2021-07-21 Minutes Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, July 21, 2021 4:00 PM, CFM Exploration Station Board Members 2020-21 Board Present: 2015-16 Board Susan Barbee Susan Barbee Stewart Moon Gwen Brown David Ball Dana Crater Dana Crater Stuart Borrett Ginger Davis Gwen Brown Ginger Davis Donna Pope Dennis Dixon Melissa Collins Darin Penneys Bill Rivenbark Kevin Maurer Will Oden, III Kate Baynard Stewart Moon Dan Owen Tim Potter Darin Penneys Nancy Pritchett Donna Pope Bill Terrell Others Present: Sheryl Kelly, Florence Warren Allen Trask, III Absent: Gwen Brown, Florence Warren, Dennis Dixon, and Kevin Maurer Bill Rivenbark Rob Zapple NHC NHC Staff Present: Wayne LaBar, Kate Baillon, Barbi Baker, Amy Thornton, Heather Commissioner Commissioner Yenco, Kitty Yerkes, and Eliccia Edwards Ex-officio: Ex-officio: Kate Baynard The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Mike Hudson CFMA, Inc. CFMA, Inc. Wednesday, July 21, 2021 in the Exploration Station of the museum. The meeting was called to order by Donna Pope at 4:05 pm. Wayne LaBar Museum Director Consideration of Absences: Donna Pope Eliccia Edwards o Kevin Maurer, Dennis Dixon, Gwen Brown, and Florence Warren have been Museum Services excused. Specialist Staff Introductions: o There are two new staff members Wayne LaBar and Eliccia Edwards, so the board members and staff all did quick introductions of who they are and what they do. All members are excited to have Wayne as the director. Approval of Minutes: There were no minutes to approve during this meeting. Election: Slate of Officers Susan Barbee- Chairman Kevin Maurer- Vice Chairman Ginger Davis- Secretary o All members accepted election results. Susan Barbee Collections Policy Changes and Vote o The county needs to approve any donation of value. Vote to accept the staff recommendations to amend the collections policy. o Moved and accepted staff recommendations. List and description of board committees will be sent out for members to decide which committee they would like to serve on. Associates Report: Kate Baynard st STEM fundraiser was the 1 in person fundraiser since Covid and was successful. They plan on doing another one soon. th They hosted a successful membership drive as well from May 26 to June th 16. Collections Report: Heather Yenco in Kevin Maurer Absence o The Collections Committees reviewed accessions to be submitted to the NHC Board of Commissioners for approval. Items included a film prop from Under the Dome series filmed in Wilmington, items used by the Wilmington Sharks baseball team, as well as Covid 19 pandemic items. o There were two deaccession items, anchors from 1863 and 1864, currently on display in the museums park. Moved to deaccessions due to expose to the elements. o Motion moved and accepted for both accessions and deaccessions. It was approved without opposition. Museum Report: Wayne Labar, Kate Baillon, and Amy Thornton Museum Overall o Kate Baillon discussed several of the programs currently on display at the museum including, Green Book, North Carolina on display in the Williston Auditorium. The Team Up sports exhibit that will be downsizing to make room for the new Sun, Earth, Universe exhibit that will be sharing the space with Team Up until they end completely and then the Sun, Earth, Universe exhibit will expand to fill the space. o Amy Thornton spoke about starting the program, WPD Tours. We are happy to be a resource in showcasing and teaching history of our region. We are the only museum in the country in a partnership with the police department. o Wayne Labar wanted to say how amazing his staff is and that they received an NACo 2021 achievement award for their 1898 exhibit. Discussed his plans and goals for the museum moving forward and has been involved with museum development in the past so he is also very excited about Project Grace. States he will make sure board members are aware of updates and announcements. A motion was made by Pope to adjourn the meeting. With unanimous consent, the meeting ended at 4:39 pm. th The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 15 at 4:00 pm in the Williston Auditorium of the Cape Fear Museum. Secretary, CFM Advisory Board Date