1993-08-30 EMx Exhibts ';' BASIC PLAN APPENDIX 4 ATTACHMENT 3 PROCLAMATION OF A COUNTY STATE OF EMERGENCY ) ,section 1. Pursuant to County Ordinance Art. II Sec. 7.5-16 and Chapter 166A of the General Statutes and Article 36A Chapter 14 of the General Statutes, I have determined that a State of Emergency as defined in County Ordinance Sec. 7.5 exist in the County of New Hanover. section 2. I, therefore, proclaim the existence of a state of Emergency in the county of New Hanover. section 3. I hereby order all county .law enforcement officers and comity employees and all other emergency management ... ;., personnel subject to my control to cooperate in the enforcement and implementation of the provisions of the county emergency ordinances which are set forth below. section 4. Evacuation. I have determined that, in the best interest of public safety and protection, it is necessary to evacuate the civilian population from the County of New Hanovp-r citizens are free to use any type of transportation, but they are to use only required transportation routes in leaving the county. Evacuation is to occur as soon as possible. Further proclamation concerning evacuation will be) issued as needed.' section 5. '/enforcement person who Unless a member of the County' aw or the emergency management prog ,every located within a radius of to be inside from the t:: There shall be no sale, of alcoholic beverages in the County of consumption is allowed hours of section 6. No Alcoholic consumption, transportation, during the State 0 e t on a person's ises. Firearms, ammun~tion, or Explosiv During the there shall be no sale or purcn e of any of firearm or ammunition, or any possession of su items with any type of explosive off owner's own premises. section 8. Execution of Emergency Plan. All civilians emergency management personnel are ordered to comply with emergency reaction plan. "') CHANGE 3 83 SEPTEMBER, 1992 'D'" ,:.; - '- ")' , ,- ~ I' '0 .);;'4. ""';',," .:-,..J ~ ",., #t section 9. other Terms or conditions. SEE BELOW This proclamation shall become effective (/~~)laimed :~~ of August 19 E, at CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .f' Attest: other Terms or Conditions: .... ..~ 1) Authorization for the Chairman, Robert G. Greer, and/or his designee to make a decision for evacuation of the civilian population from New Hanover County, if necessary. , 2) Authorization for the' Director of Emergency Management, Dan E. Summers, to request activation of the Emergency Operations Center and emergency shelters, if necessary. CHANGE 3 84 SEPTEMBER, 1992