corporate settings, she has had a strong focus on enabling the accounting department as a critical partner for the business, while maintaining a commitment to excellence and professionalism. After graduating with a Bachelor of Mathematics degree majoring in Accounting from the University of Waterloo, ON, Canada, Joanne began building her extensive resume that includes the following industries and broad range of expertise: • 8 years of progressive public accounting roles, including tax & audit (EY Alum), Ottawa ON • 10 years at Nortel Networks in Ottawa, ON, Hemdon, VA & RTP, NC culminating to the Director, Global Finance Governance • 5 years as Director, Financial Reporting/Technical Accounting at Credit Suisse, RTP, NC • 5 years as Controller for privately -held software companies supporting acquisitions and due diligence efforts including advising on venture capital financing structures In March of 2017, Joanne transitioned to Red Hat, a $3B+ multinational software solutions company specializing in open -source technologies, progressing her career as the Director of External Reporting to her current position as the Chief of Staff for the CFO Office. As part of her current responsibilities, Joanne also oversees the Internal Audit & Risk Management functions at Red Hat. In addition to the various finance -related roles and industries she has experienced, Joanne is a strong communicator with an acute ability to message difficult technical and strategic finance concepts. Reputed for her directness and foresightedness, Joanne can be relied upon to raise key and tough questions while offering bold solutions. Joanne is often sought out for her ability to capture ideas and translate them into dear, brief and impactful written words. Joanne brings a technical expertise while offering strategic and innovative ideas yet realizes that there is much that she can continuously learn. While she is keenly interested in the telecom, software and high- tech industries, her passion remains focused on how she can service her community. As a military mom, and a firm believer in strong family values, Joanne brings both empathy and realism to every challenge. Joanne originally certified as a Canadian Chartered Accountant and now holds an active Certified Public Accounting (CPA) license in North Caroline (#29882). Joanne currently serves on the Advisory Board, American Cancer Society, Central and Eastern NC area. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 61 r _ �> Kianpour, Dahria From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Anne Russell <application@webformsnhcgov.com> ski `` In �.�-ej Sent: Monday, September 14, 2020 10:15 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Kianpour, Dahria -"I I (ci Ial Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Anne Russell Email a ru s se I19 CcD e c. rr. co m Home Address 602 Bradley Creek Point Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910)256-3457 Years living in New Hanover County 40 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race W Age 82 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer self Occupation Professor UNCW (retired), Licensed Professional Counselor, (retired), Author/Publisher Board of Commissiohers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 62 Professional Activities UNCW Osher Lifelong Learning Institute: "The Constructive Role of Dissent" Volunteer Activities NAACP ACT -SO mentor, Author 1898 Commemoration Drama "No More Sorrow To Arise" Coordinator 1898 Memorial sculpture committee Wilmington Tree Commission, City -County Consolidation Commission Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I have been an activist on behalf of women and minorities for decades: charter member Atlanta NOW, chaired Hawaii Women's Political Caucus, author Patsy T. Mink: Political Woman What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Human trafficking in New Hanover County Self-defense classes in public schools Domestic violence Qualifications for serving: PhD American Studies, Professor of Women's Studies and Communication, taught Race Relations, author Wilmington A Pictorial History Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Dr. Melton McLaurin Reference 1 Phone (910) 392-0395 Reference 2 Rhonda Bellamy Reference 2 Phone (910) 343-0998 Reference 3 Dr. Anne York Reference 3 Phone (402) 216-7750 Date 09/14/2020 Consent 00'I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. REC I� SEP 14 2020 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 BOC OFF ITEM: 12- 3 - 63 Kianpour, Dahria From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Lauren Vilar <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2020 10:21 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Kianpour, Dahria Subject: Application for New Hanover County Commission for Women Attachments: Sept-2020-resume.pdf Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Commission for Women Name Lauren Vilar Email lauren@wilmington-counseling.com Home Address 140 Rogersville Rd. Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (919) 604-1979 Business Phone (910) 210-6010 Fax (910) 210-2033 Years living in New Hanover County 8 s k i ni-:vesficd g�a la-1 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 32 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 64 No Applicant's Employer LMV Counseling Occupation Clinical Social Worker/Business Owner Professional Activities Current: NHC Resiliency Task Force- Healthcare Subcommittee, BCBS NC Provider Advisory Group, Seeds of Healing volunteer, owner of group counseling practice LMV Counseling Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? My passion for serving and helping women is long standing and I hope to assist in implementing lasting change in our local community. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Access to care, support services for women and children, address disparities faced by women Qualifications for serving: In my professional career I have specialized in assisting women overcome substance use issues and anxiety. I assisted in the creation and launching of the Tides of Wilmington non profit program, serving women with opioid use disorders with wrap around services for the mother -baby dyad. During previous employment I was also part of the Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Committee with NHRMC. In graduate school, I assisted with breast cancer research and supporting programs that increased support for women and their families. Several years ago, I volunteered with A Safe Place here in Wilmington. My volunteer efforts in the past and professional activities have centered around advocating for women and increasing supports. