2021-10-04 RM Exhibits i Book �� i - 1 Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS i RESOLUTION ' DONATION OF RIOT GEAR AND DIVE EQUIPMENT TO THE PENDER COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE I WHEREAS,the Sheriff's Office has riot gear and dive equipment they would like to donate to the Pender County Sheriff's Office which is detailed below: i i Qty. Description Age Value Per Item 28 Clear plastic riot shields 10 yrs $75 81 Chest protectors 5-7 yrs $30 78 Shin Guards 5-7 yrs $25 70 Groin protectors 5-7 yrs $10 75 Forearm guards 5-7 yrs $10 i 53 Hatch gear bags 5-7 yrs $50 3 Full face dive mask 13-15 yrs $500 i 3 Regulator sets 13-15 yrs $300 3 WHEREAS, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) 160A-280, the county may donate to another governmental unit within the United States any personal property including supplies, materials, and equipment that the governing board deems to be surplus, obsolete, or unused; and i WHEREAS, county staff has posted a public notice of such resolution at least five (5) days prior to its j adoption. rt I NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners declares the equipment obsolete and approves the donation of the riot gear and dive equipment to the Pender County Sheriffs Office and directs county staff to process any required documents to complete the transaction. i ADOPTED this the 4th day of October, 2021. i NEW HANOVER COUNTY E �O� }Y ,�J ,.. " ,te,4_, ,,i, p J ' Olson-Boseman, Chair z z l'iki \ n i \t." n„° j K if berleigh G. !4 owell, Clerk to the Board t'STA r i C H \-< 5 S i 3 1 i ; i ; Exhibit 1 1 Book YL-■11 Page i i i 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 1 i i INDIGENOUS PEOPLES' DAY PROCLAMATION i 1 i 1 WHEREAS, Indigenous Peoples' Day was first proposed in 1977 by a delegation of Native Nations i to the International Conference on Discrimination Against Indigenous Populations in the 1 i Americas; and I 1 , WHEREAS,a growing number of American cities have recognized the second Monday of October i i as"Indigenous Peoples' Day," reimaging Columbus Day as an opportunity to celebrate indigenous I resiliency; and 1 1 1 WHEREAS, New Hannover County recognizes the historical importance of the Indigenous , 1 Peoples' lands that later became known as the Americas, including the lands which became I known as North Carolina; and I i i WHEREAS,the state of North Carolina recognizes the fact that New Hanover County is built upon i lands first inhabited by the Indigenous Peoples of this region; and I 1 1 I WHEREAS, New Hanover County values the many contributions made to this community through i 1 Indigenous Peoples' knowledge, stewardship of these lands, labor, technology, science, 1 i philosophy, arts and the deep cultural contribution that has substantially shaped the character 1 of New Hanover County. 1 1 I i ) NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that 1 the second Monday of October, October 11, 2021, will be recognized as "Indigenous Peoples' i Day" in New Hanover County. Public institutions, businesses, and organizations are strongly 1 I encouraged to recognize and support Indigenous Peoples' Day; reaffirming the county's / 1 commitment to demonstrating appreciation of North Carolina's first peoples. 1 i ADOPTED this the 4th day of October, 2021. 1 I 1 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY t i I-, o,,,sTy./1/ C-, 1 0 Ju a Olson-Boseman, Chair , Z F,, ,_■ .... .›- o ATTEST: ; i / . ' IA\ ttt i Dkrwl -. •11 1 1 A,4. - - : .i a _...__li / I .:r, Ky f.erleigh G. 4 well, Clerk to the Board ‘ti,,,,o) i i i ! , i i 1 4 i i i J I I ; i Exhibit i . i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Book YLII I Page 13 3 I 1 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION i 1 IWHEREAS, domestic violence transcends all ethnic, racial, gender, and socioeconomic boundaries, weakening i 1 the very core of our community; and , , , ; WHEREAS, the effects of domestic violence are far-reaching and may have lifetime implications for families, I i , the criminal justice system and our community; and i , 1 WHEREAS, Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. provides emergency crisis intervention