1983-10-17 Regular Meeting 417 M:INO':mS OF RFaJIAR MEE'I'IKi, OC'IDBER 17, 1983 ASSIMn..Y The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Regular Session on Monday, October 17, 1983, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmington, North Carolina. I Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi; County Manager G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board Lucie F. Smith. Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order. Reverend Wayne Barkley, Pastor of First Assembly of God, gave the invocation. APPRDV1\L OF MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEE'!'DI;, SEPl'EMBER 26, 1983, AND SPECIAL ~, OCTOBER 3, 1983 -- Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 26, 1983, as presented. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECDNDED by Commissioner O'Shields to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of October 3, 1983, as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 3, 1983, was postponed until the next meeting due to omission of a page. I APPRDV1\L OF OONSENT AGENDA Afte~discussion of Item #3, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to approve the following Consent Agenda. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GROUND TRANSPORTATION SERVICE AGREEMENT - NEW HANOVER COUNTY -- AIRPORT The Commissioners authorized the Chairman to execute an agreement between New Hanover County and Taxicabs, Inc. for ground transportation of persons and property for a term of three (3) years. A copy of the Agreement is on file in the County Manager's office. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION - ADDITION OF SEXDNDARY R.OAD 'ID HIGHWAY SYS"rEM -:-. - ; ',U .._ --:u J ,:: ~ J. ~ .!....:. " - The Commissioners adopted a resolution for the addition of Fulbright Street in Seitter Acres Subdivision to the State Highway Secondary Road System. A copy of the Resolution is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 49. I RIQJEST FUR NEW HAKJVER OOUNTY AND S'.l2\m OF R>R'IB CAROLINA 'ID BE NAMED AS JODll' APPLICARl'S FUR '!HE LWCF GmNT FUR '!HE <DNS'1RUCTION - ----- OF RES'm(X)MS AND FACILITIES M '!HE FORT FISHER ~ON AREA The Commissioners authorized the Chairman to write a letter reqUesting a joint application between the County and State for handling grant funds for construction of facilities and restrooms at the Fort Fisher Recreation Area. CBAR;E ORDER G-1S - JUDICIAL BUIIDD<<i - EK;lNEERDI; The Commissioners approved Change Order G-15 and the following Budget Amendment in the amount of $3,376 for additional solid oak pews for public waiting areas in the Judicial Building: Debit Credit - Acct.#48 9800 911 Contingencies - Acct.#48 4708 621, General Cont. $3,376 $3,376 418 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1983 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT - TITLE XX FUNDS The Commissioners approved the followinglBudget Amendment in the amount of $1,054 to provide funding for unanticipated Title XX Funds for increased services: Debit - Acct. #11 3514 372, Revenue $1,054 Credit - Acct.#ll 5142 382, Postage $ 29 Acct.#ll 5142 411, Printing 200 Acct. #11 5142 421, Dept. Supplies 600 Acct.#ll 5142 520, Travel, Meetings & Schools 225 BUDGET AMENDMENT - INSTITUTE OF MUSEUM SERVICES GRANT AND ALLOCATION The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment in the amount of $21,218 for development of a weekend educational assistant, a summer educational assistant and a temporary position of registrar for allocation of the IMS Grant: Credit - Acct.#ll 3614 212, Grant Institute of Museum Services Acct.#ll 6140 100, Salaries & Wages Acct.#ll 6140 210, FICA $21,218 Debit $19,886 1,332 BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT - WIC The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment in the amount of $2,831 to bring the budget and revenue into line with state approved funds: Debit Acct.#ll 3514 371, Revenue $ 530 #11 3990 990, App. Fund Balance 2,301 Credit Acct.#ll 5141 411, Printing $1,000 #11 5141 421, Dept. Supplies 1,000 #11 5141 520, Travel, Meetings & Schools 831 BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT - HERR The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment in the amount of $8,471 for the HERR to bring the budget in line with state appropriations: Credit Acct. #11 5181 100, Salaries & Wages $5,925 #11 5181 210, FICA 362 #11 5181 221, Retirement 450 #11 5181 411, Printing 45 #11 5181 421, Dept. Supplies 709 #11 5181 510, Allowance 507 #11 5181 520, Travel, Meetings & Schools 473 Acct.#ll 3518 371, Revenue $7,973 #11 5181 230, Group Insurance 480 #11 5181 381, Telephone 18 Debit BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT - HEALTH/ENVIORN. The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment in the amount of $2,400 for unanticipated funds for the Safe Drinking Water Survey: Debit Credit Acct.#ll 3511 373, Revenue Acct.#ll 5111 510, Auto Allowance $2,400 $2,400 APPROVAL OF TAX ABATEMENTS AND REFUNDS A copy of the list of tax abatements and refunds as approved is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 50. APPROVAL OF REPORT OF REVENUE THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 A copy of the~eport of the Collector of Revenue through September 30, 1983, as approved is contained in Exhibi t Book X, Page 50. I'-. 