Z21-04M Staff SummaryZ21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 1 of 13 STAFF REPORT FOR Z21-04M CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z21-04M Request: Modification of a (CZD) R-10 District Applicant: Property Owner(s): Sonya Edens with RSC Engineering, PLLC Cape Fear Habitat For Humanity Inc. Location: Acreage: 3200 Block of Reminisce Road 4.90 acres PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R02500-003-004-000 General Residential Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Single-Family Residential Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential 10 district (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential 10 district SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single-Family Residential R-20 East Single-Family Residential (Rivendell Bay, Oakley Circle) R-20, R-15 South Single-Family Residential (Apple Valley) R-20 West Single-Family Residential (Apple Valley and Walnut Hills) R-20, R-10 Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 2 of 13 ZONING HISTORY July 1, 1974 Initially zoned R-20 (Area 10A) May 3, 2021 (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential 10 district COMMUNITY SERVICES Water/Sewer Water and sewer service is available through CFPUA via a mainline extension and pump station. Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire District, New Hanover County Station Wrightsboro. Schools Wrightsboro Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and New Hanover High Schools. Recreation Optimist Park, Northern Regional Park, Blue Clay Bike Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 3 of 13 APPROVED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN • In May 2021 the Commissioners approved a (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential 10 district consisting of 4.90 acres for an 11-lot single-family subdivision. • Access to the development was approved off Reminisce Road, a public local street, via a new private right-of-way connection, Dorsey Lane. • The initial approval conditioned stormwater management facilities to be provided via a roadside swale in lieu of a stormwater pond. PROPOSED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN • This application proposes to modify the existing conditional zoning district (Case# Z21-04) to add a proposed stormwater pond to the already approved residential (CZD) R-10, Conditional Residential 10 district. • While there is a shift in the 11-lot configuration, the number of lots remains the same. • The updated conceptual plan complies with the County’s standards for a conventional subdivision, including zoning dimensional standards, access and open space requirements. • Access to the site remains off Reminisce Road, a public local street, via a new private right- of-way connection, Dorsey Lane. Maintenance of Dorsey Lane will be the responsibility of the homeowners’ association. Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 4 of 13 Approved Site Plan: Applicant’s Conceptual Site Plan with Staff Markups Proposed Site Plan: Applicant’s Approved Site Plan with Staff Markups Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 5 of 13 AREA SUBDIVISIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 6 of 13 TRANSPORTATION • Access is proposed to be provided to the subject property from Reminisce Road, an NCDOT maintained road that connects to Rockhill Road. In addition, the nearby public street network in the Apple Valley subdivision connects to Oakley Road to the south. Both Oakley Road and Rockhill Road connect to Castle Hayne Road. • The applicant has also designed the site to allow for a future connection to the adjacent undeveloped parcel to the northeast. • A traffic signal was installed at the intersection of Oakley Road and Castle Hayne Road in 2020. Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 7 of 13 • As currently zoned, the (CZD) R-10 zoning proposed 11 detached single-family homes are estimated to generate about 13 trips during the peak hours. • The estimated traffic generated from the site is under the 100 peak hour threshold that triggers the ordinance requirement for a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA). • Because a TIA is not required, staff has provided the volume to capacity ratio for Castle Hayne Road near the subject site. While volume to capacity ratio, based on average daily trips, can provide a general idea of the function of adjacent roadways, the delay vehicles take in seconds to pass through intersections is generally considered a more effective measure when determining the Level of Service of a roadway. The volume to capacity ratio indicates capacity currently exists in this area to accommodate the small change in estimated trips. NCDOT Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) - 2020 Road Location Volume Capacity V/C Castle Hayne Road 1,000 feet south of Rockhill Road 16,324 19,603 0.83 Intensity Approx. Peak Hour Trips Proposed Development: 11 Single-Family Dwellings 13 AM / 13 PM Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 8 of 13 Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Nearby NC STIP Projects: • STIP Project U-5863 o Project to widen Castle Hayne Road from I-140 to Division Drive. This project will add a center turn lane or median to sections of the road. o The current construction schedule for this project is to begin right-of-way acquisition in 2029. Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: There are no pending or approved Traffic Impact Analyses within the proximity of the subject property that are anticipated to affect this request. Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 9 of 13 ENVIRONMENTAL • The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas. • According to the applicant there is no evidence of regulated wetlands within the area of the property to be developed. • The property is within the Ness Creek (C;Sw) watershed. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class I (suitable/slight limitation) and Class II (moderate limitation) soils; however, the project will connect to CFPUA sewer and water services. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS SCHOOLS • Students living in the proposed development would be assigned to Wrightsboro Elementary School, Holly Shelter Middle School, and New Hanover High School. Students may apply to attend public magnet, year-round elementary, or specialty high schools. • A maximum of 11 dwelling units would be permitted under the Approved (CZD) R-10 Zoning. The proposed modification will have no impact on the dwelling units allowed. • Based on a generalized historic generation rate*, staff would estimate the new project would generate roughly one additional student. However, affordable housing developments may be more likely to provide housing for families with school-age children, so the proposed rezoning may generate more students than would be estimated using the historic generation rate estimates. Development Type Intensity Estimated Student Generation (generalized historic student generation rate)* Approved (CZD) R-10 Zoning& Proposed Modification 11 residential units Total: 3 students** * Generalized historic generation rates are calculated by dividing the projected New Hanover County public school student enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year by the estimated number of dwelling units in the county. Currently, there are an average of 0.24 public school students (0.11 for elementary, 0.05 for middle, and 0.08 for high) generated per dwelling unit across New Hanover County. These numbers are updated annually and include students attending out-of-district specialty schools, such as year-round elementary schools, Isaac Bear, and SeaTECH. Generation rates do not take into account different housing types and different locations, which typically yield different numbers of students. ** The estimated student generation calculation results in a difference of fewer than one student being generated from the proposed rezoning compared to current zoning (2.16 compared with 2.64). • Since the proposed development is likely to have a build-out date within 5 years, staff has outlined existing school capacity to provide a general idea of the potential impact on public schools. • These numbers do not reflect any future capacity upgrades that may occur over the next five years or changes to student populations. Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 10 of 13 School Enrollment* and Capacity** - 2020-2021 Estimates * Enrollment is based on the New Hanover County Schools enrollment that was projected for the 2020-2021 school year. ** Capacity calculations were determined by New Hanover County Schools for the 2020-2021 school year and are based on NC DPI Facility Guidelines & Class Size Requirements. Modifications refer to specific program requirements unique to a particular school. These may include exceptional children’s classrooms beyond the original building design, classrooms to serve a unique population such as ESL, or classrooms designated for art and music if the building wasn’t specifically designed with those spaces. • The recent facility needs survey that has been prepared by Schools staff includes the most current NC Department of Public Instruction (DPI) student growth projections and school capacity data. It does not include student growth projections and available capacity for individual schools, but it appears that planned facility upgrades, combined with changes to student enrollment patterns, will result in adequate capacity district-wide over the next five years if facility upgrades are funded. NEW HANOVER COUNTY STRATEGIC PLAN • One of the goals of the New Hanover County Strategic Plan for 2018-2023 is to encourage the development of complete communities in the unincorporated county by increasing access to goods and services and providing for a range of housing types and price points. • The subject site is within the Wrightsboro community area. The proposed project includes single-family housing and is located more than one mile away from existing retail and service providers, so it would not impact the percentage of homes within a one-mile radius of basic goods and services or the diversity of the community's housing types. • While the Wrightsboro area is one of the communities in the unincorporated county with more affordable housing options, the number of for-sale units in the overall County serving residents making less than 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) is limited. As a Habitat for Humanity project, the proposed subdivision would assist in providing the range of price points envisioned by the strategic plan for the County as a whole. Level Total NHC % Capacity School Enrollment of Assigned School Capacity of Assigned School w/ Portables % of Capacity of Assigned School Funded Capacity Upgrades Elementary 97% Wrightsboro 547 564 97% None Middle 107% Holly Shelter 917 934 98% None High 105% New Hanover 1,532 1,648 93% None Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 11 of 13 REPRESENTATIVE DEVELOPMENTS Representative R-10 Developments: Representative Habitat for Humanity Development: Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 12 of 13 CONTEXT AND COMPATIBILITY • The proposed modifications will not result in additional lots or traffic. • The request is to change the stormwater management tool utilized from roadside swales to a stormwater pond. • The applicant proposes that the lots range from about 10,000 square feet to about 15,000 square feet. The proposed lot sizes and single-family housing type are similar to existing development in the neighborhood. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County’s future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. These place types are intended to identify general areas for particular development patterns and should not be interpreted as being parcel specific. Future Land Use Map Place Type General Residential Place Type Description Focuses on lower-density housing and associated civic and commercial services. Typically, housing is single-family or duplexes. Commercial uses should be limited to strategically located office and retail spaces, while recreation and school facilities are encouraged throughout. Types of uses include single-family residential, low-density multi-family residential, light commercial, civic, and recreational. Analysis The subject parcel is located off of Reminisce Road about one mile west of Castle Hayne Road, a minor arterial roadway. The site is located between the GE employment center to the north and the Wrightsboro community- level commercial node at the intersection of Castle Hayne Road and N. Kerr Avenue to the south. Z21-04M Staff Report PB 12.2.2021 Page 13 of 13 This area was designated as General Residential to provide for development consistent with the existing lower density neighborhoods in a place where a mix of uses is less appropriate. The proposed development density remains 2.2 dwelling units per acre and would provide a residential development consistent with the density recommendation for this place type (up to 8 dwelling units per acre). In addition, the proposed lot sizes will be similar to adjacent residential neighborhoods. Consistency Recommendation The proposed modification to the conditional R-10 zoning district is generally CONSISTENT with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because it provides residential development similar to the density of adjacent neighborhoods and is in line with the density recommendations for General Residential. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposal and suggests the following motion: I move to APPROVE the proposed modification to the existing conditional R-10 district. I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project’s use and density are in line with the recommendation for General Residential areas. I also find APPROVAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal remains consistent with the existing development pattern of the surrounding area and will allow for needed infrastructure. Alternative Motion for Denial I move to DENY the proposed modification to the existing conditional R-10 district. While I find it to be CONSISTENT with the purposes and intent of the Comprehensive Plan because the project’s use and density are in line with the recommendation for General Residential areas, I find DENIAL of the rezoning request is reasonable and in the public interest because the proposal is not consistent with the existing development pattern of the surrounding area and will adversely impact the adjacent neighborhoods.