1993-08-02 RM Exhibts ~ J RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A FINANCING AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL STATUTE 160A-20 WHEREAS, the: Board of Corrnnissioners (the "Board") of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina (the "County") desires to provide for the acquisition of certain real property (the "Project") for use by Cape Fear Corrnnunity College for educational purposes. WHEREAS, the Board desires to finance the Project totalling approximately $365,000.00 through an installment financing contract (the "Contract") with First Citizens Bank and Trust ("First Citizens"), obligating the County to repay amounts financed at a fixed annual interest rate of not more than 5.82% over a term of approximately (5) years, resulting in a total amount financed not to exceed an average quarterly payment of approximately $20,861.96 and total payments of approximately $417,239.20, pursuant to a proposal submitted by First Citizens to the Board; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.C.G.S. Section 160A-20, the County is authorized to acquire the subject property constituting of the project obligation by entering into an installment financing contract which creates in the Project a security interest to secure payment of the thereby created; and WHEREAS, the subject transaction is exempt from Local Government Corrnnission of North Carolina ("LG<;") approval pursuant to N.C.G.S. Section 159-148; and WHEREAS, the County intends to finance the project by delivering to First Citizens the Contract providing for the financing of a principal amount not to exceed $365,000.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the Board meeting in regular session on the 2nd day of August, 1993, make the following findings of fact: 1. The proposed Contract is necessary and expedient because the amount to be financed is small and any other method of financing would be more expensive and time consuming. The small amount of financing needed also lends itself to installment financing. The sum that falls due under the Contract on an annual basis can be included in the County's budget -without difficulty, and are not excessive for the Project. 2. The County attorney has advised the County that the Project is authorized by law and is a purpose for which public funds may be expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of North Carolina. 3. There will be no increase in taxes necessary to meet the sums to full due under the proposed Contract. 4. The County is not in default of any of its debt service obligations. 5. The County's past Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports indicate the debt management procedures and policies have been carried out in strict compliance with the law and the County has not been censured by the LGC, external auditors, or any other regulatory agencies in connection with such management. . ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Finance Director and County Attorney are hereby authorized to act on behalf of the County in pursuing the proposed financing contract. This resolution is effective upon it adoption this 2nd day of August, 1993. l1Jd~- Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: Q!jjv<<' ~ . . . Sec.35 Family and Medical Leave In accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993,{also referred to as the FMLA or the ACT), eligible employees of New Hanover County (also referred to as the COUNTY), are entitled to a paid and/or unpaid leave of absence up to a maximum of twelve(12) weeks during any twelve(12) month period beginning on January 1, and ending on December 31, subject to the conditions outlined in the following subsections. Employees classified as Regular or Regular-Probationary under Article I, Section 3 of the New Hanover County Personnel POlicy, may also be eligible for additional leave in accordance with Article VII. A. Eligible Employees: (1) The term "eligible employees" means, an employee who has been employed with New Hanover County for at least twelve(12) months, whether or not such time is continuous. (2) At the time the leave is scheduled to begin, the employee must have worked a minimum of 1,250 hours during the previous twelve(12) month period. Hours worked, are those defined under the Fair Labor Standards Act (also referred to as FLSA). Hours recorded as "On-Cal,l" , do not meet the FLSA/FMLA hours-worked requirements. (3) The provisions of the Act do not exclude employees who are not, by virtue of existing personnel policy, eligible for benefits. Hence, the Act is construed to include in the definition of "eligible employees", employees designated by employment statuses, "T" (temporary), and "F" (contract). (4) Employees identified as "Key Employees", are those salaried employees who are among the highest paid 10% of the workforce. Employees so designated, are eligible for leave under the Act, but may not be entitled to restoration at the conclusion of any leave taken under the Act. (5) Where spouses are also employed by New Hanover County, the aggregate number of workweeks of leave to which both may be entitled may be limited to twelve(12) workweeks, if the leave entitlement is due to Section 35{b){1) or 35{b){2), and some situations under 35{b){3) below. B. Entitlement to Leave: Eligible employees are entitled to Family and/or Medical leave under this section, where one(1) or more of the following four(4) conditions exist: (1) The birth of an employee's child, in order to bond with the child, provided that such leave begins during the twelve(12) months following birth; . (2) The employee's adoption or foster care placement of a child, in order to bond with the child, provided that such leave begins during the twelve(12) months following placement; (3) When the employee is needed to care for