2019-12-18 Agenda New Hanover County Inspections Department Advisory Council (IDAC) Meeting Notice and Agenda Sixth Regular Meeting th Wednesday, December 18 2019, at 3:30 PM New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive Lucille Harrell Conference Room Presiding: Chairman Dave Smith I. WELCOME-CHAIRMAN Dave Smith II. DISCUSSIONS ON THE MINUTES OF THE IDAC MEETINGS Nicholas Gadzekpo Actions required from the Council: Approval of the Minutes from the IDAC Meeting of August 14, 2019 Fourth Regular Meeting. Approval of the Minutes from the IDAC Meeting of October 9, 2019 Fifth Regular Meeting. III. INFORMATIONAL UPDATES a. COAST/EnerGov Upgrade: timelines, excerpts/features, etc. Teresa McCormick b. NCDOI proposal for Live Remote Inspections and IT support Arthur Malpass IV. OLD BUSINESS a. Interim feedback from a user of the Inspections Report Nicholas Gadzekpo b. Progress on the Inspectors use of the Inspections Report Hans Schult/Edward McCaleb V. NEW BUSINESS a. Inspection Issues & Concerns (with Open Discussions) Hans Schult/Jay Stokley b. D Dave Smith/Cameron Moore VI. OTHER BRIEF UPDATES a. Continuing Education for General Contractors Cameron Moore b. Ad Hoc and Building Code Council Meetings-to-date Dave Smith VII. ADJOURNMENT