2020-05-21 PAG FinalPARTNERSHIP ADVISORY GROUP MAY 21, 2020 MEETING PAGE 1 ASSEMBLY The Partnership Advisory Group met to hold a virtual meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. in Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present via roll call: Co -Chair Barbara Biehner; Co -Chair Spence Broadhurst; Vice Co -Chair Bill Cameron; Vice Co -Chair Dr. Joseph Pino; Members: Dr. Virginia Adams; Evelyn Bryant; Robert Campbell; Chris Coudriet; Cedric Dickerson; Brian Eckel; Jack Fuller; Hannah Gage; John Gizdic; Dr. Sandra Hall; Tony McGhee; Dr. Michael Papagikos; Dr. Mary Rudyk; Dr. Rob Shakar; Jason Thompson; Meade Van Pelt; and David Williams. Staff present via roll call: County Attorney Wanda Copley; Clerk to the Board Kymberleigh G. Crowell; Assistant County Manager Tufanna Bradley; Chief Financial Officer Lisa Wurtzbacher; Chief Communications Officer Jessica Loeper; Budget Officer Sheryl Kelly; Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator Tim Buckland; New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC) Director of Marketing and Public Relations Carolyn Fisher; NHRMC Chief Legal Officer Lynn Gordon; NHRMC Chief Strategy Officer Kristy Hubard; NHRMC Executive Vice -President and Chief Financial Officer Ed 011ie; Joseph Kahn, Shareholder with Hall Render and outside counsel for NHRMC; David Burik, Managing Director with Guidehouse; Eb LeMaster, Managing Director with Ponder & Company; and Robert Jaeger, Vice President with Ponder & Company. Co -Chair Broadhurst called the meeting to order and thanked everyone for participating in the virtual format. This meeting is being held as a permissible virtual meeting with public access to open session components in accordance with state law. As with all other meetings, the public can hear the open session portion of the meetings, but is not participating in the meeting discussion, and there will be no questions from the public in this forum. Co -Chair Biehner stated that when PAG moves into closed session, the public access will have a placeholder slide of "Closed Session Portion" and no audio; this slide will close and audio will be turned back on as the PAG goes back into the open session portion of the meeting. This will be the public's visual cue to resume listening. It is anticipated the closed session will last approximately 60 to 90 minutes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Co -Chair Cameron MOVED, SECONDED by Vice Co -Chair Pino to approve the May 7, 2020 regular minutes as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. PUBLIC UPDATE REGARDING NOVANT HEALTH AND UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA (UNC) ANNOUNCEMENT Co -Chair Biehner reported that Novant Health and UNC Health sent out a news release today announcing they have signed a letter of intent to enhance medical education and clinical services at New Hanover Regional Medical Center (NHRMC), in the event Novant Health is selected as a partner. The PAG looks forward to learning more about this as it conducts further evaluation of the top proposals, as well as it studies remaining status quo or restructuring. CLOSED SESSION Co -Chair Broadhurst announced that the meeting would move into closed session for confidential discussion and review of confidential information, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 143- 318.11(a)(1) (protecting privileged and confidential information), NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3) (upholding the attorney-client privilege with respect to the County, NHRMC and the Work of the PAG), and NCGS 131E-97.3 (protecting competitive healthcare activities). He asked for a motion to move into Closed Session. Motion: Vice Co -Chair Pino MOVED, SECONDED by Member Rudyk to enter into a Closed Session pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(1) (protecting privileged and confidential information), NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3) (upholding the attorney-client privilege with respect to the County, NHRMC and the Work of the PAG), and NCGS 131E- 97.3 (protecting competitive healthcare activities). He asked for a motion to move into Closed Session. Upon vote the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Co -Chair Broadhurst excused the public participants and convened to Closed Session at 5:39 p.m. CONVENE TO OPEN SESSION AND VOTE ON CORE CONSIDERATIONS FOR LETTER OF INTENT Co -Chair Broadhurst called the meeting back to order at 7:51 p.m. and thanked the members for their discussion and work during the closed session and expressed appreciation to public who remained on the line during that time. He further stated the next portion of the meeting is the vote by the PAG on the core considerations for the letter of intent (LOI). Hearing no further discussion, Co -Chair Broadhurst asked for direction from the PAG on core considerations for the LOI. Motion: Member Papagikos MOVED, SECONDED by Member Campbell that in an effort to ensure NHRMC continues to lead our community to outstanding health, improving access, value and health equity to our community the PAG advances the following LOI considerations: commitment to NHRMC's current charity and indigent care policy; health equity commitment; enhance the scope, level and areas of services; medical PARTNERSHIP ADVISORY GROUP MAY 21, 2020 MEETING PAGE 2 education and other clinical training programs through an academic affiliation; local board governance of NHRMC; capital projects and commitments to expand services to the community; programs, resources, and technology to support high quality, affordable care; protections for NHRMC staff employment and programs that support engagement, retention, and career development; and preservation of NHRMC medical staffs governance structure and existing agreements for some period of time. Hearing no further discussion, Co -Chair Broadhurst called for a vote on the motion on the floor. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CLOSING REMARKS AND ADJOURNMENT Co -Chair Biehner stated the PAG has begun conducting virtual site visits. The PAG, NHRMC leadership, and County leadership will also conduct four site visits to each organization. In addition to the site visits, the PAG will host each of the three respondents for presentations starting the week of June 8t" and a public hearing will be held by the County Commissioners on June 22nd to receive public comment on all six proposals. The next PAG meeting is on June 4t" at 5:30 p.m. at which time partnership options compared to status quo and restructuring. A lot of great work has been done by the PAG members, support team, consultants, and there has been a lot of great input. This evening there were 21 lines participating from the public. She expressed appreciation for the public's interest in this very important matter and comments that have been sent to the PAG. As a reminder, the summary of the final recommended LOI core considerations will be posted tomorrow morning for the public at https://nhrmcfuture.org/. There being no further business, Co -Chair Biehner adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /Kymberleigh G. Crowell/ Kymberleigh G. Crowell Clerk to the Board Please note the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the Partnership Advisory Group meeting. Meeting materials associated with this meeting are included as attachments to these minutes for reference. 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