a spouse, son, daughter or parent who has a serious health condition; (4) When a serious health condition renders the employee unable to perform the functions of their position. C. Definitions Applicable to Sec.35(B): (1) The terms CHILD, SON and DAUGHTER, refers to a biological, adopted, or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child whom the employee,{standing in loco parentis) has legal custody of, provided that such child is under age eighteen(18) or over age eighteen(18) if said child is incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability, as defined under the Americans With Disabilities Act. (2) The term SPOUSE, is defined in accordance with applicable state law, including common law marriages where recognized by said state. . (3) The term QUALIFIED HEALTH CARE PROVIDER shall refer to health professionals authorized to practice in the State of North Carolina, and who perform within the scope of their practice as defined under State law. Such professionals shall include: (a) Doctors of Medicine or Osteopathy; (b) Podiatrists (c) Dentists (d) Clinical Psychologists (e) Optometrists (f) Chiropractors, provided that treatment is for the purpose of correcting a subluxation as demonstrated by an X-ray. (g) Physician Assistants and Family Nurse Practitioners (4) The term SERIOUS HEALTH CONDI~ION, shall be indicated by the following criteria: . (a) An illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves hospitalization, or some other type of residential medical care; (b) Inpatient treatment in a rehabilitation facility for substance abusers; (c) A serious, chronic health condition which requires continuing treatment by a health care provider; 2 . . . (d) Ongoing pregnancy, and any associated medical sYmptoms or need for prenatal care; (e) Childbirth and recovery from childbirth; (f) Any other health condition that is appropriately certified by a qualified health care provider. D. Leave Schedules: (1) Leave taken to bond with a new child, must be taken sequentially up to the twelve(12) week maximum, or in the case of joint emploYment (where both husband and wife are employed by New Hanover County), such leave periods may equal an aggregate maximum of twelve sequential weeks. (2) Leave taken as the result of the serious health condition of the employee, or the employee's spouse, child or parent, may be taken in accordance with the following schedules: (a) SEQUENTIALLY, or as a single block of time; (b) INTERMITTENTLY, or according to a specified and recurrent treatment plan; (c) REDUCED WORK SCHEDULE, whereby the employee's usual work schedule is reduced to accommodate the employee's medical needs or caretaker obligations. (3) In those situations where intermittent leave or a reduced work schedule is necessary, available FMLA leave will be determined on a pro rata basis. For example, if an employee's regular work schedule is forty(40) hours a week, and they reduce that schedule to twenty(20) hours per week, each week shall represent one-half(1/2) week for purposes of specifying leave usage and balances. For intermittent leave, one(1) day of leave shall represent one-fifth(1/5) of a week. (4) Where an employee's regular work schedule varies from week to week, the average weekly hours worked during the twelve(12) weeks prior to the start of the leave will be used to calculate the employee's usual work schedule for this purpose. (5) Salaried employees who utilize the leave on an intermittent basis, may have their salary reduced according to the hours of leave without pay used, without compromising their exempt status under the Fair Labor Standards Act. (6) Transfer to an Alternative Position: Where such leave conforms to (2)(b), or (c), the employer may temporarily transfer the employee to an alternative position which will better accommodate the recurring periods of leave. This transfer shall not result in a reduction of the employee's 3 . . . pay rate or benefits for the duration of the temporary transfer and leave. Sec. 36 Procedures for Requestinq Leave Under the FMLA Due to the fact that no valid leave requests made under the Family and Medical Leave Act may be denied or delayed by New Hanover County, the following notice requirements are hereby instituted to assure no critical disruptions in the operations of the County: A. Notice Requirements (1) Planned Leaves: Employees requesting leave for a planned absence, such as the birth of a child or elective surgery, must request such leave at least thirty(30) days prior to the date such leave is to begin. Notice should be submitted to the department head, using the FMLA Leave Request Form. The employee is obligated to make reasonable efforts to schedule leave so as not to unduly disrupt County operations. (2) Unexpected Leaves: When unforeseen events occur that make it impracticable for the employee to give adequate advanced notice of the need to take leave, such notice should be given by the employee within two(2) business days of the date the employee learns of the impending leave. Where the event involves a medical emergency due to the serious health condition of the employee or a covered individual in the employee's family, notice may be given in writing or by phone by a member of the employee's family or a close associate, on the date such leave begins. This notification shall be followed with a FMLA Leave Request Form. (3) Leave Requests of Key Employees: At the time a request for leave is submitted by a key employee, as defined in Sec. 35(A)(4) above, New Hanover County will evaluate the economic impact of the individual employee's absence, and the need for undisrupted business operations. No leave requests shall be denied, but reinstatement may be denied if such denial is necessary to prevent substantial and grievous economic injury to the operations of New Hanover County. If such possibility exists, New Hanover County shall so notify the key employee at the time the request for leave is submitted, or as soon as such situation becomes apparent. Notifications in these instances, shall be in accordance with Sec. 40(4) below. 