419 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1982 (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA (CONTINUED) APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 and NO. 5 - NORTHEAST INTERCEPTOR The Commissioners approved the-following Budget Amendment and Change Orders in the amount of $38,571 for the Bradley Creek Pump Station: , --.... -..... Debit Credit Acct.#39 4720 900, Contingencies Acct.#39 4720 631, Pump Station/Flume $38,571 $38,571 I APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMENDMENT - HEALTH DEPARTMENT The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment in the amount of $12,044 to adjust revenue accounts to agree with approved State Contracts: Debit Acct.#ll 3513 371, Revenue ... -- 'iI ".-"''' - " $'2; 8'8'2 #11 3516 375, Revenue 9,162 Credit Acct.#ll 3511 372, Revenue $4,503 #11 3511 371, Revenue 435 #11 3990 990, Approp. Fund Balance 7,106 BUDGET AMENDMENT - LIBRARY The Commissioners approved the following Budget Amendment in the amount of $6,355 for revenue received from the Library Book Sale (Sept. 27, 1983 - September 29, 1983) and gifts received by the Library from July 1, 1983 - September 30, 1983: I Debit Acct.#ll 3611 890, Cash Contributions $5,140 #11 3611 980, Cash Contributions 1,215 Credit Acct.#ll 6110 423, Books/Materials $5,140 #11 6110 423, Books/Materials 1,215 NON-AGENDA ITEMS - GENERAL PUBLIC -. . - - -- . . .. . _.~..# . ' nBIKE ALONGI 83 Parks &~ecreation Director Waters appeared before the Commissioners displaying a trophy for winning the "Bike Along' 83" as a portion of the Governor's Outdoor Events Program for the month of September explaining that New Hanover County was in State competition and that winning the award was an honor for New Hanover County. Engineering~Dir;ector. Hi:];t;:'on'''':comp'J;imented J),i,i::~Gto,:r: W.at:e.r:s:-:for his leadership in organizing the various committees responsibile for participating in this event during the same time as the Piney Woods Festival was being held. The Commissioners congratulated Director Waters on this a~complishment and encouraged further participation in such events. ADOPTION OF BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $11,500,000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER - DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING County AttOrnBY Pope requested the Commissioners to adopt a Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $11,500,000 school bonds for advertisement of a Public Hearing to be held on the 7th day of November, 1983, at 7:00 o',clock P.M. I Chairman Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to adopt the Bond Order calling for a Public Hearing to be held on November 7, 1983';~'-at 7:00;o',clo'ck' P;M.' 'Upon :vbt:e; -th"e MOT.ION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Bond Order is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 51. PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING NOVEMBER 15, 1~!3, AS AMERICAN ENTERPRISE DAY Mr. Paul M. Laird, Manager of Public Affairs for the Greater 420 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1983 (CONTINUED) PROCLAMATION PROCLAIMING NOVEMBER 15, 1983, AS AMERICAN ENTERPRISE DAY (CONTINUED) Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the Commissioners requesting adoption of a proclamation proclaiming November 15, 1983, as AMERICAN ENTERPRISE DAY. . Commi s s i8s-;e~ '\~fr!\ip lq, :ll~f?V?D":1 p~fPNR~RJY~1 Cpm~~~~9ner O'Shlelds to approve the followlng proclamatlon. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, America's enterprise system is a cornerstone in our society; and WHEREAS, that system has produced the highest standard of living in the world; and WHEREAS, that system depends on and rewards individual initiative and innovation; and WHEREAS, American productivity is vital to the world's economy and must be encouraged; and WHEREAS, the continuance and growth of our enterprise system depends in large part on the education of America's young men and women concerning that system: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, that November 15, 1983, is hereby designated AMERICAN ENTERPRISE DAY id ;'1':.:;(,( ,,~l: l ','J '1(,.':';.'::'( L III ::~lH j':'Jl. j(, ::: ~q in New Hanover County. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ISSUANCE OF A SPECIAL - - -- USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY APPROXIMATELY 69.2 ACRES, LOCATED WEST OF BLUE CLAY ROAD AND EAST' OF HOLLAND DRI~ APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET NORTH OF NORTH KERR AVENUE FOR A MOBILE HOME IN AN R-20 -- - --- --- ---- --- - ----- ---- - -- --- RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Chairman Gottovi stated this was a continuation of a Public Hearing held on October 3, 1983, and opened the floor to discussion stating that the Commissioners had been given the opportunity to make an on-site visit to the property. Inspections Director Conklin gave background information on the issuance of a Mobile Home Permi t to Virginia Trask for a uni t .located on State Road 1321 (Truesdale Drive) which is zoned AR stating the permit application was filed on behalf of the owners by the mobile "hQ1J).e n deale.r. ~ Vp,q,p.. r:::ec~ii v,ing t,hL~' re,gu,est, the trailer could ncft.Jo'e locatea 'on J~fue's(dale D~lve'but tf( of Blue Clay Road stating that the error was made by the mobile home dealer. Upon