Sidbury Crossing - TRC Repsonse 120321 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 December 2, 2021 Ron Meredith New Hanover County, Planning & Land Use 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 RE: Sidbury Crossing – Preliminary Plan/Commercial Site Plan – TRC Review Dear Ron, On behalf of HH Multi, we are submitting a response to your comments emailed August 13, 2021. Please find your comments listed below with our response provided in bold. Planning, Ron Meredith 910-798-7441 1. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. Please make sure all buildings are labeled clearly on all pages. • revised b. Please adjust some of the text to make the site plans easier to read, there appears to be text over text. • revised 2. Landscaping: a. Please adjust some of the annotations and text, it appears that the landscaping notes are not legible. • revised b. Please provide the required and proposed foundation plantings per Sec. 5.4.7. • Provided on landscape plan now c. Section 5.3.4.C of the UDO requires a minimum of 15 trees at least 2” DBH must be retained or planted on the parcel where development occurs for each acre or proportionate area disturbed. Landscaping required to comply with other sections of the ordinance (streetyard, buffering, etc.) can be credited to meet this standard. Please address compliance with the required and proposed calculations. • Listed on Landscape Plan notes 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 d. Street Yards: i. Please indicate the locations of your primary and secondary street yards UDO Section 5.4.6D. • Updated on Landscape Plan ii. If you are proposing to use existing plantings for the street yard, please place a note within the site notes/data table. The existing vegetation within the street yard and buffer areas can be credited toward the required plantings. Additional plantings will be required in the areas where the existing vegetation does not comply with the landscaping standards. • Note added e. Screening: i. Please show the trash receptacles location and screening UDO Section 5.4.4.B. • Shown/noted on Landscape Plan ii. Please include the type and height of the dumpster screening. • See Landscape Plan f. Buffers i. Please note that the transitional buffer along the northern property boundary must meet the 100% opacity requirement. Are there any conflicts with the required buffer and the drainage features/easements? • Buffer updated and noted 3. Parking: a. Please show/verify that the parking spaces are blocked or curbed to prevent vehicles either from overhanging planting islands or landscaped yards by an average of more than one foot per Section 5.1.4.B.2.D of the UDO. • Sidewalks widened with the combination of curb and sidewalk at 6.5’ to avoid conflict with vehicle overhang and meet ADA walkway requirements b. Please add a parking lot cross section to show compliance with UDO Section 5.14.B. • Added c. Please show the dimensions of the Parking spaces UDO Section 5.14.B. • Now shown on C2.0 d. Please verify the total parking spaces, Staff has counted a different number. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 • Updated; Notes break out parking counts in a way that is easier to understand 4. Tree Retention: a. Please be aware that a Tree Removal Permit is required before the issuance of any clearing, grading, building permits, and or other authorizations, UDO Section 5.3.5.B. • Noted 5. Easements: a. UDO Section 6.2.2, please label all Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, and Water Main Utility Easements. • Most utilities are in drive aisles, but other utility easements are now labeled. 6. Please clearly indicate the location for any proposed signage, UDO Section 5.6. • Preliminary sign locations identified on plan now; Sign permit will be applied for separately. 7. UDO Section 6.2.2.A.15, please provide the location for the mail kiosk. • Mail kiosk location is shown near clubhouse 8. UDO Section 5.2.3, please provide all NCDOT approvals upon receipt. No building permit for any structure shall be issued which requires NCDOT approval until NCDOT has issued the permit. • Noted 9. UDO Section 5.7.3.H, please indicate if there are any Historical and Archaeological Sites located on the subject tract. • No known sites exist on site 10. Illumination, please provide a light plan, light plans are required in the All new non- residential, mixed-use, and multi-family developments: a. UDO Section 5.5.3.A, please submit a lighting plan, submittal of this document is required in conjunction with an application for site plan approval or zoning compliance approval or whichever comes first. • Preliminary streetlight plan shown on site; Duke will prepare the final lighting plan b. UDO Section 5.5.4, please submit a lighting plan to illustrate all exterior lighting and indoor lighting visible from outside. Please be aware that these lighting types must be designed and located so that the maximum illumination at a lot line is no greater than 0.5-foot candles. