08-04-2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes 1 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held in Wilmington, NC. FY Meeting Number #2 Date: August 4, 2021 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Bill Hart, Chairman Dru Harrison, NHSWCD Director Sue Hayes, Vice-Chairman Amy Renfranz, NHSWCD Program Coordinator Matt Collogan Haley Moccia, NHSWCD Conservation Specialist Tom Boland Sheryl Kelly, NHC Assistant County Manager Joshua Davis, USDA NC NRCS Team 18 Lead District Conservationist Veronda Blue, USDA NC Intern Was this meeting held during a meal: No The meeting convened in Conference Room 118 of the New Hanover County Government Center. The Chairman declared the presence of a quorum and called the meeting to order at 8:06 a.m. CALL TO ORDER A. Approval of Agenda • Motion: Without objection, the agenda was approved. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Consent Agenda ➢ Motion: Move for approval of consent agenda including the Minutes and Treasurer’s Report. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Collogan • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. CHAIRMAN AND STAFF REPORTS A. Chairman’s Comments. 1. Hart reported that a recent study showed that workers in LEED certified buildings were 26% more productive. 2. Hart shared an image of an urban forest in Louisville, KY. He reported that trees can reduce the urban heat island effect but must be planted appropriately. 3. Hart reported that planning departments in various municipalities seem to be moving into urban farming planning. Collogan shared that the non-profits which work with the NHC N.C. Extension Office are interested in working on food access issues and urban farming. 4. Hart shared that communication with the Association has been sparse. 5. Hart reported that he has called Maria Trenguch with the Legacy Land Group in Asheville, NC twice and left messages. However, he has not been successful in talking with her. He shared that she may be a good candidate for speaking at the Wetlands Management Workshop. B. NRCS Report. 1. Davis reported that a tentative offer has been sent to a candidate for the Brunswick/New Hanover County NRCS Soil Conservationist position. 2. There are going to be more program sign-ups throughout the year. An additional program for EQIP is going to be introduced. There will be a total of 5 funding opportunities with unique sign- up periods this year. There will be new opportunities to support urban agriculture in NRCS. Davis shared that there have been no NRCS funds awarded in NHC since 2017. C. Staff Reports. 1. Director’s Report. 2 • The Director clarified that the private owner at Eagles Island is not willing to sell the property at the appraised value. • The Director shared an update on the Conservation Technician’s position. The position has been approved for an increase in pay but not in hours. Adjustments to hours will not be able to be made until the next fiscal year. The new title for the position is “Conservation Specialist.” • The Director reported that there were not any updates on the redevelopment of the NHC Government Center parking lot. 2. Conservation Specialist’s Report. • Moccia clarified that NHCWQIP cannot be applied to improve property that is under easement agreements within an HOA. • Collogan and Boland shared appreciation for Moccia’s recent performance. 3. Program Coordinator’s Report. • The coordinator clarified that the next meeting for TreeFest is for organizers of the event. D. Approval of Staff Reports ➢ Motion: Move for approval of staff reports. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Collogan • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. OLD BUSINESS A. Railroad Re-Alignment on Eagles Island ➢ Motion: Move to authorize the Chairman to make minor edits to the draft document entitled “Statement with Respect to Phase II Environmental Assessment Rail Alignment Study” and forward it as appropriate. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Collogan • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. B. Communication with Commissioners 1. Hayes reported that she is no longer in support of the original intention of the communication protocols, which included guidelines for more frequents meetings between commissioners and supervisors. She instead supports communicating to the commissioners on upcoming projects. 2. Kelly shared that the commissioners receive a high number of emails, and that occasional in- person meetings could be beneficial. Harrison recommended being present in meetings and at events with the commissioners. Kelly supported building personal relationships. 3. Hart requested a Special Meeting to further develop Communications Guidelines with Commissioners. Harrison will arrange the date and time of the meeting. C. DOT Stormwater Resolution ➢ Motion: Move to authorize the Chairman to make minor edits to the draft document entitled “A Resolution Expressing Appreciation to the Secretary of Transportation for the Department’s Initiative to Increase the Use of Nature-Based Stormwater” and forward it as appropriate, pending further investigation into the current standing of the DOT initiative. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Collogan • Discussion: Boland inquired about the current state of the initiative, sharing that he was not quite sure if it had been fully adopted. • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. D. Stormwater Management on Wetland Landscapes Workshop Update 3 1. Hart shared a flyer that had been made for the event. The flyer will be sent to the commissioners. Harrison is going to make updates on the title of the event before it is sent as appropriate. 2. Sponsors and funding are being considered to make the workshop affordable for everyone. E. Tick List (see Addendum). Break was taken at 9:43 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:50 a.m. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION & GOALS A. Kelly described the county’s evaluation process including standardized criteria and performance categories. Until this point, the supervisors were minimally involved in the Director’s annual evaluation. B. The board agreed that providing input on Harrison’s performance will be a part of the upcoming Special Meeting at which the Communications Guidelines will also be discussed. UPCOMING EVENT / ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Conservation Employees Training, August 23-26, Wilmington, NC 1. Harrison has acquired special permission for supervisors to attend individual meals or programs. Supervisors must look at agenda and let Harrison know. Hart encouraged all supervisors to attend the Opening Ceremony banquet and first day lunch. ADJOURNMENT • Motion: Without objection, the meeting was adjourned. ➢ Adjourned at 10:12 a.m. The next regular board meeting is set for September 1, 2021 in Room 118 of the NHC Government Center. Recorded By: Amy Renfranz Approved By: ____________________________________________________________ William J. Hart (Sep 3, 2021 18:11 EDT) William J. Hart MINUTES_8_4_21 Final Audit Report 2021-09-03 Created:2021-09-01 By:Amy Renfranz (arenfranz@nhcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAMydUN4W48KNO3nn2KAjlkbSSD71UCKzb "MINUTES_8_4_21" History Document created by Amy Renfranz (arenfranz@nhcgov.com) 2021-09-01 - 3:09:28 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) for signature 2021-09-01 - 3:09:56 PM GMT Email viewed by William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) 2021-09-03 - 10:02:58 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2021-09-03 - 10:11:48 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2021-09-03 - 10:11:48 PM GMT