and ongoing i support and services in New Hanover County for victims and survivors of domestic abuse; and I i t i WHEREAS, 1,164 adults and 101 children received direct services such as court accompaniment, advocacy, 1 empowerment groups and counseling; including 129 adults and 89 children who received emergency shelter I through Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. in the year 2020; and 1 i I i WHEREAS, on September 4, 2002, Gladys Bryant, an employee of New Hanover County for more than two i decades, and on August 6, 2008, Tarica Pulliam, an employee of New Hanover County for two years, lost their i 1 lives in acts of domestic violence exhibiting to all their coworkers and friends, the prevalence of domestic 1 1 violence and its consequences; and i 1 WHEREAS, many other persons throughout New Hanover County and the United States find themselves in i abusive relationships and need to find a safe and empowering environment; and 1 I 1 WHEREAS, this year's theme, We are Enough, serves as a call to action to citizens of New Hanover County to I encourage, support and empower one another to live lives free from violence. INOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners refuses to ! tolerate domestic violence in any form and wishes to create a society that promotes strong values, fosters a 1 1 safe and loving home environment for every family, and encourages our citizens to enhance their efforts to I work together to address the problem of domestic violence. , , i 1 i BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that October 2021 be 3 recognized as "Domestic Violence Awareness Month" in New Hanover County. I 1 i I ADOPTED this the 4th day of October, 2021. , 1 , I 1 oUNTy. NEW . k OVER COUNTY 1 i ct-c-' i 4i0 i 5' I S , 'N n 4 J , a Olson-Boseman, Chair , 7.\ Azi pi, yi i ATTEST: 4.■ichEoll' ig, / / i ek ,/iA 4./ '-%4 1.A. ......-■■am, i Ky ,i •erleigh G. swell, Clerk to the Board i 1 I 1 Exhibit Book Xul l Page 13 .E NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NATIONAL SUBSTANCE ABUSE AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, prevention and recovery from substance use disorder is possible through sound prevention, education, intervention, and quality treatment; and WHEREAS,the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported approximately 20.4 million people over the age of 12 had a substance use disorder in the past year; and } WHEREAS, an estimated 20.6 percent of the adult population in the U.S. had a mental illness in the past year; and WHEREAS, symptoms of mental illness can be masked or exacerbated by substance use, both sharing common factors and risks, that should be assessed and treated together when possible; and WHEREAS, risk for developing substance use is elevated for individuals who have had a high number of traumatic or challenging experiences in childhood, therefore needing increased access to prevention, education, intervention and treatment; and WHEREAS, the development of substance use and mental disorders are serious public health concerns that evidence-based prevention can prevent and reduce, and quality treatment can heal; and WHEREAS, educating family, friends, and the community about how substance use disorder affects all residents in New Hanover County, is essential to combat misconceptions and build effective grassroots and professional services solutions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that October 2021 will be recognized as "National Substance Abuse Awareness Month" in New Hanover County. Residents are invited to reflect and raise awareness on the role substance use disorder plays in community health. New Hanover County commends and urge residents and community organizations to join in this observance. ADOPTED this the 4th day of October, 2021. NEW 1 •VER COUNTY o t NJ on Juli. I Ison-Boseman, Chair ; ' r ATTEST: KiTIJA r ts ,T .OIL K berleigh G. C . ell, Clerk to the Board 1 Exhibit NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Book XI-111 t Page 13.5 NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, it is estimated that more than 9,850 women in North Carolina will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021; of