discovery, Mr. Trask was permitted to let the unit remain pending the results of the filing of the Special Use Permit. After discussion, Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to approve the issuance of the Special Use Permit revising the site plan to an area of 400 feet by 400 feet and limiting use of permit to Mr. Trask as the principal residence with the permit ceasing when he relocates. Ms. Trudy van Luyn appeared before the Commissioners requesting reconsideration of issuing the permit. ~ 421 MINUTES QF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1983 (CONTINUED) CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ISSUANCE OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY APPROXIMATELY 69.2 ACRES, LOCATED WEST,OF BLUE CLAydiiOiill '"AND EAST OF"HoLimNri~DRrVEr':::A:PPRdxI~TE~Y 8"00' FEET NORTH OF NORTH KERR AVENUE FOR A MOBILE HOME IN AN R-20 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT (CONTINUED) Commissioner O'Shields stated he made the motion on meeting the four general requirements not the error made in the location of the mobile home. I After further discussion, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY approving an ORDER GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT The County Commissioners for New Hanover County having held a Public Hear ing on Monday, October 17, 1983, to consider application number #S-212 10/83 submitted by Alex M. Trask, Sr., a request for a special use permi t to use the property located at wests ide of Blue Clay Road and East of Holland Drive, approximately 800 feet north of North Kerr Avenue (an area 400 feet by 400 feet), and having heard all the evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, make the following FINDINGS OF FACT and draw the following CONCLUSIONS; 1. The County Commissioners FIND as a FACT that all of the specific requirements set forth in Section 72-00 of the County Zoning Ordinance will be satisfied if the property is developed in accordance with the plans submitted to the County .. '.. .,,, .... ,. " 't' .- r ~ \ .. .... I . . (" . . l. "I \.... .. (" Commiss'i'o'ners.- J (Sp'ecify which"requi"rement's, if"'any, 'are' hot satisfied by the proposed development). I 2. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the first general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the plan as submitted and approved. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Health Department approved permit for well and septic tank on July 19, 1983. 2. Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department will provide fire protection to the home. 3. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the second general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use meets all required conditions and specifications.,r ih\'suppbr~ 'o:f fh'is~'Jcdndrubl3..6n, the Commissioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT: I 1. That all area and setback requirements of the R-20 district are satisfied. 2. ,Adequate parking area and ingress and egress exist for the site. 3. That mobile homes are permitted special use in R- 20 residential districts. 4. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the propos~d use does satisfy the third general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely that the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity. In support of this conclusion the Commissioners make the fo~lowing FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The mobile home is screened from nearby homes by trees. 2. No major impact on value of surrounding property should occur. 5. It is the County Commissioners' CONCLUSION that the proposed use does satisfy the fourth general requirement listed 422 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1983 (CONTINUED) CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ISSUANCE OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY APPROXIMATELY 69.2 ACRES, LOCATED WEST OF BLUE CLAY ROAD AND EAST OF HOLLAND DRIVE, APPROXIMATELY 800 FEET NORTH OF NORTH KERR AVENUE FOR A MOBILE HOME IN AN R-20 DISTRICT (CONTINUED) in the Ordinance; namely that the location and character of the use if developed according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and inl general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover County. In support of this conclusion, the Commissioners make the following FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. The home is located approximately 500 feet from the nearest residence. , , 2. The property is classified as rural on the County's Land Use Map and is presently used as a farm. 3. Manufactured housing generally is compatible and in harmony with rural farm areas. 6. Therefore, because the County Commissioners conclude that all':of '~the general and 'specific concH t'ions' precedent to "the issuance of a Special Use Permit have been satisfied, IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a SPECIAL USE PERMIT be GRANTED, subject to the following conditions: a. That the applicant shall fully comply with all of the spec,ific requirements stated in the ordinance for the proposed use, as well as any additional conditions hereinafter stated. b. If any of the conditions imposed by this Special Use Permit shall be held invalid beyond the authority of this Board of Commissioners by a court of competent jurisdiction then this permit shall become void and of no effect. c. OTHER: a. Compliance with all local, Federal and State 90des and requirements. b. The mobile home is limited for use of the applicant, Alex Trask, Sr., as his principal residence. c. The site plan is revised to limit the area to a 400' by 400' parcel. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 9:50 o'clock A.M. to 10:05 o'clock A.M. DISCUSSION - OF "RESOLUTION AooP"TED- BY Tinf BOARD OF HEALTH FOR HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES Mr:-C;arl T. Durham, Chairman of the New Hanover County Health Department, gave background information on the resolution adopted by the Board of Health stating that the Health Department is going to be in the business of home health care offering new services. Health Director Parker explained the development of new services stating that more revenue will be brought into the County by proper management of the program and by changing the proviqer status to a full pay status. He stressed the importance of the program and emphasized the quality of services being developed. Commissioner O'Shields expressed his concern for government agencies competing with private enterprise to provide services. Mr. Durham stated the Board of Health was pleased~Eo have competition in comprehensive home health care but emphasized the importance of having a sound program until such agencies develop. ~ 423 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER 17, 1983 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF HEALTH FOR HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES (CONTINUED) After further discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to endorse the resolution adopted by the Board of Health with a yearly report on the program reflecting the financial status and progress to date. I Commissioner Blake recognized the dedication of Mr. Carl Durham, Chairman of the Board of Health, and the many hours he has given as a volunteer stating that the County was very fortunate to have a citizen who was so willing to give of his time and perform in such a high degree of professionalism. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE FOR MAPPING REQUIREMENTS County Attorney Pope appeared before the Commissioners requesting adoption of an Ordinance for size requirements of maps received by the Register of Deeds providing that the New Hanover County Registry shall not accept registration of a map unless the name and address of the person to whom the map or instrument is to be returned is affixed on the face and the grantee's or owner's permanent mailing address is affixed on the face. After discussion, Commissioner Blake MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Barfield to adopt the ordinance. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. A copy of the Ordinance is contained in Exhibit Book X, Page 52. I DISCUSSION OF STRUCTURE AND ORGANIZATION OF AIRPORT, AIRPORT COMMISSION, ETC. County Manager Cooper stated comments had be~n made at previous meetings and requested clarification of the information needed on this subject. He stated with the growth and develop- ment of the Airport that he recommended the continuation of the relationship and structure with the authority now exising with the Airport Commission and County Commissioners be unchanged. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board not to endorse deletion of Article 4.11 of the Airport Commission Resolutiorr leaving the relationship unchanged. COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER JONATHAN BARFIELD, SR. TO SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Chairman Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Blake to appoint Commissioner Barfield to serve a 3-year term expiring 2/28/87 on the Southeastern Economic Development Commission. 'Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NOMINATION OF ELOISE D. THOMAS, M.P.H.- TO SERVE AS A PROVIDER OF - .- - - -- HEALTH CARE ON THE CARDINAL HEALTH AGENCY BOARD Commissioner O'Shields MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner Bar fie 1 d ton 0 m i n ate Ms. - El 0 i s_~ D.' Th9mas to s e r v e a sap r 0 vi d e r of health care on the cardfnal Health Agency Board filling the interim vacancy of Mr. James Brown. I APPOINTMENT OF MR. FRED DAY TO SERVE UNEXPIRED TERM ON-THE -- -- ---- NURSING HOME ADVISORY COMMITTEE Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Neal to appoint Mr. Fred Day to serve an unexpired term on the Nursing Home Advisory Committee expiring April 7, 1984. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. POSTPONEMENT OF APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO THE NC 2000 COMMITTEE It was the consensus of the Boardto postpone appointing members to the NC 2000 Committee and place this item on the November 21, 1983, Agenda requesting nominations by Pleasure Island and Wrightsville Beach, N. C. 424 MINUTES OF REGU~ ~ETING, QCTPB~~ 1.7" 1~83 ,( C~N'~rJ~D.) ~:.i':.l!II'l ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISCUSSION OF PAYING PATIENTS - NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Commissioner Blake expressed his concern for paying patients paying for non-paying patients. Commissioner O'Neal stated this problem existed throughout the country explaining that the government has set a maximum amount to be paid for medicaid and medicare