2021-11-18 Agenda Airlie Gardens Foundation November 18, 2021 Board Meeting Agenda Mark Tyler, President Hank Estep, Vice Chair Bonnie Nelson, Treasurer Coo Hocker, Secretary Tara Duckworth, Director of Parks and Gardens MISSION To ensure and help preserve Airlie Gardens as an outstanding, historic public garden with cultural and environmental programs developed to serve New Hanover County residents and other visitors. November 18, 2021; 8:15 am: Airlie Cottage (896 Airlie Road) Meeting Called to Order Mark Tyler, President Recurring Consent Agenda Items of Business 1. Approval of the October Minutes Regular Agenda Items of Business 1. 2. Bonnie Nelson, Board Treasurer a. Financial Update for period ending October 31, 2021 3. 4. Development/Marketing & Outreach Report: Janine Powell 5. Other Business: All Board Members Next Meeting: January 20, 2022 (No December Meeting) AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION BOARD PAGE 1 REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 21, 2021 ASSEMBLY st The Airlie Gardens Foundation Board met in Regular session at the Airlie Cottage on Thursday, October 21, 2021, at 8:15 a.m. Present: Mark Tyler (presiding), Eric Blaesing, Ted Davis, Jr. (via Teams), Hank Estep (via Teams), Coo Hocker, Bonnie Nelson, John Russ, Commissioner Rob Zapple, Shane Johnson, and Teddy Davis. Excused: Mike Creed, Sandra Ray, and Charlie Rivenbark. Staff: Scott Childs, Tara Duckworth, Tanya Gurganious, Andy Johnson, Rebecca Pearce, and Janine Powell. WELCOME AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Mark Tyler called the meeting to order and asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of the September meeting. There were none and the following motion was presented: MOTION: Commissioner Rob Zapple MOVED; SECONDED by Bonnie Nelson, that the minutes of the September th 16 meeting be approved. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 1. Mark thanked the staff for another successful Oyster Roast. He then shared that it was mentioned d-to-day business being done online.) He reached out to the merchant division of the bank and was able to get the fees reduced, which will result in a $600 savings per year. He will continue to monitor those fees. 2. Bonnie Nelson spoke briefly about the audit stating that she hoped everyone had a chance to review it at their leisure. She did not see anything out of order and recommended that the board approve the audit as presented. No one else had any concerns and the following motion was presented: MOTION: Teddy Davis MOVED; SECONDED by Rob Zapple, that the audit be approved. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. th Bonnie then reviewed the financials for month ending September 30. Gift shop revenues are still trending high, and we are way over where we were last year. Concert revenue includes the $7,500 in sponsorships. However, we may see revenues go down over the next year as more people join as members. Gate revenues were up 30% over last year. Concert expenses should be finalized in October. Grounds maintenance ($7,500) is due to the health assessment for the oak trees. Total net operating income was $108,716 and current assets were $615,000 with the total endowment at $7,432,520. Coo Hocker asked if a 2019 column could be added to the profit and loss report to show numbers for additional years. Tara shared that she would ask Julie to include another column(s) going forward. 3. Director/Operations Report. Tara shared two things. The first was a list of positions and the percentage of time spent working on Airlie activities. The second was a list of capital projects drafted by staff. 4. Development Report. Janine Powell shared that the oyster roast sold out very quickly and members redeemed oyster roast tickets in record numbers. Additionally, the tables were sold out within a week of the last board meeting. She will work with Penderlea Farms to have another fall/winter tree sale. (The Arboretum has agreed NOT to have a tree sale.) Tickets for Enchanted Airlie were made available on Wednesday for th upper-level members. Family members will be able to purchase tickets next on Wednesday, October 27 and AIRLIE GARDENS FOUNDATION BOARD PAGE 2 REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 21, 2021 nd for the general public on November 2. They are going fast. There will be no Santa, but children can put n a mailbox. 5. Other Business. None to report. th 6. Next Meeting. The next board meeting will take place at the Airlie Cottage on Thursday, November 18 at 8:15am. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:07am. Respectfully submitted, Tanya Gurganious Administrative Coordinator -Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Airlie Gardens Foundation Board meeting.