2021-06-17 Minutes AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION BOARD PAGE 1 REGULAR MEETING JUNE 17, 2021 ASSEMBLY The Airlie Gardens Foundation Board met in Regular session at the Airlie Cottage on Thursday, June 17th, 2021 at 8:15 a.m. Present: Mark Tyler (presiding), Eric Blaesing, Mike Creed, Hank Estep, Coo Hocker, John Russ and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Via Telephone: Teddy Davis. Excused: Ted Davis, Jr., Deb Hays and Charlie Rivenbark. Staff: Scott Childs, Tara Duckworth, Bonnie Derks (Intern), Andy Johnson, Rebecca Pearce and Janine Powell. WELCOME AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Mark Tyler called the meeting to order and welcomed those present for the first face-to-face meeting since March of 2020. He then asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of the May meeting. No changes were noted, and the following motion was presented: MOTION: Eric Blaesing MOVED; SECONDED by Commissioner Rob Zapple, that the minutes of the April meeting be approved with the corrections as stated. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. Mark welcomed those in attendance. He shared with the board that Deb Hays term on the board ended with the June meeting. She will be given a token of appreciation for her years of service. st 2. T Hank shared the following financial information for the moth ending May 31. The month of May set a record at Airlie Gardens for membership revenue. Membership revenue for the month of May was $50K. There has been a very steady uptick in new family members in recent months. Additionally, there have been a few upgrades in membership, and it seems that some of the upper-level members are coming back. Gate and gift shop revenue also remained strong. Gate and gift shop revenues for the month were $60K and $10.5K, respectively. Wedding season is in full swing and portrait sessions continue to be very busy. Grant Revenue consists of $62,500 EEG Grant, $5,000 from Landfall Foundation for the 2021 Owl Exhibit, and an unrestricted grant of $2,500 from the Mitchell Foundation. New Enchanted Airlie decorations were purchased per board approval. A new expense line on the financial statements was created for Grounds Maintenance. This has captured the expenses related to specific fertilizer and expenses related to the Airlie Oak. These expenses have been covered between donations raised specifically for the Airlie Oak, a $5,000 unrestricted donation in June from Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust, as well as the Penderlea Live Oak tree sale which resulted in $5,000 in proceeds. The endowment continues to grow with a fiscal year-to-date unrealized gain of nearly $1.6 million. AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION BOARD PAGE 2 REGULAR MEETING JUNE 17, 2021 3. Director/Operations Report. Tara shared that the annual audit time is approaching. Funds over $500,000 in the operating account will be swept into the endowment at the end of the fiscal year. Memberships have increased tremendously over the past year. During the next fiscal year will look at all aspects of membership to re-evaluate. Will have to look at how to manage the number of nd people at events as well. Concerts will resume with the first one taking place on Friday, July 2. Our events such as the butterfly releases and bird hikes continue to be sold out. 4. Budget: Fiscal Year 21-22. Tara reviewed the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Some highlights were as follows: ~ Reduced expenses for buses used during concerts as fewer will be needed due to the new parking location (Northeast Library). ~ Enchanted Airlie expenses increased due to addition of another pod for storage, propane and other supplies. ~ Program expenses are under budget this fiscal year due to grant offset. ~ Wedding & Garden expenses increased due to more receptions, which require more deputies. After a few questions and some discussion, the following motion was presented: MOTION: Commissioner Rob Zapple MOVED; SECONDED by Commissioner Eric Blaesing, that the budget for fiscal year 21-22 be approved as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. Development Report. Janine Powell shared that the live oaks sold extremely well, and all have been picked up. Funds raised were $5,000 with plans to do again in the fall with larger and a different variety of trees. (Plans will be made for the board to have a field trip to see the process of how the trees are grown and tour Penderlea Farms). 6. Other Business. None to report. th 7. Next Meeting. The next board meeting will take place at the Airlie Cottage on Thursday, August 19 at 8:15am. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Coo Hocker MOVED; SECONDED by Eric Blaesing, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 9:08am. Respectfully submitted, Tanya Gurganious Administrative Coordinator -Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Airlie Gardens Foundation Board meeting.