4 . . . B. Failure to Comply With Notice Requirements New Hanover County reserves the right to deny a request for leave for a period up to thirty(30) days, where an employee fails to adhere to notice requirements for situations deemed sufficiently foreseeable. C. Medical Certifications and Recertifications (1) New Hanover County reserves the right to require a medical certification from a qualified health care provider, where the leave requested is for the serious health condition of the employee, or a member of the employee's family covered by the Act. Medical certifications must be provided within fifteen(15) calendar days of the date the request is made by New Hanover County, unless it is deemed impracticable to do so under the particular circumstances of the event(s) prompting leave. Failure to provide the requested certification, may result in a delay of leave approval, or in a denial of continuation of the leave. (2) Where the medical leave is for an extended period of time, the employee may be required to secure recertifications by the attending or supervising health care provider. Such requests for recertifications, shall not be more frequent than every thirty(30) days, unless: (a) the employee requests an extension of the leave; (b) changed circumstances occur regarding the medical condition; (c) New Hanover County receives information that casts doubt upon the continuing validity of the most recent certification. D. Second and Third Medical Opinions New Hanover County may require an employee requesting leave for a serious medical condition, to obtain a second medical opinion. Such evaluation will be conducted by a qualified health care provider selected, and compensated by New Hanover County. Should the second opinion differ from the opinion of the employee's health care provider, New Hanover County may order a third medical opinion. The health care provider selected shall be mutually agreed upon by the County and by the employee, and will be compensated by the County. The third opinion shall be final and binding. E. Limits On Medical Information Requested (1) Where Medical Leave is requested for an employee to participate in the treatment of a covered family member, 5 . . . the family member's health care provider shall verify, using the Medical Certification Form, that the employee is needed to care for a "seriously-ill family member", and what such care will entail. Such information shall be used to evaluate whether such leave could be managed on an intermittent or reduced hours schedule, rather than sequential leave. (2 ) Where Medical Leave is requested for the serious medical condition of the employee, the employee's health care provider shall be provided with a description of the essential functions of the employee's position. Verification of the need for medical leave, shall be based on whether the employee is unable to perform work of any kind, is unable to perform the essential functions of his/her position, may perform some work on a reduced hours schedule, or has a need for intermittent absences. F. Confidentiality of Medical Information Any medical information provided as verification of an employee's need for medical leave due to his/her own serious medical condition, or that of a covered family member, shall conform to the dictates of the Americans With Disabilities Act, in the request for information, the use of information provided, and in the confidentiality requirements associated with maintenance of the information in confidential medical files. Any violation of these provisions shall be grounds for disciplinary action. Sec. 37 Substitution of Paid Leave - FMLA (1) Where the substitution of paid leave is deemed to be in the best interest of New Hanover County, any leave requested under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act, may be specified as paid Personal, Sick, or Advanced Sick leave. Where such substitution is requested, approved or required, the administration of the paid leave shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Act; except that requests for Advanced Sick Leave and Leave Sharing, shall be subject to the request and approval procedures outlined in Article VII, Sections 13 and 15, respectively. Any paid leave used under this section (Sec. 37), shall be counted towards the mandated threshold for leave under the Act. (2) Where an employee is in an approved leave with or without pay status, and an event conforming to the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act occurs, that period of leave beginning with the date of the 6 . . . qualifying event, may be counted towards the mandated threshold for leave under the Act. Such designation shall not occur after the leave period is concluded. Sec.38 Continuation of Employment Benefits - FMLA For purposes of this subpart, the term EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS as provided by New Hanover County, means all benefits provided and/or made available to eligible employees, including group health, dental and disability insurance, retirement contributions, and paid sick and personal leave. A. Continuation of Health and Dental Insurance (1) New Hanover County shall continue to pay the employer portion of insurance premiums, for a maximum of twelve(12) weeks of paid and/or unpaid leave which conforms to the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act. This policy shall not preclude continuation of benefits for extended periods of approved paid leave. (2) Employees taking unpaid leave under the Act, shall be responsible for payment of the employee portion of the insurance premiums under the same conditions applying to employees in other leave without pay statuses. Failure to make timely payments may result in the discontinuation of coverage for the duration of the unpaid FMLA leave. B. Continuation of Other Benefits (1) Disability insurance premiums under the County's group disability plan, shall be maintained by New Hanover County under the same conditions as exists for employees in an active work or paid leave status. The County shall not seek any recovery for premiums paid during these periods of leave. (2) Continuation of retirement contributions shall be in accordance with the rules established by the N.C. Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System. (3) Continuation of employee financed benefits such as life insurance, shall be pursuant to agreements between the employee and the respective benefit providers. C. Benefit Plan Revisions and Additions Where benefits are added, upgraded or otherwise revised during the period of leave, such changes shall be effected on the same date as effected for employees in an active work status. 7 . . . D. Accrual of Personal and Sick Leave In accordance with other leave without pay policies, the accrual of personal and sick leave hours, shall cease during a period of leave without pay under the provisions of the Act. Sec. 39 Termination and Recovery of Employer Paid Premiums - FMLA (1) REINSTATED EMPLOYEES are those employees who return to work from a period of Family and Medical Leave, and are in an active work status, or approved paid leave status unrelated to the FMLA, for at least thirty(30) days. Employees who do not return to work in accordance with these provisions, shall be considered terminated, unless an extension of FMLA leave is requested and confirmed. (2) Employees terminated under this provision, shall be liable for repayment of any employer paid premiums made during the approved period of leave without pay, EXCEPT where: (a) the continuation, recurrence, or onset of a serious health condition that conforms with the provisions of the Family a~d Medical Leave Act, prevents the employee's return; (b) the employee is unable to return to work for circumstances deemed beyond the control of the employee; (c) key employees elect not to return to work after being notified that New Hanover County intends to deny reinstatement because of the threat of substantial and grievous economic injury to business operations. (3) If an employee fails to return to work because of the onset of a serious medical condition, New Hanover County may request that the employee furnish a medical certification from the health care provider of the employee or the employee's covered family member to support the claim. If such medical certification is not provided by the employee within thirty(30) days of the County's request, New Hanover County shall reserve the right to recover any employer paid insurance premiums paid during the initial period of leave under the Act. (4) New Hanover County reserves the right to deduct the amount due for employer paid premiums, from any sums owed to the terminated employee, including personal leave balances and/ or wages received in final paychecks. 8 . . . (5) There shall be no recovery of employer paid premiums, where leave used by the terminated employee is designated as paid sick, personal, and/or advanced sick leave. Sec. 40 Reinstatement Followinq FMLA Leave (1) An employee returning from a period of leave under the provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act, shall be restored to the same position held at the time leave commenced, or to an equivalent position. An EQUIVALENT POSITION, shall be one with the same pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment, and involve the same or substantially similar duties and responsibilities. (2) Upon return to an active work status, the employee's benefits shall be resumed at the same level as were provided when leave began, and without any qualification requirements such as a waiting period or preexisting condition clause. Where benefits are changed during the period of leave, such changes shall be in effect upon the employees return to work. (3) If an employee was hired for a specific period of time that has expired, or was hired to perform work on a discrete project that has been concluded, or if the employee's position is eliminated through a Reduction in Force, such employee may not be afforded reinstatement under the terms of the Act, provided that termination would have been effected had she/he not taken a leave of absence. (4) Key employees being denied reinstatement under the "grievous economic injury" clause, shall be notified in writing and by certified mail, that New Hanover County intends to deny restoration to employment on completion of the period of leave under the Act. This notice shall explain the basis for the denial of reinstatement, and will provide the affected employee a reasonable period of time in which to return to work, taking into account the particular circumstances of the situation. A reasonable period of time shall not exceed fifteen(15) calendar days from the date the key employee receives the notification regarding the County's intentions. Under the terms of the Family and Medical Leave Act, a key employee who elects not to return to work, shall continue to benefit from unrecoverable employer paid insurance premiums until the FMLA leave period expires. 9 . . . Sec. 41 Affect of FMLA On Federal and State Anti-Discrimination Laws Nothing in the Family and Medical Leave Act shall modify or affect any Federal or State law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. In all instances, New Hanover County shall be bound by whichever statute provides the greater rights to employees. 10