2021-12-01 Agenda Meeting 5:00 PM Wednesday Airport Authority December 1, 2021 New Hanover County Agenda Page 1 ILM Executive Conference Room Tab 1 Tab 2Tab 3Tab 4Tab 5Tab 6Tab 7Tab 8Tab 9 5:00 PM - Airport Authority Agenda Page 2 Meeting Agenda December 1, 2021 New Hanover County Facilities & Terminal ExpansionFinance & Human ResourcesBusiness DevelopmentGovernment Operations and General AviationIT Pledge of AllegianceCall to Order/Code of Ethics ClauseApproval of MinutesFarewell Gary BroughtonPublic Comments (Limited to 3 Minutes)Staff ReportsUnfinished Business/New Business/Adjournment Agenda Page 3 Code of Ethics Adopted 9/2/2015 New Hanover County Airport Authority obey all applicable laws;uphold the integrity and independence of the Authority;avoid impropriety;faithfully perform the duties of the office; and,conduct the affairs of the Authority in an open and public manner. In accordance with the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Resolution Adopting a Code of Ethics, as adopted on January 5, 2015, it is the duty of all County boards and committees to respect and abide by the New Hanover County Code of Ethics in the performance of their duties.More specifically all Airport Authority members should: is further the duty of every Authority member to avoid both conflicts of interest and appearances of conflicts. Does any member have any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to any matters coming before the Authority today? If so, please identify the conflict or appearance of conflict and refrain from any undue participation in the particular matter involved. Agenda Page 4 Tab 1 Approval of Minutes The Authority has been provided a copy of the minutes for the November 3, 2021 regular meeting. Dedicated Service to ILM for 17 Years of In Appreciation December 2021 Agenda Page 5 July 2004 Authority Farewell to Gary Broughton Campbell Staff MemberGranseur DickBobCarol LeTellierGary BroughtonGary BroughtonGranseur DickTamie KeelGary Broughton Boseman - Agenda Page 6 Williams Staff Reports Airport Authority MemberDonna Girardot, ChairmanNick RhodesTom Wolfe, ChairmanLeeJason ThompsonSpruill Thompson, ChairmanTom WolfeDonna GirardotJulia OlsonNick Rhodes, ChairmanJason ThompsonDonna GirardotLee Williams, ChairmanSpruill Thompson /Tab 6 Aviation & Human Resources/ Tab 3 CommitteeFacilities & Terminal Expansion/Tab 2FinanceBusiness Development/Tab 4Government/Tab 5Operations & GeneralIT Committee/Tab 7 (NC(NC Recommendation for (Operating Budget) (NC Appropriations, NHC Loan, AIP & PFCs) Agenda Page 7 Tab 2 Recommend approval of a work authorization NTE $425,000 for Recommend approval of a work authorization NTE $155,000 for Work Authorization for CA Services, Supplemental Agreement #1 Work Authorization for CA Services, Supplemental Agreement #3 Supplemental Agreement #2 Facilities & Terminal Expansion TSA Coolers for Outbound Bag Screening Terminal Expansion Project Appropriations, NHC Loan, AIP & PFCs) construction administration services related to Supplemental Agreement #1 (Bag Claim Expansion) to Talbert and Bright, pending positive IFE review.Terminal Expansion Project Appropriations, NHC Loan, AIP & PFCs) construction administration services related to Supplemental Agreement #1 (Passenger Boarding Bridges & Equipment) to Talbert and Bright, pending positive IFE review.Terminal Expansion Project Recommendation for approval of a supplemental agreement, pending Legal approval, to Monteith Construction Company for additional work including a new passenger boarding bridge, the relocation of a passenger boarding bridge and bridge accessories. The SA value is $3,225,180, including $150,000 of owner's contingency allowance. The new bridge will be located on current Gate 6 (Future Gate 4) and will run concurrently with the contract time.Sunbelt Rentals approval of a PO to Sunbelt Rentals in the amount NTE $22,000 to provide temporary coolers for the TSA occupied space in the outbound bag room. Action Items a.b.c.d. Contractor has completed 77% of Work on this project has started and is expected to Agenda Page 8 Tab 2 (continued) Contractor is installing concrete batch plant off Airport Blvd to serve the Facilities & Terminal Expansion ILM was notified of award for $500,000 through the NC DOT STIP program for the Apron Expansion New route for passengers to concourse through new terminal opened 11/23/21.Contractors are pricing out construction of Parks Griffin space display shelves. ILM staff working with signmanufacturer for print of historical information boards.Supplemental