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Mary Wisecup Reference 1 Phone (304) 444-1808 Reference 2 Jamie Washington Reference 2 Phone (910)550-7392 Reference 3 Rebecca Dawson Reference 3 Phone (336) 266-0247 Upload additional information. • Sept-2020-resume.pdf Date 09/22/2020 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 65 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. SEP 2 2 2UZO BBC OFF, Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 66 Lauren Vilar, (919) 604-1979 Page I of 2 LAUREN MOSER VILAR, MSW, LCSW, LCAS (919) 604-1979 • laurenAwilmington-counseling com LICENSURE: Licensed Clinical Social Work, NCSWCLB C009009 Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist, NCSAPPB LCAS-20222 EDUCATION: University of Maryland, Baltimore May 2012 Masters in Social Work (GPA: 4.1), Clinical Mental Health, specialization substance abuse University of North Carolina Wilmington May 2010 Bachelor of Arts, Psychology (GPA: 3.89), magna cum laude DIRECT PRACTICE EXPERIENCE: LMV Counseling, PLLC, Owner, Psychotherapist, and Speaker December 2017-present • Manage a team of four therapists providing trauma informed, evidence -based interventions to adults struggling with mental health and/or substance use issues. • Implement effective empirically based interventions to assist individuals in healing from mental health and substance use disorders • Specialties include trauma, addiction, treatment of opioid-dependent pregnant women, and counseling for individuals on opioid medication -assisted recovery • Provide workshops, seminars, and lectures to educate community members on strategies to reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and promote self -care Tides, Inc., Supervisor and Consultant June 2018-September 2019 • Implemented and carried out the organization's mission, coordinated objectives, strategies and goals to manage efficient well -run projects • Created a connection of community resources to provide services to opioid using pregnant women • Led the nonprofit into developing strategy, internal logistics, organizational models, staffing, and leading program activities Adhere to approved budget and identify areas of savings Coastal Horizons Center, Outpatient Therapist January 2014-June 2018 Outpatient Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Treatment, Wilmington, NC • Utilize a person -centered and systems approach through the use of evidence -based interventions of Motivational Interviewing, CBT, ACT, dialectical techniques, and strengths -based perspectives • Conduct comprehensive clinical assessments, create person -centered plans, and provide individual and group therapy to individuals with substance use and mental health disorders • Specialty populations include providing treatment for opioid using pregnant women, providing trauma - focused CBT to adolescents and trauma -informed care to adults Wilmington Treatment Center, Substance Abuse Counselor June 2012-December 2013 Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Center, Wilmington, NC • Provided individual therapy, small group therapy, and case management to a young adult caseload of 13-20 patients in a fast -paced environment while maintaining an average of over 90% quality assurance in the documentation • Completed biopsychosocial assessments, prioritized needs, and developed person -centered treatment plans • Utilized motivational interviewing, cognitive -behavior therapy, mindfulness, crisis intervention and Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 67 Lauren Vilar, (919) 604-1979 Page 2 of 2 dialectical behavior therapy techniques in psychotherapy • Educated and developed a motivational interviewing training for treatment assistants to assist with paraprofessional staff -patient relations SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: Addiction Recovery for Women, NASW NC Conference December 2018 • CEU provided for various disciplines focusing on challenges, opportunities, and engagement Speaker to BSW and MSW Classes, UNCW Social Work Department Fall 2017-Fall 2018 • Invited by Kevin Connolley to present to MSW and BSW students NC State Park Scholarship Learning Lab, Wilmington, NC March 2018 • Recognized as a local leader in addiction treatment. Invited to present on the opioid epidemic. WWAY local news featured presentation. Grandparent support Group, Wilmington, NC March 2018 • Presentation on addiction and the brain and basic recovery models. Department of Social Services Foster Care Group, Wilmington, NC Recurring from June 2017 • Presentation on addiction and the brain, basic recovery models, and the effect of addiction on the family system Seeds of Healing Radio Show, Wilmington, NC April 2017 • Invited to provide education for the general public regarding marijuana use, prevalence, risks and benefits, and resources for marijuana use disorder treatment DREAMS of Wilmington, Wilmington, NC 2015 • In person presentation to staff about developmentally appropriate behaviors for adolescents exposed to trauma Wilmington Treatment Center, Wilmington NC 2012 • "Motivational Interview Techniques" Presentation for paraprofessional staff to improve staff -patient relations University of Maryland Baltimore, Baltimore, MD 2011-2012 • "Safe Space Training" Presentation to university faculty and students to explain the role of "safe spaces," dispel myths about the LGBTQI community, provide correct information, and educate individuals on the importance of sexual orientation and gender identity to one's sense of self RESEARCH: Komen Breast Cancer Research Assistant, UMB School of Social Work September 2010-February 2011 • Researched and developed education modules on the psychosocial impacts experienced by breast cancer survivors RELEVANT TRAINING, CERTIFICATION, MEMBERSHIPS: BCBS of NC Provider Advisory Panel July 2020-present NHC Resiliency Task Force April 2018-present Seeds of Healing, volunteer and contributor July 2017-present Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome NHRMC Workgroup April 2014-June 2017 North Carolina Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Studies Summer School August 2017 • Foundation scholarship winner NC Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Studies