1984-05-21 Special Meeting 570 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 18, 1984 (CONTINUED) DISCUSSION OF WATER QUALITY REPORT OF LOWER CAPE FEAR RIVER (CONTINUED) Mr. Robert Helms stated that when Federal Paper asked for higher waste allocations in the late 1970's, the Division of Environmental Management failed to carry through the appeal process. In effect, the permit issued at that time was not changed stating this was quite embarrassing. Mr. Chuck Wakild gave background information on the construction of the B. Everett Jordan Dam on the Haw River stating that the river's minimum flow increased but its ability to assimilate higher levels of waste did not increase as much as anticipated. He stated that NRCD will establish effluent limitations for the major existing dischargers and those that are proposed to locate on the Lower Cape Fear River in the near future assuring quality water standards for the County. After a period of questions and answers, Mr. Summers requested the Commissioners to contact their local legislators for passage of the Clean Water Budget for the Fiscal Year 1984/85 to be presented to the General Assembly and support of the Clean Detergent Act before Congress. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have the Chairman write the local legislators requesting support for passage of the Clean Water Budget for the Fiscal Year 1984/85 and to write congressional members for support of the Clean Detergent Act. Mr. Summers expressed his appreciation to the Board for their time and interest in water quality stating he looked forward to a cooperative and positive working relationship with the County. He complimented Chairman Gottovi for her outstanding job as a member of the Coastal Resources Commission and Commissioner O'Shields for his outstanding work on the N. C. Hazardous Waste Commission, stating how fortunate New Hanover County was to have elected officials who were so concerned about environmental issues. Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed her appreciation to members of the NRCD for presenting and explaining the study prepared on water quality in the Lower Cape Fear River stressing the importance of communication and working together to keep water standards at the proper level. A copy of the study is on file in the Clerk's office. ADJJ01[JlRNMENT Chairman Gottovi adjourned the meeting at 6:00 o'clock P.M. ~pec7~tted' ~F. Smith Clerk MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, WAY 21, 19$4 The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in Special Session on Monday, May 21, 1984, at 7:00 o'clock A.M. in the Fifth Floor Conference Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, N. C. Members present were: Commissioners Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi, County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Smith. Commissioner Barfield arrived late. i'... 571 MIWTES OF SPECIAL MEETING, MAY 21, 1984, (CONTINUED) Chairman Gottovi called the Special, Meeting to order stating the Chamber of Commerce had requested the meeting for the' purpose of discussing transportation issues in New Hanover County welcoming all members present and turning the meet'i'ng ~)Ver to Mr. Robert L. Tillman, Vice-President of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce. I Mr. Tillman expressed his' appreciation to the Commissioners for attending the meeting emphasizing the continuance of meetings of this nature to discuss current and future problems facing New Hanover County. DISCUSSION AOOD UPDATE OF TRANSPORTATION OVERVIEW Mr. Tillman introduced Mr. F. P. Fensel, Vice-President of the Transportation Council. Mr. Fensel gave background information on the transportation needs for New Hanover CO,unty stressing the importance of all organizations and local governments working collectively to improve and plan for our current and future needs. Ms. Estell Lee, representing the Port, Waterway and Beach Commission, updated the Board on the expansion and growth of the Wilmington Port stressing its vital part in the economic growth and development of the County. She emphasized the importance of current legislation requesting the Board to contact legislators for support of the Omnibus Bill, House Bill 3678 and Senate Bill 1739. I Mr. Mercer Rowe gave an update on highway improvements pointing out the County's major needs particularly in expediting construction of Smith's Creek Parkway. He str~ssed the importance of overall planning for the County with its,rapid growth and development stating that we must work together to take the necessary political steps for inclusion of Smith's Creek Parkway in the State Transportation progr~m. __ ___ Mr. _Tom Reich gave backgrounp information on the progress, expansion, and future projects of the New Hanover County Airport stressing its importance to the economic growth and development of the Coun ty. Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed her appreciation to the Chamber of Commerce for Othe reports presented encouraging communication and discussion "on areas of mutual concern for the betterment of New Hanover County. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Gottovi adjourned the Special Meeting at 8:15 o'clock A.M. I rW~~~~mitted , \...../b F. Smi th Clerk