2021-09-07 RM Exhibits Exhibit Book l4 l Page _ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CONSTITUTION WEEK 2021 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, September 17, 2021 marks the two hundred and thirty-fourth anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to officially recognize this magnificent document and the anniversary of its creation; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to officially recognize the patriotic celebrations which will commemorate the occasion; and WHEREAS, Public Law 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America designating September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that September 17 through 23, 2021 be recognized as "Constitution Week" in New Hanover County and that citizens are asked to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787. ADOPTED this the 7th day of September, 2021. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ��tvT � }"•,� uli. •Ison-Boseman, Chair c,,K4' V ;3i± ATTEST: K berleigh owell, Clerk to the Board Book ii 4%t 1t' Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to honor and celebrate the many ways Hispanic Americans contribute to the success of our nation, our state and New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, Hispanics are justly proud of their rich and diverse cultural heritage, having made positive contributions to the social, artistic, linguistic, and intellectual aspects of our community; and WHEREAS,generations of proud, hardworking, enterprising Hispanic Americans have contributed to and have strengthened New Hanover County, with countless achievements, and their abiding values in the home and family; and WHEREAS, Hispanics increasingly impact the political, economic, and social growth of our community and state; and WHEREAS, as we observe Hispanic Heritage Month, the county encourages all members of our community to recognize the accomplishments and contributions of our Latinx community and the importance of social justice and fair representation for the Latinx community in all aspects of county life and experience. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that September 15 — October 15, 2021 will be recognized as "Hispanic Heritage Month" in New Hanover County. Residents are encouraged to honor the rich diversity of the Hispanic community and celebrate the many ways they contribute to our nation and society. ADOPTED this the 7th day of September, 2021. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Juli Ison-Boseman, Clair ATTEST: . L ,ttclizge K berleigh G rowel!, Clerk to the Board gk gS $ i k Y JUNTA DE COMISIONADOS DEL CONDADO DE NEW HANOVER t PROCLAMACION DEL MES DE LA HERENCIA HISPANA i i CONSIDERANDO,que el Mes de la Herencia Hispana es un momento para honrar y celebrar las muchas I formas en que los hispanoamericanos contribuyen al exito de nuestra nacion, nuestro estado y el condado de New Hanover; y k CONSIDERANDO, que los hispanos estan justamente orgullosos de su rica y diversa herencia cultural, habiendo hecho contribuciones positivas a los aspectos sociales, artisticos, lingiiisticos e intelectuales de , nuestra comunidad; y CONSIDERANDO, que generaciones de hispanoamericanos orgullosos, trabajadores y emprendedores han contribuido y han fortalecido el Condado de New Hanover, con innumerables logros, y sus valores permanentes en el hogar y la familia; y i CONSIDERANDO,que los hispanos impactan cada vez mas el crecimiento politico, economico y social s de nuestra comunidad y estado; y 1 CONSIDERANDO, que, al observar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, la comunidad alienta a todos los g miembros de nuestra comunidad a reconocer los logros y contribuciones de nuestra comunidad Latina y la importancia de la justicia social y la representacion justa para la comunidad Latina en todos los aspectos de la vida y experiencia. f AHORA,POR LO TANTO,SEA PROCLAMADO por la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de New Hanover que del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre del 2021 sera reconocido como el "Mes de la Herencia Hispana" en el Condado de New Hanover. Se alienta a los residentes a honrar la rica diversidad de la - comunidad hispana y celebrar las muchas formas en que contribuyen a nuestra nacion y sociedad. i l ADOPTADO este dia 7de septiembre de 2021. I _ CONDADO DE NEW HANOVER (� ,1! I i Julia Olson-Boseman, Silla t il k ATESTIGUAR: II .t a A-- • t g• _ L AA ill. Ky a•erfeigh G. • ell, secretaria de la Junta i t i aC P i , Exhibit ,t , , , i Book Yukk Page 11•S , , , AGENDA: September 7,2021 , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ; AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET '. , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the i following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. , Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment , Strategic Focus Area: Effective County Management =, Strategic Objective(s): Continuous focus on the customer experience ' I Fund: Landfill Northern Property Closure Department: Environmental Management 1 Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-005 Capital Project Expense $I 207,461 $ 207,461 , BA 22-005 Capital Project Expense $ 296,908 $ 296,908 = = Total $ - $ 504 69 1 $ 504 69 1 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total ' BA 22-005 Transfer In from Capital Project $ 273,570 $ 273,570. .? BA 22-005 Interest on Investments $ 230,799 $ 230,799 Total $ - $ 504,369 $ 504,369 i , Fund: Landfill Leachate Treatment Department: Environmental Management =. Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total , BA 22-005 Transfer to Capital Project Funds $ 77,405 t$ 77,405 ,t 1 Total ,$ - $ 77,405 i$ 77,405 , , , Revenue: Decrease . Increase Total ` BA 22-005 Interest on Investments $ 77,405 $ 77,405, i Total , $ - S 77,405 II$ 77,405 , ' Fund: Landfill Southern Property Construction 1 Department: Environmental Management ) Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total 1 BA 22-005 Transfer to Capital Project Funds $ 196,165 I$ 196,165 i Total $ - $ 196,165 $ 196,165 , ; Revenue: Decrease Increase A Total ., BA 22-005 Interest on Investments $ 196,165 $ 196,165 .. = Total $ - $ 196,165 $ 196,165 = Prior to Total if Actions Taken Actions Today f Departmental Budget 1$ 29,171,667 I $ 29,171,667 , Section 2: Explanation = BA 22-005 is to utilize interest revenues from three funds to increase the expenditures in the Landfill Northern 4 Property Closure Fund as required for a contract change order to allow stormwater control and leachate piping ' modifications needed for the final closure project currently under way on the landfill's northern property. , 1 Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. i NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North , Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-005 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. ' Adopted,this 7th day of September,2021. 40)N I-T. •-.\4(' \-° , , (;WIson-Boseman,C ir FTT T. _. Q•44)..y.esk , _.-.... ..,..,.. erleigh G.Crow lerk to the Board , , , AGENDA: September 7,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health&Safety Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands Fund: General Department: Social Services Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-004 CARES Act Funding,Public Law 116-136 _ $ 34,112 $ 34,112 • Total $ - $ 34,112 II$ 34,112 • Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-004 CARES Act Funding,Public Law 116-136 $ 34,112 $ 34,112 Total $ - $ 34,112 $ 34,112 • Prior to Total if Actions Actions Today Taken Departmental Budget ( $ 42,895,247 I $ 42,929,359 Section 2: Explanation BA 22-004 The Department of Social Services was awarded$34,112 on August 9,2021. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security(CARES)Act provides emergency funding to respond to COVID-19. It is designed to support child welfare agencies in the prevention,preparation and response to the needs of children and families impacted by the child welfare system and the coronavirus pandemic. North Carolina was awarded these supplemental funds by Administration for Children and Families(ACF). Each county social services agency was awarded a portion of this supplemental funding based on the population of children in foster care. These funds must be used to ensure the safety,permanency,and wellbeing of children and families involved in child welfare during the coronavirus pandemic. New Hanover County Department of Health and Human Services will focus purchasing efforts to: enhance agency telecommunications hardware,software and service infrastructure to support telework and remote participation by agency employees in caseworker visits,child and family meetings,court hearings and access to other needed services;purchase Personal Protective Equipment(PPE)for child welfare workers in efforts to minimize exposure when conducting visits;provide assistance to families(purchasing food or arranging for food delivery, obtaining household supplies,or paying utilities and rent)when a family is unable to access other pandemic-related assistance. The agency will ensure that assistance is not duplicative of any other aid provided by the CARES Act or other COVID-19 legislation;and identify,secure,staff and monitor emergency placements for children in foster care who have been exposed to the coronavirus. Funds can be used to replace county only expenditures not claimed for reimbursement to prevent,prepare for,and respond to COVID-19 prior to the effective date of the award,beginning January 20,2020. The use of county allocated funds must be for expenses obligated or paid by September 30,2021. There is no county match. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-004 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. Adopted,this 7th day of September,2021. (S N Ty cp 44, • I Jul' lson-Bose air cowevett_ e 3 K rleigh G.Crow Clerk to the Board Exhibit - Book No LUt Page 1= NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ASSESSMENT RESOLUTION WILLIAM LOUIS DRIVE WHEREAS,the owners of property on William Louis Drive have petitioned the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover to undertake a project to improve the residential street William Louis Drive to bring the street up to the standards of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) so that it may become a part of the state maintained system; and WHEREAS, as provided in North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 153A-205(b) a county may finance the local share of the improvements made under the supervision of Department of Transportation to bring the street up to the standards of Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, NC DOT has approved the improvements to William Louis Drive, and has agreed to take over the street once the improvements have been completed. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that: ti 1. New Hanover County intends to undertake a project to improve and repair the road of William Louis Drive,the section of William Louis Drive located from Cheryl Lane to Brandy Court, as more specifically set forth in Attachment A. 2. One hundred percent(100%)of project costs are to be assessed to the benefited property owners. 3. The basis for making the assessment against the benefited properties will be the number of residences and vacant buildable parcels with road frontage and addresses on William Louis Drive, at an equal rate per parcel, as allowed by NCGS 153A-186(a). 4. The assessment herein provided for shall be payable in cash, or if any property owner shall so elect, he shall have the option of paying the assessment in five(5) equal annual installments,said installments to bear interest at a rate of four percent (4%) which approximates all the costs, including opportunity costs, to administer the installment loans and does not exceed the limits imposed by NCGS 153A-200(a). ADOPTED this the 7th day of September, 2021. NEW JOVER •U GpIS N T}• I ! 4Ison-Bo -m. Chair A `;tt n ATTEST: 4k4 3 A.aAt4 '_ - tie ` � . • `°�'' ' Ky berleigh G. It ell,Clerk to the Board • { William Louis Drive Assessment Exhibit A 4451 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4453 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4454 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4455 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4456 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4457 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4458 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4459 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4460 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4461 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4462 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4463 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4464 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4465 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4466 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4473 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4474/4476 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4475 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4477 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4478 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4479 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4480 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4481 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4482 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4483 WILLIAM LOUIS DR 4484 WILLIAM LOUIS DR • 0 c 0 ��C O 0 0 d 3 O C 4 6 C C O - by o 3 0 C C (.7 • C ar ov a c a\ 3 C C Chery!i.„ Cheryl en Cheryl i AGENDA: September 7,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Effective County Management Strategic Objective(s): Deliver quality service at the right time Fund: General Department: Engineering } Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-006 Engineering $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total $ - I $ 50,000 II$ 50,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-006 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 50,000 $ 50,000 Total $ - I $ 50,000 II$ 50,000 Prior to Total if Actions Actions Today Taken Departmental Budget $ 12,413,779 $ 12,463,779 Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 50,000 Section 2: Explanation BA 22-006 will allocate$50,000 for road improvements to William Louis Drive. Appropriated Fund Balance will be increased to fund the project however,the assessment process allowed by North Carolina General Statute Chapter 153A, Article 9,will be used to assess property owners for the total cost of the project. The adoption of this budget amendment will increase the General Fund Appropriated Fund Balance by$50,000. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-006 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. Adopted,this 7th day of September,2021. (SEAL) u ' Olson-Bos r r.; : _ ATT ST: g. o.„4„-„dt. l Y� a, K erleigh G.C ell,Clerk to the Board