11-03-2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes 1 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held in Wilmington, NC. FY Meeting Number #6 Date: November 3, 2021 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Bill Hart, Chairman Dru Harrison, NHSWCD Director Sue Hayes, Vice-Chairman Amy Renfranz, NHSWCD Program Coordinator Matt Collogan Haley Moccia, NHSWCD Conservation Specialist Evan Folds Sheryl Kelly, NHC Assistant County Manager Frank Meares Joshua Davis, USDA NC NRCS Team 18 Lead District Conservationist Lilly Triolo, Conservation Intern Kristina Fischer, NCDA&CS DSWC Eastern Region Coordinator Was this meeting held during a meal: No This meeting was held virtually on the Zoom platform. The Chairman declared the presence of a quorum and called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. CALL TO ORDER A. Approval of Agenda • Motion: Without objection, the agenda was approved. CONSENT AGENDA A. Approval of Consent Agenda ➢ Motion: Move for approval of consent agenda. • Motion: Hart • Second: Meares • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. CHAIRMAN AND STAFF REPORTS A. Chairman’s Comments (see Addendum for full comments). 1. The Chairman commented on state funding support of conservation districts and encouraged supervisors to consider ways to improve the district’s position. 2. The Chairman encouraged individuals to invite appropriate and informative speakers to the monthly meetings. 3. The Chairman pointed out the outcome of the recent city election in which two individuals, who included stormwater infrastructure improvement in their campaigns, received the fewest votes. He encouraged the supervisors to consider reaching out to them to see if they would be interested in becoming Associate Supervisors. B. NRCS Report. 1. Davis reported that the EQIP deadline passed on 10/29. He sent an email out to the NHC producer list but did not receive any applications from within the county. He is willing to back-date applications if he receives any within the next few weeks. He inquired if it would be possible for to canvas with local producers; the Director voiced support. C. Division Report. 1. Fischer thanked the supervisors who attended the Fall Meeting on October 19. 2. She highlighted changes to incentive BMP programs that were discussed during the Fall Meeting. These may open opportunities for the district to participate in Ag-Cost Share programs because some of the caps and restrictions related to no-till and cover crops have been removed. 2 3. Leadership was elected for 2022 including Patrick Baker (Pamlico SWCD) as incoming Area Chair. The Area also selected Billy Kilpatrick (Duplin SWCD) as the nomination nominee for NCASWCD 2nd Vice President. 1. A Mobile Soils Classroom training will be in Kenansville, NC on November 30, 2021. 2. Cost Share Program training will take place in Kenansville, NC on February 8, 2022. 3. Fischer reported that the Commission will be meeting on November 10. Virtual participation is available for those who may be interested. 4. Fischer reported that registration is open for the Annual Meeting in January. 5. Master Agreements, the contract between the district and the state to secure technical assistance and matching funds, will be rolling out soon. Fischer encouraged the Director to be on the lookout for that document. 6. Folds inquired about the possibility of cover crops being included as a BMP offered alongside other incentive programs; Fischer reported that it could be. The Director will contact the CCAP program coordinator to learn more and will report findings to the board. D. Staff Reports. 1. Director’s Comments. 2. Conservation Specialist’s Report. • The board congratulated Moccia on the announcement of her transition to a new planning position with the Town of Carolina Beach. 3. Program Coordinator’s Report. OLD BUSINESS A. Strategic Plan 2018-2021 Update 1. The date and location for the first planning meeting has been set (see Upcoming Events). 2. The Director encouraged supervisors to review the summary document sent out by Skavroneck on 11/2. B. Pages Creek Restoration Plan 1. The Director reported that CFRCD will sign a contract with NCDEQ sometime this month. Once a contract has been signed, a kickoff meeting will be held. The Director will inform supervisors of the date once it is determined. C. Eagles Island Central Park Taskforce Update 1. Folds reported that a vision study publication has been produced in support of the Eagles Island Nature Park. He reported that next steps for the taskforce include first meeting with the County Manager and County Commissioners, and then to develop further vision studies (i.e trails, boardwalks, etc…). He reported that the taskforce is willing to send books to anyone who would like one, in exchange for a letter of support for the project. The Chairman agreed to draft the letter of support once the motion (below) passed. ➢ Motion: Move to draft a letter of support for Eagles Island Nature Park as described the vision study booklet. • Motion: Meares • Second: Hayes • Vote: Passed unanimously. Motion approved. 