2021-10-06 Minutes New Hanover County Airport Authority October 6, 2021 Page 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING October 6, 2021 CALL TO ORDER The New Hanover County Airport Authority met on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, at Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, North Carolina. Airport Authority members, ILM staff, and public participation was in person. Chairman Girardot called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Rhodes led the Authority in the pledge of allegiance. Chairman Girardot asked Authority members if they had any conflict of interest conflicts of interest were identified. Airport Authority members present were: Donna Girardot, Chairman; Spruill Thompson, Vice Chairman; Nick Rhodes, Secretary; Julia Olson-Boseman, Tom Wolfe, Lee Williams, Jason Thompson, Wanda Copley, County Attorney and Kemp Burpeau, Deputy County Attorney. Also present were ILM staff Gary Broughton, Interim Airport Director; Granseur Dick, Facilities Director; Robert Campbell, Finance Director; Carol LeTellier, Business Development Director; and Rose Davis, Executive Assistant. Approximately 12 guests from the public attended the Authority meeting, with 2 signing up to speak during the public comment period. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Authority has reviewed the minutes of the meeting on September 1, 2021. Mr. Wolfe MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Rhodes to approve the minutes of the September 1, 2021 Regular meeting as submitted. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. AUDIT PRESENTATION Mr. Campbell introduced April Adams, CPA, with Cherry Bekaert. Ms. Adams reported on the New Hanover County Airport Authority final audit for FY2021 indicating that the Authority received unmodified opinions on all reports. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Ken McGee and Mr. Tom Goodwin addressed the Authority. Mr. McGee requested the Authority consider Col. Sam Schoolfield for the open Airport Director position. Mr. Goodwin asked the Authority to investigate an incident a few months ago on the general aviation ramp that occurred during a thunderstorm/microburst. FACILITIES & TERMINAL EXPANSION Mr. Dick, on behalf of the Facilities committee, recommended the approval of the following action items: a. ILM Maintenance Base Generator (General Fund) approval of an amount not to exceed $80,000 to cover a Purchase Order (PO) to Gregory Poole Power Systems to replace the generator at the ILM Maintenance Base. The replacement will include new New Hanover County Airport Authority October 6, 2021 Page 2 generator, fuel tank and control systems for remote access and monitoring, plus installation. The existing generator is the oldest on property and was budgeted for replacement this FY. Following a brief discussion, Mr. S. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe to approve the PO to Gregory Poole Power Systems to replace the Maintenance Base generator as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. b. ILM Maintenance Scissor Lift - (General Fund) a PO in the amount of $24,155.25 to n the new high-arched ceiling of the expanded terminal. Price is roughly half of budgeted amount. Mr. J. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams to approve the PO to Gregory Poole Equipment to replace the scissor lift as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. c. Commercial Service Apron Expansion Additional Areas (NC DOT, PFCs, NHC Loan) a work authorization for additional design scope to Talbert and Bright, NTE $215,000.00, pending positive IFE review. The work will design an additional area of provide hard-stand, de-icing and improved operational efficiencies on the south side of the terminal and will complete the originally proposed ramp expansion per 2015 Expansion Study. Mr. S. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mrs. Olson-Boseman to approve the work authorization to Talbert and Bright for Commercial Service Apron Expansion as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Dick updated the Authority on the AIP Discretionary Grant award, parking facilities expansion, curb canopy repairs, RWY6 drainage ditch repairs and the terminal expansion project. Discussion followed regarding the lobby door replacement, the curb canopy and the dirt removal from the development at the entrance of Airport Blvd. FINANCE & HUMAN RESOURCES Chairman Girardot, on behalf of the Authority, congratulated Mr. Campbell on the clean audit results. August financial summary, financials and cash summary. Mr. Campbell recommended the approval of the FY21 Audit as presented by Cherry Bekaert to be forwarded to New Hanover County. Mr. J. Thompson MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe to adopt the audit as presented. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Mr. Campbell recommended the approval of the purchase of new parking lot equipment from Designa Southern Time for an amount not to exceed forty-eight ($48,000). The equipment is necessary to allow ILM to open the current employee lot as a passenger pay lot. The new process. Following a brief discussion regarding the employee parking lot and shuttle service, Mrs. Olson-Boseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompson to approve the purchase of new parking lot equipment from Designa Southern Time as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. New Hanover County Airport Authority October 6, 2021 Page 3 Chairman Girardot requested an update from Mr. S. Thompson on the search committee for Airport Director. Mr. S. Thompson reported the search has been refined to 4 applicants who will be interviewed by the full Authority Board on October 25, 2021 at the New Hanover County Government Center. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Ms. LeTellier, on behalf of the Business Development committee, recommended the approval of the following action items: a. Approval to extend the Marathon FBO Partners ILM LLC dba Aero Center Wilmington Certificate of Occupancy for the 5,200 SF General Aviation Terminal, aircraft hangars, and fuel farm, or (ii) February 1, 2022, whichever occurs first. No further extensions will be granted. Mrs. Olson-Boseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe to extend the Marathon FBO Partners ILM LLC dba Aero Center Wilmington rent commencement date as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. b. Approval of the All-American Aviation Services, Inc. Specialized Aviation Service Operation Lease Agreement (SASO) for 5 years commencing October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2026 with one (1) 5-year option based on mutual consent. Annual rent is Sixty-Nine Thousand, Five Hundred Fifty-Six and 44/100 ($69,556.44) and increases 3% annually. Mrs. Olson-Boseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. J. Thompson to approve the lease agreement for All-American Aviation Services, Inc. as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. c. Approval of the Tailwind Concession Agreement for a non-exclusive term extending to November 30, 2032. Minimum annual guarantee is $180,000 for the first two years and $196,000 every year thereafter, percentage rate of 12% on food, beverage and retail, and 15% on alcohol. Post security premises include 3,850 SF of restaurant, bar and grab and go kiosk in new terminal and 1,500 SF of storage space. Current premises include Copilot Coffee, 2 vending machine areas, and a bar with grab and go kiosk. Following a brief discussion regarding other concession space available, Mr. Rhodes MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Williams to approve the Tailwind Concession Agreement as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. d. Approval of a new NHCAA Board policy to obtain preliminary information and disclosures from prospective lessees through a Lessee Pre-Qualification Form, and at on completion and acceptable review of such form by NHCAA. Mrs. Olson-Boseman MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Thompson to approve the new NHCAA Board policy requiring a Lessee Pre- Qualification Form as recommended. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS APPROVED. Ms. LeTellier updated the Authority on the upcoming Roundtable event in Wilmington and mention of ILM in the Fall Issue of the WilmingtonBiz Magazine. New Hanover County Airport Authority October 6, 2021 Page 4 GOVERNMENT Chairman Girardot updated the Authority on the NC General Assembly budget; the Federal Infrastructure legislation; the Federal discussion regarding unruly passengers on airlines; and the impacts of American Airlines alliances with Jet Blue and Air India. OPERATIONS & GENERAL AVIATION Mr. Broughton reviewed the total revenue passengers, fuel costs and fuel flowage for August 2021. Mr. Broughton reported on 2 recent unruly passenger situations at ILM. Both incidents were passenger on passenger issues. The airlines may deny these passengers boarding, assess penalties -nts. Mr. Thompson suggested that the airlines need to standardize their mask requirements and related his recent travel experience where his mask was acceptable on his flight from ILM to France but not on his way back to ILM. IT REPORT Mr. Dick updat D Mr. Broughton recognized and congratulated Bob Campbell, Finance Director, on earning his Accredited Airport Executive certification. Mr. Campbell is only the third ILM staff member to earn this designation. Mr. Broughton also recognized and congratulated Keaghon Stark, Facilities Manager, on being featured in the November/December issue of Airport Business Magazine. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Girardot called for a motion for the Authority to enter a closed session to discuss matters relating to the expansion of industries or economic development pursuant to NCGS §143-318.11(a)(4). Mr. Williams MOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfe to enter closed session for the above referenced matter. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED. All persons not Authority members or ILM staff were asked to leave the meeting. The Authority went into closed session at 6:09 pm. OPEN SESSION The Authority returned to open session at approximately 7:12 pm. Chairman Girardot reported that the Authority has completed its discussion of expansion of industries/economic development and no action was taken. New Hanover County Airport Authority October 6, 2021 Page 5 Mr. S. ThompsonMOVED, SECONDED by Mr. Wolfetoadjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED. There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Girardotadjourned the meetingat 7:14pm. Prepared by:Respectfully Submitted: Rose M. Davis _______________________________ Nick Rhodes, Secretary Date of Approval: November 3, 2021