Agreement #1 Approved by NHC Legal review.Renovated Ticket Lobby restrooms opened weekend before Thanksgiving. Schedule 2 Work: Schedule 2 is on track to finish December of 2022, Bag Claim June 2023. complete January 2022.completion in June 2022.Schedule 1 work. The tentative opening date for Schedule 1 remains February 1, 2022. Additional items ofinterest:project. project. Talbert and Bright is designing additional apron areas. Current project scope is scheduled for Information Items a.Runway 6 Drainage Ditch Repairs (FEMA, Insurance) b.Air Carrier Apron Expansion c.Terminal Expansion -Contract 3 (FAA, AIP, PFC, State, General) d.NC DOT Funding two maintenance tech Agenda Page 9 Tab 3 Finance & Human Resources positions and one electrician. Monthly Financials October Financial Summary, Financials and Cash Summary (Agenda pages 10-11)Action Items Recommend approval of budget amendment in the amount of two hundred eighty-fivethousand dollars ($285,000.00) to the salaries, wages and benefits line.Information Items a.During the month of October, ILM had three open positions b.The employee shuttle is up and running. It will run through January 15, 2022. Budget Budget FY21 FY21 FY22 FY22 Operating Expense Operating Revenue JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun JulAugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJun - - 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 Agenda Page 10 9,580.401,000.00 12,654.8136,391.79 661,619.16 3,075,247.754,686,633.143,333,044.668,019,677.803,039,374.534,000,000.00 Balance 35,240,598.1147,056,769.8231,997,717.49 Month End $$$ N/AN/AN/AN/A Rate 0.15%0.15%0.07%0.15%0.15% Interest Cash Summary Agenda Page 11 Month End Account Balances Account Name BB&T General Operating CheckingSouth State General Operating CheckingSouth State Business Park CheckingSouth State Business Park Money Rate SavingsSouth State Money Rate SavingsInvestment Account-GovtSouth State PFC Money Rate Savings ***South State CFC Money Rate Savings ***Petty CashMaintenance & Development ReserveOperational Reserve Total CashLess Restricted Use ***Less Reserves:Net Cash Available for Daily Operations Wilmington International AirportOctober 2021 December - Tab 4 Agenda Page 12 None. , 6 PM Employee Holiday Party , Noon ILM Ambassadors , Noon ILM Tenants th Business Development ndth Dec. 2Dec. 9Dec. 10 Expedia campaign being developed and set to run midthrough March; targeting outbound flights from ILM to the greater NY area and ILM to south Florida.Holiday Gatherings: Action Items Information Items a.b. Tab 5 Agenda Page 13 Government Aviation funding updateNC Budget update Action Items Information Items a.b. With an average of $5.5 million per year in state funding since 2017, I recommend approval of a pledge to NCAA of $12,000 for continued support of a lobbyist to represent ILM and all NC airports. Tab 6 Agenda Page 14 Operations & General Aviation None. October 2021: 418,384 gallons which is up 40% vs. October 2019. PASSENGERS: Total revenue passengers for October 2021 were 89,220 bringing total revenue passengers up 3% vs. October 2019. YTD revenue passengers through October 2021 is 727,031 which is down 18% vs. October 2019.November 2021 enplanements are tracking down approximately 5% (vs. 2019).FUEL FLOWAGE: b. Action Items Information Items a.c. None IT Tab 7 Agenda Page 15 Action Items Information Items Update on Terminal IT services Tab 8 Agenda Page 16 None chairs Erin McNally and Kenny Smith. I am pleased to report thatILMexceeded our goal, raising $5,739.24! Action Item Information Items a.ILM wrapped up the United Way Workplace Campaign. Our thanks to our co-b.December, January and February Calendars (Agenda pages 17-19) 4 1118 25 Christmas Saturday 3 10172431 ffices Admin OClosed Friday Airport Authority Admin Calendar 6 pm Employee Christmas Party @ Hops Supply Co. ffices Closed 29 O 162330 Gary Admin Thursday 4 pm - Ambassadors Quarterly Mtg/Christmas LuncheonTenants Quarterly Mtg/Christmas Luncheon 2Retirement Celebration @ ILM 8 152229 s pruill S pm AA Meeting nd Wednesday 1 7:30 am Chamber Economic Scorecard 5 Wanda CopleyaBirthday 3 pm WMPO Board Mtg. (GD) Agenda Due Out Agenda Page 17 7 142128 DECEMBER 2021 Tuesday 1 pm C3 Progress Mtg. 7:30 am Power Breakfast GB Vacation 6 132027 NC NC 0 pm0 pm Monday 00 4:Airports Conf. Call4:Airports Conf. Call 5 121926 Sunday Agenda Page 18 Agenda Page 19 318.11(a)(3) - 143 § N.C.G.S. Tab 9 Agenda Page 20 To consult with an attorney pursuant to Closed Session Unfinished BusinessNew BusinessAdjournment