these 9,850 women, 1,470 will die from the disease, and approximately 270 of the diagnosed cases will be in New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, 1 in 8 North Carolina women are at risk for developing breast cancer within their lifetime; i and WHEREAS, breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer, and the second leading cause of cancer death for women in the United States; and a WHEREAS,with routine mammogram screening and follow-up testing,the disease can be detected early and treated more effectively; and i WHEREAS, being aware of the available health information, education,treatment, and support can help individuals receive appropriate care and access resources to improve their quality of life; and 1 WHEREAS, community organizations, local health departments, churches and job sites can play a key role in educating the public, members, or employees about breast cancer; and WHEREAS, October is designated as "National Breast Cancer Awareness Month;" and i i WHEREAS,the pink ribbon is the internationally recognized symbol of breast cancer awareness; and { WHEREAS, New Hanover County encourages people to recognize that breast cancer is treatable, and that routine screening and early detection can save lives. i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that October 2021 will be recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in New Hanover County. Citizens are encouraged to wear pink ribbons in recognition of breast cancer and in honor of women who are courageously fighting the battle with breast cancer. The board further encourages women to consult with their health care providers about regular screenings and to promote early detection of breast cancer by having regular clinical breast examinations, getting regular mammograms, and practicing a monthly breast self-examination. i ADOPTED this the 4th day of October, 2021. 1 o,,NT) NEW . A NOVER COUNTY ,j,,., ,--\ si,' A JO- •Ison-Boseman, Chair y A' ` f!:.4' 14. i �Z ATTEST: * . .° ti ' 1 KyIF berleigh G. Atwell, Clerk to the Board s i I 1 4 ; Exhibit NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Book )'LW Page 13.0 , $ RESOLUTION DESIGNATING STAFF AS MAP REVIEW OFFICERS WHEREAS,NC General Statute 47-30.2 requires that every County appoint one or more Map Review Officers to examine and approve plats and maps prior to recordation at the Registry of Deeds;and WHEREAS, a Map Review Officer must examine and approve plats and maps to ascertain mapping accuracy and consistency;and WHEREAS,the City of Wilmington, Town of Carolina Beach, Town of Kure Beach,Town of Wrightsville Beach and New Hanover County have requested that the staff listed below be designated Map Review Officers. t NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the following staff be designated as Map Review Officers: S For the Unincorporated areas of New Hanover County: b • Ken Vafier,Planning Manager • Nicole Smith,Senior Planner 1 • Ron Meredith,Current Planner • Amy Doss,Current Planner a • Dylan McDonnell,Long Range Planner I • Julian Griffee,Current Planner For the Town of Carolina Beach: • Ed Parvin,Assistant Town Manager • Jeremy Hardison,Planning&Development Director 1 • Gloria Abbotts,Senior Planner a 1 1 • Gigi Baggarley,GIS Administrator For the Town of Kure Beach: 1 • John Batson,Inspector 1 J For the Town of Wrightsville Beach: • Tony Wilson,Director of Planning and Parks i 4 1 For the City of Wilmington: • David E.Cowell,PE,City Engineer • Richard Christensen,PE, Project Engineer • Rob Gordon,PE,City Plan Review Engineer • Peter J. Brennon,Jr.,PLS,Surveyor • Ed Ashworth,PLS,Surveyor • Ronald H.Satterfield,Jr.,Assistant Planning Director fi • Brian Chambers,Senior Planner • Abie Bonevac,Associate Planner 1 • Jeff Walton,Associate Planner 1 • Patrick O'Mahony,Associate Planner • Kathryn Thurston,Zoning Administrator .1 ADOPTED this the 4"'day of • ••er,2021. NEW HANOVER COUNTY �LNTy• 1 ..rot -7?), 0/1 —41111111( 1 - L <f . � > J a Olson-Bos--man hairman 1 .