Clinical Supervision Training July 2016 Equality NC Volunteer Advocacy May 2016-March 2017 CPR and First Aid Certification February 2012-present Trauma -Focused CBT Training, NC Child Treatment Program Duke/MUSC Collaborative August 2015 • 42.5 hours of specialty trauma -specific training Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 3 - 68 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council Vacancies: 2 Categories: Engineer and Plumbing Contractor Term: 3 years, expiring 7/31/24 Notes: • Advertising is ongoing for the Engineer category • After an extended advertising period with no new applications received, Mr. Siegel is willing to serve an additional term. Eligible For Applicant Reappointment Category Nominations Plumbing Randall Siegel Contractor Attachments: Committee Information Sheet Application Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 4 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL Number of Members: 8, appointed in categories as follows: Commercial Builder, Electrical Contractor, Engineer, Mechanical Contractor, Plumbing Contractor, Residential Builder, and 2 At -large Term of Office: Three years Regular Meetings: The Council shall meet at least quarterly and may, at its discretion, establish a more frequent meeting schedule. Meetings are held at the New Hanover County Building Safety Department, 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110, Wilmington, NC. Action Creating Council: The County Commissioners established the Council on June 15, 1998. Membership increased to 8 on July 13, 1998. Purpose: The Council will provide advice and guidance to the Building Safety Department to ensure consistent, timely, economical, professional, and efficient service as an integral part of the departments purpose to protect the lives and property of the citizens living in New Hanover County. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Walter Pete Avery Commercial First 7/20/15 7/31/18 3307 Tipton Court Builder Second 8/20/18 7/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28409 Third 7/13/21 7/31/24 910-632-6252 (H) 910-395-6036 (W) 910-512-3301 (C) Sean Lewis Residential Unexpired 2/15/16 7/31/16 1107 Sheffield Court Builder First 7/11/16 7/31/19 Wilmington, NC 28411 Second 8/12/19 7/31/22 910-262-5899 (C/H) 910-769-2440 (W) William Loeber Electrical First 9/16/19 7/31/22 409 Birmingham Ave. Contractor Carolina Beach, NC 28428 910-520-0162 (C) 910-458-3581 (H) Garry S. Pape At -Large Unexpired 11/16/15 7/31/16 6626-C Gordon Road First 7/11/16 7/31/19 Wilmington, NC 28411 Second 8/12/19 7/31/22 910-442-7870 (H/C) David Lee Smith At -Large First 7/12/04 7/31/07 905 Saltwood Lane Second 7/23/07 7/31/10 Wilmington, NC 28411 Third 7/12/10 7/31/13 910-681-0394 (H) 910-520-6395 (C) Fourth 7/15/13 7/31/16 Fifth 7/11/16 7/31/19 Sixth 8/12/19 7/31/22 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 4 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL (CONT.) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS CATEGORY APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Shawn Sweeley Mechanical First 7/13/21 7/31 /24 1311 Element Way Contractor Apt 1107 Wilmington, NC 28412 919-622-6975 (H) 910-791-7888 (W) Randall Siegel Plumbing First 7/23/12 7/31/15 448 Marsh Oaks Drive Contractor Second 7/20/15 7/31/18 Wilmington, NC 28411 Third 8/20/18 7/31/21 910-686-0068 (H) 910-471-6766 (C) k �� jnoi- Vacant Engineer 7/31 /24 Nicholas Gadzekpo, Director File: /Inspections New Hanover Building Safety Department Revised: 07/2021 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-798-7175 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 4 - 3 07/02/2012 20:39 9106861376 SIGNATURE PAGE 02/02 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 230 GOvanment C$hterDhW, Sucre 175 mmingtm NC .28403 retephone (910) 796-7149 FAX (910) 708-7146 Board/Committee: COMMITTEE APPLICATION 1 Council — plum� Name: RAndall Siegel C--Mail: Home Address: 448 Marsh Oaks Drive Mailing Address N different: Home phone: 910.686.0068 Fax. 910.686.1376 (CRY) (ZO Coda) Cell; 910.471.6766 Business. 910.686.13' Years living In New Hanover County: 20 Male: ✓ Female: Race; Caucasion Agr 45 (lnfomaetion for the purpose of assuring a avosssection of the communkA Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name NIA Employer. A person carmW employed by the agency or departmeW for whkh M appflestlan is made, roust resign hWW pwMbn with New Hanover County upon appointment k eccordence with Article W, Sec. 4 of the New Hanover Camty Awsonnel Aotky. Furthermore, &Wkanrahadd have no Immediate &Tdyy member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: Plumbing Contractor Prolesdonal Activities: Commercial, Residential and Service Plumbing Volunteer Activities. WARM, WIRE, Kabitatfor humanity, Soccer Coach Why do you wish to serve on this bostWoomin ttee? Give back to my community Confdct of kovasC a a board mambar batlnes h&Ww boss oonflkt or ockr al conflict of lr6ma on a pat kuar Issue, ihet member shouts state thts belle/ oo one adw marchers of hiaMer respecdva board during a publk meeting. The member should stele Ma nows, of the cordllc4 doWing Nat he/she has a separate, private, or monetary irdersst eiNur Direct or lndired in the issue under conafdereLon rt» member aharhi ohen aucusa him Nomrsalmm voting on the matter. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Fees, Consistency, Cross training for inspectors Qualilicetions for serving: Own two plumbing companies and have been in business in NHC for twelve years. Other municipal or county boarcWcommittees on which you gre serving: NHC board of plumbing examiners List three local personal references and phone numbers: 1, Jim Kenny 910.443.2985 2, Jeff Sanderson 910.713.6500 3. Trace Adams 910.8753 Date: Z</ IL— Signature Appliare kept on We for 18 months i understand atd tedtrtout Hausa a madortty Please use reverse side for additional comments may be removed Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 4 - 4 COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Vacancies: 4 Terms: 3 years, expiring 8/31/24 Applicants Eligible For Reappointment Nominations Steven Aaron Shaun Assael Christy Borst Amy Grant Linda We Cheryl Kozik Christine McDow Tiffany Salter Ida R. Smith X Attachments: Committee Information Sheet Applications Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD Number of Members: 12 Term: 3 years Regular Meetings: Third Thursday every