2021-09-09 Minutes Programming / Education Subcommittee meeting 9/9/21 Present: Kimberly Geiger, Liz Carbone, Kathy King, Florence Warren, Lori Wainwright, Scott Whisnant, Linda Rawley-Thompson, Melissa Huffman, and Corporal Crystal Williamson. Discussion centered around brainstorming ideas regarding how to respond to community concerns regarding low performing schools in New Hanover County. Ideas were presented by Kimberly Geiger, Liz Carbone, Florence Warren, Kathy King, Scott Whisnant, Lori Wainwright, Jen Johnson and Linda Rawley-Thompson. Suggestions included: 1. Bringing in speakers from the Public Schools Forum of NC to review their research and their identified solutions to racial inequities in schools across NC. Scott will reach out to their organization to explore options. 2. Hosting community meetings with parents and students to inquire about their experiences in our schools and meetings with teachers regarding their perspectives regarding differences that exist within different schools in the district. It was also suggested that we meet with principals. The intent of the community meetings would be to study and research racial inequities in our schools. Ms. Warren suggested that we work in collaboration with local nonprofit organizations that are currently working with the schools, including the NAACP Youth Group, Kim Ceasar, Brigade Boys Club, and Communities in Schools. Melissa Huffman provided legal input regarding questions posed by the group related to parameters for hosting community meetings and will get back to us. Specific questions include clarification regarding how many CRAC members constitutes a quorum, and subsequently how many CRAC members are allowed to be present in a community group in order to conduct the research in the groups and still allow for the community group to be a private event. Melissa Huffman also noted that when talking with minors, we will need to obtain parental consent. Linda Rawley-Thompson noted that the county has already begun taking some measures to increase teacher recruitment in the underperforming schools, including offering increased salaries for teachers in these schools. Jen Johnson suggested that Red Cross disaster mental health be provided on the scene at any future school violence event. Linda Rawley-Thompson stated that meetings are being initiated to create planning for any future disasters and she will suggest that CRAC be included in those meetings. Both Jen and Lori Wainwright expressed interest in participating in those conversations.