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 • Preliminary streetlight plan shown on site; Duke will prepare the final lighting plan c. UDO Section 5 .5.4, street lighting is exempt from the illumination standards mentioned above, but please take into consideration the placement of these lights as well. • Noted 11. Please verify that there are no Class IV soils located within the Pocosin resource on the site. • The county soils map shows Class III soils, less than 5 acres of wetlands. Our understanding is that no COD applies on site. 12. Please update the plan with the following general corrections: a. Please show ADA accessible connections to the sidewalks in the required locations. • Now shown on plan 13. Driveway permit, no building permit for any structure shall be issued which requires NCDOT approval for a Driveway Permit until NCDOT has issued the permit approval. Evidence of approval shall accompany the application for building permit. • Noted 14. TIA Improvements: a. Please refer to the notes from Mr. Scott James for the timing of the installed improvements. • Noted Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-798-7448 1. Sidbury Crossing - 5000 Block Sidbury Road & Old Dairy Road - Commercial Site Review a. I visited the site today and reviewed the plans. The following is still required b. A better-defined fire hydrant layout for the complex, including fire hydrants to be within 100 feet of all FDC's • Engineering plans will detail hydrants and FDCs. Locations shown on C2.0 site plan c. A Section 510 study is required per the 2018 NC Fire Code for first responder radio coverage • Noted d. Please follow the guidelines of the 2018 NC Fire Code Appendix J - Building Sign Info. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 • Noted e. No Gates / traffic calming devices allowed. • No gates proposed, no traffic calming devices proposed f. These are the minimum requirements that need to be met at this time before approval will be issued by County Fire Services. Please feel free to call me at anytime. • Noted NHC Engineering, Galen Jamison 910-798-7072 1. A land disturbing permit and a stormwater system authority to construct is required for this project. Please submit for permits as the design is completed. • Noted 2. The existing ditch running parallel with the OHE easement appears to be conveying offsite drainage. If so, this ditch will be maintained by the newly created Stormwater Services department and a drainage easement sized per Section 50.2.8 and 60.1.3 of the NHC Stormwater Design Manual is required. Calculations to verify it’s capacity and the downstream culvert on Dairy Farm road will be needed and a design for a new culvert at Dairy Farm Road if the existing is found to be undersized. The construction of the onsite culvert and roadway will need to be observed during construction by Stormwater Services and a turnover meeting scheduled once the system is ready to be conveyed to the county for maintenance. • The calculations and associated stormwater plans will be submitted to the County for further review and aproval 3. The removal of trees indicated on drawing L-1 and L-1.1 do not appear to account for utility construction. For example, the proposed pump station and pressure/gravity sanitary pipe as well as the pond outfall piping will likely result in more trees being removed. Please note, no trees shall be installed above utilities. • Tree removal plans updated with utility tree removal 4. Where are the roadway and intersections improvements required by WMPO scoping letter indicated on the site plan? • Approved TIA for the project identifies the improvements. They will be submitted in a separate plan set/permit approval Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Jeff Theberge 910-332-6620 1. CFPUA Plan Review required • Understood 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 2. Private pump station • Noted 3. Master Meter with private water on-site • Noted 4. Private gravity sewer mains on-site • Noted 5. Will require that all Sidbury infrastructure is installed • Noted 6. Cost Recovery Fee expected for Sidbury connections • We will work out details with CFPUA/developer New Hanover County Environmental Health Marie Hemmen 910-798-6664 1. OSWP COMMENTS: No Comments, Review not required. Property will be served by CFPUA water and sewer. There are no wells or septic systems in the area of the proposed subdivision. New Hanover County Environmental Health Andrea Thomas 910-798-6663 1. Future project amenities, which could consist of public swimming pools/spas/pods, will be required to submit detailed plans, applications and equipment specification sheets for plan review and approval before construction. Approval of the pool will be necessary before approval of all related structures, which may include buildings housing bathrooms, pool equipment room, pool chemical storage, pool decking and enclosure (fence/gates). • Noted 2. Please plan accordingly when submitting for permits in order to reduce delays due to non-submittals for the pool. • Noted 3. Please see the following websites for applications and forms which are required in the submittal process- NHC COAST information page, Forms tab- NHC Environmental Health section https://www.nhcgov.com/coast/ • Noted NCDOT, Patrick Wurzel 910-398-9100 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 1. These preliminary comments and are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site and are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site. • Noted 2. A NCDOT Driveway Permit is required. Submit a plan in accordance with pages 14 and 15 of the Policy on Street and Driveway Access to North Carolina Highways to include access locations within 500’ of the proposed access on both sides of the State road. Submit to the local NCDOT District Engineer’s Office. • Noted 3. Roadway Improvements are required from the approved TIA • Noted 4. A NCDOT Encroachment Agreement is required for any utility connections or installation within NCDOT right-of-way. • Noted 5. NCDOT Driveway Permits are now submitted through the NCDOT Driveway