services creating a shortf~ll between the income of the hospital and their costs. Commissioner Blake explained that he simply wanted to make a point and felt that the present system was not equitable. ADDITIONAL ITEMS - COUNTY MANAGER AWARD OF BIDS FOR DRAINAGE PROJECT - AIRPORT County Manager Cooper stated bids had been received for the Drainage Project at the Airport explaining the low bid was too high. After renegotiating with the low bidder, the price was reduced by $16,800 stating that the Airport Commission recommended awarding the renegotiated contract not to exceed $195,910 subject to concurrence by the FAA authorizing the Chairman to execute contracts on behalf of New Hanover County. After discussion, CommissioneJ:;. piNeal MOVED", SECQl:iIIl~P by Commi s s ioner Bar field to accept the re'negotiate'd- 'contract - price and award the contract to the low bidder as recommended by the Airport Commission. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION - THE HERITAGE, INC. County-Manager Cooper stated he had been contacted by Mr. Charles Blackburn, Attorney for Heritage, Inc., requesting this item to be placed on the November 7, 1983, Agenda, asking the Boa:t?;,fRJr direction in th,~'~L.m~:ttel~.:: " Li~. t. .,! / Chairman Gottovi stated she did not feel there was a public need for this facility requiring funding by 63-20 financing and recommended not considering this project. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi MOVED, SECONDED by Commissioner O'Shields not to endorse the Heritage Project requesting the County Attorney to write Mr. Blackburn a letter informing him of this decision. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. DISCUSSION - OIC FUNDING County-Manager Cooper stated he received a call from Mr. Shermon Davis, Executive Director of OIC, requesting entire payment of the funds appropriated in the 1983/84 Budget for OIC due to the fact that an audit had been performed reflecting improper transactions requiring additional funds. He stated the money was currentl~h~eing disper~ed ~n a monthly. ~l,l?~n:~n,trl,>"_ County Manager Cooper expressed his concern for funding outside agencies with no association by the County suggesting that the manager be given authority to work with the OIC Board permitting him to make suggestions or methods of overcoming this financial problem. ! r After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to request t,hy",County ~anager meet with Mr.., Davis and ,maX~ payments according to his -f indings but not" to disperse the entire appropriated balance in a lump sum amount. The County Manager was requested to obtain a copy of the audit and prepare a report reflecting the financial status of OIC with a breakdown of administrative salaries and other costs. i'-. 425 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OCTOBER~17, 1983 (CONTINUED) INVITATION FOR TOUR OF JUDICIAL BUILDING County Manager Cooper extended an invitation ,to the Commissioners to tour the new Judicial Building a'fter the Board Meeting was adjourned. ------ ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Barfield MOVED, SECONDED ~ Commissioner O'Shie1ds ',to' adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. I Chairman Gottovi adjourned the meeting at 11:20 o'c1ock A.M. ~tfuIIY submitted, '~~ L ie ~ Smith, Clerk SPECIAL MEETING - WILMINGTON/NEW HANOVER INSURANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 17, 1983 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Monday, October 17, 1983, at 11:00 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, Wilmin9ton, North Carolina. I Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr; Donald P. Blake; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi; County Manger G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney Robert Pope; and Clerk to the Board Lucie F. Smith. Chairman Gottovi called the Special Meeting to order welcoming members of the Wilmington/New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee. DISCUSSION AND REVIEW OF PROPERTY AND LIABILITY INSURANCE --- - --- CURRENTLY PROTECTING NEW HANOVER COUNTY, INCLUDING THE SPECIFIC SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE COMMITTEE Mr. Lamar W. McIver, Chairman of the Wilmington/New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee, expressed his appreciation to the Commissioners for holding a joint meeting stating that he felt the Board would have a better understanding of the purposes and advantages of an insurance advisory committee system after the meeting thanking the Commissioners for their support in the past and future. Mr. John Hi~ks, a m~mber of the Committee, gave background information on Committee. Insuran~e~~dvisory the formation of the I Mr. Carlton Allegood, Executive Director of the Wilmington/New Hanover County Insurance Advisory Committee, explained and discussed the following items of concern: 1. Public entities served by the Committee. 2. Insurance Advisory Committee Organization chart. 3. Formation and Operation of the Committee. 4. Specific services provided to New Hanover County. 5. Statement of General Policy of the Committee. 6. Schedule of insurance policies. 7. Brief description of insurance coverages. 8. Letter of August 12, 1983, outlining procedures followed in placement of insurance coverages. Commissioner O'Neal complimented the Insurance Advisory