�I n� O 3 4,V, f^ Attest: -1/L1c/troy .p Ky rowell,Clerk to the Board 1 3 1 i i Exhibit Book XLkt Page 13•1 New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for August 2021 Current Year 2021-2022 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 184,991,827.25 $ 8,830,199.12 $ 2,352,717.84 $ 196,174,744.21 Abatements $ (470,637.93) $ (49,328.74) $ (519,966.67) Adjustments $ 13,142.54 $ 1,773.07 $ 14,915.61 Total Taxes Charged $ 184,534,331.86 $ 8,782,643.45 $ 2,352,717.84 $ 195,669,693.15 Collections to Date $ 18,587,198.93 $ 1,444,571.79 $ 2,352,717.84 $ 22,384,488.56 *Refunds $ 14,541.60 $ 1,211.55 $ 15,753.15 Write-off $ - $ - Outstanding Balance $ 165,961,674.53 $ 7,339,283.21 $ - $ 173,300,957.74 Collection Percentage 10.06 16.43 100.00 11.43 YTD Interest Collected $ 1,682.52 $ - $ 18,583.72 $ 20,266.24 ti Total 2021-2022 Collections YTD $ 22,389,001.65 Prior Years 2011-2020 { Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,547,707.81 $ 4,930,703.69 $ 324,971.15 $ 6,803,382.65 Abatements $ - $ (70,206.45) $ - $ (70,206.45) Adjustments $ - $ 6.71 $ - $ 6.71 Total Levy $ 1,547,707.81 $ 4,860,503.95 $ 324,971.15 $ 6,733,182.91 Collections to Date $ 177,219.34 $ 58,138.46 $ 64.82 $ 235,422.62 *Refunds $ 8,418.91 $ 5,595.54 $ - $ 14,014.45 Write-off $ - $ (0.85) $ - $ (0.85) Outstanding Balance $ 1,378,907.38 $ 4,807,961.88 $ 324,906.33 $ 6,511,773.89 YTD Interest Collected $ 24,118.31 $ 8,859.82 $ 334.69 $ 33,312.82 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 254,720.99 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 22,643,722.64 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY id10Fr.„—AO / _....0/ 2 iviz; )..-- cif" to the Board / i\ e /0/47.20,ZI t„s-vito■- Date ) 1 1 ( 1 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for August 2021 Current Year 2021-2022 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll/Billed $ 11,526,218.99 $ 713,672.65 $ 181,624.53 $ 12,421,516.17 Abatements $ (14,906.06) $ (7,717.69) $ (22,623.75) j Adjustments $ 6,713.02 $ (24.82) $ 6,688.20 1 Total Taxes Charged $ 11,518,025.95 $ 705,930.14 $ 181,624.53 $ 12,405,580.62 Collections to Date $ 1,184,791.37 $ 109,904.49 $ 181,624.53 $ 1,476,320.39 J *Refunds $ - $ - $ - Write-off $ - $ - $ - Outstanding Balance $ 10,333,234.58 $ 596,025.65 $ $ 10,929,260.23 Collection Percentage 10.29 15.57 100.00 11.90 1. YTD Interest Collected $ 265.96 $ - $ 1,387.03 $ 1,652.99 4 I Total 2021-2022 Collections YTD $ 1,477,973.38 ( j Prior Years 2011-2020 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 95,281.63 $ 259,708.63 $ 19,675.71 $ 374,665.97 Abatements $ - $ 4,275.96 $ - $ 4,275.96 Adjustments $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Levy $ 95,281.63 $ 263,984.59 $ 19,675.71 $ 378,941.93 ) Collections to Date $ 9,620.99 $ 11,218.40 $ 13.61 $ 20,853.00 *Refunds $ - $ 395.71 $ - $ 395.71 Write-off $ - $ - $ - $ - Outstanding Balance $ 85,660.64 $ 253,161.90 $ 19,662.10 $ 358,484.64 YTD Interest Collected $ 1,782.47 $ 575.43 $ 12.48 $ 2,370.38 i Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 23,223.38 1 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 1,501,196.76 1 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office 1 NEW HANOVER COUNT 1• '1 ) TY.Ai 1 PJ /107-, 0 -,-; ...-(-1 -.' � . . /\ ' 1 , i1T^ I J I l •r;`;: �T 9ri 15F1W\ II L -- �. �� l Cl 1 k to the Board a 1 ___111/4Q_ j x Date i y1 1 i t F 1 1 i 1 / 1 1 i 1 New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for August 2021 / 1 Current Year 2021-2022 1 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined 1 Scroll/Billed $ 19,170,064.09 $ 914,741.08 $ 298,067.04 $ 20,382,872.21 1 Abatements $ (48,769.58) $ (5,111.71) $ - $ (53,881.29) 1 Adjustments $ 1,361.88 $ 183.74 $ - $ 1,545.62 1 Total Taxes Charged $ 19,122,656.39 $ 909,813.11 $ 298,067.04 $ 20,330,536.54 1 Collections to Date $ 1,918,290.21 $ 149,251.27 $ 298,067.04 $ 2,365,608.52 I 1 *Refunds $ - $ - $ - i, Write-off $ - $ - $ - 1 Outstanding Balance $ 17,204,366.18 $ 760,561.84 $ - $ 17,964,928.02 1 Collection Percentage 10.03 16.40 100.00 11.64 i YTD Interest Collected $ 222.03 $ - $ 2,412.85 1 1, 1 i 1 Total 2021-2022 Collections YTD $ 2,365,608.52 1 1 / Prior Years 2011-2020 1 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined , , i 1 Scroll $ 163,392.17 $ 366,992.88 $ - $ 530,385.05 1 Abatements $ - $ (6,634.24) $ (6,634.24) 1 Adjustments $ 0.88 $ 0.88 1 Total Levy $ 163,392.17 $ 360,359.52 $ - $ 523,751.69 Collections to Date $ 21,849.95 $ 6,680.45 $ - $ 28,530.40 i 1 *Refunds $ - $ 389.46 $ - $ 389.46 i 1 Write-off $ - $ (0.11) $ - $ (0.11) 1 Outstanding Balance $ 141,542.22 $ 354,068.64 $ - $ 495,610.64 / YTD Interest Collected $ 2,328.14 $ 622.28 $ - $ 2,950.42 1 Total Prior Year Collections YTD $ 31,091.36 i 1 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office 1 I 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY i , i 1 C /-1 r Y• ,0\3 li A10,6 , i •Z.' L (\l- 1 1 1 1 0 Z "PeiA 1 I i • I i. _I .',i . ci_ rf o the Board i .,‘ 1 1\ t4'; :.„'■„14' 1 1 i 4: i i Date /0/q/OCO 11 •6 //'/ils,/vC' 1 1 1 / / I / i ; i 1 1 / i I ! / i / i I 1 Exhibit Book XLlll Page 13. AGENDA: October 4,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. z Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health&Safety Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands Fund: General Department: Health Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-010 School Health $ 135,000 $ 135,000 , Total $ - I $ 135,000 0$ 135,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-010 School Health $ 135,000 $ 135,000 Total $ - I $ 135,000 0$ 135,000 Prior to Total if Actions , Actions Today Taken Departmental Budget I $ 16,497,845 $ 16,632,845 g Section 2: Explanation BA 22-010 budgets funds provided by New Hanover County Schools for the purpose of providing nurses during the 3 summer sessions. Specifically,these funds are being used for Salary and Fringe expenditures for 15 nurses that are working from June 15 to October 1,2021. It also covers a small incentive bonus for the nurses that took on these additional summer responsibilities,which is outside of their regular work schedule. Coverage is being provided at 15 schools,including several traditional and year-round schools,as well as Snipes Academy. This revenue is unused = portions of the same revenue from FY20-21 that will be rolled forward for continued service in FY21-22 for the dates indicated. No new positions are being requested and no county match is required. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption i 3 This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-010 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal ry year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. Adopted,this 4th day of October,2021. �LN1Y, (SEAL) ���fl,� ,gi Z 1son-Boseman,Chair t 3,1 "' _ r ATTEST: 3 y a �� • i ,,,,t, --__,:_, IL , ' _ __.....___ I 1. a eabri...IA i.--aa■-■.- F .,,C, K /e erleigh G.Cro ;I,Clerk to the Board .4 , , AGENDA: October 4,2021 , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS / AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET ,. f I BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. , i Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment ; Strategic Focus Area: Superior Public Health&Safety , I Strategic Objective(s): Sustain the community capacity to prepare for and respond to public safety demands ' Fund: General i Department: Senior Resource Center(SRC) i Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-015 SRC Grant Expenditures $ 101,611 $ 101,611 , , , Total '$ - $ 101,611 n$ 101,611 i 1 1 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total i i BA 22-015 SRC Grant Revenues $ 101,611 $ 101,611 , i Total • $ - I $ 101,611 0$ 101,611 1 1 4 Prior to Actions Total if i Today Actions Taken Senior Resource Center Department Budget I S 3,517,064 I $ 3,618,675 i o BA 22-015 budgets a grant award from the COVID-19 Pandemic Response,Part IX:Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 Supplemental Nutrition Funding(HDC5)in the amount of$101,611. HDC5 funding allows support for Home I I Delivered Meals(HDM)and Congregate Non-Unit Emergency Response Cost-CO VID,such as food service equipment ! I and other unique items that allow providers to continue services or enhance nutrition services affected by the COVID-19 I 1 pandemic.The HDC5 funds expire on September 20,2022 and do not require a local match.The Area Agency on Aging 1 , approved the Senior Resource Center's HDC5 proposed funding plan to utilize