2021-03-23 Minutes DRAFT MEETING MINUTES New Hanover County/ City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee Virtual ZOOM Meeting March 23, 2021 – 5:30 PM Committee members present: Evelyn Bryant, Liz Carbone, Megan Mullins, Scott Whisnant, Jen Johnson, Florence Warren, Kimberly Gieger, Lori Wainright, Kathy King, Courtney Horton Staff present: Linda Thompson, NHC; Suzanne Rogers, COW; Erica Jacobs-Graham, COW; John Joye, COW Public present: Janice Jordan, Anne Eitelman Absent: Reverend Charles Davis (resigned), Reddgo Long Jr. I. Call to order Committee Member Lori Wainright called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm. Roll Call was taken. Everyone introduced themselves. A quorum was established. II. Approve Agenda Motion: Kathy King; second Florence Warren to approve the agenda. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. III. Approve Minutes Motion: Liz Carbone; second Kathy King to approve the minutes. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. IV. Introduce John Joye, City Attorney John Joye, City Attorney introduced himself and discussed his role as a resource for the efforts and function of the CRAC. Members of CRAC inquired about the purpose of the City Attorney joining the CRAC meetings. John expressed his concerns with parents and teacher confidentiality recommendations in a letter to the NHC School Board. A discussion ensued about requesting joint meetings of City Council, NHC Commission and NHC School Board and why that was important. CRAC members expressed the desire to engage all boards in finding a solution for failing schools that impact the county and city. It is important to avoid the miscommunication between both county and city officials. Evelyn wants to inform the community about the roles of the city and county, there is a lack of understanding about the authority and responsibility of city, county, boards, etc. V. Sub-committee Reports: Jen reported that the city continues to consider LGBTQ recommendations sent in a letter, June & January, county is also considering. Next month there will have a response from both parties. Met with Stephanie Adams, NHCS member of board of education. NHCSB have been addressing LGBTQ issues. There has been a rise in mental health struggles with minority kids in schools. Ratio of counselors to students is 2 in 100. Met with Mebane Boyd from Resiliency Task Force, supporting LGBTQ in schools. Asking for recommendations for efforts to the county. Scott reported he is waiting for city and county to come up with THE meeting that has been promised involving redistricting. Met with Kim Gieger to observe how other school districts are dealing with redistricting. The question of concern is “do we redistrict or compromise with schools and get support with programs or combination of both?” Still weighing possibilities. Talk to community to see what they want from their school. The next step is to find experts for best practices or recommendation. Kim reported that she is researching other schools in other places to learn what solutions they have found. Liz reported on the City rise up initiative naming committee, meeting is set for Thursday. Liz spoke with the CEO of Cape Fear Collective, Patrick, about hosting a community calendar. He informed Liz that a separate website could be created but creating a new website could draw people away from what has already been established. The group discussed the need for funds for master calendar. Suzanne informed committee that a request for the money from the city or county must be emailed to correct party. Linda asked about cost and the occurrence so the county could split with the city. She also asked who controls the calendar? The answer provided was the calendar would be operated by cape fear collective. The moderator would currently be Liz and Patrick until they find the appropriate individual. Evelyn, Lori reported on the Workforce Housing Advisory Committee noting that a survey was administered to 1400 respondents on work force and affordable housing. UNCG conducted the survey and prepared a study of Public Opinion regarding workforce and affordable housing in NHC. The draft report was released March 18. Lori read a paragraph included in draft. VI. Master List of Projects: Lori ask for input and comments about the master list of projects included in the minutes. She asked everyone to review the list and reach out to the Champion of the projects/issues to join a team. Attendance Policy: Attendance policy- please inform Lori, Suzanne, or Erica of your absence so it can be excused. VII. Public Comments: Janice Jordan thanked everyone for their hard work. VIII. Announcements: Linda opened the opportunity for anyone to be included in the initiative to participate in the poverty reduction task force. The first meeting is Thursday 3/25/21 at 330 p.m. Liz is working with a group she is involved with in efforts to educate people who are incarcerated and their families with access to COVID vaccination. IX. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 6:54 p.m.