HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-05-25 Minutes Minutes New Hanover County/City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee Zoom Virtual Meeting May 25, 2021 @ 5:30pm Committee members present: Lori Wainright, Scott Whisnant, Kathy King, Jen Johnson, Liz Carbone, Megan Mullins, Florence Warren, Reddgo Long Jr. Staff present: Suzanne Rogers, COW; Erica Jacobs-Graham, COW; Linda Thompson, NHC; Melissa Huffman (City Attorney), COW; John Joye (City Attorney), COW Public present: Anne Eitelman Absent: Courtney Horton, Evelyn Bryant, Kimberly Gieger I. Call to order Committee Member Lori Wainright called the meeting to order at 5:34 pm. Roll Call was taken. A quorum was established. II. Approve Agenda Motion: Kathy King; second Scott Whisnant to approve the agenda. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. III. Approve Minutes Motion: Kathy King; second Jen Johnson to approve the minutes. Upon vote, the motion carried unanimously. IV. Business & Logistics: The committee decided to provide zoom access to those who would like to attend virtually. The possible meeting locations are The Public Library on the second floor or 305 Chestnut Street. Technology will need to applicable. Page 1 of 3 Linda suggested she could request the 320 Chestnut meeting space. Scott clarified that the by-laws do allow for members to attend in person or virtually if, six committee members are present. Staff tasks are to find a suitable location that can provide a combination of zoom and in person members. In August or September, the committee will report to the City and county on CRAC progress with all updates. The program committee will continue to meet virtually. Preferably, one week before the CRAC committee meetings. A set time and date will be established. John Joye verifies a public notice needs to be provided, and if two or more people meet on a committee that is a board meeting. Liz recommended the fourth week of the month. Vote taken for resuming a regularly scheduled programming and education committee meeting. Everyone was for meeting regularly. The city will send out a survey of dates and times to establish a time/date. V. Update on Ongoing Projects: Jen spoke with members of the NHC School Board’s Title IX committee that deals with matters related to gender discrimination, including Stephanie Kraybill, Jarelle Lewis, and Stephanie Walker. They discussed current efforts by the NHC School Board and ways that the C-RAC Committee may work in collaboration with them regarding matters of nondiscrimination. The school board plans to administer a survey every other year beginning this fall related to sexual harassment/gender-based harassment/gender identity harassment. In accordance with NC state law, NHCS has in place a policy to respond to restroom concerns based on gender identity. NHCS currently offers training for staff and age-appropriate training for students regarding prevention of harassment, violence and bullying. The NC Department of Public Instruction has updated their system to include a preferred pronouns field. The NHCS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee supports newly developed policy to allow middle school transgender students to participate on sports teams that match their gender identity, and this policy is up for review at the next full school board meeting in June. NHCS plans include staff education regarding LGBTQ inclusion. New Hanover County replied to the CRAC letter with the attached letter. Linda spoke on the county’s updates involving LGBTQ+ efforts. The county had updated equal opportunity policy pronouns, mental health support and counseling for LGBTQ+ employees. In June, EEOC inclusion equal work opportunity presentation will be open to all employees. Scott met with Tim Bucklin, Dr Foust, and Tony McEwen. Scott offered Dr. Foust the opportunity to appear in front of the committee. The time estimate of July was given. The initiative to write a letter in return to the letter the committee provided was discussed. If a presentation were to be provided, Dr Foust could present with Scott. If Dr. Foust were to attend a meeting his involvement will include a Q & A from the committee. Page 2 of 3 Scott will be responsible for sending the letter to Dr. Foust inviting him to the July CRAC meeting. Liz forwarded an email from Patrick with funding request for the calendar. Questions need to be addressed with what amount of money is being requested. There will be a $100 per year technology fee and $300 initial fee per year. If the Cape Fear Collective will maintain the calendar, there would be $200 yearly fee. Jen’s idea suggests finding an organization that has the capacity to organize the calendar. For expanding a resource list, it would be best to reach out to UNCW connections to present them with grant funding to provide a proposal. Lori reports there is a meeting with NHC planning and finance staff to refine affordable housing recommendations and address funding. The staff is currently deciding whether to initiate a bond or an alternative funding model to fund $50 million dollars. NHC and COW are 10 years behind in addressing the affordable housing issue. Linda has had her third meeting with the Poverty Task Force Committee. The past two meetings invited people from the community who live or have lived in poverty. Last meeting, a veteran was interviewed. Since his homelessness, he has purchased his grandmother’s home. Next meeting, there will be two more previously homeless individuals sharing their testimonials. VI. Discussion on the Role of CRAC re: Recommendations/Accountability Lori and Scott motioned to hold off on the conversation due to time constraints. VII. Announcements: Linda informed the committee of two historic buildings that have served justice to our diverse community and are struggling to survive. First, the Temple of Israel which is 150 years old and Gregory Congregational Church. Lori informed the committee of a presentation becoming available by Jim Johnson and Jeanine Bonds on June 18 at 1pm via zoom entitled, “Does your Community have Reputational Equity?” VIII. No public comment IX. Adjourn 6:42 Page 3 of 3