funds that will support several nutrition 1 program-related needs that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposed use of HDC5 funds will be , utilized to support the cost of a constructed HDM and Congregate drive-up meal canopy to protect staff,volunteers,and 1 I participants from weather elements during meal pick up;additional salary expenses to reclassify and increase the FTE of l an existing program assistant position to a nutritionist;casual part-time salary expense for the Maides Park drive-up meal i i location;ice machine replacement;supplies for congregate sites;and contract service expenses for off-site meal : locations. Per Administration for Community Living(ACL)guidelines,the SRC will submit a waiver application along 1 I with three bids to the Cape Fear Council of Governments Area Agency on Aging for final approval by the ACL of 1 , Capital Acquisition/Improvement Process(canopy)costing$5,000 or more. These grant funds must be used to I supplement the county's nutrition programs but cannot supplant current funded services. 1 c Section 3: Documentation of Adoption i 1 This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. i I NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North i 1 Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-015 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year l k ending June 30,2022,is adopted. i i Adopted,this 4th day of October,2021. ! I , (SEAL) ,r, .,„ , , , a Olson-Bosema-n,Chair l pitN, 7 Z 4/' ,•'::,,, e-- -) ,-," ATT T: :IL .!.-■.:.-,.' ■11P • (1.■L AL-- i 71' "N 1 T.'" <Cv / berleigh G.Cro ji,Clerk to the Board i i I , , i ) a AGENDA: October 4,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET i ) BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the t following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. 1 I a I Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment i i Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance Strategic Objective(s): Proactively manage the county budget I Fund: Stormwater 4 Department: Stormwater ( Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total I BA 22-014 Stormwater $ 12,734 $ 12,734 Total $ - $ 12,734 U$ 12,734 i Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-014 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 12,734 $ 12,734 1 Total $ - $ 12,734 II$ 12,734 Prior to Actions Total if i ( Today Actions Taken Stormwater Budget $ 4,783,669 $ 4,796,403 1 Stormwater Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 12,734 1 s BA 22-014 will allocate$12,734,for the payment of highway use tax(HUT)and plate fees for Stormwater vehicles that were ordered in FY21 but will not be received until FY22. The purchase orders for the vehicles are part of the purchase I order rollover budget amendment,however the HUT and plate fees are not. The Stormwater appropriated fund balance i will be increased by$12,734. I i 1 Section 3: Documentation of Adoption 1 This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. 4 i 1 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-014 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022,is adopted. i Adopted,this 4th day of October,2021. (SEAL) �Q Q�y 'a Olson-Boseman,Chair i C I . `r ATTEST: `� z I .I/I I_ — .11.4 I. . _ilIl.� Z s K/ berleigh G.Cr'�11,Clerk to the Board i \ n'. _� i i s : i m s i I ! i y. 1 i J i ; i , i i . AGENDA: October 4,2021 i i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET 4 , , BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following 1 Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. t , Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment ; ; Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance 1. ; Strategic Objective(s): Control costs and manage to the budget ' Fund: General ; Department: Various 1 Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total i BA 22-012 General Government $ 878,373.00 $ 878,373.00 1 BA 22-012 Human Services $ 585,109.00 $ 585,109.00 A BA 22-012 Public Safety $ 686,722.00 $ 686,722.00 BA 22-012 Culture and Recreation $ 56,355.00 $ 56,355.00 1 Total $ - '$ 2,206,559.00 I$ 2,206,559.00 ; 1 ; Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-012 