1984-09-17 Emergency Meeting 676 MINUTES OF CONTINUED EMERGENCY MEETING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met in a Continued Emergency Meeting on September 17, 1984, at 10:11 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. - 'Members present were: Commissioners Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud 0' Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; County Attorney, Robert W. Pope; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Smith. Members absent were: due to an illness. Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Sro Chairman Gottovi called the Emergency Session to order welcoming Senator Charles Rose. DISCUSSION OF DEBRIS REMOVAL AFTER HURRICANE DIANA Senator Rose stated FEMA personnel should have contacted the County Staff and should be in Wilmington stressing the fact that this agency could be of great assistance to the County in picking up debris. He stated he was planning to take a helicopter tour of the County to ascertain the amount of damage and return to Washington, D. C. in the afternoon. Chairman Gottovi gave background information on damages suffered in the private, commercial, and low-income sectors stating the Commissioners had requested Governor Hunt to declare New Hanover County as a disaster area on Thursday, September 13, 1984, and as of this date the Governor had not received an answer from President Reagan. Chairman Gottovi stated that debris removal was the largest problem confronting the County at the current time. County Manager Cooper stated the County did not own or have the necessary trucks or equipment to pick up debris but that once the debris was placed in the proper landfills the County was capable of disposing of the materials. He requested assistance from Senator Rose's office for federal assistance available to local governments under its own authority independent of a federal disaster declaration such as the Military Assistance to Civil Authorities Program where the Army can assist in removal of debris. Senator Rose stated he could begin the process immediately and contacted Col. Stan Bontier, Deputy of Installations at Ft. Bragg reporting that assistance could be obtained from the base and that Col. E. V. Parker would contact the County Manager within the next hour. Senator Rose stated if this was not the assistance needed, to contact him for further help. City Manager Bill Farris commented on the chippers owned by the City of Wilmington for bulk reduction stating trucks were badly needed. Chairman Gottovi commented on the City of Wilmington's Ordinance requiring a valid permit for the burning of trash within the City Limits stating she felt the County should adopt a similar regulation in order to prevent tremendous problems created by smoke for Volunteer Fire Departments, the Airport and people with lung diseases. County Attorney Pope stated legally, under the Emergency Powers the County could amend the County Burning Ordinance to prohibit burning of debris until the state of emergency does not exist. After a lengthy discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to delay making a decision on permits being required for burning trash in New Hanover County. Chairman Gottovi stated the Department of Social Services was implementing a program with the assistance of volunteers to provide help to the elderly, handicapped and low-income individuals. "- 677 MINUTES OF CONTINUED EMERGENCY MEETING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1984 DISCUSSION OF DEBRIS REMOVAL Senator Rose stated he would check into the disaster declaration and keep the County informed. I DISCUSSION OF WATER RESOURCES ACT Senator Rose commented on the Water Resources Act that pas~ed the house six weeks a'go with an authorization for expansion of the Wilmington Harbor and the transfer of the Hopper Dredge, the Hyde, to the County stating these bills are now in the Senate with a good chance of moving through before the Senate adjourns on October 1, 1984. Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Senator Rose for attending the meeting and his assistance in obtaining help for debris removal. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to wait until Col. Parker contacted the County Manager and then call a joint meeting of members of the County Staff, City of Wilmington Staff, and representatives of the towns of Carolina Beach, Wrightsville Beach, and Kure Beach to discuss and work out the logistics of debris removal. I DISCUSSION OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY HURRICANE PLAN Commissioner Blake commented on the outstanding cooperation between the news media, organizations, and volunteer workers in implementing and carrying out an excellent plan stating that Ed Hi 1 ton and Andy Atkinson were to be commended for their outstanding job performance during this crisis. He complimented Chairman Gottovi for the excellent manner in which she coordipated and handled the emergency situation expressing his appreciation for the many hours given and decisions made wisely under pressure. Chairman Gottovi expressed her appreciation to the Emergency Services Director, Dan Summers, complimenting him on an excellent job. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to hold a debriefing session to discuss the problems encountered with the plan and modify accordingly in order to perform more effectively and efficiently in future crisis. County Manager Cooper commented on overtime pay to County employees who worked during the storm and asked the direction of the Board. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have the Manager come back to the Board with a recommendation. RECESS OF EMERGENCY MEETING Chairman Gottovi recessed the Emergency Session at 11:15 o'clock A.M. I Respectfuly submitted, ~V~ Lucie F. Smith.. . Clerk to the Board