month at 2:00 p.m. at the Main Library, 201 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 Statute or cause creating Board: Policy for the Governing and Operation of the Library. Brief on the functions: To develop necessary policies for the efficient and responsive operation of the County's public library system. Also responsible for making recommendations to the County Manager and County Commissioners concerning the operating and capital needs of the library. Board members are expected to actively promote the library's service program; keep abreast with trends in public library development and to work for the continued improvement of library services offered by the County. TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Mary A. Baish First 8/24/20 8/31/23 1350 Tidalwalk Dr. Wilmington, NC 28409 910-769-8678 (H) 703-598-8038 (C) Jan Brewington First 8/17/15 8/31/18 706 South 7th Street Second 8/20/18 8/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28401 �-h 910-612-6941 (C) 910-815-3731 (W) Denise Chadurjian Unexpired 8/19/13 8/31/15 115 Castle St. First 8/17/15 8/31/18 Wilmington, NC 28401 Second 8/20/18 8/31/21 919-218-7470 (H) Q 0+0i j Dennis M. Conlon First 8/21/17 8/31/20 106 Blackbrook Lane Second 8/24/20 8/31/23 Wilmington, NC 28409 910-399-1597 (H) 703-628-3834 (C) Amy Damutz First 2/16/15 8/31/18 8109 Masonboro Sound Road Second 8/20/18 8/31/21 Wilmington, NC 28409 910-392-7075 (H) 910-470-7075 (C) p�C1 Scott Dodd Unexpired 3/18/19 8/31/20 3945 Halifax Road First 8/24/20 8/31/23 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-620-4016 (C) Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD (CONT.) TERM OF OFFICE CURRENT MEMBERS APPOINTMENT EXPIRATION Joy J. Guenther First 8/12/19 8/31/22 3701 A Reston Ct. Wilmington, NC 28403 910-409-1914 (C) Kevin Maurer First 9/21/20 8/31/23 3509 Amber Dr. Wilmington, NC 28409 910-322-4924 (H) Linda A. Miles First 8/12/19 8/31/22 801 Wild Turkey Place Wilmington, NC 28405 910-239-9553 (H) 336-456-3169 (C) Katherine Montwieler First 8/22/16 8/31/19 318 Forest Hills Drive Second 8/12/19 8/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-962-3328 (W) 910-231-0894 (C) Ida R. Smith First 8/20/18 8/31/21 2410 Chestnut St. Wilmington, NC 28405 9�5i �eS 910-763-9136 (H) 910-520-6790 (C) Ronna Zimmer First 8/22/16 /31/19 2002 Gillette Drive Second 8/12/19 8/31/22 Wilmington, NC 28403 910-763-0488 (H) 910-619-3901 (C) Director: Paige Owens File: /Library New Hanover County Library Revised 09/2020 201 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 910-798-6301 (Info) 910-798-6309 (Adm.) 910-798-6322 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 3 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Steven Aaron <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 2:55 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Library Advisory Board ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Name Steven Aaron Email staa310 _amail.com Home Address 310 Grace Street Wilmington, NC. 28401, North Carolina 28401 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) 310 Grace Street Wilmington, NC. 28401, North Carolina 28401 United States Map It Home Phone (910) 233-0038 Cell Phone (910) 233-0038 Years living in New Hanover County 26 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race white Age 54 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 4 Applicant's Employer self Occupation artist Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I think I have a lot to offer with having lived 26 years in close proximity to our current library. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? New modem Library for downtown providing for the future education of our children and grandchildren, Programs for all ages that can expand ones knowledge, Qualifications for serving: Have participated in public input sessions for, the rehab of brick streets, the refurbishment of Water Street Park, the creation of the new River Front Park, and most recent online forum for the Rail Realignment. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: none List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Dennis Conlon Reference 1 Phone (910)399-1597 Reference 2 Deb Butler Reference 2 Phone (910) 228-9222 Reference 3 Sonita Gaitros Reference 3 Phone (910)431-1367 Date 08/02/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissid'rers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 5 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Shaun Assael <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 10:25 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Attachments: Michaux-FINAL-PROOF.pdf ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Name Shaun Assael Email shaunassael(Dgmail.com Home Address 507 Orange Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United States Mao It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910)769-0207 Cell Phone (917) 414-0304 Years living in New Hanover County 6 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Male Race White Age 59 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissiobers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 6 Self-employed Occupation Journalist Professional Activities Author, producer, journalist Volunteer Activities Formerly student media advisory board, UNCW. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I love libraries. Against all odds, they survive in a hyper -digital, gig economy as places of wonder and invention. I'm a particular fan of the New Hanover system, since I have a nearly perfect track record finding books. Recently, that includes Nixon by Stephen Ambrose and Soul City by Thomas Healy. (Anyone care to guess at the overlap?) And the New Hanover Room continues to be a delight. If there's something I can do to give back and make it better, I'm on board — even if I'm not on the board. But it would be fun to be on it. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? The library can use a dose of updating when it comes to technological tools. Qualifications for serving: Forty years of experience in journalism, publishing and film. And you have all four of my books! Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None. List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Kevin Maurer Reference 1 Phone (910)322-4924 Reference 2 Paul Lawler Reference 2 Phone (910)409-2425 Reference 3 Wiley Cash Reference 3 Phone (304)377-7620 Additional comments: For further information, see shaunassael.com Upload additional information. Board of Commissidners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 7 • Michaux-FINAL-PROOF.pdf Date 07/06/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 8 c s��odo�d r5=m Y �2r�600L W1105 OltlatlO W 'O�INg108 NiUC1f ...0 , ..., '—.— --, AB 30 5Mj— — —.1— 11 MAI A 4 Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 9 N4.. F qE. ##•. �r ��•• icy ,,�.:�:..., � � E �4p} 1 .jE `u �R�§ a u3 w n i e L y O er W' G m W _ " a E A o>° ,Ty N v ai E ro w v h a c zO a a y A cai cc -cc :" Q E C " r e a s eD Z• v 3 '� C a E v d o> e L s z v y E t �i a U p L A C A L u 4%1 L Z 3 IN C C R Rr X E N L S C' 'd L p' X O V 49i 9 N y P. 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C t c :E n aLi •o G �' i t a`, t :^ E A` rn m ; 30° OR u L E o m fj w E y a o m a s E o c 3 .0 oD d� el A9 c o '$� ct0 3 Z'�op Oa H E Y = q ? 7 y OLD m 7 A° C y G m a C o m S G u p C s•OY w$ oS a $m °c' v ° c mr= E m .5 GGib 3 0 L y 9 C L L T C L 0 6_ C1 O L %S y 3 y A �EuyEE3�E3's's�m°a�o r B°^g o`ou�E <�c°3vi CE Board of Coa'nmis orer<- Aught 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 10 i�nani is ftt3anivry fnw.sia.a tvnoi.vn nn3snn i i,ivfat n�in.ve .6 E o. E v e« d a ro y u`o L B s ayy o 0 o n 0 v i° y m o 3 0 `° `ro m °3 u i0 0 3 O .O 9° C E Ero t E c o ''' y E pAp > "p m �° z « ° w a N > A v y c '•. v c v d c ro `" > L '� E m ro E e yu E of w 3 .ca E °; °.° 3�«•'-'S E iT v,«5 5oLT La .c 3= ««iw ,aU`o E °.itic 'v �t '''—' w h `� o o;L"°� u 'O u E „ « T E 0 S aoE .i r.s $o `og r 3�u`a or'u 2c a'_dEaC a i aE EoLL°i i�jg dC7 a °^W Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 11 v c o o m2� iq m e :c u o« gd, 7$ E a y 'b ` c s r v a r Z t o E A E E •° ° N ._ N C a� — u C T 3 g C U U m 'O L R y m p C L> m° E y y N d 3 ti L a aci °D—Euy a d° e E N 'y' 'v' E E ffi« i c E c A F a >. N c u id w E c Z. 'V-' c« '0 3 ° •o 'e 0 I e L A° 'a',• E? o v 15 E 'S ° a, e v 3° 'Or Oa E 7° o m E o •o `° $ 'u y A ems, ffi a " �L. .. '' a+ 3 m� v v v C —u o .+ 'u '� - C C u r V y �C L iy C 9 H y s v E 3 m c t a E o v '� y= A '� y w E« c o A a '� i0 ; o E "mac, E °-�' •o E c °� �gg c= L a a d _3 °' t i° T'J m .`'3c °_ m a 9 v d y v c v ❑ v c y m v o y ° A °° y w' a o C?? c v o u v e v o c v v m E m L S o h °> a=« E ° ..s' 9 L e° ° d '� y E x d ,o• g .E a E o a°+ d v c F" d E v° �' d v v 'o ~, v • 'm ° A d u g' m> '� m w° w "= iO v .� 0 8+ °L' ° y m 3 E .. L E .� y En> ° E c E C12 ° d = m .w o ,� T c e v 3 3 u .m. ° C A U 3 C u y 0 'O E v A v ° W X N v O C 7 pppdppp 9 N v°30 E T C E O P7 7 eoU C G u a' a" > t s v $ v c e i0 d a A u E r o f Geo E H m E g w m e 3 e v �i r v .� E A — E m pQ3 > o O h y 7 v E E Eema $ "' v 9 v c° m Z• d EC. 'eb3 y m;?•a 3 d-v,S�.' c mw°s° m u l� � I oS audit uc 3 `�.N �$ E'uS C C O m y 6 t U A d y u 0 = T O •Cpi � °0. N � O C� 6Ai R L N ELti t noin"ui N L V •� , C C O •O 9C 9 .Y mt o E ,W y`°• a T C C y a� ��� t �0 y L C r o u L o o m v c a v o a c r N a�� •�°-� 9 g c a m h v E s E '� � c ° ai a r '- v y •e v o m E o 3— E o v o c o .• y v o• t v y � ,� 0 D$ ° m C C'1 V 0. L V in• ,,, m ,� EE v U 3 c u v Lv n°' n •°' 3 °' c s .q E m o E L N= y L E E m a E F E « m a t a 'T oo c A q C C d; E e o `o E Yv " e m s asi w° �• e a E E c c e o a u c E m. m q a m 3 0 E �i c A S `v m �• j a m �' ' a o c y v c $° E •o $ v g u$ o C E L v o A 3 u o a t y `°� o A v a o 0 0 d 3 3 3 a E v y w .� a •C m 0. 9 A t o A� c E ❑ •o H rx° ac w vrJ z E a o` _' w W E o y c I n �cyy Cay Ov� y d% � E5muo3oa p � �c; i_t�,oLLgg �oUzN oLLYum»o�..�o 3(� wpNgz° �1 Ed'co£c� ac �� <w$E�5•a°a�oca v y$ e= u c .N o c 7= v 3° " 0 m ,•� T m d N Y V C C i� O L u C b L sv E v E w° o E� v— s � ••p y 3 u y '� o u E t •� G1 W V Q N °• C E o G C G. C C O. m C 9 y v C N 'p O y ,`NC %' C G 'U" is •d N L 9 m >. d `� >°, E m 7 =° 'C 3 v, m e E ❑ " v E v w E 7 E cyy ,euv ,_.? ;e E �z,' a s° E a E z v o xx •gip '� ��°,. J' e e °cQ 'o > O .LU. N C E .° a? �° >. 7¢ E d p '° m m a w °1 `" � 0 3 2 a o s° $ L 0 n c o u its v E s° e i s° wG Z y B E Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 12 c a_a o e '`wags" caewo vEcs v E o C N T A U A R � x;nA_�"d 56z vE°w'mdNC 0 o E_ v pi d 3v v °—° .� v 9v u y `u ;a, u utr', v'4= °v u= w�� o `° E.E •c day- d v o.°o ws wZ. L E 3 u E o >_ 3 av •° T z y k m n g d v� Y 3 a9i E � •� 0 9 T C W S a t `° v°' � m � a > � a A c o o E E `m" = m u i t m .° .c m •o v os u o v c •'o wOv ci = v d a 0 A s c o a m r °� •d c c °� a '� d .itla •°-c .° `° w` E_' °' w� E o n u 3 F •c � o g 3 NT « qa a s E s d e E a a 5 e 3 u E= e v e 4 E 3 c a« t o •vo u ?` r u _= a .c ° n'i ° $' h E o E r t E e`tlo m w 2 m a 3 C Em CC_ E c llSo ,2 v 'Dote w �WCPQ L.CLW> •°U8xmw0 ;�NLL�Yd Om �N> Qw°y�vmZ WE�Qo EL._._vo �o � `- cQ o�3E..FLy°.. a C n '�.°° o o v vad o•�t°L°�o=� bey cc E x E w wa`-Ei,C E m c" m E o 0 •� z axai = Y y, O N ,� � �0, p G 7 y E a o Za 3t'S vU« mov' d .a s3ovwl wary ao°me smo3,Inou Deal eon•w m wosnvo waasor en ,o ulwv, ,o uro .,,loos ,vOlHaosollee MaJltl an• 3,vae ,aeveervea ae xnvw°,ry 3aow• s�oDwvnd fo,r•nmoe IN'eOtl--—/SI ----- I—YHee 6E° Wacv�°o$m$?o vid$a0 "i.P °i3 c gg c v T c •ov c •o w E a a C rn 0 z o 4 v 1 c a e �' F A u o c E v .. v 3 'y y y 8 d e A a v m v v m 3 v o E e0 a y A> •o a s .c e ' e y $ 0 e= y E O0 o w —'• E t n v cm y y E O ° ; °h «-E t E u a >, a c .. c s a L W'• E , E •o° 0 0 EC v a f° u u o e g 'n .o t o t .a `: N-6 $1 a ° .a m O O 'o H A 6 a m Cc$_ °.w d 3 �` ., c of 9pp �.°. 3> t = R N S•o w y C U W N Ty Es«— i o v.T3 Ew a L >` s N .� = v C O 7p •O NI 'n eerrg� C N E•O9 O .y `� p E O iy N 4! 3 0 to d y d E 0 ..°, w y p y ` .O. a v E R L ••••ppppN .+ .E M G C= A L N = 3 `d rJ' � T ■ C rj L 3 �p 3 O w 9 O C C .. O C �G g. 3= m 9 O= F• .12 V w L v T w C Y y 0 3 N E .0 o a t °: >. . c s .. o y L 0 .. a 3 ti mu E '3U� �° o f i v.- v a v a V o`o `mS b c G U C �e .v. L 9 `• A m° u.. C 977 y ffi v s E d v w a C T$ o o d °u > L L L u ou ai m E EL E=,o u u t u y a u o o E 5 T 0 c v c °= w` Cc 9 N Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 13 v- eo c v� m r E e CC,CC O N `� T� V _° E " w E a-m ^�''� •ems E3 c aL °•m E 500 -_8 .LU. - E y Leo .v E—•o O c,ru : `c A o 8_ o o u � .°.. m a. E d« x v w 3 m x A A '' c7 m -� 8 �' E; c n y. m♦ a t 12 Cg yavadc s .«om o a ov.$ �ma o0p •r�dy ':.�c- tAc ;AE; .s°a ° oA=°aoe ,; A3U ra�u. � °cv E-$o �cL^ o 3 e Eu $ ca - °� rEu. '' c g.BvE ::wocv�o° - .."=> °°m;;vo�=`"- -o=�'°gym&E�a3 0° 2 m« °u s° 3 a 5 n 3 �' c r a, 3 3 w` 3 �. w is U m .°� a a�i o h v °>..