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 1,639,831.00 $ 1,639,831.00 BA 22-012 Grant-State(DRA00) $ 19,335.00 , $ 19,335.00 1 i BA 22-012 Grant-Federal(G0515) $ 234,249.00 $ 234,249.00 i BA 22-012 Grant-State(G0514) $ 2,465.00 $ 2,465.00 I BA 22-012 Federal-Grant(G0312) $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 1 , BA 22-012 Federal-Grant(G0492) $ 720.00 $ 720.00 BA 22-012 Grant-State(G0545) $ 60,500.00 $ 60,500.00 BA 22-012 Grant-Federal(HMGP1) $ 49,431.00 $ 49,431.00 4 1 BA 22-012 Grant-Federal(HU006)FEMA $ 38,403.00 $ 38,403.00 i BA 22-012 Grant-Federal(PA000) $ 151,625.00 $ 151,625.00 i Total $ - $ 2,206,559.00 $ 2,206,559.00 I Prior to Actions Total if Actions Taken , Today 4 . General Fund Budget $ 303,240,373.00 $ 304,880,204.00 4 Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 1,639,831.00 ; ; Fund:Room Occupancy Tax(ROT) ; 4 Department:Finance 3 Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-012 Room Occupancy Tax $ 60,518.00 $ 60,518.00 , , , ,Total $ - I $ 60,518.00] $ 60,518.00 i 1 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-012 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 60,518.00' $ 60,518.00 1 i Total , $ - $ 60,518.00 1$ 60,518.00 ' i Prior to Actions Total if Actions Taken i , Today i; ROT Budget $ 6,149,162.00 $ 6,209,680.00 Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 60,518.00 4 4 • 1 4 ; 4 , i , Page 1 , , , i i i i 1 t i 3 Fund:Fire Rescue 1 Department:Fire Rescue , Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-012 Public Safety $ 117,426.00 $ 117,426.00 Total $ - $ 117,426.00 $ 117,426.00 a t Revenue: Decrease Increase Total 1 BA 22-012 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 117,426.00 $ 117,426.00 Total $ $ 117,426.00 $ 117,426.00 1 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Taken 1 Today 1 Fire Rescue Budget $ 16,409,065.00 $ 16,526,491.00 Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 117,426.00 i d 1 IFund:Emergency Telephone System(ETS) Department:911 Communications Expenditure:, Decrease Increase Total BA 22-012 Public Safety $ 11,145.00 $ 11,145.00 1 t Total $ Is 11,145.00 $ 11,145.00 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-012 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 11,145.00 $ 11,145.00 i Total $ - $ 11,145.00 I $ 11,145.00 1 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Taken Today ETS Budget $ 943,822.00 $ 954,967.00 1 Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 11,145.00 t 1 Fund:Stormwater Department:Engineering I Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-012 Stormwater $ 1,100,938.00 $ 1,100,938.00 1 1 Total $ - $ 1,100,938.00 I $ 1,100,938.00 1 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-012 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 1,100,938.00 $ 1,100,938.00 i 1 t Total $ - I $ 1,100,938.00 ($ 1,100,938.00 1 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Taken 1 Today g Stormwater Budget $ 598,234 $ 1,699,172.00 Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 1,100,938.00 a 1 g a I 1 Page 2 d a 1 i i 1 1 i I Fund:Environmental Management a I Department:Environmental Management l i Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total 1 BA 22-012 Environmental Management , $ 347,034.00 $ 347,034.00 '$ 347,034.00 II$ Total $ - 347,034.00 i i Revenue: Decrease Increase , Total 1 BA 22-012 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 347,034.00 $ 347,034.00 1 iTotal , $ - $ 347,034.00 t$ 347,034.00 l, ; 1 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Taken Environmental Mgt.Budget Today $ 24,313,597.00 $ 24,660,631.00 I Appropriated Fund Balance $ - ,$ 347,034.00 1 1 i Section 2: Explanation BA 21-012 budgets for purchase orders that were carried forward from FY20-21 to FY21-22.These purchase orders were open / and had outstanding balances that require payment in FY21-22 when goods and services are delivered. I i i 1 Section 3: Documentation of Adoption t i This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. I / NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, I 1 that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-012 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2022,is adopted. Adopted,this 4th day of October,2021. i % (SEAL) Ade 7". ,,-OUN T Y., r, _vo , mil:\ •P,,,, Ju.. Olson-Bo-s-eman, air I 'Z.