10-6-2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes 1 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held in Wilmington, NC. FY Meeting Number #5 Date: October 6, 2021 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Bill Hart, Chairman Dru Harrison, NHSWCD Director Sue Hayes, Vice-Chairman Amy Renfranz, NHSWCD Program Coordinator Matt Collogan Haley Moccia, NHSWCD Conservation Specialist Evan Folds Sheryl Kelly, NHC Assistant County Manager Tom Boland Joshua Davis, USDA NC NRCS Team 18 Lead District Conservationist Lilly Triolo, Conservation Intern Steve Skavroneck, Guest Jessica Glenn, USDA NC NRCS Brunswick and New Hanover County Soil Conservationist Was this meeting held during a meal: No This meeting was held virtually on the Zoom platform. The Chairman declared the presence of a quorum and called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. CALL TO ORDER A. Approval of Agenda • Motion: Without objection, the agenda was approved. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Consent Agenda ➢ Motion: Move for approval of consent agenda. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Folds • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. CHAIRMAN AND STAFF REPORTS A. Chairman’s Comments. 1. The Chairman reported that Hayes has asked for an update on the CCAP program from the NC Association of SWCDs, and that there has been no response. Communication has been limited. 2. The Chairman urged all supervisors to register and attend the Area 6 Meeting. 3. The Chairman confirmed that the proposed buildings on the Cape Fear waterfront are at Peter’s Point and not on Eagles Island. B. NRCS Report. 1. Davis reported that NRCS is completing all requirements for the end of the fiscal year. He shared that next fiscal year there will be increased funds and sign ups. 2. EQIP sign up deadline will be on October 29, 2021. He encouraged interested individuals to apply for FSA numbers to qualify for the program. C. Staff Reports. 1. Conservation Specialist’s Report. • Moccia explained the approved contractors list for various SCM projects. She reported that she has had difficulty finding a contractor for trees and tree plantings. ➢ Motion: Move for approval of staff reports. • Motion: Folds 2 • Second: Hayes • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. OLD BUSINESS A. Strategic Plan 2018-2021 Review 1. The Director shared a summary of the outcomes and comments on the objectives of the 2018-2021 strategic plan. Skavroneck shared next steps of strategic planning which will include obtaining input through question and answer with supervisors. Skavroneck will email his questions to the Director, who will disseminate them to the supervisors. Supervisors should send their answers back to Skavroneck as a team. 2. Collogan expressed interest in establishing initiatives around the Eagles Island project. ➢ Motion: Move to approve the contract and budget for Skavroneck’s work to assist the board in developing a strategic plan. • Motion: Hart • Second: Hayes • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. 3. Skavroneck proposed that the planning process will take approximately 3 months, with a final product to be presented by early January. 4. There was discussion on holding the planning meetings in person versus on Zoom. The decision is to be determined. B. Pages Creek Restoration Plan 1. The Director reported that Cape Fear RCD was awarded $75,000 from the NC Land and Water Fund to develop a restoration plan for the watershed. One meeting has been held since the award was announced in mid-September. The next meeting will be in November. The Director will share the meeting link with Hayes so that she can attend as a representative of the board. C. DOT Stormwater Resolution 1. The Director will present the resolution at the Area 6 Meeting. D. Tick List (See Addendum) 1. Collogan and Folds encouraged supervisors and staff in exploring ways to support the Coastal Compost Council’s Garbage to Gardens program. NEW BUSINESS A. HB 496 Removing local restrictions to tree cutting 1. The Alliance for Cape Fear Trees has requested the individual letters be sent to county leadership regarding HB 496. The Chairman asked if supervisors supported developing a position (of removal of the Bill) to be sent to the governor. ➢ Motion: Move that the board develop a letter in opposition to HB 496 to be sent to the governor if the Bill makes it to his desk for approval. • Motion: Hayes • Second: Folds • Discussion: Boland requested that the letter be written and sent regardless of if the Bill makes it to his desk. Boland requested that the motion be more specific; Folds concurred. • Vote: Motion approved by majority vote of approval by Collogan, Hayes, and Hart. Folds objected. UPCOMING EVENT / ANNOUNCEMENTS A. CCAP Advisory Meeting, October 18th, 12:30-3:30 via Microsoft Teams B. Area 6 Fall Meeting, October 19th 3 ADJOURNMENT • Motion: Without objection, the meeting was adjourned. ➢ Adjourned at 9:36 a.m. The next regular board meeting is set for November 3, 2021 on Zoom. Recorded By: Amy Renfranz Approved By: ____________________________________________________________ ADDENDUM September 2021 Tick List Stormwater Management • Distribute state ranking sheets for CCAP funding to the Board – Dru (complete) Education and Outreach Land Conservation and Resource Development • Initiate process for rezoning SWCD property on Eagles Island in Brunswick County from Industrial to open space or recreation – Dru (on-going) • Propose edits to county tree ordinances – Bill (on-going) Longer-term Projects: • Develop process for use of trees, and organic matter for stormwater management as a District BMP – Dru (on-going) • Develop priority list of projects for grant proposals and identify grant-writing assistance - supervisors and staff (on-going, Dru to take the lead) • Develop a protocol/policy for the creation of a quarterly report that communicates motions and resolutions that have been approved and the district supports – Dru, Bill (on-going) • Explore opportunities for development of school curriculums – Amy, Lilly & Evan (on-going) • Develop a cost-effective analysis to compare the installation cost per gallon infiltrated by rain gardens, cisterns, and pervious pavement to assess if the stormwater control devices installed through the funding programs are cost effective. – Haley (on-going) Weblinks Shared During the Meeting https://soilwater.nhcgov.com/programs/education-and-outreach/ Signature: Email: William J. Hart (Nov 8, 2021 16:58 EST) William J. Hart William J Hart bhswcon1126@gmail.com MINUTES_10_6_21 Final Audit Report 2021-11-08 Created:2021-11-03 By:Amy Renfranz (arenfranz@nhcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAA2KOHcnZ4JF41aT5gfTVUu_1QUF_tG1UF "MINUTES_10_6_21" History Document created by Amy Renfranz (arenfranz@nhcgov.com) 2021-11-03 - 3:49:51 PM GMT Document emailed to William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) for signature 2021-11-03 - 3:51:05 PM GMT Email viewed by William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) 2021-11-03 - 5:21:59 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2021-11-08 - 9:58:21 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2021-11-08 - 9:58:21 PM GMT