°3 u a 3` S ITEM: 12- 5 - 14 Kianpour, Dahria From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Christy Borst <application@webformsnhcgov.com> 1 tt Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2020 3:35 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Kianpour, Dahria I l5 I a Subject: Application for New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Name Christy Borst Email cgborst aol.com Home Address 33A 1V(v na"am Lk' Wilmington, North Cbrolina 28409 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910) 409-9571 Cell Phone (910)409-9571 Years living in New Hanover County 34 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 51 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer na Se kf, 6(roj oard of Commissio4ers -August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 15 Occupation Owner, Cape Fear Image Professional Activities I own a real estate photography business, and help showcase properties for residential, commercial and vacation rental listings. I love being out in the community, meeting new people and networking. I believe strongly in the need to support small businesses. Volunteer Activities I have been involved with Girl Scouts for over 10 years, most of those as a Troop Leader. I love helping girls Team new things, gain confidence and become leaders in their own lives. I also volunteer with our church, especially during the pumpkin patch season. Occasionally, we help pack boxes at Nourish NC, help with dog rescues and clean up our local beaches. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? As a resident, parent and business owner in New Hanover County, I have a strong desire to see our community thrive. I believe that libraries play a very important role in any community, and will do whatever I can to give them my full support. I have been an avid fan of the library all my life. My mother is a retired teacher, so after school, I loved to help out in the school library. Growing up, I rode my bike to the weekly bookmobile, before we had a library in Wrightsville Beach. I remember spending hours in the reference room with my grandmother, researching our family genealogy. All my life, I have frequented libraries and have raised my girls to do the same (yes, teenagers who love the library!) We never miss a Friends of the Library book sale, and both of my parents have volunteered there for years. I cannot imagine a community without libraries, and I would love to be a part of their continuing success. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I would like to see the committee continue to embrace the changes brought by technology. I believe that libraries can serve many purposes and fulfill many needs of the community. Qualifications for serving: I am resident of New Hanover County. I have the time and desire to attend all meetings, participate in discussions and offer my input as appropriate. I am educated, well-read and proficient with current technology. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Julia R. Smith Reference 7 Phone (910) 617-0617 Reference 2 Mary Nell Anderson Reference 2 Phone (910) 791-3090 Reference 3 Janie Peters Reference 3 Phone (910) 833-4686 Additional comments: Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 16 Thank you for your consideration. Date 09/03/2020 Consent 'el understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. S€P 0 3 2020 BCC OFF . Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 17 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Amy Grant <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2021 12:43 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Library Advisory Board ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Name Amy Grant Email Qrantamvn(agmail.com Home Address 814 N. 3rd St. Unit 411 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States MaD It Home Phone (484)885-3037 Cell Phone (484)885-3037 Years living in New Hanover County 7 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 61 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 18 Art in Bloom Gallery Occupation Art Gallery Owner Professional Activities Artist at Acme Art Studios and Member of the Arts Council of Wilmington and New Hanover County Volunteer Activities DREAMS Center for Arts Education Board of Directors and Thalian Hall Center for Performing Arts Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? I believe public libraries are important to our community as hubs of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility for everyone and wish to serve on the NHC Library Advisory Board to contribute expertise and time to this important resource. I completed an MS in Information Science and Technology at Drexel University and have appreciated the history, high quality, and current challenges of our local public libraries since I moved to Wilmington from Philadelphia in 2014. Our public libraries help our community to thrive and to adapt to changes in technology, industry, education, art, and culture. I would like to be a part of the Board advising our decision makers during this time of change. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I would like to see the Advisory Board continue to take a thoughtful and insightful approach to Project Grace and to other major changes and decisions that are important to a dynamic public library and community. I would also like to see the Advisory Board continue to network and to link to all of the other organizations, individuals, and work happening in our community such as the "Rise Together" initiative (City of Wilmington) and the NHC Office of Diversity & Equity. Qualifications for serving: My family and I have used our library cards since first moving to NHC and Wilmington in 2014. 1 have visited the public library frequently over the years and experienced the wealth of services including meeting rooms, computers, reference librarians, books, audio/visual resources, workshops, speakers, public art, the childrens' library, and more. I have an MS in Information Science and Technology at Drexel University. My career in science and my current work in the arts give me insight into the importance of the public library for everyone. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: Thalian Center for the Performing Arts Board of Trustees List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Hathia Hayes Reference 1 Phone (910)799-8044 Reference 2 Betsy Knowles Reference 2 Phone (910)352-1822 Reference 3 Ronna Zimmer Reference 3 Phone (910) 763-0488 Date 07/14/2021 Board of Commissidners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 19 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 20 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Linda We <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 6:20 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Library Advisory Board ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Name Linda We Email Ikle(cDec.truth.com Home Address 7324 Orchard Trace Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 United States Mai) It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (919) 452-9608 Cell Phone (910)547-3562 Years living in New Hanover County 17 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Anglo Age 74 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 21 Retired Psychologist Occupation Psychologist Professional Activities 35 years working mostly with Medicaid eligible adults, families and children. Specialized in developmental disabilities for 20 years. Eight years working with military veterans with disabilities. Volunteer Activities Developmental Disabilities Council in Colorado Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? To give back to the community now that I have retired. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? How to make libraries more community based. How to spread the influence and resources of libraries beyond their buildings especially to people who do not ordinarily think of themselves as library patrons. How to make library services easier to access and more appropriate for high use groups. Qualifications for serving: Advanced education and people skills. Good technology skills. Ability to support people in reaching compromise. Openness to new ideas. Lifelong devoted reader and book lover. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 George Gates Reference 1 Phone (910)512-6004 Reference 2 Lynn Johnson Reference 2 Phone (910)612-0291 Reference 3 Richard Campbell Reference 3 Phone (910) 350-0004 Date 08/10/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 22 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Cheryl Kozik <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Thursday, July 1, 2021 4:01 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Library Advisory Board ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Name Cheryl Kozik Email nckozik gmail.com Home Address 4323 Peeble Dr. Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 United States Mai) It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Mai) It Home Phone (910) 431-4260 Cell Phone (910)431-4260 Years living in New Hanover County 45 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race Caucasian Age 67 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Board of Commissiobers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 23 N/A Occupation Retired Director of Finance Professional Activities Prior to my retirement from NHRMC as Director of Finance for the Home Care Division, I was on the state healthcare committee with the NCACPA, a member of NCACPA and Healthcare Financial Management Association, Global Chartered Management Accountant. Professionally I was the controller for Cape Fear Broadcasting Co. and Liberty Healthcare Management. I was the Executive Director of a homeware agency in Tucson and Director of Finance with a division of NHCRMC. Volunteer Activities Treasurer of Music on Market Fine Art Series, SACPC Finance Committee, Initiated a Book Club on zoom, Volunteer at StepUP, Former NHC Library Board (early 2000's), accounting for Honor Flight of Cape Fear, Cape Fear Rotary, member of NHC Parks Conservancy. Prior volunteer activities include multiple organization such as Cape Fear Hospice and multiple positions with American Association of University Women. Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? As the county grows and the need for the library grows with it, I would like to be able to contribute to the future of the library in the community. My financial and management background would be helpful to determining costs, benefits and organizational needs of the library. My love of books and my desire to be a part of a group that wants to promote reading is especially appealing to me. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? 1. Current Event information and staying up to date. 2. Greater diversity to better represent the community. 3. Staying up-to-date on technological changes. 4. Keeping the library relevant to the community. Qualifications for serving: I have management and organizational skills from working in upper management. I have a finance background and have managed multi -million dollar projects with complex design elements. I have made many presentations and I'm familiar with the issues involved to help the audience understand. I also started the zoom bookclub which encourages reading and group discussion. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: I am on NHC Parks Conservancy. List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Joy Guenther Reference 1 Phone (910)395-1072 Reference 2 Toni Stanton Reference 2 Phone (910) 520-3363 Reference 3 Camilla Herlevich Reference 3 Phone (910)297-0196 Date Board of CommissiAers - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 24 07/01 /2021 Consent ✓I understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 25 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Christine McDow <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Monday, August 9, 2021 11:54 PM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Library Advisory Board ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Name Christine McDow Email chdstine.a.mcdow(a)amail.com Home Address 152 N Front St #2541 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 United States MaD It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910)392-2594 Years living in New Hanover County 23 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race African American Age 23 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer FSG Occupation Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 26 Associate Consultant Professional Activities Sponsors for Educational Opportunity Career Ambassador Volunteer Activities Hospice Volunteer Director of Listen Witness Amplify NC (DBA) Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? From childhood, I have enjoyed the services of the library. I want to ensure that they remain for generations to come. By serving on the committee, I will be able to provide direct input as the board moves forward to improve library services. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? I would like to see a more diverse children's collection with more world language materials in Mandarin Chinese and more cultural relevant reading materials for children of color. I would also like to see more services to support the unhoused and people re-transitioning into society after incarceration. Qualifications for serving: Former Main library branch shelving volunteer, recognized by the Friends of the Public Library, book donated in my name. Experience doing research in the North Carolina room. Have donated archival materials, including self -authored research papers. Year of work experience at the Borden Mace Library in Durham, NC as a Library Liaison Grace Breslin and F. Borden Mace Library - Provided leadership in the areas of information, media, technology or communications within the Library, Instructional Technologies and Communications (LITCOM) department and the Textbook Center Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Kenny House Reference 1 Phone (910) 297-6432 Reference 2 Clifford Barnett Reference 2 Phone (910)799-4646 Reference 3 Robin Boltz Reference 3 Phone (919)416-2914 Date 08/09/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 27 Long, Melissa From: application@webformsnhcgov.com on behalf of Tiffany Salter <application@webformsnhcgov.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2021 7:57 AM To: Crowell, Kym; Long, Melissa Subject: Application for New Hanover County Library Advisory Board ** External Email: Do not click links, open attachments, or reply until you know it is safe ** Board or Committee being applied to: New Hanover County Library Advisory Board Name Tiffany Salter Email tiffanvisalter(ftmail.com Home Address 515 Kenwood Ave Wilmington, North Carolina NC United States Map It Mailing Address (if different from home address) United States Map It Home Phone (910)200-4702 Years living in New Hanover County 23 Personal information collected below is to assure a cross-section of the community is represented. Gender Female Race White Age 43 Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? No Applicant's Employer Coastal Horizons Occupation Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 28 Mental Health Therapist (LCSW) Professional Activities Board of Parents as Teachers with Smart Start Volunteer Activities PTA Why do you wish to serve on this board or committee? Because I believe in the importance of the services of public libraries. They are critical to the health, education, and overall wellness of a community. What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? Ensuring that our libraries serve all communities. Qualifications for serving: I have participated on other local boards. I have a bachelor degree in primary education and I have provided therapeutic services within our elementary and preK schools. Other municipal or county boards/committees on which you are serving: None List three local personal references and phone numbers: Reference 1 Jennifer Krohn Reference 1 Phone (910)622-0054 Reference 2 Luci Neal Reference 2 Phone (910) 619-6294 Reference 3 Jessica Bland Reference 3 Phone (910) 431-6943 Date 08/10/2021 Consent VI understand that any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Board of Commissioners - August 23, 2021 ITEM: 12- 5 - 29 07/25/2017 11:12 9103920884 ALL WAYS GRAPHICS PAGE 02/02 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS P.30 Government Cenfor Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 COMMITTEE APPLICATION Telephone (910) 798-7149 FAX (910) 78�5 ,`4 fir'' �''y��• r t4.i' r'. N� BoardlCommittee. ;I,vy fan ore& Loy l:w bi tonnyu zfe Vk50r C.N �Gt2f d Name: A / t� a. l , V rrl 1 400) E•Mail: srh I t 3Q i m Home �1 T /' Address: o(i c' IM• J Mailing Address if different: ��ii (Crty) (Zip Code) Home Phone: 910 `7.�3 `711c3% Fax, All& Cell: 7 10620 - (07QV Business: Years living in New Hanover County, 1AS ,- Male: Female:�C Race: 91A'CAf Age: ^ r Information for the purpose of assuring a cross-section of the community) Do you have a family member employed by New Hanover County? If yes, name — 00 Employer. b aC'S PV1 oNed by Nth C6d-7ools C�efiret�c7uL(:!� aol r A person currently emploI by Bm aVoncy or departmerV4or which tit pliedlon IS MOOR, must resign hialher p6afflon with Now 11ano9or County upon eppolnMenl, in accordance with Ankle Vl, Sec. 4 nl the New Hanover County Personnel Policy. Furthermore, applicant should have no immediate family member employed by such agency or department. Occupation: ,InLO q-l(�, 5e.LO/'1dayu 59aOStZ(c. i4S 7P1. cAeIV Why do you wlsh to serve on this board(committee? 45 0.7QC W K I W I &W i�1�-11 b�1t"u Vt�CLS ` ne�r� 04hesch ot, Cor�se2uP„+fu, noyj`f $ have reh,(e�l ( wo*i+ fo conhnUe-bD omofe't ,e u&Mn� Cot►r8ci of lnto►esk It board n r believe s✓ahe haS a conaw or porendai senor— of Interest on a perflcular issue, that member should state this belief to the other members of his/her respec#ve bo ird during a ptlblle meeling. rha member should state the nature of the conflict, deurlling that he/she has a separate, pnvale, or mopeta I ;br, Interest, either direct or Indfroe6 in the Issue under eonelderition. The member should then excuse himsefterself from voting on the manes What areas of concern would you like to see addressed by this committee? bill'�FOtt � m 1 wout_( d f K e -fo k a. morn ben w ko [.orri -# huffs h fhe uon4i n vtzh on &F'rraKo1'Q f In t9Aee s=cz1 C�o Va.b ! andi fs re5oure�,s to tom,( t^t fi ��en e Qua N ons for serving: l am Q re6I`d ei f aF lV it GownRind have 4.ya sW tor4 learn Ino ate- +he. I tbra, -ou p rovt 4 es r ,9{.t Qih 7e. 7s Other municipal or coufRy boards/committees on which you are serving: y.11 S -IPp �Sencz { Nea.l �'G► 1> S�rc�nce lIn;vt� or, ro Tarn 1-1st three local personal references and phone numbers: 1, ms r Sue ,j-d-ul, of of ''9 8 - '715 4 ,JUL 2 5 2017 2. A�6 , Aa✓ L4 4,. AkhnQ.� 5a0- 1757� o nr pF F Date: �! ao � 7 S;,1� $� % S Signature Appileefths are kept on file for 18 months 1 undorstand Chet any board or committee appointee may be removed without cause by a majority of County Commissioners. Please use reverse side for additional commentsr�S�e� Board_CIOAi kioners - August 23, 2021 I EM:12-5-30