`, 5. I 2 ATTE T: \ n i Z1 i: \ 0 1 40/1 I1 1 ,t 4-.-_-`1•,:thg, X 0 . ■—......I--__ 'L .e I V.erleigh G.Crowel lerk to the Board i yz ,i ! I 1 i i I i 1. 4 I i 1 y , i i i i 1 I Page 3 1 1 i i i i 1 AGENDA: October 4,2021 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2022 BUDGET i BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina,that the following Budget Amendment(s)be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30,2022. , I Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment Strategic Focus Area: Strong Financial Performance I Strategic Objective(s): Proactively manage the county budget Ii Fund: General Department: Various Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-013 Grant Expenditures by Function General Government $ 1,655,471 $ 1,655,471 Human Services $ 1,677,560 $ 1,677,560 Public Safety $ 2,115,079 $ 2,115,079 I Total $ - $ 5,448,110 I $ 5,448,110 i Revenue: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-013 Grant Revenues by Function General Government $ 1,655,471 $ 1,655,471 Human Services $ 1,669,349 $ 1,669,349 Public Safety $ 2,046,465 $ 2,046,465 BA 22-013 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 76,825 $ 76,825 Total $ - I $ 5,448,110 II$ 5,448,110 i Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken General Fund Budget $ 342,823,952 $ 348,272,062 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 50,000 $ 126,825 r Fund: Local Law Enforcement(LLE)Block Grant Fund t Department: Sheriff k Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-013 Grant Expenditures $ 28,453 $ 28,453 I' Total $ - 1$ 28,453 II$ 28,453 Revenue: Decrease Increase Total I BA 22-013 Grant Revenues $ 28,453 $ 28,453 I Total $ - $ 28,453 N$ 28,453 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken LLE Block Grant Fund Budget I $ - I $ 28,453 I Fund: Special Purpose Fund a Department: Various Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total BA 22-013 Special Purpose Expenditures by Function $ - f General Government $ 2,482,230 $ 2,482,230 Human Services $ 2,562,056 $ 2,562,056 Public Safety $ 110,469 $ 110,469 § Culture and Recreation $ 1,231,004 $ 1,231,004 i Total $ - $ 6,385,759 N$ 6,385,759 R s, Revenue: Decrease Increase Total f BA 22-013 Special Purpose Appropriated Fund Balance $ 6,385,759 $ 6,385,759 Total $ - $ 6,385,759 II$ 6,385,759 1 Page 1 1 1 1 i 1 i i ,1 ; Prior to Actions Total if Actions i Today Taken 1 Special Purpose Fund Budget $ - $ 6,385,759 , Appropriated Fund Balance , $ - $ 6,385,759 i I Fund: Representative Payee Fund , Department: Various Expenditure: Decrease Increase Total i BA 22-013 Representative Payee Expenditures by Function 4,4 Human Services $ 61,511 $ 61,511 i 3 Total $ - $ 61,511 $ 61,511 , i i Revenue: Decrease Increase , Total 1 BA 22-013 Representative Payee Appropriated Fund Balance _ $ 61,511 $ 61,511 Total $ - I $ 61,511 li$ 61,511 i , 1 Prior to Actions Total if Actions Today Taken i 4 Representative Payee Fund Budget $ - $ 61,511 Appropriated Fund Balance $ - $ 61,511 : 4 BA 22-013 will roll over unexpended grant expenditures and revenues from FY21 to FY22 for the grants that did not expire on June 30,2021. Also,included in this budget amendment are the June 30th balances in the Special Purpose Fund and ,4 4 Representative Payee Fund. The General Fund's Appropriated Fund Balance will be increased by$76,825,which represents the 4 county's cash match requirement for the grants being rolled forward. i Section 3: Documentation of Adoption 4 This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. I NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County,North Carolina, 4 4 that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment(s)22-013 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 4 '! 2022,is adopted. 4 Adopted,this 4th day of October,2021. 4 --- (SEAL) ` , 92ti' Olso -:.se/m4n,Chair . k_ 4•41-i. „ , 4 ATT T: 1 Iiii, ii........■......•11 a 0 ..,,, L.,!..? K 117.erleigh G.Crow.41,Clerk to the Board 4 ' ■ .., e , , ......._ i , , , , , , , e , , i , Page 2 , , ,