2. The Director reported that a meeting between past members of the Eagles Island Coalition and current Eagles Island Taskforce has been requested. It was decided that a meeting was unnecessary. D. Stormwater/Flooding Workshop 1. The Director reported that 12 individuals have already registered for the workshop on December 8th. She sent an additional 65 invitations yesterday. Professionals can receive continuing education 3 training credits for participating. The Director is going to inquire on the possibility that Government Television film the workshop. Folds expressed that he is interested in assisting with the workshop. E. Cape Fear Arch 1. Folds encouraged participation in groups, like Cape Fear Arch, that cross county lines to work toward regional conservation projects. The Director shared that NHSWCD has participated in Cape Fear Arch meetings in the past, but that she did not feel that the group’s mission was relevant to the district. Folds recommended that a list of potential speakers from partner groups be developed. The Director will begin to compile the list. Break was taken at 9:48 a.m. The meeting reconvened F. Rain Barrel Sales 1. The Director described the process by which the revenue from rain barrels sales is reported in the budget. Hart and Meares left the meeting at 10:10 a.m. G. Tick List (See Addendum) NEW BUSINESS A. Garbage to Gardens Program 1. Folds reported that the education component of the Garbage to Gardens program has been piloted at Winter Park Elementary. He inquired if the board is in support of acting as a fiscal sponsor or becoming a public supporter for groups like Garbage to Gardens. He, Collogan, and Renfranz will develop a proposal for support to present at the next meeting. UPCOMING EVENT / ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Rain Barrel Sale (moved due to Veteran’s Day) 11/10/21 B. NHSWCD Strategic Planning 11/17/21 from 8:30-12:30 at the Main Library (downtown) in the Cape Fear Room. C. Thanksgiving Holiday 11/25/21 - 11/26/21 ADJOURNMENT • Motion: Without objection, the meeting was adjourned. ➢ Adjourned at 10:30 a.m. The next regular board meeting is set for December 1, 2021 on Zoom. Recorded By: Amy Renfranz Approved By: ____________________________________________________________ ADDENDUM October 2021 Tick List Stormwater Management • Send NHSWCD Stormwater Resolution to Area 6 Fall Meeting and have board member introduce the resolution at NCASWCD Annual Meeting Water Resources Committee – Dru and Board (Complete) • Develop letter from Board to Governor Cooper in opposition to the tree provisions of HB496 to be sent if the bill is sent to the governor – Sue (Delayed) William J. Hart (Dec 1, 2021 17:42 EST) William J. Hart 4 Education and Outreach Land Conservation and Resource Development • Continue process for rezoning SWCD property on Eagles Island in Brunswick County from Industrial to open space or recreation – Dru (Delayed) • Propose edits to county tree ordinances – Bill (Delayed) • Send NRCS deadline information to farm list database – Josh (Complete) • Send information on 1% increase in OM to Beth - Evan (Complete) Longer-term Projects: • Develop process for use of trees, and organic matter for stormwater management as a District BMP – Dru (Ongoing) • Develop priority list of projects for grant proposals and identify grant-writing assistance - supervisors and staff (Ongoing) • Develop prioritized list of projects / resolutions approved by the board, going back through the last fiscal year – Dru (Ongoing) • Develop “Garbage to Gardens” curriculum for school presentations – Amy, Matt & Evan (Complete) • Develop a cost-effective analysis to compare the installation cost per gallon infiltrated by rain gardens, cisterns, and pervious pavement to assess if the stormwater control devices installed through the funding programs are cost effective. – Haley (Ongoing) Weblinks Shared During the Meeting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7bwd4BNBZs&t=5s Chairman’s Comments The Chair offers the following items for cogitation by Supervisors and staff: 1. How should we handle the fact that the location of Soil and Water Conservation in the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services takes us out of the line of funding when non-point source water pollution is considered. The focal point for stormwater in State government is the Division of Water Resources in DEQ. Should a delegation of Supervisors with Bryan ask for an appointment with the DEQ Secretary? If so, what should we be asking her to do? 2. We have had good success with inviting individuals to meet with us to share program details, e.g., Walker Golder and Beth Schrader. Should there be a list of individuals that play important roles that complement or support District goals, e.g., Fred Graham, Director of Wilmington Stormwater Services? Not only should we ask how they can help us, but how can we help them. 3. If the idea of a “drainage district” is introduced In the December 8 workshop (as it likely will), do we have a strategy for advancing that idea and how it might relate to the so called County stormwater program with fee supported income and our ideas of water table management? Perhaps an agenda item for December 1 could be how to utilize the presenter on this topic in the workshop. 4. The steepness of our slope in this community is noted in two events: 5 a. In their statements of important issues facing the City of Wilmington, two candidates emphasized wetlands, tree management, and stormwater. Both of them finished at the bottom of the voting. Our view of resource management is not the view of the electorate. The statements of Phil and Angelica might indicate interest in becoming Associate Supervisors. b. The N.C. Court of Appeals overturned the Board of Commissioners rejection of an application for a Special Use Permit to build on our famous parcel at the intersection of Market Street and Lendire Road. Very interesting example of Planning Department’s failure to use real soil information n presentations. MINUTES_11_3_21 DRAFT Final Audit Report 2021-12-01 Created:2021-12-01 By:Amy Renfranz (arenfranz@nhcgov.com) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAxtanbmcpfqZNArZwDt6vLXYv96JHKrHt "MINUTES_11_3_21 DRAFT" History Document created by Amy Renfranz (arenfranz@nhcgov.com) 2021-12-01 - 4:20:42 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) for signature 2021-12-01 - 4:22:03 PM GMT Email viewed by William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) 2021-12-01 - 4:22:11 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by William J. Hart (bhswcon1126@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2021-12-01 - 10:42:15 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2021-12-01 - 10:42:15 PM GMT