website. https://connect.ncdot.gov/municipalities/Utilities/Pages/help.aspx • Noted 6. Provide Storm water calcs with driveway submission • Noted US Army Corps of Engineers Brad Shaver 1. The Corps has made a jurisdictional determination on this site which is comprised of jurisdictional wetlands, non-jurisdictional wetlands and jurisdictional tributaries which appear present on the site map. The wetland impacts appear to be limited to the linear tributaries (non streams) and the non- jurisdictional wetlands which will be regulated by the State of NC. There appears to be extensive stormwater devices on the site that may remove some of the re charge water from the jurisdictional wetland (located in the center of the tract) and the applicant is encouraged to re introduce water back into the wetland to maintain hydrology. • Noted Zoning, Christine Bouffard (Certified Floodplain Manager) 910-798-7074 1. Property is partially located within a AE floodplain. The BFE is 31.7. Any residential construction within the floodplain would be required to have finished floors elevated with a 2’ freeboard. Parking, storage and building access is permitted below BFE. Parking must be above grade. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 • Noted 2. Floodproofing is prohibited for dwelling units and areas that support dwelling units, including but not limited to: lobbies, foyers, and other ancillary areas (including offices, meeting rooms and exercise rooms). • Noted 3. All equipment is to be above BFE + 2’ freeboard. • Noted 4. Flood vents are required unless the building is constructed using stemwall foundations with a perimeter wall surrounding fill material. • Noted 5. The property is also located within a floodway. Any construction within the floodway or on the fringe would require a no-rise certificate. • Noted Planning (Addressing), Dylan McDonnell 910-798-7223 1. Please provide a list of street names with alternatives for Drive A, Drive, B, Drive E, Drive F to Planning for approval. Drive C will not need a separate street name. Drive D will be combined with Drive B and Drive G and Drive H will be combined with Drive F. • Drive C name removed; Drive D combined with B; Drive G & H removed/combined with F 2. Please provide the number of units for each level of each building, e.g. Building 1 has 24 units with 8 on each floor. • All 24 unit buildings have 8 units per floor (Bldg 1,4,7,8,9,10,12,13,14); all 12 unit buildings have 4 units per floor (Bldg 2,3,5,6,11,15)pl pl 3. Addresses will be assigned after TRC approval. • Noted WMPO, Scott James 910-341-7890 1. NCDOT Projects: TIP Projects in the Area: N/A 2. WMPO 2045 Projects: RW-23 Sidbury Road Modernization, Improve Safety between Blue Clay Road and US 17 BP-441- Sidbury Road Bike/Ped Improvements, and BP-148- Sidbury Road Bike/Ped Improvements. 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 3. New Hanover County CTP: N/A 4. A TIA was approved with conditions for the project, based on the following trip generation: 5. TIA Improvements: a. A TIA Approval with conditions letter was issued for the project on August 17, 2020. b. Please reference the TIA improvements for this project on the site plans. • Off site traffic plans will be provided, not all improvements fit on site plan; notes added to plan c. The following improvements are required prior to issuance of certificates of occupancy: i. SR 1336 / SR 1572 (Sidbury Road) at SR 2181 (Dairy Farm Road) a. Extend the eastbound left turn lane to 275 feet of storage (or maximum available b. without modifying the bridge). c. Construct a westbound right turn lane with taper only. d. Construct a southbound left turn lane with 50 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration, and 200 feet of taper. ii. SR 1336 / SR 1572 (Sidbury Road) at SR 1318 (Blue Clay Road) a. Realign the intersection to provide stop control for the southbound approach only, allowing the eastbound/westbound approaches to operate free flow. iii. US 117 (N. College Road) at SR 1318 (Blue Clay Road) (signalized) a. Construct a westbound right turn lane with 150 feet of storage, 50 feet of full width deceleration and 200 feet of taper. b. Extend the westbound left turn lane 150 feet to the two-way left- turn lane. c. Revise signal per NCDOT standards. iv. SR 2181 (Dairy Farm Road) at Site Access 1 (proposed intersection) a. Construct the site access with one ingress and one egress lanes. b. Provide stop control for the eastbound approach. c. Provide 100 feet of internal protected stem on the eastbound approach. d. Design site access according to NCDOT standards 1 2 2 C I N E M A D R I V E, W I L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 0 3 P H : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 0 7 F A X : ( 9 1 0 ) 7 9 1 - 6 7 6 0 v. SR 2181 (Dairy Farm Road) at Site Access 2 (proposed intersection) a. Construct the site access with one ingress and one egress lanes. b. Provide stop control for the eastbound approach. c. Provide 100 feet of internal protected stem on the eastbound approach. d. Design site access according to NCDOT standards. Comments not received at this time from: Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still NCDEQ, Chad Coburn New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison USACE, Rachel Capito NCDEMLR, Dan Sams DCM, Tanya Pietila New Hanover County Schools, Laura Severt Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions regarding any of this information or require additional material, please feel free to call. Thank you for your time and effort. Sincerely, Paramounte Engineering, Inc.